
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 6, 2015 — Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Today’s Sun / Pluto opposition may see you feeling the need to run for cover. This is a stressful aspect that can manifest as feeling beaten down or at your lowest point and wondering whether you have the strength to carry on.

The Ten of Swords is similar and the answer to both is always “yes of course you do.” But it’s going to take some soul searching and maybe a painful admission to yourself that what you’ve been fighting so hard for needs to be put to rest.

The whale in this card has been hit hard by the ten swords that have been driven into its flesh. But they don’t look so imposing against his massive frame. Perhaps this is a good reminder that things aren’t always as bad as they seem and that our problems are only as big as we allow them to be.

Think about what in your own life you’ve been fighting a losing battle against and whether it’s time to surrender.

The Ten of Swords encourages you to not come to terms with the reality of your situation but to consider how much effort and energy have been put into fighting for something that’s just not meant to be.

You may have to face a painful reality today. You may have to let something go. But whatever it is, you will know that it’s no longer serving its purpose. You’ll know that the worst is over.

As hard as it is, you know what you’re up against: there’s no more fretting or worrying about the future (that was left to the Nine of Swords). The Ten of Swords tells you that it’s time to put the past behind you, pick up the pieces and begin the process of moving on.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 5, 2015 — Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Today is a day for pleasant thoughts and communications, courtesy of a harmonious aspect between Mercury and Venus.

The Mercury / Venus sextile — in curious, inquisitive Gemini and warm, gregarious Leo — is all about cooperation and compromise.

And the Six of Cups — this version comes from Jennifer Galasso’s gorgeous Crystal Visions Tarot — speaks of innocence, sentimentality and memories from days gone by. You may be missing someone, longing for the comforts and companions that have gone by the wayside over time.

You could also hear from an old friend unexpectedly today. Someone who’s been on your mind and who reaches out across the miles, reminding you of long-forgotten events that come rushing back in a wave of nostalgia.

You may also feel the urge to reach out to those who remind you of life’s simpler pleasures, such as a family member or a childhood friend. And if you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones today, you should have no problem recapturing those memories.

It’s also a good time to surround yourself with children — your own or someone else’s. Seeing the world through their eyes can help you to recapture the innocence and wonder that comes from seeing things in a different light, and not allowing yourself to become jaded by life’s small disappointments and letdowns.

This is not the time to bring old grievances back to the forefront. It’s time to focus on pleasure, playfulness and joy, and working on creating new memories with those you love.

You may have been taking life too seriously and find yourself needing to get in touch with your inner child. Or you now may have to let your guard down and allow yourself to trust again — especially if you’ve been trying to guard your heart from pain. The Six of Cups is about sharing and bringing the happier memories from your past forward to today.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 4, 2015 — Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

What if money really did grow on trees? And what if it were so plentiful that there was always enough to go around?

This seems to be what’s happening here with the Tarot of Trees version of the Six of Pentacles. These little guys look like they are squirreling it away for the winter. And of course it’s always wise to be resourceful.

But there’s something more valuable here than just the unexpected windfall. There’s the joyful act of sharing rather than just grabbing it all for yourself.

Front and center in this card is the consummate “giving tree.” You can imagine that if you reached up and plucked a gold coin from one of its branches that another one would grow in its place.

And this is attitude you want to take with you today: that there is always enough for everyone and that prosperity and abundance can be continuously replenished.

An important feature of the Six of Pentacles is also gratitude. Noticing the small miracles and blessings that surround you as well as the bigger ones. And honoring those who’ve helped you along the way.

Today is a day for both giving and receiving. It doesn’t have to be money or material things; it can be as simple as a smile, a hug, a pat on the back or a moment of your time. Be conscious of all that you receive as well, and don’t forget to say thanks!

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 3, 2015 — The Aeon


The Aeon

You may feel like you’re undergoing a spiritual awakening today, brought about by an awareness that everything far in your life so far has “led to this.”

This card, the “Aeon” — the Thoth Tarot’s version of the Judgment card — refers to eternity, infinity and timelessness. In this version we meet the Egyptian star goddess Nuit, whose translucent form contains the image of the child-god Horus. Horus was conceived thru the union of Nuit and her mate Hadit (the winged ball of fire).

This card relates to the endless human journey that we sometimes refer to as “karma.” We reap and sew with each thought, action, and decision.

This card represents a summation of all that has come before, and an awareness that each step taken — from here on out — leaves an indelible imprint on our future.

On a personal level, this card speaks of compassion, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance. It’s a card of rebirth and transformation, of getting in touch with your inner child, and of unconditional love.

This is the “grace of God” card, which bestows infinite blessings on those who are able to recognize them. Even for those who are not, it is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and evolution.

As Mercury and Chiron move into square aspect today you may be thinking about old mistakes and regrets. But the Aeon card speaks of atoning for your transgressions and washing away your “sins;” so that you too can be born anew.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 2, 2015 — Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Now would be a good time to re-evaluate a recent decision and decide your next move. Do you proceed as planned? Change directions? Or throw in the towel and start all over again?

The Seven of Pentacles — this version from the beautiful World Spirit Tarot indicates a need for patience and discipline to see something through. But it can also trigger feelings of disappointment or frustration over that something taking too long to produce results.

That also brings in the potential that as those results develop they turn out to be not what you thought you wanted in the first place. You could be involved in a relationship that’s just not working out the way you hoped or a career-path that turns out to be unrewarding.

