Aries: Wheel of Fortune
This month, you may be looking at the ups and downs in your life and thinking about how they’ve led you to where you are today. The Wheel of Fortune card is associated with fate, destiny, “karma,” life cycles and both good and bad luck.
Sometimes we blame ourselves for the down times (assuming we’ve “brought it all on ourselves”) while viewing the up times as outside of our control.
We all experience these up and down cycles — and we all try to maximize the former while minimizing the latter. But the Wheel of Fortune — this version from the Alchemical Tarot — tells us that both are necessary and that the good times wouldn’t be good without the frame of reference of the not-so-good times.
Like the mythical Ouroboros or world serpent, the Wheel of Fortune tells us that there is no beginning or end, much like the rhythms in our own lives.
Here we see the two dragons — one white with wings and a crown and the other one red and scaly — circling the wheel together. As one goes up the other comes down, repeating that cycle over and over again in an ongoing (and never ending) process.
This month you’ll have 6 planets and the South Node moving through your 10th house — the area associated with reputation and public standing. As a result, this is the area you’re likely to see the biggest impact. You can take advantage of these transits by aligning yourself with their respective energies. And rather that seeing yourself tied to that karmic wheel this month, consider participating in your destiny and working to overcome the conditioning that’s held you there in the past
Remember that as one one door closes, another one opens — just as the wheel turns and the seasons change. Today’s transits speak of finding ways to voice your intentions while at the same time putting disappointments and heartaches behind you.