
Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 10, 2015 — Three of Tides

Three of Tides

Three of Tides

This is a good day for socializing and interacting with others. As the day starts out, the Moon is in Gemini and sextiling Jupiter and Venus in Leo. There’s emphasis on creativity and camaraderie.

Later when the Moon moves into Cancer and sextiles Mercury in Virgo, the energy shifts toward talking about feelings and emotions.

You can see this in the card with the ponies playing along the shoreline and then gingerly stepping into the tide.

The Three of Tides — the beautiful Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Three of Cups — is about connecting with friends and interacting with others.

The emphasis is on joining together with like-minded people, whether this is a planned gathering or an impromptu meeting of the minds. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls’ (or boys’) night out.

Either way it’s a time of merriment and gaiety. Hanging out with friends and expressing feelings of affection and good-will. There’s no room for fretting about work, and none of this sitting around ironing out political or ideological differences.

In terms of romance the Three of Tidess can refer to reconnecting with an old flame or reuniting with an ex. It can also manifest as a natural progression from an interest to a mutual attraction to taking things to the next level).

Whether you’re celebrating your own good fortune or raising your glass to toast another’s, the Three of Tides serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 9, 2015 — Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

As Mars moves into Leo today, you may feel the urge to road like a lion — or bellow like a beast.

This is one of the more ferocious Knight of Wands cards out there. From the stunning Vikings Tarot, it’s clear that this Knight of Wands is not one to be trifled with.

In fact this Knight of Wands is the famed Norse giant Hrungnir and his golden-maned steed Gullfaxi. Hrungnir was said to have has a heart of stone (in addition to his stone shield and weapon, a sharpened whetstone). He thought he was invincible, but was ultimately taken down by his opponent Thor.

Traditionally the Knight of Wands is bold, dynamic and brave. He’s loaded in self-confidence and bravado. And like Hrungnir, he’s often depicted as forceful and aggressive.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his larger-than-life personality. You’ll know him by his act-first / think-later approach to life.  And while he may not be off fighting battles, you’ll know that if he were, he’d come out on top.

He may he here to teach you the importance of embracing some of these qualities yourself. If so keep in mind the importance of making preparations and pacing yourself so you don’t run out of steam.

The Knight of Wands tends to run on adrenalin and has been known to lose interest in projects once they become routine. But overall he’s here to teach you how to challenge yourself to set your goals in motion. If you temper them with a enough discipline and perseverance, you just may see them come to fruition.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 8, 2015 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

You may feel like things are starting to come together for you today as you see your plans beginning to fall into place.

It’s a good day to put your head together with like-minded people and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Pentacles is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

This card is about hitting your stride and seeing the early results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Pentacles — like all Threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and see it turning into something of value (the Three).

This version of the card — from Dana Driscoll’s gorgeous Tarot of Trees — depicts this energy beautifully in its stark simplicity. The three trees merge together in the center, their pentacles melding into one and supporting one another at the top.

The Three of Pentacles says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone. It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 7, 2015 — Eight of Coins

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Coins 

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter today, just before it moves into Virgo — and just before Jupiter does the same, for the first time in 11 years.

These transits are favorable for hard work, discipline and organization. This is beautifully referenced in the Eight of Coins — as seen here in the Dame Fortune’s Wheel Tarot version of the card.

The Eight of Coins is known as the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to developing craftsmanship and expertise; putting your all into a project and being satisfied with the results.

You take pride in your work — whether it’s something you’re in the process of learning or something you’ve done a thousand times before.

The Eight of Coins is all about dedicating yourself to perfection and craftsmanship. It relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s not about seeing what you do as drudgery, but being totally engaged in the process. In that respect it’s not “work; it’s a labor of love.

That doesn’t mean there’s no return on your investment. As you can see in this image the man is being paid for his work. But his focus is on his craft rather than the sack of money coming his way, which is as it should be.

The Eight of Coins can also refer to shifting gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

Your challenge today is to embrace that aspect and apply it to your work. Whether that means improving upon something you’re already good at, or learning to master new skills. Like the figure in this card, it may be a stepping stone to something bigger and better down the road. But taking pride in your work and honing your skills now will see you one step closer to those goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 6, 2015 — Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

 Eight of Wands

If you’ve been waiting to hear from someone — or expecting to receive news from afar, changes are good you’ll receive your answer today.

The Eight of Wands — this version from Anna Klaffinger’s gorgeous Anna K. Tarot — represents a message that is coming your way. And while the woman in this card is clearly happy to receive her message, it’s not necessarily good news.

