The Moon
There’s a full moon lunar eclipse today in Aries which is also happening very close to the unpredictable planet Uranus.
Although there is a lot going on with the eclipse it seems you just want to hide away and be by yourself without anyone around you except your own thoughts and emotions for company.
If you find this is the case then take a good look at this image because you look a bit “blue” and not too sure of yourself or what is going on around you.
The water (emotions) is so still you can see your reflection perfectly in it yet you are not looking at yourself you are looking straight ahead, without movement, without wanting to upset the balance of what is before you… and without seeing the necessity to scan your surroundings for any threats.
The skulls in the water eerily reflect below the water’s surface giving them the impression of beautiful shell like structures and an indication that what is actually around for you cannot be seen on the surface but is far deeper than you or anyone else may suspect.
It is almost as if the past is coming back to haunt you right when you don’t want it too.
If you find yourself in this situation today, especially with a full moon eclipse in Aries conjunct Uranus you may find it difficult to remain as clear and cool headed as you wish.