
Venus in Sagittarius — Oct 18, 2016 – Nov 11, 2016

Venus enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 am UT (or 3:00 am EDT). If you were lucky enough to be born with this Venus, you’re probably generous, vivacious, outgoing and expansive.

You’re known for being up-beat and optimistic, always seeing the glass as half-full, and always up for a good time.

Venus represents “love” among other things. Sagittarius is related to personal growth and expansion, travel, religion, philosophy, higher education and ideas.

Venus in Sagittarius people tend to love all of these things, even though they’re prone to engage in heated debates about them. They tend to be spontaneous, adventurous and happy-go-lucky.

They say what’s on their mind and in their heart — often at the most inappropriate times! They’re know for putting their feet in their mouths,but are usually very good-natured. They can laugh at themselves and can take a joke, as long as it’s told without malice.

Mars in Sagittarius — Sept 13, 2014 – Oct 26, 2014

Rachel McAdams

Mars moves into Sagittarius on September 13, 2014 at 21:57 (or 5:57pm ET), where it will remain until October 26, 2014, when it moves into Capricorn.

Mars transits bring action and energy to the area of a natal chart where the transit occurs. It also affects planets in a natal chart that it forms aspects to, which are in turn influenced by the sign placement (in this case Sagittarius) as well as the house Mars is placed in and rules in the natal chart.

For those born with Mars in Sagittarius, this transit marks what’s called a “Mars return.” This will occur at some point during the current transit through Sagittarius, between Sept 13, 2014 and Oct 26, 2014.

As Mars — natally and by transit — refers to what we’re passionate about as well as what we’re instinctually compelled to do, this transit emphasizes the Sagittarian inclinations toward freedom, travel, adventure, personal expansion and philosophical pursuits.

Mars in Sagittarius people are generally upbeat and optimistic, personable, engaging, honest and candid. They like their space, hate to be confined and are resistant to any kind of personal restriction. 

Mercury in Sagittarius — Dec 4, 2013

mercury in sagittarius

Mercury, the planet that relates to thoughts, ideas, words and communications in general is now moving into Sagittarius. This is an upbeat, optimistic and expansive placement for any planet — but when it comes to Mercury, the expression of those qualities are most evident through the sharing of thoughts and ideas.

Mercury in Sagittarius people tend to be honest, direct and outspoken. They’re not known for tact or diplomacy: they generally say whatever’s on their mind without regard for the consequences.

They’re broad-minded and expressive: they have big (sometimes grandiose) ideas that they want to share with others. They tend to be interested in philosophy, spirituality (or religion), politics, social sciences, culture and foreign affairs.

They’re always looking to broaden their horizons — often through travel or the pursuit of a higher education. They’re life-long students and are usually voracious readers. They want to know about and learn about everything.

December 2013 Monthly Horoscope

December Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Sagittarius! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: The New Moon this month is on December 2 at 10° Sagittarius and the Full Moon is on December 17th will be at 25° Gemini. In some parts of the world, there will be a second New Moon this month, on December 31st at 10° Capricorn.

Retrogrades: Uranus is retrograde until Dec 17th, when it goes stationary direct at 8° Aries. Venus goes retrograde December 21 at 28° Capricorn. Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 4th and Capricorn on December 24th. Mars enters Libra on December 7th. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

December 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Steampunk Tarot

Wheel of Fortune

ARIES: Wheel of Fortune

You seem to be standing on quicksand within a situation that keeps changing.

Try to gain a sense of balance for yourself within this and don’t lose any of your power by trying to follow what others are doing or not doing.

If you find yourself trying to extricate yourself from the situation which is swinging from good to bad and around in circles take a look at the 4 figures trying to balance at the bottom of the card.

What looks like strength is actually a bit precarious when you look closely and see they are all looking and/or facing in different directions.

Each of these directions gives a different view of what you are facing.

Each of these directions gives you a different answer to what you should do next.

And each of these directions only shows you a glimpse of the whole situation.

Stay still and wait for things to settle down so you are not being thrown off your balance.


Venus in Sagittarius — Oct 7, 2013 – Nov 5, 2013

Jude Law

Venus enters Sagittarius today! If you were lucky enough to be born with this Venus, you’re probably generous, vivacious, outgoing and expansive.

You’re known for being up-beat and optimistic, always seeing the glass as half-full, and always up for a good time.

Venus represents “love” among other things. Sagittarius is related to personal growth and expansion, travel, religion, philosophy, higher education and ideas.

Venus in Sagittarius people tend to love all of these things, even though they’re prone to engage in heated debates about them. They tend to be spontaneous, adventurous and happy-go-lucky.

They say what’s on their mind and in their heart — often at the most inappropriate times! They’re know for putting their feet in their mouths,but are usually very good natured. They can laugh at themselves and can take a joke, as long as it’s told without malice.

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be rolling with the big dogs this month, thanks to some powerful planetary lineups affecting both your career and financial sectors.  Your ruler (Mars) and Pluto are elevated and moving through your professional sector from the beginning of the month.  You may feel like you’re under greater public scrutiny, but you should come out smelling like a rose — as these planets are both well placed and well aspected for the better part of the month.  Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the North Node are all moving through your 8th house – the area related to sex, death, joint resources and personal transformation. You’ll likely have dealings with each of these areas throughout the month, but these are also favorably aspected.  This is a better time for saving and investing than it is for spending, even in the midst of the Holiday season. A message from afar comes on the 10th, followed by good news on the 15th. You’re also in line for some recognition in the work-force closer to the 21st. All in all this month should be favorable for you professionally so work on manifesting your career aspirations as you prepare for the year ahead.

 Moon in Aries:  Dec 20, 21, 22

Thanksgiving Solar Eclipse: Nov 25, 2011

Solar Eclipse

They say that a “change is as good as holiday” and it may be wise to meditate on these words this Thanksgiving given that there is an eclipse on the new moon in Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is usually a sign known for its humor and ability to have fun, however, an eclipse is usually anything other than a lot of fun!

Whilst it is true it will affect some of your more than others you can never be sure it will not affect you directly… or indirectly through others.  For example, you may not have many planets which are affected but your partner may and therefore you will be affected as their own issues hit off and you are then left dealing with what you are going to do next.  Sound familiar?

Mercury Retrograde Nov-Dec 2011

There’s a kind of hush….   well I wouldn’t bet on it! Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius from November 24 to December 14 which means anything but peace and quiet and if you were thinking you can just ride this period out then think again.

Sagittarius is all about the bigger picture, grand plan, larger than life experiences and with Mercury retrograde in this sign you can be sure that if anything does go wrong it may do so in a big way!

If you are the quiet, patient type you may be a bit surprised to find yourself just blurting something out of the blue which leaves others aghast and yourself wondering where those words came from.