Today’s Saturn square Mercury says it may actually be a let down or disappointment. It may not be something you want to hear. But the gloved figure delivering the message — and the red ribboned presentation — says it is going to be important.

There are other prominent “messenger” transits today: Mercury is also conjunct Venus and Mars trines Saturn.

The Mercury / Venus conjunction generally is good news, or at the very least a diplomatic way of handling it. But keep in mind that Venus is still squaring Saturn which can put a damper on even the best of news. The Mars / Saturn transit offers a positive means for dealing with any setbacks or problems that arise.

Your goal today should be to be prepared for any messages that come your way — whether these are delivered in a literal or figurative form. How you respond to them and the steps you take upon receiving them will go a long ways toward determining your next steps.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 5, 2015 — Four of Coins

Four of Coins

Four of Coins

Today you want to be thinking about aligning yourself with a prosperity consciousness and making your money work for you.

The Four of Coins is sometimes just the opposite — holding too tightly to what you have or being too resistant to change.

But as you can see from the joyful figure in this card, it doesn’t have to be. It’s the difference between allowing yourself to be trapped by the reality you’ve created for yourself, and seeing it as a living, breathing and growing extension of you.

The Four of Coins — this version from the gorgeous Chinese Tarot by Jui Guoliang — can refer to a poverty consciousness or a hoarding mentality that creates blockages in your life and prevents new things from coming in.

In this regard it’s also about trust — or a lack of trust more specifically. The implication is that someone could take something from you (something you’ve ascribed a false sense of value to), which prompts you to hold on even more tightly (or hide it away).

This is also the message behind today’s Venus / Saturn square. The fear that something could be taken away from you can prevent you from allowing something new to come in. But loosening up the strings a bit — like the figure in this card — can shatter that concept and turn it on its head.

Remember that the Universe doesn’t appreciate a vacuum. Letting go of your fears and aligning yourself with this consciousness can let the darkness (avarice, hoarding) out and the light (enlightenment, prosperity) in. Think about sharing what you have with others today, and giving something back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 4, 2015 — Princess of Wands

Princess of Wands

Princess of Wands

With Venus and Jupiter coming together today in the last degrees of Leo, it’s a good time to work on shedding your inhibitions and taking the world by storm.

The Venus / Jupiter conjunction increases confidence, passion and vitality. It emphasizes action and adventure. It speaks of seizing the day and going after your dreams like the Princess of Wands (the Thoth Tarot’s version of the Page of Wands) in this card.

The Princess of Wands is passionate, confident and adventurous. She’s not afraid to put herself out there and show the rest of the world what she’s made of. She’s enthusiastic and eager to make things happen.

There’s a fiery, impassioned energy about her, as well as a sort of reckless abandon. She may not always think things through; she’s more interested in getting things moving than seeing them through to fruition. Because of this, it may not be the best time to commit to long-term projects or goals.

It’s a great time for brainstorming, inventing and creating — and not so great for launching a project that is not yet fully formed.

As with all of the Court cards, this may be someone in your life or it may relate to qualities that are going to be important for you to embrace. If it’s someone in your life — such as a headstrong and rebellious teenager or a temperamental partner — you’ll have to rise up and meet them on their own turf in order to balance out that energy.

The Princess of Wands can motivate and inspire you in your own life too. Ask yourself in what areas have you been too timid or uncertain, and how might incorporating some of her passion and bravery into your own life work to your advantage?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 3, 2015 — Oppression



Today’s Saturn / Jupiter square may force you to look at where you’ve been beating a dead horse in certain areas of your life.

You may be questioning whether something is worth putting more effort and energy into — such as a job, a relationship, or a business venture that’s not paying off. — or whether it’s time to throw in the towel.

The Oppression card —  Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the Ten of Wands — answers this question in a multitude of ways.

The Sun is setting, the embers are dying down and the dear’s carcass has been picked clean. Even the Ten Wands (arrows in this card) are lined up and crossing one another in a ceremonial formation, signifying defeat.

The Jupiter / Saturn square can put a damper on your plans but if so you can bet they weren’t as well-laid as you thought. The Jupiter portion of this configuration may have relied too much on faith, while the Saturn portion serves as a wake up call.

In this respect, today’s Jupiter / Saturn reality check may be a blessing in disguise.

The weight of responsibilities you’ve taken on may seem like a heavy load — too heavy in fact for just one person to carry. The Ten of Wands says it’s time to lighten your load. Get rid of what is no longer worth holding onto, and work on salvaging what’s left.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 2, 2015 — The Father


The Father

Saturn turns direct today after almost 5 months in retrograde motion. As a result, it may start to feel like it’s time to take charge of your life and your responsibilities.

