Happy New Year! 2020 begins with a nice connection of Mercury with Jupiter, signifying many new ideas for plans, goals, optimism and hope. People from the past could be contacting you between the 4th and the 8th as Mercury and Jupiter connect with the south node. See who shows up for you and what they have to say. It is always interesting when this happens.
The full Moon Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn on the 10th changes the dynamic a bit as it is very close to the Saturn Pluto conjunction, which will have a big effect for change in the world. This may be a rough month to endure as there will be world events that will trigger fear, anger and suspicion in most people. Do your best to remain proactive and positive while double checking your sources for accurate information.
The next 3 months have a lot of volatility for political chaos, earth changes and weather events because of the planetary aspects involved. On January 12th we have Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all together at 22 degrees of Capricorn making for a rather repressive day followed by Mars making an inconjunct aspect to the north node which can be some kind of power move or explosive event.
The 23rd has the balsamic Moon in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto followed by a new Moon on the 24th. The reflected light of the Moon will return after its dark phase. It’s a good time for your spiritual practices to take a prominent place in your life. With these difficult planetary aspects it is not a positive week to start a new venture or begin a relationship.
The 27th offers a lighter aspect with Venus conjunct Neptune, which has an artistic and inspirational vibration as Venus is in her sign of exaltation, Pisces. Then Mars comes along the next day to square Neptune, which can be an aspect of delusion or deception. This is like being smitten by someone so wonderful on the internet and then being totally disappointed by the reality when you meet them in person. A real wtf was I thinking moment. This month will test us all so remain constant with your spiritual practices and ability to remain centered.
Not to spoil the plot but the year 2020 ends with the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, then still conjunct and moving into Aquarius. This grand conjunction happens approximately every 20 years so it ushers in a big cultural trend/change. The last time it happened in the sign of Capricorn was in February 1961. Better things are ahead!
Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:
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