Three of Pentacles
It’s time to take your own power back and use it in a way that best suits you!
Today is about energy… specifically your own energy and what you do with it.
Are you letting it leach out and having it taken by others who you are doing everything for whilst at the same time getting nothing in return?
Or are you using that energy to turn your dreams into reality and shower yourself with the many benefits this can in turn give you?
These are the questions you need to be asking yourself today.
By asking yourself these questions and taking your own thoughts, needs and wants into the equation of your answer you can harness your own energy and have it working for you rather than against you.
What is your dream? How far along have you traveled in accomplishing it?
The many facets of the peacocks feathers in this image suggest that there are multi layers to what you are wishing to accomplish and the yellows suggest mental agility in realizing what you need to do next.
All eyes are on you… or are they? Notice that you are only see one half of the picture in this image. What are the peacock’s feet doing, where are they placed and for that matter what is the other half of the body of the man doing?