
January 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Judgment

This month — with your ruler (Mars) finally crossing its shadow point, it’s going to be time to think about reinventing yourself.

The Judgment card — this version from the beautiful Guardian of the Night Tarot — represents a day of reckoning.  It calls for self-evaluation and awareness, a need to develop enough spiritual altitude to look objectively at your mistakes and shortcomings as well as your triumphs and victories.

It serves as a powerful reminder that in order to put the past behind us we must let go of prior judgments and heal the wounds that have been holding us back.

It’s a card of eternity, infinity and timelessness. Of atonement and forgiveness. Of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance, for both ourselves and for those who’ve hurt us or let us down.

This card represents a summation of all that has come before, and an awareness that each step taken — from here on out — leaves an indelible imprint on our future. On a personal level, this card speaks of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance.

Take this time to tie up loose ends. This can be a literal letting go of the past, but it will more likely relate to putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing how the mistakes they’ve made or the grief they’ve caused have been just as much a part of being human and flawed as any direct attempt to cause you pain.

October 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Two of Swords

With the Full Moon in your sign this month, along with Mars which is also in your sign and still retrograde, you may find yourself struggling to stay in sync partners and loved ones.

You might question whether others have your back, or you may be struggling with a decision that might put you at odds with others.

The Two of Swords — this version from the Samurai Tarot — can refer to an impasse or stalemate that’s more likely than not a result of your own indecision. It can refer to a pivotal moment in time where you recognize that the options before you are equally appealing (or terrifying) and that whatever decision you make will have a huge impact on your life.

In this respect it can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

You may have come to an impasse with someone and are actualizing this energy through passive resistance. This isn’t a better solution and it won’t solve anything: you’re going to have to take a stand whether you like it or not. This is the dilemma with the Two of Swords. It tells you that while either decision leads to a different outcome, you can’t know the exact nature of that outcome until you make your choice.

The inertia that comes from choosing not to choose can prevent you from moving forward. It’s going to be critical for you to weigh your options this month, make your decision and then stand by it in the end.


March 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Black Tortoise Six

Opportunities abound for you this month with your ruler (Mars) joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your public sector. This is a powerhouse conjunction that’s likely to get you noticed. It can herald a period of increased public scrutiny, and can bring you more recognition on the job.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re valued.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Six of Wands. It’s a card of appreciation and admiration. You “win” something and have earned the right to be satisfied with the spoils of your victory.

This isn’t about ego or conceit and it’s never at someone else’s expense. There’s a strong sense of being supported and lifted up by others who rejoice right along with you.

You could be in line for a promotion or an award at work. You could be given the okay to go ahead with a project you’ve been excited about. Or it may be as simple as pat on the back and some words of encouragement from those who look up to you.

Whatever form this takes for you this month, know that you’ve earned it and that you deserve it. It may just give you the incentive to keep shooting for the stars and manifesting your highest goals. Don’t shy away from celebrating your achievements with others.

Even if it feels premature at this stage know that you’re well on your way and that the fun doesn’t have to stop once you reach your goals. Embrace the accolades that are coming toward you and don’t forget to thank those who’ve helped you along the way.


August 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Bows

This month — with five planets (including your ruler Mars and the New Moon) moving through your 5th house — the area related to self-expression and creativity — you want to be thinking about your dreams, desires and intentions; as well as the actions you can take to turn them into a powerful reality.

The Ace of Bows (Wands in most decks) speaks of directing your energy toward your goals with purpose and intent: much the same way you’d take aim with an arrow and launch it at a distant target.

If you’ve ever done any archery, you know that you don’t just pick up an arrow and fling it haphazardly into the air. You have to pull back, focus on your objective and become one with the bow before you even shoot. Once you let go of the arrow, you’re committed to the outcome so you have to put everything you have into hitting your target.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. This card — called the “Spark of Life” here in the Wildwood Tarot — refers to that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation).

What is it you really really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself this month.

The Ace of Bows is about offering your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.


February 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Coins

Aries: Eight of Coins

This month, you’ll be thinking about doing business and being more productive. You’ll be focusing on honing your craft and turning your skills into something you can be proud of.

The Eight of Coins is a card of craftsmanship. It can be as simple as being 100 % focused on your work and demonstrating your level of dedication and service. And it can be as innovative as taking something you’re uniquely capable of and turning it into a career.

