
Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love

We hear so much about men being “from Mars” — and in a lot of ways this is true, at least astrologically.

In general, they tend to relate more to their natal Mars positions and project their Venuses out onto the women (or male partners, if gay) in their lives.

This is in line with the Jungian concept of anima/animus (inner woman or inner man) projections that each of us embody. But this also tells us a great deal about what men are looking for in a mate.

A man’s natal Venus sign placement describes not only what he’s attracted to, but how he’s likely to conduct himself in relationship. It tells us how he expresses love and affection, how he receives love and affection from others, and how he relates to his partner in a one-on-one relationship.It tells what he’s looking for in a soulmate and how capable he is of investing himself emotionally in soulmate relationships.

Ask the Astrologers: Can this Relationship be Restored?


How do you deal with the on-going agony of wondering what went wrong when a relationship ends? Is there hope for reconciliation? Or is it time to move on? This is the question posted by Erica*, in reference to a break up that she’s still struggling to get over.

Dear Melodie: I am submitting a question for advice. My boyfriend broke up with me in June; it was a blindside. I’m wondering if he ever really cared about me, if he was just running scared, and if there will be a chance for reconcil-iation. My birth info is: (edited). Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I really appreciate your advice and expertise. ~ Erica

Soulmate Relationships: The Truth about Venus and Mars

soulmate relationships

There’s been a lot of press about the roles of Venus and Mars in soulmate relationships, but what exactly does that mean in the true astrological context?

Are these two planets the primary indicators of relationship compatibility, or are they just one small part of what makes up a good connection between partners?

Venus and Mars are actually relatively minor factors for determining relationship compatibility, and are rarely “karmic indicators.” They’re good for determining attraction (by sign) but little else.

They’re usually present when there are strong sexual sparks or chemistry at the onset of a relationship, but don’t say much about exclusivity, longevity or commitment.

In the coming weeks, we’ll delve into Venus and Mars from a deeper, more comprehensive perspective. If you’d like to read more about how these planetary energies are expressed for men specifically, you can check out this companion piece: Men are from Mars (and Venus): Astrology, Men and Love.

Ask the Astrologers: Surviving a Breakup


What happens when one person moves on from a failed relationship while the other is still holding on?

This question relates to a long-standing relationship that ended “abruptly” — or did it?

There were astrological themes shifting into place for some time before the actual breakup.

But as we look at the underlying relationship needs for both of the individuals involved, we can see that while  they might have been in sync at one time, that was no longer the case.

Facing that reality is not only the first step toward healing but also ultimately toward closure.

Ask the Astrologers: Recovering from a Betrayal


Can two people who are madly in love get past what some consider the ultimate betrayal?

The “love planets” — Venus, Mars and personal relationship rulers all paint a picture that can help to determine whether a relationship can be saved:

Dear Melodie;

My girlfriend confessed that she’s been with her ex-lover since we became involved.

She swears she’ll never do anything like this again and I’ve forgiven her, but I don’t know if I can trust her now. It feels like such a betrayal.

Ask the Astrologers: Long Distance Relationships

long distance relationship

This week’s question relates to a relationship which has been long distance for the past 18 months. Different parts of the respective charts will be looked at in order to ascertain if either or both are willing to move.

Who is the most flexible with this? And what the impending eclipse of November 25 may mean for their relationship.

Dear Chrisalis, I’m at a crossroads with my boyfriend of 4 yrs. We’ve been in a long distance relationship for the last year and a half. We do see each other several times a year and we speak every day.

But this is getting old and I want to figure out a way to be together (which means moving to the same place or one of us relocating to where the other one lives). Otherwise I think we need to just decide to go our separate ways. What do you see happening? ~ Katie

Ask the Astrologers: Relationship Cross-Roads


How many of us have been in the position this week’s client finds herself in? Unhappy in a long-term relationship that appears to have run its course, while at the same time intrigued by someone new and exciting and most of all different.

What are the chances that a new relationship begun before an old one has ended can work? And how does astrology help us determine the potential outcome for each choice?

If you’ve ever been in this client’s shoes — at a relationship cross-roads — you’ll know what a difficult dilemma she faces.

This week Melodie sorts through it all by comparing her natal chart to each of her prospective partner’s, as well as a synopsis of the aspects, transits and synastry for all:

Ask the Astrologers: Torn Between Two Lovers

torn between two lovers

Torn between two lovers — sound familiar? Astrologers are often called upon to shed light on the differences between relationship prospects, as each person’s unique relationship paradigm is spelled out clearly in the natal chart.

Synastry (comparing the planets in two different charts) can provide incredibly accurate details about a relationship’s strengths and weaknesses, and can reveal in-depth information about sexual compatibility, chemistry, communications styles, love and even karma.

Another practice, using midpoints to combine two natal charts into one (called a “composite” chart) will accurately describe the relationship itself rather than the individual parties.

Ambivalent, Disinterested or Commitment Phobic?

commitment phobic

This week Melodie addresses concerns posed by Laura, who’s having second thoughts about her relationship with a recently separated man. She struggles with his seeming ambivalence; questioning whether he’s as invested as she is, or just afraid of commitment.

My name is Laura. I’m in love with a man who’s married but getting a divorce. We have such a phenomenal connection, like none I’ve ever felt, but I’m not sure what to make of his commitment to me.

I’m very frustrated with this; it feels like I’m always last. I’m trying to be patient but he’s started dragging his feet again on finalizing the divorce. He says he wants to be with me but doesn’t make the effort. I’m ready to throw in the towel!

I just don’t know if he’s going to finally get his act together and make this a reality or if I should just move on. I would appreciate any help you can give me on this.

~ Laura

Ask the Astrologers — Taking your Relationship to the Next Level

taking things to the next level

This month we’re excited to announce the Ask the Astrologers column, which will become a regular feature of this blog. On what will hopefully become a regular basis, we’ll be offering astrological insights into questions about relationships, money, career, family, and a variety of other topics as submitted by our readers.

Although names will be changed and birth data omitted (in order to preserve confidentiality), each column will feature actual questions submitted by readers.

We plan to share the column and combine insights whenever possible, because we do each offer a unique astrological perspective. And while we can’t guarantee that specific questions will be selected in any given month, we encourage you to submit them.