
January 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Judgment

This month — with your ruler (Mars) finally crossing its shadow point, it’s going to be time to think about reinventing yourself.

The Judgment card — this version from the beautiful Guardian of the Night Tarot — represents a day of reckoning.  It calls for self-evaluation and awareness, a need to develop enough spiritual altitude to look objectively at your mistakes and shortcomings as well as your triumphs and victories.

It serves as a powerful reminder that in order to put the past behind us we must let go of prior judgments and heal the wounds that have been holding us back.

It’s a card of eternity, infinity and timelessness. Of atonement and forgiveness. Of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance, for both ourselves and for those who’ve hurt us or let us down.

This card represents a summation of all that has come before, and an awareness that each step taken — from here on out — leaves an indelible imprint on our future. On a personal level, this card speaks of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance.

Take this time to tie up loose ends. This can be a literal letting go of the past, but it will more likely relate to putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing how the mistakes they’ve made or the grief they’ve caused have been just as much a part of being human and flawed as any direct attempt to cause you pain.

May 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Sun

This month you want to focus on what’s right in your world rather than what might be wrong. The Sun card is all about happiness, optimism and vitality: it’s about being present in the moment and celebrating being alive.

Look around you and take notice of the blessings that surround you. Step away — at least mentally — and turn your attention away from work and mundane affairs long enough to soak in the energizing rays of the Sun.

The Sun card — this version from the Lightseer’s Tarot  — represents energy and vitality. Feeling happy to be alive. Getting in touch with your inner child, your true authentic spirit, the part of you that longs to embrace life with ever fiber of your being.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be,” for you and all around you.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint. Even when the sky is cloudy, the Sun is still shines. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess

January 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

January 2020 Tarot Scopes -- Ostara Emperor

Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your public / professional sector, it’s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities with confidence and authority.

The Emperor card — this version from the Ostara Tarot — is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

You may be asking yourself whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

As the Emperor also relates to the “Laws of the Land,” some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include things like being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


July 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

Aries: Eight of Wands

This month — with your ruler leaving Cancer and moving into Leo, you might be feeling that it’s time to step out from under your safety net and start thinking about putting your plans into action.

The Eight of Wands is traditionally associated with movement and momentum, and there is some of that going on here. But the central themes in this version — from the Mary-El Tarot — are more about protection and trust, as seen in the tiny figure nestled in the Lion’s arms.

The lion appears as a guardian angel, with a fiery mane and golden-orange wings. Notice the serpent — in the form of a lemniscate or infinity symbol — that encircles the sleeping child.

Also notice the one lion’s paw and one angel’s hand that cradle her sleeping form. A blanket of stars keeps her safe and warm. The symbols of protection and safety are repeated here, as are the themes of divergent forces residing harmoniously in the same space.

In many decks, the Eight of Wands signifies energy, motion and action. And we can surmise that the figure in this card will awaken from her sleep more rested and prepared to move ahead. But her rest is an integral part of her preparation and is just as meaningful.

You may be biding your time this month or preserving your energy in preparation for something ahead. Or you could be trying to find your center in the midst of whatever turbulence surrounds you.


June 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Swords

Aries: Knight of Swords

This month you’re going to want to be “on your toes” and prepared for whatever opportunities — or peril — that comes your way.

The Knight of Swords — this version from the Love and Mystery Tarot — is sharp, focused and purposeful, aware of his (or her) environment and quick to act if need be.

In some decks the Knight of Swords is literally a knight in shining armor, charging ahead into battle or to rescue his fair maiden. And sometimes he’s racing toward the finish line, bound and determined to win at any cost.

But here we have a young hipster-soldier girl standing watch under a bird-filled sky. She herself resembles a bright and colorful bird, from her hair to her coloring to her clothing to her complete immersion in the scene before her.

But these birds aren’t flying south for the winter: they’re circling above her in what could be a menacing formation. She keeps her sword ready but holds it behind her until she knows for sure.

