The Hermit
There’s a lot to be said for inner healing today as Chiron trines Saturn and sextiles Jupiter. This version of the Hermit will no doubt have you digging in deep to your emotions in an effort to bring to the surface that which is possibly hidden to you and is now on the verge of becoming illuminated.
This may not be an easy thing to do considering Venus and Saturn are also in opposition today so that which you discover may play on your mind and dance around your soul as you endeavour to draw it out and shed new light on it.
Not that I’m wanting to worry you in what you might discover. Step back and study the Hermit card. Look into the crystalline structure that is illuminated by your light and listen to what it has to say to you.
You are protected from any outside forces that try to endanger you as can be seen by the four animals on each corner of the card alongside the circular pattern that seems to immerse and enmesh you within the one way view into the deeps of your own thoughts and feelings.
This is not a day for partying or spending around a lot of people. You need the quietness of your own mind to work through what you wish to discover and make headway on.