Hero of Wands
Jupiter turns direct in Leo today and starts moving forward again, after four long months in retrograde motion. This change in direction should have you feeling more confident and enthusiastic about the direction your life is heading.
The Hero of Wands — this deck’s version of the King of Wands — represents the quintessential “Leo” energy. He’s bold, assertive, dynamic and confident.
He’s passionate and driven, also like the King of Wands. He’s powerful and authoritative. There’s a boldness and a bravery present in this version that lends him a “larger than life” persona and renders him unstoppable.
The Hero in this version of the card is none other than Marcus Curtius, the legendary soldier who sacrificed his life for the inhabitants of his beloved Rome.
When a giant pit developed in the Roman Forum, it was ordained that only the City’s most prized possessions could satisfy and fill it.
Marcus Curtius, knowing instinctively that the Romans prized courage and bravery above all else, mounted his stallion and leapt into the chasm, which closed immediately. The devotion and chivalry that are present in this card are qualities that we might all strive to possess.
As Jupiter continues its journey through Leo, remember that you may be called upon to act with the same nobility and honor as the Hero of Wands possesses. The challenge will be finding a way to minimize the severity of any personal sacrifices you’ have to make, while still conducting yourself with integrity and grace.