With Mercury squaring Chiron today you may feel as if you are a bit off balance. On top of this there is also a full moon in Gemini which gives you new thoughts and experiences.
Looks like it’s time to contemplate where you have come from and where you are going. Not to mention the small twist of where you are now.
If life has not been going your way lately take heart that today looks to be quite cathartic for you in finding a path that suits you better.
Others may be looking to you to lead them or show them the way in what is possible and while you are finding your own feet you may have some trouble with this. Nevertheless you have been given wings to fly and fly you will even if it is a small step.
As you look around you today you may find the past, present and future colliding as well as laid out before you and clearly being seen for what it is. What will you do next?
You may feel as if the ground has been knocked out from under you which is disorientating but rest assured you will soon pick yourself up in a different way to the past which also gives you new ideas on what you will do next.
You may not be ready to take a leap of faith and launch yourself forward but you will certainly be feeling as if you have been given a helping hand in finding what it is you want and who you are.
Like a caterpillar emerging from its cocoon you will find this metamorphosis not only working in your favour but also a chance to show off your skills to others who may be following your path.