In this version of the card — from the Joie de Vivre Tarot — a Fox in wizard’s attire conjures up a magic potion. He stands over the bubbling concoction as the cauldron sizzles and boils.

Five disks hang from the limbs of the trees behind him and three are pinned to his pointy hat. He’s so good, he can afford to take his eyes off the mixture.  But he doesn’t dare step away: the completion of this project depends on his being right there to make it happen.

The Eight of Coins is also known as the apprentice card. It refers to taking on an interest — a new one or a lifelong dream — and devoting yourself fully to it. It doesn’t have to be career related, but since it’s a labor of love wouldn’t it be great if it were? Making a living doing what we love is something we all aspire to achieve.

July 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

page of swords

ARIES: Page of Swords

This month should be loaded with opportunities for you to go back and clear up some unfinished business. With your ruling planet (Mars) still retrograde, you may be dealing with a sense of urgency to tie up loose ends and put the past behind you.

An important part of this is going to be acknowledging and then learning from your mistakes.The Page of Swords — this version from the Tarot of Trees —  is all about clearing the air and cutting to the chase. It’s about seeking out the truth and being honest with yourself,  even when it hurts.

It’s also about communications, ideas, information and news. The Page of Swords is generally very curious, a good judge of character, quick to size up others and able to see through ulterior motives and agendas.

Like all the Pages, it’s a messenger card so you want to pay attention to any messages you receive. You want to remember that things are not always as they seem. And while it’s not the time to take things at face value, although you don’t want to be so focused on ferreting out hidden information that you become paranoid.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse this month is going to be exactly conjunct that retrograde Mars. This should make for some high energy days; just be sure you choose your battles wisely as it can also manifest as impulsive or irrational behavior. You may uncover a deception or meet with someone whose motives prove to be disingenuous. Or you may have to be the bearer of uncomfortable news yourself, in which case you find yourself needing to deliver it carefully and diplomatically.

April 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Three of Cups

This month — with several planets moving in and out of your sign — you’re hopefully going to be feeling more fully in your element. This should be a time of renewed opportunities to connect (or reconnect) with loved ones.

The Three of Cups — this version from the wonderful Morgan Greer Tarot — is a joyful and festive card that emphasizes partying and celebrating over work and responsibilities. It also emphasizes friends and casual relationships over serious romantic entanglements.

It refers to being surrounded by like-minded people and putting your differences aside. It’s about coming together and joining forces with those who have your best interests at heart.

The focus is on merriment and gaiety rather than monotony and drudgery. It’s on interacting and networking with others, allowing you to push aside some of your more serious concerns — at least for the time being.

It represents people gathering together to connect, interact and socialize. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls’ night out. 

January 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Cups

ARIES: Eight of Cups

This month may see you taking steps toward leaving behind something that no longer sustains you.

The Eight of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees — refers to getting in touch with your values, which can be a painful process. It involves forcing yourself to face certain realities and walk away from something (or from someone) that doesn’t live up to them.

On the upside it means taking the high road and making a transition. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. The Eight of Cups requires you to let go of something — a dream, a relationship, a set of goals, etc. — in order to move to that higher ground.

This is a card of transition, but unlike most, this one comes from conscious choice. It’s not a matter of the Universe throwing a curve-ball at you: it’s a decision arrived at though the realization that what once fulfilled you no longer does.

You may feel alone or abandoned during this time — rejected by a loved one or peers. Yet it’s your own discontent that prompts you to “walk away,” rather than trying to keep up the pretense that those who let you down were ever truly on your side.

This doesn’t refer to loss so much as it does to seeing things more clearly and then using that new-found clarity to head toward higher ground. Like the brightly shining crescent moon in this card, it’s about new beginnings rather than endings. You can see this card as an invitation to strike out on your own, follow your own path and pave your own way.


October 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi -- Two of Buckets

ARIES: Two of Buckets

Your focus this month is going to be on love, romance and relationships. The Two of Buckets is the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi’s version of the Two of Cups. It’s called “Love” in some versions and “Harmony” in this one.

It speaks of finding your soul mate, your better half, your “one true love.” It’s the card associated with male / female, yin / yang energy and the concept of opposites attracting.

It’s about a love so perfect that the two become one, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. But true love takes on many forms. And it’s often marred by things like fear, jealousy, tension, uncertainty and sex.

And here we see none of these. We see a bond that’s so intimate and affectionate between a young child and her elephant friend. She leans in with a loving embrace and he responds as only an elephant friend would. He sits there patiently and contentedly, with his own offering of love in his trunk.

