
Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 12, 2014 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today you may feel like retreating from the outer world and turning inward toward your emotional center.

The Hermit card refers to solitude, introspection and internal analysis. It’s about getting a better understanding of yourself and searching for a deeper meaning to life’s most pressing questions.

With Mercury and Chiron in semi-sextile today, you may also be feeling overly sensitive — to your environment and to the people around you.

The Hermit card can appear at a time when you’re so bombarded with external stimuli that you just want to “get away” from it all. But be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves.

You also want to be conscious of your own motivations: the downside of this card is the urge to hide things, close yourself off from others and avoid those who matter to you most.

The Hermit in this card is submerged deeply into the realm of the unconscious, as shown by the waves surrounding him. He blends in so completely that he becomes one with them, a reflection of the need to immerse yourself fully, which is the essence of this archetype.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 27, 2014 — Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Venus squares Mars today which may result in conflicts in your relationships. As Venus — the “love planet” — and Mars — the planet associated with action and aggression — butt heads, you may feel the urge to follow suit.

Usually when it comes to the Five of Wands (and often with Venus square Mars) nobody really knows what they’re fighting about. There’s just this competitive urge to “win” at any cost, which means that in the end nobody wins.

The Five of Wands refers to conflict, strife and competition: forcing your will on others, trying to be heard above the “roar” of opposing viewpoints and struggling against cross-purposes.

In this version we see a lion charging through the thicket, undaunted by the obstacles (trees) before him. In fact he’s enveloped in a protective aura of light as he moves toward his objective. Does the aura that surrounds him insulate him from danger? Or does it obscure his own motivations and the repercussions of his actions?

Like the Lion in this card you may have to look at where you may have been pushing your views forcefully onto others. You might not even realize that you’re doing it, yet your actions can translate as pressure, at at least on some subconscious level. Petty squabbles can erupt into major arguments because no one’s actually listening to what anyone else has to say.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 17, 2014 — Temperance



Today you may be looking for ways to release some of your pent-up energy and frustration in an effort to restore the equilibrium in your life.

The Temperance card refers to bringing the opposing aspects of your personality (or your relationships, or your desires) into alignment by finding that perfect middle ground.

That’s not always easy — especially if you’re dealing with competing urges — such as the desire to move full speed ahead in pursuit of a goal vs. the need to hold back, regroup and exercise restraint.

The imagery in this version of the card is a dramatic departure from what we’re using to seeing. In place of the traditional symbols of balance, harmony and moderation, we see a tiger slicing through the ocean’s current as he propels himself toward his destination.

He moves with such purpose and ferocity that we might not notice how these two seemingly incompatible forces join together. But this is the essence of the Temperance card. The juxtaposition of masculine (tiger) and feminine (water), hot and cold — notice the steam rising from his back as he swims against the frigid tide — combined with the tiger’s dogged determination against the backdrop of the water’s mutability. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 12, 2014 — The Sun


The Sun

Venus moves into Leo today and brings with it the flamboyance of the peacock and the warmth of the Sun.

The Sun card (following on the heals of the Moon card a few days ago) is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint.

Where the Moon card can reflect your doubts and uncertainties, the Sun reflects your strengths and capabilities. It’s about following your bliss and manifesting your own personal radiance.

The woman in this card could probably use a spot of Sun. She looks off over her shoulder at something (or someone) that’s caused her obvious distress. In the foreground is a peacock — looking off in the same direction. And notice the child’s hand reaching up from the bottom of the card.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 31, 2014 — Nine of Disks

Nine of Disks

Nine of Disks

Today you should start seeing evidence of all your hard work mirrored right back to you, in both the spiritual and material realms.

As Mercury enters Leo today, it’s a good time to be shifting your attitude to one of gratitude. And as Venus moves into a grand trine with Chiron and Saturn, it’s going to be important to temper your ambitions with empathy and compassion for others.

The Nine of Disks refers to a sense of satisfaction for all you’ve achieved, though not because you’ve been lucky or have been the benefactor of someone’s generosity.

It’s through your own hard work and determination (seen in the Eight of Disks) that leads to that you to that place of fulfillment, although we know that none of us gets to where we’re going alone.

We all know (in theory) that all the money in the world won’t buy us happiness if it’s acquired without passion . Yet we keep on wanting more of it, and find ourselves struggling with the idea of figuring out how much is “enough.”

The Nine of Disks challenges us to not only answer that question but to examine our personal values as well.  Money is just one form “values” and is usually the one we pay the most attention to. We need to be mindful of the temptation to overlook one set of values for another, especially when it involves compromising our principles.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 13, 2014 — Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Following hot on the heels of yesterday’s super moon today we have Venus trining Mars… a planetary aspect wonderful for love and in this instance as the two planets are in Air signs… love is all about communication.

The Ten of Cups is all about happiness and as can be seen from the image on this card nothing is going to ruffle your feathers today.

You have your two feet planted firmly on the ground or as can be seen from this image you have your feet well and truly planted within the ground as if you are so in touch with yourself and what you want that nothing will shake you from your goals.

Ten cups lay in front of you as if they are floating on clouds which is another indication of today’s transits with Mars and Venus trining in air signs (clouds).

However, the other interesting astrological aspect that occurs today is Mercury re entering Cancer after a few weeks of retrograde movement and will soon come to pass over the degree of Cancer it first went retrograde at. Problems you may have experienced the last few weeks are coming to an end.

It’s time for you to slow down any thoughts which have been racing through your mind so quickly that you can’t catch hold of them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 6, 2014 — Eight of Disks

Eight of Disks

After working so hard to fine-tune your skills, now is the time to start thinking about showing the rest of the world what you’re made of.