The Father card — the Tarot of the Origins version of the Emperor — refers to stepping up to the plate and assuming a position of authority. It’s about striving for personal and professional success. And it’s about wielding your personal power in a fair and just manner.

This card symbolizes worldly acclaim and ambition. But it’s also tied to personal obligations, such as areas in your life where you may need to take on a parental role.

You may be called upon to counsel another or to offer guidance based on the wisdom of your own experience. Or like the Father figure in this card, your greatest gift may be the ability to truly hear what others have to say without judgment or censure.

Although there are definite masculine elements to this card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities. It can also describe a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Mercury trines Uranus today as well. This aspect says that you don’t have to only rely on the wisdom of the ages when it comes to making decisions.You can move toward the future and embrace the idea of thinking outside the box, while still honoring those ancient traditions. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 1, 2015 — Red Phoenix Four

Red Phoenix Four

Red Phoenix Four

As the Sun and Neptune come together in an inconjunct formation today, you may be wondering, “is that all there is?”

The Red Phoenix Four — Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Four of Cups — speaks of struggling with feelings of discontent or dissatisfaction. The focus is on what might be lacking or missing in your life, rather than what’s right there before you.

The Phoenix in this card is seen standing at the base of a cliff, looking off toward distant horizons. How easy would it be for him to elevate himself — rising above whatever disillusionment he’s feeling from his current vantage point — and fly to the other side?

But lack of motivation and lethargy are also hallmark features of the Four of Cups — as they are with the Sun / Neptune inconjunct. There’s also generally a lack of energy, which may mean it’s going to be a lazy day where you don’t feel like doing much of anything.

One of the positive aspects of this card though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right. And the Sun / Neptune aspect can do the same. It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality.

While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end. Like the Phoenix in this card, the idea of taking flight and seeing what’s on the other side becomes a lot more appealing than allowing yourself to remain stuck where you are and wondering what might have been.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 31, 2015 — Strength



Venus retrogrades back into Leo today, bringing us all a little closer to taming the lion within.

We might be asking ourselves what we’re struggling with that requires us to dig down deep and find our inner reserves of strength.

Today’s card — Strength from the Sacred Rose Tarot — is all about mastering our fears and conquering our demons. It’s about gaining control of the “beast” within.

It refers not to physical strength but to courage, will-power and self-control. It can also mean finding an appropriate outlet for something that you may have responded to in a less than positive manner in the past. Whatever it is, know that this card encourages you to stay on course and not fall back into unhealthy reactions or patterns.

The woman in this card has literally become one with the Lion. She wraps her arms around him in a loving embrace, while still granting him the honor and respect he deserves.

She knows that the key to success comes from both gaining the Lion’s trust and not giving into her fears. The imagery in this card is all the more poignant, in light of recent events.

As Venus moves back into Leo today — and as we are greeted with a “once in blue Moon” Full Moon in Aquarius — we want to remember that there’s a place in the world for all of us and that each of us are deserving of compassion and respect.

The Strength card reminds us that we all also have access to a wellspring of personal strength and power. How we use ours — and what impact our using it has on the rest of the world — will say more about our true character than just about anything else.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 30, 2015 — Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

You may find yourself at a professional crossroads today, feeling torn between following your dreams and doing what’s already proven itself to be safe and secure.

The Seven of Pentacles — like all Sevens — represents choices and dilemmas. With respect to your work or business, it can translate to feeling like you’re missing our on something by doing what you do really well but that your heart just isn’t into.

Mercury inconjuncts Pluto today, bringing with it the potential for temptations to turn into full-fledged compulsions and obsessions.

Sometimes we have to make sacrifices (also a hallmark of the tarot’s Seven cards). We can give up our job security in order to pursue our dreams; or we can give up our dreams in order to maintain our job security. It’s a catch-22.

The woman in this card — from Cathy McClelland’s fantastic Star Tarot — is faced just such a dilemma. She can’t decide whether she wants to throw herself fully into her work — which she’s already invested energy in and which is also already clearly producing results — or whether she wants to move in a completely different direction.

The colorful horses galloping across the sky seem to be calling out to her to follow. These are her dreams and aspirations, none yet fully formed. There are Seven of them — just as there are Seven Pentacles and Seven butterflies, all representing different choices and opportunities.

You’ll have to think about what is most important to you today as the Seven of Pentacles is a card of priorities as well as choices. Ideally you’ll find a way to turn what you dream of doing and what you are doing into one and the same. This is all any of us can hope for in the end.