
Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 8, 2015 — Judgment



Today, as Mercury squares the North and South Nodes, you may taking stock of your life and seeing how the actions you’ve taken and decisions you’ve made have brought opportunities for you to change the course of your life.

The Judgment card — this version from the Japaridze Tarot — represents a day of reckoning.  It calls for self-evaluation and awareness, a need to develop enough spiritual altitude to look objectively at your mistakes and shortcomings as well as your triumphs and victories.

It serves as a powerful reminder that in order to put the past behind us we must not only let go of prior judgments but heal the wounds that have been holding us back. It’s a card of both atonement and forgiveness. Of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance — for both ourselves and for those who’ve hurt us or let us down.

It speaks of undergoing a spiritual awakening, brought about by the understanding that everything thus far in your life has “led to this.”

This card refers to eternity, infinity and timelessness. It refers to the endless human journey that we sometimes refer to as “karma.” We reap and sew with each thought, action, and decision.

This card represents a summation of all that has come before, and an awareness that each step taken — from here on out — leaves an indelible imprint on our future. On a personal level, this card speaks of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance.

Take this time to tie up loose ends. This can be a literal letting go of the past, but it will more likely relate to putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing how the mistakes they’ve made or the grief they’ve caused have been just as much a part of being human and flawed as any direct attempt to cause you pain.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 15, 2015 — Four of Tides

Four of Tides

Four of Tides

As Venus inconjuncts Neptune today, you may feel like you’re drifting along in a sea of apathy.

This card — the Four of Tides — is the Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Four of Cups. It’s a card that generally relates to disillusionment and discontent. And you can see how the couple are floating along with their backs to one another, lost in a state of reverie.

The may not even be aware of one another’s presence. They just drift along, eyes closed, not even seeing the beauty and serenity that surrounds them.

The Four of Tides can relate to a lack of motivation or a lethargy so profound that it threatens to numb you or trap you in your sense of boredom. It can have you wondering whether there might be something else out there that would excite or inspire you.

It can also relate to a lack of energy, which may mean it could turn into a lazy day where you don’t feel like doing much of anything.

One of the positive aspects of this card though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right. And the Venus / Neptune aspect can do the same.

It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 7, 2015 — The Devil

The Devil

The Devil

As Mars opposes Neptune today, you may be thinking about ways to escape from the limitations in your life that have been holding you back. As Neptune is associated with confusion, uncertainty, escapism and avoidance, it’s very possible that the restrictions you find yourself struggling against have all been self-imposed.

The Devil card — this version from the gorgeous Japaridze Tarot  — encourages you to move past some of the restrictions you’ve imposed on yourself, particularly with respect to the more unsavory emotions — jealousy, anger, paranoia, fear, etc.

The Devil in this card is a vibrant yet frightening combination of ominous symbols and machinery. There are spikes and gears and flames and misshapen wheels, with a dark and gloomy tower in the background and bats flying overhead.

It’s a surreal painting — the stuff the nightmares are made of and things that go bump in the night. Much like a Mars / Neptune opposition, it’s hard to tells just what is going on here, other than the fervent desire to wake up and make it all go away.

The chains that bind you are not only holding you back but are largely self-imposed. Ask yourself what is preventing you from breaking them? The answer is negative emotions, self-doubts and fears.

If you have a bigger monkey on your back — such as addiction or another unhealthy form of debauchery — now is also the time to come clean with yourself about it and get it taken care of. Whatever it is, know that the Devil card is here to remind you that only you can reclaim your power. You can liberate yourself from the chains that bind you only if you’re brave enough to face them first.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 26, 2015 — Four of Fire

Four of Fire

Four of Fire

With the Sun conjuncting Jupiter today, it’s a good time to count your blessings for the world you’ve created and the loved ones who surround you.

You could be the recipient of good news, or an unexpected surprise; or you may celebrating an achievement that involves friends, family and those who’ve supported you along the way.

The Four of Fire speaks of rejoicing in the moment and keeping things fresh and alive, all the while thinking about the future.

It can be a joyous celebration, a gathering, a reward or surprise — the affirmation that all of your hard work has paid off and is now worthy of being celebrated.

You could be planning a party or casual get-together; or you could be making plans to attend one on someone else’s turf. Either way, it’s a time for rejoicing rather than isolating or withdrawing from social opportunities.

The Four of Fire can mark a happy occasion, such as an anniversary, engagement, wedding party, or the birth of a child. It tells you that “this is only the beginning” of something you’ve already established and that it’s bound to just keep getting better.

This card — the Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Four of Wands — heralds the completion of the first stages of a project and acts as confirmation that things are moving forward. It says that you are making progress, building on something that’s well on its way to being established, and have every reason to feel good about the foundations you’ve already laid down.

It can be as extravagant as a full-blown party or celebration and it can be as simple as developing a renewed sense of appreciation for all that you have. EIther way the Four of Fire represents an understanding that “Life is Good!” and “It’s Great to be Alive!”

Look around you and take note of all you’ve accomplished thus far. Chances are good there’s a lot to be grateful for and a cause for celebration right there in front of you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 10, 2015 — Three of Tides

Three of Tides

Three of Tides

This is a good day for socializing and interacting with others. As the day starts out, the Moon is in Gemini and sextiling Jupiter and Venus in Leo. There’s emphasis on creativity and camaraderie.

Later when the Moon moves into Cancer and sextiles Mercury in Virgo, the energy shifts toward talking about feelings and emotions.

You can see this in the card with the ponies playing along the shoreline and then gingerly stepping into the tide.

The Three of Tides — the beautiful Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Three of Cups — is about connecting with friends and interacting with others.

The emphasis is on joining together with like-minded people, whether this is a planned gathering or an impromptu meeting of the minds. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls’ (or boys’) night out.

Either way it’s a time of merriment and gaiety. Hanging out with friends and expressing feelings of affection and good-will. There’s no room for fretting about work, and none of this sitting around ironing out political or ideological differences.

In terms of romance the Three of Tidess can refer to reconnecting with an old flame or reuniting with an ex. It can also manifest as a natural progression from an interest to a mutual attraction to taking things to the next level).

Whether you’re celebrating your own good fortune or raising your glass to toast another’s, the Three of Tides serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 25, 2015 — Three of Fire

Three of Fire

Three of Fire

As Venus turns retrograde in Virgo today (and Uranus turns retrograde in Aries tomorrow), you may be thinking about how your own unique contributions to the world set you apart from everyone else.

It may be a matter of rising above your current situation and getting an overview of all the opportunities that are out there for you.

The Three of Fire — the beautiful Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Three of Wands — is all about expanding your horizons and finding ways to make an imprint on the world around you.

Chances are good you’ve already started to hit your stride. This is a hallmark of the Three of Fire. Having completed the initial stages of something — having “lifted off” — and seeing that there are vast new horizons to explore.

This card is all about enterprise and innovation. Bringing something new and different to the table and doing it in a way that’s never been seen before.

It’s about building a better mousetrap and setting your sites on distant horizons. What can I do with what I already have to make a difference in the world? What do I have to offer that will bring the greatest reward? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself right now.

The Three of Fire encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessings in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.