
Free Daily Tarotscope — May 19, 2014 — Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

Today you may feel like you’re starting to get your mojo back, after a period of frustration, boredom, dormancy or inertia.

For the last 6 weeks or so Mars has been retrograde, which may have coincided for you with taking a step back to reassess your goals. You may have even experienced them being thwarted by external circumstances — scheduling conflicts or resistance from others, for example.

The Nine of Wands refers to that period of uncertainty and hesitation that comes after you’ve given what feels like your ALL and still haven’t seen the results for your efforts.

You may have been frustrated with the lack of progress — or worse — come *this close* to completing your journey, only to find another road-block ahead of you.

This is very similar to the frustrations and impediments that abound when Mars is in retrograde. You’re saying “go go go” while the Universe is saying “no no no.”

But if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, you may be better able to understand why you’ve been forced to step back and to re-evaluate your needs. Perhaps the setbacks you’ve encountered along the way have been more than just setbacks. Perhaps they’ve been lessons in disguise.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 5, 2014 — Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

How often have you been guilty of opening your mouth and saying the first thing that comes to mind, undaunted by the potential for repercussions?

This isn’t an entirely inadmirable quality: after all, you do have much wisdom to impart. But the Queen of Swords appears to you today as a harbinger, heralding a better approach toward meeting your objectives.

It’s a call for you to listen, use your head, think strategically, and make sure that what you say doesn’t get drowned out by all the static reverberating around you.

Look at the imagery in this card. The Queen of Swords is barely visible, half-hidden behind the ravens that are perched on barren branches. Only her eye, peering through the raven’s wing, is clear.

The ravens in this card — Norse mythology’s Huginn and Muninn — are shamanic shape-shifters. They represent Thought (Huginn) and Memory (Muninn) that send Odin to a trance-like state.

An interesting side-note (or synchronicity as this card was pulled without looking at astrological correlations) is Mercury’s conjunction to Algol today. Algol is an eclipsing binary, called the “blinking demon” by some. The image in this card — and the conjunction to Mercury which Jodie Forrest so eloquently referenced above is uncanny.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 28, 2014 — Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Today’s card — the Ace of Cups — is all about romance, affection, flirtation, intimacy, communion and most of all love.

Aces represent new and unformed energy. As Cups refer to emotions, intuition and feelings, it’s likely to manifest on one of these levels.

It’s all about seeing your capacity to love and express feelings mirrored right back to you — through a new love interest, a friend or family member, or the eyes of a child.

You may be starting a new relationship or expressing yourself romantically — whether or not a serious relationship develops from that flirtation. As with all Aces, the energy is so new and so unformed that a myriad of possibilities is completely within your reach.

The process of falling in love reveals to you your purest, most perfect potential. It’s when you put your best foot forward and show the world what you’re capable of — and the Universe responds in kind.

If you’re already in an established relationship, the Ace of Cups can refer to a renewal of affection and passion. It can represent a renewal, a more “formal” commitment or the onset of a new chapter in your relationship.

April 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Dream Raven Tarot

ARIES: Queen of Wands

You may look calm and peaceful on the outside as if you hold the secret to the pyramids within you and could endure anything.

But just look at those flames flickering at the end of each wing… almost as if you are ready to “take off” or launch into a blazing mood which comes from nowhere.

This is a time to sit back and weigh up your options without the distraction of others and what they think, say or do.

Keep your own counsel and act accordingly with what is right for you. You have your eye on the outcome and know how to achieve it.

Notice how the bird in this card keeps her eye on the dragonfly… she is not about to let anything get in her way or dissuade her from the course she has chosen.

You have the energy within you to make your dreams come true… wish wisely and don’t waste your time and energy on the mundane.



Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 23, 2014 — Five of Cups

Five of Cups - Mary-el

Five of Cups

Today you may have to face some painful realities about the state of your relationship.

You could be struck by a sense of discontent and disillusionment over what once seemed like a “magical” union but is now developing cracks. Misunderstandings or miscommunications can abound, sending you hurdling back to earth and back to the reality of your situation.

Look at the imagery in this card. We see a mythical Unicorn seated atop an old-fashioned wishing well. At first glance it looks like something you’d expect to come across in a fairy-tale. But if you look closer, you can see that the Unicorn is not seated at all. He’s trapped in the well and has been hobbled, immobilized by his unfortunate circumstances.

The water flowing from the sides of the well has slowed down to a trickle. He looks away from the set of withering vines on the left and toward those that are lush and plentiful on the right. The skeleton key symbol over his heart is reminiscent of the astrological glyph used for Greek Mythology’s wounded healer, Chiron.