You may be putting the finishing touches on a project or getting ready to dust off your degree. Or you may have discovered a new passion that has you prepared to invest your time and energy into.

The Eight of Disks has been called the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to finding your personal labor of love and devoting yourself fully to it. It’s the precarious balance between passion and discipline, as you hone your craft to perfection.

You may be making a pivotal move toward achieving what it is you really want to achieve.

Look at the imagery in this card.  There are a set of lions — one red and one gold — framing a delicate lamb. They rise up on either side like pillars of strength and virtue, leave little room for error.

It takes focus, determination and preservation (notice the lamb so peacefully situated between the two pillars) to achieve this level of mastery.

Ask yourself; are you protecting the lamb or are you preparing to devour it? The desire to hold on to your work may be just as compelling as the need to set it free.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 3, 2014 — The Chariot

The Chariot

The Chariot

The Chariot card is all about pulling all of your resources together to overcome the obstacles that are standing in your way. It’s about “taking charge” of your life — your goals, your decisions and your destiny — rather than just going along for the ride.

As with most versions of this card, the central figures are two rearing stallions and a Charioteer who is harnessing their divergent energies. But in this rendition the stallions are replaced by a white and black Pegasus, each pulling in different directions.

If you look closely though, they do overlap in the middle, right below the ankh — or “key of life” — symbol. The black and white references — day and night, good and evil, positive and negative, conscious and unconscious, etc. serve as a reminder that we need to harness those divergent forces in order to achieve mastery.

The Charioteer himself is clothed in ceremonial garb. Esoteric symbols — including the astrological glyphs associated with the zodiac and planets — are placed all around then, and are addressed in detail in the artist’s interpretation of this card.

What stood out for me though was the effortless way in which the Charioteer takes command of these creatures, guiding them through a sort of constellational sea, far beyond the reaches of civilization.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 1, 2014 — The Fool

the Fool

The Fool

Mercury stations today after the last few weeks being retrograde… meaning you are out of the woods but not quite with communication difficulties.

As can be seen from this version of the Fool it is as if you are wanting to go forward but not quite sure what your next step should be and there is a sense of something holding you back… as if you know your next step may be perilous but you are not quite sure why.

Not that much will stop you once you set your mind to doing something however it is not about setting your mind to doing something that is the problem here it is your mind wandering and becoming lost in what you think you want that may be your downfall.

The Fool is the first card of the major arcana and in this version the moon is new showing a new path for you or a totally different direction you may take. It’s not clear whether you are already on this course or if you are about to launch onto it as the bird doesn’t show if it is “taking off” or “falling down”.

Whichever it may be there is a sense of adventure, high spirits and lack of concerns that anything can go wrong whilst you embrace life to the fullest and throw yourself in to (or out of) your next adventure.

Unlike the bird in this card who has her eye on the moon and not the lighthouse which could be the beacon in the midst of chaos that saves her. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 15, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

This may be a day of hard work for you but does it really need to be that way? If you look at the scene bathed in sunlight through the stone slab what do you see and what does it represent for you?

The stone pillars show that there is hard work that is needed, laying the foundations down to get what you want and also perhaps putting in a little of your imagination into things to get what you want in the process.

In the pillars of stone surrounding the image you will see a crescent moon on top of the stone pillars which looks to sit on top of two stone hands clasped together.

Such is the effort you are willing to put into your current project to reach your dreams… it is as if you rule yourself with an iron fist and will not take any setbacks sitting down.

So what is it you have been forging to build and how much effort have you been putting into it possibly at the expense of other areas of your life and people being neglected?

The dream you are searching for is already in front of you and what a glorious sight it already is. A beautiful clear summer’s day, a calm sea and the sun shining without interruption.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 5, 2014 — Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups denotes success so why are you sitting there not moving and just thinking everything through that you need to do to achieve that which you most want?

Perhaps it is because today with the Sun in Gemini (ruled by Mercury) and the moon in Virgo (also ruled by Mercury) you are well and truly stuck within Mercury’s grasp as to only be “thinking” and not “doing”.

This is not a bad thing because Mercury is just about to go retrograde in the next few days and whatever else is said about Mercury retrograde periods they are good for one thing… planning! And with the Sun and Uranus also moving toward a harmonious (sextile) aspect today, you’ can get very inventive in how you go about making those plans.

If you look at this card you will see the dualistic nature of the imagery and colours. The crescent shaped moon on one side of the chair, which incidentally shows the current stage the moon is in today, its first phase, which is just ripe for planning. The Sun on the other side of the chair which is good for actions.

A white gorilla sitting between the Sun and moon with an Ankh symbol — or the Key of Life — in its hands. Or is it Venus? A strong argument can be made for Venus given the rest of the imagery in this card. In which case you don’t want to allow your love life to encroach on your dreams.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 21, 2014 — Goddess of Wands

Goddess of Wands

Goddess of Wands

Today is a good day to put your best foot forward and show the rest of the world what you’re made of, courtesy of the Queen (or Goddess) of Wands.

The Queen of Wands in this version is a Hindu Goddess set before the night sky and a field of tiny stars. She is clothed in royal garb with a decorative headdress, lavish robes and intricate jewels.

Even though she appears to be calm and gentle, there’s electricity in the air around her and flames emanating from her luminous wings. She gazes down upon her totem animal — the mythological Sharabha — with honor and respect.

Directly above her is the Leo constellation, with the fixed stars Denebola and Regulus most prominent. These stars refer to harsh judgment and disgrace (Denebola) and fame and hour (Regulus).

The firm grasp she has on the Sharabha tells us that she strives to contain these powerful energies rather than fear or resist them.

This Goddess is sometimes a force to be reckoned with. She’s noble and strong but her warm demeanor can sometimes disguise a more aggressive and controlling manner.