
Mars in Libra — December 7, 2013-July 26, 2014

Mars moves into Libra on December 7, 2014 at 20:41 UT (3:41pm EST). Mars is in detriment in Libra, as the polarity point of the sign it naturally rules, Aries.

What this means is that it’s not comfortable in Libra, as the diplomatic, peace-loving Libran archetype is strained when filtered through the Martian natural aggressive, dynamic energy.

With that said, there are many Mars in Libra natives who handle this energy beautifully:  they epitomize grace and charm, like Nicole Kidman, Bill Clinton,  Anderson Cooper and Prince William; they know how to make people laugh, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Sarah Silverman, Fran Drescher, Seth Rogen, Jason Alexander and Will Ferrell; and they know how to use their unique talents, skills and voices to appeal to the masses, like J.K. Rowling, Elvis Presley, Arianna Huffington and Bill Gates.

If Mars represents what we’re compelled to “do” — what we are willing to fight for — Mars in Libra people strive for harmony, balance, fairness and most of all peace (think Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama).

October 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Shadowscapes Tarot

Ace of Swords

ARIES: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords stands for intellect.

It gives you a fast paced way of thinking and is good for study, thinking ideas through thoroughly and making plans.

You may experience a myriad of thoughts this month and who can tell where they will lead you but one thing is certain if you keep your wits about you and think clearly you will come up with new ideas for old problems along with a different way of executing them.

Words can cut like a knife, they can also heal when applied correctly.

If you have anything you have been wanting to say to someone and have not been sure of how to say it you may find that this month your thoughts lead you to a new conclusion in how to best present your argument in a way that it will be heard.



October 2013 Monthly Horoscope

October Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Libra! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: There will be a New Moon on October 5th at 11° Libra. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place on October 18th at 25° Aries.

The New Moon completes an almost partile t-square between the Sun/Moon, Pluto and Uranus. This aspect is most pronounced between October 3rd and October 5th.

Retrogrades:  Mercury goes retrograde on October 21st at 18° Scorpio. Chiron, Neptune and Uranus are all retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Venus enters Sagittarius on October 7th; Mars enters Virgo on October 15th and the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be rolling with the big dogs this month, thanks to some powerful planetary lineups affecting both your career and financial sectors.  Your ruler (Mars) and Pluto are elevated and moving through your professional sector from the beginning of the month.  You may feel like you’re under greater public scrutiny, but you should come out smelling like a rose — as these planets are both well placed and well aspected for the better part of the month.  Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the North Node are all moving through your 8th house – the area related to sex, death, joint resources and personal transformation. You’ll likely have dealings with each of these areas throughout the month, but these are also favorably aspected.  This is a better time for saving and investing than it is for spending, even in the midst of the Holiday season. A message from afar comes on the 10th, followed by good news on the 15th. You’re also in line for some recognition in the work-force closer to the 21st. All in all this month should be favorable for you professionally so work on manifesting your career aspirations as you prepare for the year ahead.

 Moon in Aries:  Dec 20, 21, 22