
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 18, 2015 — High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess

Venus enters Virgo today at 0 degrees, where it will remain for the next two weeks as it slows down and prepares to change direction.

Although this is said to be an uncomfortable placement for Venus — because Venus is traditionally associated with socializing and interacting with others while Virgo is associated with introspection, analysis and autonomy– that doesn’t mean there’s not a valuable or relevant purpose behind this archetype.

The High Priestess — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — can be a solitary figure. She can be somewhat “virginal” like the image in this card. But she’s not prudish or inhibited; she’s capable of fulfilling her own emotional needs which sets her apart from others.

The High Priestess encourages you to turn inward and look for deeper meanings in your life; it challenges you to look beneath the surface and find hidden nuggets of information that can help you round out the vast reservoirs of knowledge you already possess.

It speaks of inner wisdom, psychic guidance and a sense of “knowing” even when there is not a factual basis for it. It’s a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. Notice the set of Crescent Moons in this card, one at her crown and one beneath her feet. The Moon also moves into Virgo and conjuncts Venus late tonight.

This may be a period of disassociating yourself from superficial relationships and exploring the hidden regions of your own psyche. You may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity as well as psychic visions and spiritual inspiration. These are all associated with the High Priestess energy.

It’s important to embrace these visions and try to understand them, rather than shying away from them. They can bring incredible insights into not only your own personal choices, but also into the direction you need to be heading over the next several weeks.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 17, 2015 — Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

You may be thinking about you’ve gotten yourself tangled up in today and how much of it is of your own doing.

The Eight of Swords speaks of being wrapped up in something — often your own misery — to the extent that you’re unable to see a way out.

If you look at the image in this card — from the gorgeous Gypsy Palace Tarot — you can see that the woman could easily extract herself from the serpents that have entwined themselves around her and chained her to the tree.

But she lies there looking almost dumbfounded and doesn’t even try to move. She’s stuck when she doesn’t need to be stuck. She’s allowed herself to become a victim of circumstances.

There’s a definite inability to see the forest for the trees vibe to this card. And that all stems from being too focused on how you might be trapped rather than figuring out ways to get out.

Notice the Sun shining through the clearing on this card. And the pathway which is only partially obscured. If she wanted to plan her escape route, that’s the first place to look, although it doesn’t look like the woman in this card has even bothered.

You’ll have to look at both how you’ve contributed to the situation you find yourself in and the best way to get yourself out of it. At the very least you’ll have to find the motivation to start moving toward a solution.

That solution is likely right there before you, and it may be clear to others even if you can’t see it yourself. You can either unwind yourself from the restrictions that have rendered you immobile, or you can retrace your steps and back yourself out the same way you came.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 16, 2015 — The Moon

The Moon

Depending on where in the world you live, today marks the Cancer New Moon (at 00:24 Universal time). This is an interesting New Moon as it falls between two Full Moons this month: the first one July 2nd and the second one — a “blue moon” on the 31st.

You may be feeling confused or uncertain about something and want to get to the bottom of a matter that is not clear. As the Moon card is often associated with deception, you want to take care not to get caught up in other people’s disillusionment, or for that matter even your own.

This is a good time to step back and take a deep breath in order to understand and clarify where “you” are within a situation and to not take things on face value.

A dream is a dream until it becomes reality and the problem with this card is that if you are not well focused on where you stand and allow someone else to call the shots you may end up in a nightmare.

You have the power to control your own destiny. See through the lies and deceit and decide for yourself what is best for you.

The woman in this card — from the Golden Tarot of Klimt. — sleeps peacefully floating around within a galaxy of stars, planets and moons. What is she dreaming about? How long has she been dreaming?

The look on her face is serene as if she is happy just to float on and on in a never ending dream world. When she wakes from her slumber she may find that the dream is nothing like the reality around her. Keep this in mind today as you work to decipher what is real and what is just an illusion around you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 15, 2015 — The Chimaera


The Chimaera

Today’s New Moon in Cancer brings the number of planets in water signs to seven!  In addition to the Sun and Moon, there’s also Mercury and Mars (in Cancer), Neptune and Chiron (in Pisces) and Saturn in Scorpio.

All this watery energy brings emotions to the forefront — and not particularly pleasant emotions, especially as Mercury and Mars meet up in Cancer today and move into opposition with Pluto.

This in an intense configuration that can be both volatile and explosive. It can manifest as anger, obsession, paranoia, resentment and rage. It can have you seeing red — or feeling like letting your claws come out like the Chimaera in this card.

This is the Incidental Tarot’s version of the Devil card. The Chimaera is a sort of hybrid creature who is part serpent, part lion and part goddess. She’s seductive and destructive — very much like the Mercury / Mars / Pluto configuration.

The Devil / Chimaera card can also indicate addictions and temptations. Being seduced by people and experiences (drugs, sex, risky behavior) that are just not good for you.  And dealing with the darker side of humanity (or your own psyche).

