
February 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Pentacles

Aries: Knight of Pentacles

With your ruler (Mars) now moving through Taurus, you might feel the need to slow down a bit rather than rushing headlong into the next great adventure.

This transit is good for stopping the smell the flowers and for taking your time to appreciate what life has to offer. It’s fitting then that your card this month is the Prisma Visions Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles.

This Knight isn’t galloping off toward the horizon and he’s not racing to the finish line. He’s led his stallion to a lush field of giant strawberries, where both of them can feast.

The Knight of Pentacles (and Mars in Taurus) knows how to make money. But his focus is more on relishing and savoring than it is on taking action.

He’s all about preserving his resources while maximizing his potential, so that he’s always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.


May 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Sun

This month you want to focus on what’s right in your world rather than what might be wrong. The Sun card is all about happiness, optimism and vitality: it’s about being present in the moment and celebrating being alive.

Look around you and take notice of the blessings that surround you. Step away — at least mentally — and turn your attention away from work and mundane affairs long enough to soak in the energizing rays of the Sun.

The Sun card — this version from the Lightseer’s Tarot  — represents energy and vitality. Feeling happy to be alive. Getting in touch with your inner child, your true authentic spirit, the part of you that longs to embrace life with ever fiber of your being.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be,” for you and all around you.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint. Even when the sky is cloudy, the Sun is still shines. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess

January 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

the Sun

Aries: The Sun

This month, as your ruling planet (Mars) leaves Pisces behind and moves into your sign, you could be feeling like you’re finally getting your mojo back. You may also be feeling more energetic and alive.

With the Sun in your face and the Wind in your hair, you should be feeling a renewed sense of vitality, enthusiasm and anticipation for the path that’s laid out before you.

The Sun card refers to a period where things seem to be going well for you; or maybe it’s just that your attitude has you focusing on what’s right in the world for a change.

You’re optimistic about the future: perhaps you’ve made New Years resolutions that you expect to keep this time around. Or you could be doing better financially, feeling better about your health, or seeing your relationship in a new light.

In this version of the card (from Robin Ator’s Prairie Tarot) a young boy rides bareback through a field of sunflowers. The Sun shines brightly in the sky while the horse trots along at a steady pace. The sunflowers line the path beside him, each stretching up to bathe in the Sun’s light.

He’s clearly in his element here. So comfortable is he on the back of his horse that he doesn’t even need a saddle or reins (or shoes for that matter). His hat is long gone. This is one of the best versions of the Sun card ever. You can just feel his exuberance and you know he’s on the right path.

Along with the happy, fearless and adventurous energy in this card, there’s also a childlike wonder and exuberance. Keep this idea of “reinventing yourself” alive (especially as Uranus turns direct in your sign this month too)  and you can’t go wrong. The emphasis on freeing yourself from worldly burdens and concerns can go a long ways toward achieving your goals.

May 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

japaridze star

ARIES: The Star

Now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations. The Star card — this version from the beautiful Japaridze Tarot — is a card of Hope and faith in the Universe. It tells you that in spite of all your trials and tribulations,everything is as it should be, and in the end everything is going to be alright.

You could be feeling a renewed sense of hope about a goal that is now starting to feel more reachable. Or you may be feeling inspired to explore your intuition and psychic impressions.

The Star is all about Universal harmony and synchronicity. It’s about being one with the Universe and feeling connected to every single other living thing.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. It is a card of compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith. It also represents a sense of rebirth and renewal. As it follows the Tower card — which is associated with disaster and destruction — it can serve as a welcome refuge or a beacon of hope.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

You want to steer clear of negativity this month — yours and anyone else’s. Focus on what is right in your world rather than what could possibly go wrong. if you can do that you’re bound to come out on top.

January 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Transformation

With Mars and Jupiter moving through your 8th house this month, you may be thinking about closing the door on one chapter in your life and opening another.

The Transformation card is the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the traditional tarot’s Death card.

It speaks of putting certain things to rest — whether that be a relationship that you’ve been holding onto for far too long, a belief system that no longer serves you, or material possessions that you’ve accumulated but no longer have any use for.

