Five of Blades
Today you may find yourself at odds with others, thanks to a stressful aspect (square) between the Sun and Saturn. This aspect generates tension between these two planets and can manifest as power struggles and conflicts with others.
The Five of Blades is the Tarot of the Zirkus Magi’s version of the Five of Swords. It’s called “Opposition” in this deck, referring to a situation in which egos take center stage.
While the Five of Blades can be combative, this is not about physical conflicts. It’s going to be verbal, mental or in some way related to communications. Religious / political differences are one example of the stale-mate that can arise where the Five of Blades is concerned.
There’s a certain smugness or an air of superiority seen in the figures on this card. Neither of them are about to hear what the other has to say, nor are they going to admit defeat.
Both are so convinced that they’re right that they see no reason to hear the other person out. Compromise is out of the question. Agreeing to disagree is about as close as they’re going to get and as you can see from the figures in this card, that’s not getting them anywhere.
This is the problem with the Five of Blades. You may be so invested in being right — and being in the know — that you’re unable to see what those investments are costing you. You may be at odds with someone who has different values, or you may feel the need to show them the flaws in their reasoning. But neither of these are going to win you any friends or strengthen the friendships you do have.
Ask yourself whether being right is worth jeopardizing the important relationships in your life. You can go a long ways toward salvaging your relationships — or at least doing some damage control — by acknowledging the value in someone else’s point of view.