It’s going to be important to find a positive outlet for your emotions today and to keep a lid on unhealthy and destructive behaviors. The Chimaera card implores you to get in touch with your own shadow side and turn those negative emotions into something more positive.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 14, 2015 — Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

It’s not so easy to focus on what you have when you’re busy thinking about what you lack. This is especially true today as Venus and Saturn move into hard aspect, making the potential for seeing the glass as half full stronger than ever.

In this case it’s three glasses (or rather three cups) and they’re not just half-full, they’ve all been tipped over and have spilled their contents onto the ground.

But if you look at the figure in the card — the Five of Cups from the Hudes Tarot  you can see that there are two cups still upright and full, right there behind him.

He doesn’t even notice the upright cups; he’s so busy mourning the loss of the ones that have spilled. And this is the essence of the Five of Cups. Something has definitely been lost — never to be retrieved — but there’s also still something left, and he only has to broaden his perspective to see it.

The Five of Cups says that it is imperative to start focusing more on what you have than what you lack. Yes you may have been bruised and battered. And yes you have every right to feel let down. But it’s not going to do you any good to cry over spilt milk (or in this case wine).

You’ll have to dust yourself off, put a smile on your face and tend to the two cups that are still standing if you want to make sense of all that you’ve been through. You won’t be able to salvage everything. But remember that all has not been lost. The Venus / Saturn square will soon pass, and as tomorrow is a New Moon, you can start thinking again about the future.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 13, 2015 — the Crow



You may have to face your fears head on today, even if you feel like climbing back into bed and pulling the covers over your head.

Today’s card — the Crow, Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Nine of Swords — is sometimes referred to as the “Nightmare” card. It’s associated with a sense foreboding, brought about by fears that aren’t necessarily supported by reality.

So often our fears are self-imposed. We may have gotten ourselves into a sticky situation and are now dreading the consequences. Or we might be kicking ourselves for having engaged in risky behavior and find ourselves wondering if it was worth it in the end.

The woman in this version of the card has awoken to find that she’s not safe at home in bed, but tucked instead into the wing of an ominous black Crow. As a spirit animal totem, Crows are seen as the harbingers of fate — both good and bad.

They are associated with mystery and magic, alchemy, destiny and the unknown. They’re tricksters, shapeshifters and magicians, filled with mischief and misadventure. They represent the shadow side of humanity as well as the ability to transform and rise above.

While you may be feeling unsure of yourself today or anxious about being able to maintain your footing, you want to remember that most of your fears have been self-created. You can pull the covers back over your head and refuse to get out of bed, or you can tuck yourself further into the Crow’s protective wing and soar along with him to great heights. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 12, 2015 — Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

You may have to adopt a bit of an “ice queen” persona today, much like the Queen of Swords — from the gorgeous Faerie Tarot — depicted in this card.

Sometimes it’s necessary to detach yourself from emotional responses in order to get a job done. You may find yourself in a position of authority, having to “lay down the law” rather than listening to excuses or rationales.

That doesn’t mean you have to be “cold” — even though this Queen and her familiar (a beautiful stoat sporting his winter coat) are seen here in the midst of an icy landscape. What it does mean though is that you’ll have to make decisions based on logic and principle rather than being swayed by emotional attachments.

Today’s Moon in Gemini is in mutual reception with Mercury in Cancer. This combination acts as a natural conduit between the realm of emotions (Cancer) and ideas (Gemini). It allows you to detach enough from your feelings to make informed and rational decisions without sacrificing kindness or sensitivity.

The Queen of Swords may seem cold, but underneath her icy exterior lies a heart of gold. Notice the fiery hilt of her sword placed directly over her heart. She tends to her pet with the same loving care that a mother expresses for her child. Keep this in mind today if you find yourself having to mete out justice of your own.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 11, 2015 — Two of Sticks

Two of Sticks

Two of Sticks

Are you in need of more confidence and self-assurance these days? As Venus and Saturn inch closer and closer to their upcoming square aspect, you may be starting to feel overwhelmed by the weight of your own insecurities.

The Two of Sticks is the Rabbit Tarot’s version of the Two of Wands. He looks pretty dejected here out there in the middle of a snowstorm without a friend in the world. The sticks he’s carrying don’t seem heavy at all, but they’re somehow preventing him from moving forward.

This card indicates  a struggle with keeping things in balance in your life. You may have great ideas and plans for the future (as seen with the one branch held high in the rabbit’s hand) that get weighed down by practical concerns — money, time, scheduling conflicts, etc. Or you may be held back by a lack of faith in your own abilities.

The Two of Wands is traditionally associated with daring, courage and initiative — which this little guy could use in spades. And he’s going to have to find them if he wants to get out of the rut that he’s in; otherwise he’ll freeze to death under a blanket of uncertainty and doubt.

The Two of Sticks says you’re going to have to put your neck on the line sometimes in order to get what you want out of life. You can’t let your fears (of making the wrong move or not being fully prepared) get in your way. If you’re wavering over a decision due to your own insecurities, consider the consequences of not choosing at all. You risk squandering important opportunities if you let your fears hold you back.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 10, 2015 — Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

While you may be feeling somewhat self-protective today, it’s going to be important to let go of your fears and allow yourself to trust that the Universe has your best interests at heart.