The Death card is scary for some. Because it represents having something we’ve grown accustomed to taken away. But this card focuses on the transformative effects of “Death” in that all that you release will not only be replenished, but will get you one step closer to your own evolutionary potential.

It reminds us that energy never dies and that nothing we’ve lost is ever really gone. It’s simply transformed and renewed, like the spirit of the owl overseeing the remnants of a tribal monument on this card. The animal’s carcass may be old and weathered, but the Moon in the sky is new, reminding us that endings always lead to new beginnings.

Sometimes the Universe shows us just what we don’t need by removing it from us forcefully from our grip. In this sense the “death” can be a painful undertaking. But if you choose instead to cooperate, it can be an incredibly liberating experience.

You may have to accept that the very thing you so desperately cling to is the one that’s holding you back. In this respect, it’s more about leaving behind something that probably wasn’t working for you anyway and moving toward something that you’re naturally more aligned with in the end.

January 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Cups

ARIES: Eight of Cups

This month may see you taking steps toward leaving behind something that no longer sustains you.

The Eight of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees — refers to getting in touch with your values, which can be a painful process. It involves forcing yourself to face certain realities and walk away from something (or from someone) that doesn’t live up to them.

On the upside it means taking the high road and making a transition. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. The Eight of Cups requires you to let go of something — a dream, a relationship, a set of goals, etc. — in order to move to that higher ground.

This is a card of transition, but unlike most, this one comes from conscious choice. It’s not a matter of the Universe throwing a curve-ball at you: it’s a decision arrived at though the realization that what once fulfilled you no longer does.

You may feel alone or abandoned during this time — rejected by a loved one or peers. Yet it’s your own discontent that prompts you to “walk away,” rather than trying to keep up the pretense that those who let you down were ever truly on your side.

This doesn’t refer to loss so much as it does to seeing things more clearly and then using that new-found clarity to head toward higher ground. Like the brightly shining crescent moon in this card, it’s about new beginnings rather than endings. You can see this card as an invitation to strike out on your own, follow your own path and pave your own way.


July 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

This month you may be called upon to tame your inner beast, meaning that if you feel your emotions rising and you know they may get out of control if you give way to them then you need to reign those emotions in and find another way to express them.

On the surface you look happy and calm almost contented as if nothing can rattle you yet underneath a storm may be brewing.

Be on the lookout for anyone trying to press your buttons to seek a reaction from you. This may be of paramount concern to you this month with the Strength card — this version from the Anna K Tarot — as your talisman.

If you have been having trouble with someone and they know how to rile you then you need to be extra vigilant that you do not react the way they are hoping for. If you do you lose and they win.

The yellow sky shows a prevalence of mental abilities today yet if your mind is too cluttered with many different thoughts you may not get to the gist of what you are wanting to know.

The white dress shows you as innocent in some way… almost like a blank canvas waiting to see what sprouts forth. Whatever does come forth for you today you can be sure it will not be small.

April 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

You may have so much on your plate this month that it feels like “rush rush rush” for you as you scramble to get things accomplished.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the beautiful Crystal Visions Tarot — is all about action, progress and momentum. It’s about getting things done and making things happen.

It may be as simple as ticking off all the little things on your to-do list, and it may be as significant as making great headway on an important project.

While it might feel to you like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you could be surprised when the month is over to see how much you really accomplished.

The Eight of Wands is a high energy card and also sometimes refers to travel. In that respect it relates to being literally and physically on the go. Are you planning a weekend getaway? Use this extra energy to make preparations for your trip.

Look at the Eight Unicorns galloping down the canyon on this card. They’re raring to go and although not all of them are moving in the same direction, they’ all appear to know exactly where they’re going.

Mars (your ruler) is now moving through Sagittarius, which works very well with this energy: both the imagery of “wild horses” and the idea of travel. And while it will be turning retrograde later in the month, you won’t want to be sitting home and letting your thoughts gather dust.