How might this imagery apply to you? And what can you learn from the circumstances that make this card now relevant in your life?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 21, 2014 — Goddess of Pentacles

Goddess of Pentacles

Goddess of Pentacles

Today is a good day to review your earnings and expenses and start thinking about taking charge of your financial security. The Queens are represented as Goddesses in this deck and Pentacles refer to Earth signs, all of which are powerfully referenced in this card.

There’s a mystical and magical element to the Goddesses in the Secret Language of the Birds tarot. Goddesses — which are actually a step up from the Queens in traditional tarot — are portrayed as shape-shifter entities, a hybrid between bird and human. Notice the Owl latching onto the Goddess’s shoulder in this card, and even drawing blood.

Owls are known for wisdom, caution and observation — qualities which are tantamount to the Queen of Pentacles archetype. She is practical, earthy and careful — not just with her possessions but also her need for security and self-preservation.

The Sun face on the coin in the bottom corner of the card (and the smaller version dangling from her ear) reminds us of the importance of financial security.

The flower behind her ear (and on her dress) remind us that beauty and sensuality are key components to her happiness and well-being.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 28, 2014 — Death

Death card


Today you may be putting to rest something that is no longer conducive to your growth.

The Death card is not a literal death — it refers to an ending and a letting go of something that you no longer need — whether you realize that or not. Sometimes this is a painful ending — as in the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, a friend that moves away, etc.

So there are tears and mourning and a period of recovery, but also a rejoicing in the new opportunities that this loss affords you.

The Death card is more about transitions than it is about endings. But we tend to not see it that way when we lose someone (or something) we love. Additionally, we usually don’t consider something we give up willingly to be a “loss.” In this respect it’s not a happy transition — at least not until what’s been taken has been restored.

The woman in this card appears to be floating in a sea of blood. A Vulture stands near ready to pick her carcass clean. As macabre as this may seem, it aptly describes what the most excruciating losses feel like to those who’ve experienced them. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 10, 2014 — Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

You’re striving for equilibrium today, as a means toward balancing all of the dichotomies in your life.

Whether you feel yourself being pulled in two different directions — between head and heart, for example — or just need a break from the chaos surrounding you, this card encourages you to take a step back, be still in the moment and reflect on what you want, removed from any external distractions.

You may wish to “rise above” all of the turmoil that is festering beneath you, but as with the imagery depicted in this card, you won’t be able to completely escape it.

The juxtaposition of opposing forces (moth vs. snake, day vs. night, life vs. death, hibernation vs. metamorphosis) reminds us that there is a brief moment in between. And it’s in that moment — the stillness and the presence of mind that occurs only there — where clarity, perspective and understanding are born.

Trust your instincts and work on following your intuition. This card requires you to access both hemispheres of your brain, whether that relates to creative, practical or even spiritual considerations.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 25, 2014 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Sparks may fly for you today in the romance department. Whether you’re in an established relationship or just venturing out into the dating scene, there’s an animal magnetism present that gets you in sync with others who are on the same wavelength. This is the essence of the Two of Cups.

The Two of Cups refers to an attraction or a bond — a “love connection” — with someone you’ve developed an interest in. There’s also an implicit “opposites attract” energy present here, as seen in the magnificent creatures depicted on this card.

The red horse is clearly “masculine:” He’s confident, driven, passionate and aggressive. The white horse is more “feminine:” she’s timid, gentle, passive and subdued. These terms don’t refer to gender stereotypes; they describe a union of opposites regardless of sex or sexual orientation.

The concepts of opposites attracting, sexual / primal urges, and anima / animus projections are all beautifully referenced here. The masculine and feminine archetypes as depicted in this card are just as powerful as they are simplistic.

While the urge to merge is going to be particularly strong, you can take comfort in the knowledge that maintaining your identity is a welcome part of this process.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 6, 2014 — Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Today’s card — the Nine of Cups — is also known as the “Wish card.”  It’s about getting what you wish for and the attendant feelings of gratitude that follow.

In this version of the card, a brightly-colored bird — from the gorgeous Dream Raven Tarot series — gazes down in admiration upon the nine jeweled goblets that are clasped in the tendrils of her wings.

She scrutinizes each one carefully, and with genuine appreciation. Each one is so distinctive and unique that it must be hard for her to decide which one she likes best.

This a card of abundance, generosity, appreciation and gratitude. Nothing is taken for granted here — it’s all about putting out there to the Universe what you want and fully expecting to have it delivered.

At the same time there’s a great appreciation for all that you have and a willingness to share it with others.

Along with being the “Wish” card, it’s also a card of Miracles. As there’s so much more focus on what one has than what one lacks, it’s easier to notice small miracles and in even the smallest things.

With that in mind, Count your blessings and expect good things today!