Princess of Cups
Today may see you giving it your all and diving wholeheartedly into a world of intuition, emotion, imagination and creativity.
The Princess of Cups — this version from the gorgeous Röhrig Tarot — refers to a child-like wonder and enthusiasm as well as a sense of play. It speaks of throwing caution to the wind and following your dreams.
It’s an exuberant, unrestrained and joyful energy that stems from the expectation that you’ll succeed, rather than worrying that you might fail.
The Princess in this card is uninhibited and unrestrained. She throws herself freely into the ethers, not thinking any more about where she came from than she is about where she’s headed.
There are references in this card to faith (trusting in the process) and awareness (moving from darkness to light) as well as liberation. The feather represents both buoyancy and flight, and the clouds represent uncertainty and the unknown.
Speaking of clouds, today’s Mercury / Neptune conjunction is in Pisces, the sign associated with dreams, fantasies, instinct, intuition, the imagination and psychic impressions. It can certainly cloud your thoughts and have you wondering what’s real and what is not.
The Princess of Cups may be a person in your life. Someone youthful and naive, with a child-like curiosity and trust in the Universe. If so, know that she’s here to teach you to embrace these qualities within yourself.
Because the Princesses embody such youthful and unrefined energies, we tend to forget that they too have much to teach us. But the presence of this card today is an important reminder of how much more we still need to learn.