Page of Wands
As Venus moves into Sagittarius today you may be feeling more inspired to put yourself out there and express the skills and ideas you’re most passionate about.
This is a dynamic and creative placement, with the planet that rules love, beauty, art and creativity moving through the sign that’s associated with personal expansion and expression.
Venus in Sagittarius is all about feeling inspired. To participate and experience life in its most vibrant, colorful form. To grow, evolve and learn. And to pass what you’ve learned onto others.
It’s about sharing knowledge and ideas, motivating yourself and others through the exchange of information. The Page of Wands — this version from the Shadowscapes Tarot — illustrates this energy beautifully. The woodland creatures and the tiny fairies that surround her are so enthralled by the music that they hear that they’re drawn to it is source.
The fairy maiden stands in a clearing oblivious to her surroundings and plays her instrument with reckless abandon. You can see that she’s completely in her zone.
This is the essence of the Page (or Princess) of Wands. She can motivate and inspire you in your own life too. Ask yourself in what areas have you been too timid or uncertain, and how might incorporating some of her passion and bravery into your own life work to your advantage? Use this time to tap into your creative potential and save the business of accomplishing something big for another day.