Now is the time to make sure your get up and go actually goes somewhere — whether that means tackling a mountain of chores or heading off on an exciting new adventure.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 13, 2015 — Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Today’s Moon/ Pluto conjunction in Capricorn may see you thinking about pursuing your goals with more dedication and dogged determination than ever.

The Knight of Pentacles — this version from the Dreaming Way Tarot — speaks of working hard and making money, as you proceed toward ultimate success.

You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’ve got your eye on the future and are taking steps to make that happen. You may be thinking about going back to school or taking a second job — doing whatever it takes to set your plans in motion.

The Knight of Pentacles doesn’t just sit back and wait for success to fall into his lap. He knows that it takes hard work and discipline to reach his goals. He’s willing to do what it takes — not matter how long it takes — to get to where he needs to be.

If this is you, know that everything you put into your profession right now will ultimately pay off. You may not see immediate results but it’s all cumulative and will round out your experience to the extent that you will one day know it was worth it.

If this is someone in your life, know that he or she is not afraid of hard work. This person is dedicated, efficient and reliable — and has his (or her) eye on the prize. The challenge is knowing that you’re not where you want to be just yet and that there’s still much work be done. But the knowledge that you’ve succeed in attaining your goals will make it all worth it in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 24, 2015 — Seeker of Pentacles

Seeker of Pentacles

Seeker of Pentacles

Today’s Mercury / Saturn conjunction should see you getting a firmer grip on your plans for the future as you take a more serious look at what you want to accomplish in the weeks and months ahead.

The Seeker of Pentacles — the World Spirit Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles — is known for both his dogged determination and his willingness to do whatever it takes (no matter how long it takes) to achieve his goals.

He’s steadfast and consistent but may also be a little too cautious or conservative. Notice that even the his trusty steed is plodding along carefully in this card rather than chomping at the bit to get moving.

Still, the Seeker keeps his eye on the prize and this is exactly what you want to do if you’re going to get where you want to go without letting the detours along the way discourage you from reaching your destination.

The Seeker of Pentacles is diligent, determined and unwavering. He’s not afraid to roll his sleeves up and get to work if he knows it will to pay off for him in the end.

If this is someone in your life, know that he’s here to teach you something about patience and perseverance. He’s here to guide you toward embracing these qualities for yourself, and to start preparing for your future by building a solid framework for it now.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 26, 2015 — Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Today’s Venus Jupiter conjunction (with Mars nearby) is still shining brightly in the sky. These planets are all lined up in Virgo now — visible in the early morning hours —  the sign associated with work, duty, discipline and service.

If you’re thinking about ways to increase your income or conserve the income you already have, it’s a good time to get an early start.

But the Knight of Pentacles is not just about about making money. It’s about preserving your resources while maximizing your potential so that you’re always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

There may be “mysterious forces” at work here too. Notice the Knight’s stallion in this card from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot. It’s not a stallion at all, but a magical unicorn feasting on the giant berries that flourish at its feet. And the tree is etched with colorful esoteric symbols. Call it luck or call it fate, there are indications here that you’re able to align yourself with unseen cycles and trends.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 23, 2015 — Prince of Pentacles

Prince of Pentacles

Prince of Pentacles

As the Sun enters Virgo today you may be thinking about pursuing your goals with more dedication and dogged determination than ever.

Today’s card, the Prince of Pentacles — is the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles. It knows that slow and steady wins the race, even though that pace may be maddeningly frustrating for others.

There’s a tendency to get too caught up in the details, with both the Prince of Pentacles and Sun in Virgo. And there’s a tendency to be almost too cautious and practical. While it’s good to be prepared, you don’t want to be so focused on preparation that you risk letting important opportunities pass you by.

The Prince of Pentacles wants to think about where he’s going before he sets off toward his destination. He wants to consider his options before he expends any unnecessary energy. And once he gets going he knows how to conserve his resources so he can get to the finish line without having used them up.

There’s no question that he’ll meet his goals, and if this is someone in your life you can bet he’s here to teach you to do the same.

The Prince of Pentacles knows how to conserve his energy, establish goals and get the job done. The presence of this card today — and the Sun moving into Virgo — invites you to take a page from his book and work on planning for your future.