This version of the Eight of Cups — from Marie White’s Mary-el Tarot — has a very different take on what is traditionally seen as walking away or leaving behind something (or someone) that no longer serves you.

There’s also sense of moving toward something with the Eight of Cups. Moving toward a place of personal gratification, even if that journey begins with a heavy heart.

But in this version the emphasis is more on opening your heart and allowing yourself to become aligned with the potential of something more relevant and more fulfilling being in store for you in the end.

Here a small child is almost completely enveloped in a cocoon that has been fashioned by the pelt of a lion, which he draws close to him for comfort and protection.

He’s empowered by his garment, the same way that Hercules was once empowered by his.

Marie says this is due to his natural ability to view the world without bitterness. He possesses both the strength of a lion and the innocence of a child, because he’s kept his heart open and his fears at bay. Notice the 6-pointed star of Ishtar on his wrist. This symbol is identified with Venus (the goddess and the planet) which is associated with purity, beauty and love.

No matter how painful the idea of walking away from something might be, consider that same scenario from the perspective of walking toward something instead. Take some time today to wrap yourself in all that Venus energy, and allow yourself to become a more active participant in where your journey leads.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 9, 2015 — Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in doing so will have to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind.

This doesn’t necessarily mean material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.

The Six of Swords is all about transitions, and in most decks (including this one) about leaving something painful behind in an effort to move toward “the light.”

You may be moving, changing jobs, ending a relationship, or releasing some baggage that’s been holding you back. Although this card refers to change more than it does to endings, there are elements of “clearing the slate” that are a necessary part of this process.

In this version of the card — from the Deviant Moon Tarot —  we see the swords used practically and efficiently in the structure of a hot air balloon that is floating toward a better life. The balloon itself emanates from the woman’s head, a nice reference to the importance of using one’s head to overcome obstacles. The city burns behind her. The face on the front of the vessel is serene, and while the woman herself may be sad, she’s not looking back.

This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction. It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change.

Take a moment today to reflect on where you are and where you want to be heading. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 8, 2015 — King of Cups

King of Cups

King of Cups

Today as Mercury enters Cancer and Mars trines Neptune, you may find yourself more fully immersed into the mysterious realms of feelings and emotions.

The Sun and Mars are also in Cancer today, with the Moon in mutual reception with Mars. That’s a lot of watery (emotional) energy, which may be difficult to contain.

Look at the King of Cups in this card. His throne rises up from the sea and is at least partially obscured by water. He’s able to maintain his composure despite the turbulent waves that surround him. He offers his Cup up to the Night Sky, which is filled with Cancerian imagery.

There’s the Crab (Cancer’s animal symbol), the Moon (ruled by Cancer), the astrological glyph, and the constellation.

The King of Cups — this version from the gorgeous Celestial Tarot — may be an individual in your life. If so he is she will embody the qualities associated with this card. Kindness, mercy, sensitivity and gentle but firm leadership.

This card encourage you to be compassionate while still maintaining an air of authority. It speaks of developing a clear emotional radar without becoming wishy washy. And it speaks of getting a better understanding of your emotions without becoming overpowered by them.

The King of Cups is about more than just getting in touch with your feelings. It’s about learning to contain and master and control them. While it’s clear there is some turbulence in the water that surrounds him, you can see how this King is able to maintain his composure.

This is the energy you want to hold onto today. You may not be able to avoid certain emotional upheavals (nor should you) but you do want to work on going with the flow and letting yourself become one with your feelings and emotions, rather than projecting them onto others.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 7, 2015 — Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Today is a good day to be counting your blessings and focusing on attracting more of the same into your life.

The Ace of Pentacles — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — refers to new opportunities for growth, prosperity and abundance, of which material (financial) gain is only a small part of.

It refers to planting seeds which then grow and flourish, and ultimately begin to propagate and replenish themselves — much like the grape vines framing the scarab on this card.

You want to be focusing on what you have today rather than what you lack. What you’ve invited into your life rather than what you’ve left behind. And what you’re putting out there now, as a means of attracting more of the same.

The Ace of Pentacles — like all Aces — is a card of assurance and inspiration. It’s a “Yes” card, a manifesting card, a card of limitless promise and potential. It’s an essence rather than a “thing,” which means you have a lot of say in how it plays out.

If it’s money you want (or security, stability, comfort, etc.) now is the time to work on attracting more of it into your life.

You may be in line for a raise or promotion, or you could learn of job opportunity that involves a bigger salary. You could also be the benefactor of someone else’s generosity. Either way, you should have more opportunities and more financial resources at your disposal than you’ve had in recent days.

You may also feel that your luck is changing. As the Ace of Pentacles is associated with a positive change in fortune. It’s telling you to keep up the good work, to go after your dreams, and to be open to all that the Universe has to offer you.

But remember that money is called “currency” for a reason: It’s expected to flow, both to us and from us. We need to be willing to put our own resources to use if we want to attract more of the same.