The Knight of Swords often delivers news. Sometimes it’s good news and sometimes it’s not. But like the young warrior in our card, your main objective should be to stay alert and be prepared to act quickly and decisively either way.

The Knight of Swords is quite good at getting to the point, but comes up short when it comes to tact and diplomacy. Therefore if it turns out that it’s you delivering the news this month, you want to be mindful of your tone, manner and especially your choice of words.

January 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Transformation

With Mars and Jupiter moving through your 8th house this month, you may be thinking about closing the door on one chapter in your life and opening another.

The Transformation card is the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the traditional tarot’s Death card.

It speaks of putting certain things to rest — whether that be a relationship that you’ve been holding onto for far too long, a belief system that no longer serves you, or material possessions that you’ve accumulated but no longer have any use for.

The Death card is scary for some. Because it represents having something we’ve grown accustomed to taken away. But this card focuses on the transformative effects of “Death” in that all that you release will not only be replenished, but will get you one step closer to your own evolutionary potential.

It reminds us that energy never dies and that nothing we’ve lost is ever really gone. It’s simply transformed and renewed, like the spirit of the owl overseeing the remnants of a tribal monument on this card. The animal’s carcass may be old and weathered, but the Moon in the sky is new, reminding us that endings always lead to new beginnings.

Sometimes the Universe shows us just what we don’t need by removing it from us forcefully from our grip. In this sense the “death” can be a painful undertaking. But if you choose instead to cooperate, it can be an incredibly liberating experience.

You may have to accept that the very thing you so desperately cling to is the one that’s holding you back. In this respect, it’s more about leaving behind something that probably wasn’t working for you anyway and moving toward something that you’re naturally more aligned with in the end.

July 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Six of Swords

ARIES: Six of Swords

You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in doing so will have to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind.

This doesn’t necessarily mean material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.

The Six of Swords — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — is a card of transition and change. Moving from one “place” to another, if only in your mind. Notice how the woman in this card is huddled and shrouded from view. She’s protecting herself from more than just the elements.

She may be mourning the loss of her previous existence, or she may be reflecting on the choices she’s made to leave it all behind. She’s put her faith in the ferryman to get to her safely to her new destination.

Notice too that while the waves are choppy beneath them, they start to smooth out the closer they get to the other shore. And speaking of that other shore, the landscape’s silhouette appears to be promising. It’s lush, flourishing and full of potential.

This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction. The Six of Swords reminds us that we’re not alone. We don’t get to the other side without assistance from someone, even when that “assistance” comes in the form of a setback that forces us to change direction.

It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change. Take some time this month to reflect on where you are and where you want to be heading. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.

May 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

It may feel like things are moving very quickly for you this month, with your ruler (Mars) in Gemini and in mutual reception with Mercury.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the fabulous Gypsy Palace Tarot — refers to progress, mobility and rapid change, usually for the better. You could be bursting at the seams with new and fresh ideas, juggling interests or overseeing different projects that all seem to be nearing completion at the same time.

This card refers to being decisive, making the most of your time and cutting through whatever distractions stand in your way. There may be a lot going on around you — like the woman in the center of this card — but the Eight of Wands encourages you to remain focused and engaged in the task at hand.

Look at all of the swirling colors in this card. There’s a lot happening there — and certainly some distractions. But there’s also movement, creativity and energy which are hallmarks of this card.

This is also a networking card. It relates to exchanging ideas and interacting with like-minded people. Blogging, disseminating information, and expanding social horizons are all indicated.

November 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Nine of Coins

Your card this month — the Nine of Coins — represents that intricate and fulfilling balance between expressing gratitude and achieving prosperity.

In this version — from the Chinese Tarot — we meet Liu-Hai, the coin-juggling god of abundance and prosperity. Liu-Hai and his loyal servant (a three-legged toad, sitting on his shoulder) are said to bring wealth and prosperity to those who are most deserving.

Liu-Hai is also the protector of needle-makers, not only because they’re needed to thread the red (lucky) ribbons that sting the Chinese coins together, but perhaps also because they represent concepts like dedication and service.