Jupiter is now in your relationship house, asserting a renewed sense of romantic idealism, as well as an openness to finding the sort of love that belies status quo expectations.

The New Moon also having taken place in this sector promotes the ideal of “self-love.” And what better way to manifest that energy than to see it mirrored back to you in its purest form?

If you’re thinking about diving back into the relationship arena this month, you’d do well to take a leaf from this unlikely pair’s book. Whether you’re in an established relationship now or just looking, holding yourself up to this kind of ideal can only benefit you in the end.


December 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Polar Bear

ARIES: Polar Bear

This month is going to be all about getting in touch with your environment and getting clarity with respect to your emotions.

Where do you fit in and where do you feel most at home? These are questions you’ll be asking yourself this month, courtesy of the Polar Bear — or Seeker of Shells (Knight of Cups) — animal totem.

The Polar Bear is not only completely at home in this version of the card — from the Animal Wisdom Tarot — but he’s adapted beautifully to his environment. He’s strong and competent, yet light-footed enough to trek comfortably through terrain that could be hostile to others.

Notice the crystals that are forming on the snow, the ice and in the sky above. There are symbols of clarity throughout the imagery of this card, and even glistening on the Polar Bear’s fur.

The Aurora Borealis overhead and the glowing conch shell at the base are reminiscent of glistening jewels, as is the glittering crystal backdrop and the vibrant array of colors that wash over the scene. The Seeker of Shells is a virtual rainbow of emotional expression and experience.

Think about ways that you can translate what you’re feeling this month into experiences that can be shared with your loved ones. With several planets moving through the sector related to home and family, this is a good place to start.

Your environment — that place you’re most comfortable and where you feel most complete — comes to life as you devote yourself to fostering your relationships therein.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 9, 2015 — Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Today is a day to indulge yourself and allow yourself to enjoy all of the fruits of your labors.

The Queen of Pentacles is all about establishing security — financial and otherwise. But she also knows how to appreciate the finer things in life and to relish what she’s worked for and savor every moment.

She’s not afraid to work for what she wants. But she wants to be able to appreciate it too. She wants to surround herself with opulence and splendor, knowing that she’s earned and deserves it.

This Queen of Pentacles — from the beautiful Samurai Tarot — is clothed in the finest silks and lavish attire. She strikes an elegant and radiant pose. She is colorful, dramatic and mysterious. But she’s not someone to be trifled with: she’s also practical, efficient and wise.

As with all the Court Cards in the tarot, this may be you and it may represent someone in your life. It can also indicate a state of mind that is necessary for you to adopt.

Whatever (or whomever) she represents, know that it’s time to get serious about manifesting the life that you want, and enjoying yourself in the process.

Today you want to be thinking about your long-term goals and what you might need to do to bring them to fruition. It may require you to make some short-term sacrifices. But what you gain in return — through hard work, discipline and patience — will make it all worthwhile in the end.

October 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Ace of Pentacles

ARIES: Ace of Pentacles

October is going to be a good month for you to focus on attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. The Ace of Pentacles — this version from the Animism Tarot — refers to new opportunities for growth, prosperity and abundance, of which material (financial) gain is only a small part of. It refers to planting seeds which then grow and flourish, and ultimately begin to propagate and replenish themselves — much like the grape vines framing the scarab on this card.

You want to be thinking about what you have this month rather than what you lack. What you’ve invited into your life rather than what you’ve left behind. And what you’re putting out there now, as a means of attracting more of the same.

The Ace of Pentacles is a card of assurance and inspiration. It’s a “Yes” card, a manifesting card, a card of limitless promise and potential. It’s an essence rather than a “thing,” which means you have a lot of say in how it plays out. If it’s money you want (or security, stability, comfort, etc.) now is the time to work on attracting more of it into your life.

It represents the start of something new, in this case new financial opportunities. It encourages you to plant seeds that you can tend to, nurture and grow.

The scarab is a sacred symbol of mystery, magic, creation and transformation. How fitting is it then that this one — suspended mid-air between shade and Sun — is participating in an energetic exchange? It pulls energy from the Sun and sends it right back out.

The Ace of Pentacles encourages you to participate in your own energetic exchange. Whether it’s time, money, energy or aid, all of us have resources at our disposal. Put yours to good use this month and see what the Universe sends back.