As a symbol of purity and enlightenment, it’s important to note the lotus blossom that Liu-Hai springs from. It’s a reminder to all of us that true wealth comes from rising above the muck, conducting ourselves with grace and integrity, and aspiring to practice right livelihood.

The Nine of Coins represents getting to a point where you’re more than satisfied with what you’ve attained. This relates to money and material possessions, but also to your own sense of self-worth.

June 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: The Source

What is it that you have been waiting for as father time ticks slowly by? With your ruler (Mars) retrograde for most of the month, you may be feeling like time is either moving backwards or standing still.

If you have a plan you’ve been wanting to put into action for a long time now is the time to break forth from your restrictions and see it through.

The images on this card — the Source (Temperance) card from the Tarot of Origins — are as if they are set in stone and this is how you may have been seeing things for a while yet there are also fertile images on this card… images that say new life is coming, a new beginning and it springs forth directly from your “Source.”

It is part of you, you are part of it and even though you may feel alone as if everything is “set in stone” you have people watching out for you.

Look at the two stone boulders on either side of the middle figure. To me they look like birds. Birds which have been sitting there for a long time until they also look as if they have been “turned to stone.”

Yet underneath them you can see the glorious nests they have fashioned into the rock face. Hues of blues and greens, patterns of mists and water showing that although time seems to have “stood still” it has not been idle.

As the waters break, it is as that which is “inside” pours forth and so too does that which is inside you. Look to any of these three figures and you will see new life within each. Images within images and all on the verge of springing forth into something new and exciting yet at the same time solid and dependable. Who will you be, what will your new direction when the cocoon breaks apart and the chrysalis transforms?


Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 23, 2015 — Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Today is a day of getting in touch with your feelings and working on processing your emotions.

The Sun moves into Scorpio today, just as the Moon moves into Pisces and Venus trines Pluto. With all this watery emotional energy, is it any wonder you’re feeling self-conscious or maybe even a little shy?

These transits fit in beautifully with this version of the Page of Cups —  from the Mary-el Tarot — and the intricate fish and water symbols etched on the Page’s skin.

You may be feeling overly sentimental or self-protective today. Or like the Page in this card you may feel like keeping your feelings to yourself. The Page of Cups is gentle and tender-hearted, but can have difficulty expressing emotions.

Although the pale blues in the background of this card are linked to the throat chakra and the concept of expressing ideas, you may be feeling so sensitive and vulnerable that you have trouble putting your feelings into words.

It may be preferable for you to think about ways to tap into your own rich inner world today, rather than reaching out to others for comfort.

The soft hues in this card and the gentle energy exhibited by the Page are also reminiscent of healing, purity, and a soothing calm energy that you can access to restore peace and harmony. Take some time today to bring these images to life and hear what they have to say.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 20, 2015 — Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Page of Cups:

Today is a day for spreading the love and tending to those who are nearest and dearest to you with tender loving care.

The Page of Cups is sensitive, loving, gentle and kind. He’s nurturing and very compassionate — and more than willing to express his feelings of love and affection for others.

In this version of the card — from the Housewives Tarot — the Page of Cups is seen as a young boy watering a group of sunflowers with three faces in their centers. I can’t tell if these are family members or movie stars (is it Burgess Meredith, Red Skelton and Fred Astaire? I doubt it, but this is who they look like to me).

The flowers are planted in heart-shaped vases and the boy looks positively gleeful as he waters them. The flowers are thriving and lifting their sunny faces up toward him to soak it all in.

The Page of Cups may be someone in your life — a young child or someone with childlike qualities, gentleness, sweetness and idealism. Or it may be a set of qualities that you’re being called on to embrace. I love how this card focuses less on romantic love and more on tending to others. Seeing how love spreads and is responded to by others.

Is there someone in your life that needs a little nurturing today in order to lift their spirits or reach their full potential? Perhaps you’re in need of a bit of tender loving care yourself. The Page of Cups is here to remind you that when you give even a little you get a whole lot back in return, so take a few minutes today to see what you can do to gladden the hearts of others.