You may be mid-way through a college degree and find yourself wondering if you should change majors, or moving half-way around the world and realizing you’re homesick.

The Seven of Pentacles — like all Sevens — refers to delays, dilemmas and decisions that are not easy to resolve.

It can represent a pause or a setback, a choice between disparate paths, or even a change in direction late in the game. If you find yourself at a crossroads today and wondering whether you want to hang in there or pull out completely, your best move may just be to step back and give it some time.

The Seven of Pentacles represents finding yourself a pivotal juncture that there’s no easy answer for. Take a breather if you think that might help. Step back, assess your progress and figure out where you want to go from here. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 1, 2015 — Ten of Chalices

Ten of Chalices

Ten of Chalices

Today is a good day for finding your center and allowing the Universal blessings of love, gratitude, harmony and grace to flow through you.

The Ten of Chalices — this version from the  Yoga Tarot’s — is a card of serenity, contentment and fulfillment. This ties in beautifully with today’s Venus / Jupiter conjunction which is currently prominent in the evening sky.

An evening star Venus (called Venus Hesperus in astrology) tends to express the Venusian qualities of love, beauty and emotional satiety in a more introspective and purposeful manner — much like the woman in this card.

Add Jupiter to the mix and put them both in Leo and you have a recipe for self-love and personal fulfillment which emanates from you and touches everyone you meet.

There’s a natural harmony and flow in this card, as the woman is seen levitating above a lotus blossom in a classic zen-style lotus pose.

There’s an almost perfect balance between the left and right sides of the card, which are essentially mirror images of one another. The Waves in the background come together and form an elaborate heart.

The Ten of Chalices is a card of gratitude, fulfillment and contentment. It refers to acknowledging all that you have as well as your connections with others. It’s about happiness and security in the areas that matter most — with family, friends and loved ones.

This is not the time to think about what is lacking in your life but rather what makes it complete. And while you don’t want to be resting on your laurels, it’s important to acknowledge those who are most important to you and who keep your cup continuously full.

Take time to meditate today and reflect on the blessings in your life. Like ripples in the pond this card, all that you put out there will  expand out into the Universe and be replenished over time.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 30, 2015 — Nine of Bricks

Nine of Bricks

Today is a good day for quiet reflection and contemplation.

You may be seeking out a peaceful refuge as a means of getting away from the distractions that can prevent you from figuring out what you want out of life.

The Nine of Bricks is the Dante Tarot’s version of traditional tarot’s Nine of Pentacles, which usually refers to not only having what you want but being satisfied with where you are in having attained it.

There is certainly some that same energy here. The woman in this card doesn’t look like she’s lacking in any way. She has a lovely home with a gorgeous panoramic view and enough time on her hands to be able to spend a leisurely afternoon alone with her book and her familiar.

The woman is this card is said to be “Lady Stone,” for whom Dante wrote numerous poems in his youth. She represents a pensive sort of longing and an unrequited love. There’s an ivory tower / untouchable aura surrounding her in this card that renders this correlation plausible.

Venus and Jupiter inconjunct Chiron today as they inch closer to their conjunction. The inconjunct aspect can indicate a sacrifice that must be made in order to attain your ideals. Letting go of something you thought you needed — or discovering that your needs no longer correspond with your desires — are both possibilities.

The Nine of Bricks encourages you to look back over all that you’ve attained and decide whether it’s brought you contentment or complacency. You also want to look at whether the plans you’ve made for your future are still in line with your current worldview. If you’ve come to a point where you realize that all that you wanted has still not brought you happiness, it may be time to make a change.

July 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Three of Pentacles

ARIES: Three of Pentacles

July is a good month to join heads with like-minded people in the spirit of community and cooperation. The Three of Pentacles — this version from the Cheimonette Tarot — is all about team-work, group efforts and collaboration. It’s a reminder that two (3 or 4) heads are better than one and that none of us can achieve alone what we can achieve with others.

Although many aspects of this card emphasize friendship and celebration, this one focuses more on integrating the disparate parts of self. Body, Mind and Spirit come to mind. The Three Pentacles in this version contain a Sun Face, an Eye and a panoramic scene with yogi and horse figures.

The disks are all interconnected with the Sun disk shining a little brighter over the other two. A crescent moon with another eye rests below the three disks. In addition to teamwork and collaboration, the Three of Pentacles also speaks of hitting your stride and seeing the initial results of something you’ve been working hard on.

It speaks of breathing new life into a project or finding the “key” to something that has been puzzling you and holding you back. The Three of Pentacles — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two) and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 29, 2015 — Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Today you may feel the need to step away from the demands on your time and energy, and treat yourself to something special.

The Queen of Cups is known to be sensitive, compassionate and caring. She’s also incredibly loving and giving — in fact she’s so giving that she may sometimes forfeit her own needs as she focuses her attention on others.

But this Queen of Cups — from the gorgeous Chinese Tarot by Jui Guoliang — seems to know a thing or two about tending to her own needs. She’s not only surrounded herself with luxury, she’s indulging all five of her senses.

There’s the aromatic incense wafting through the room, the colorful Ibises painted on the wall, the tinkling bells that adorn her elegant headdress, the delicate tea she sips from her dainty cup, and the opulent silken fibers that make up her royal garb.

This Queen has created a sacred space for her to retreat to and indulge her appreciation for the finer things in life. She’s graceful and elegant and probably also quite wealthy. You can tell that she’s very much at home in the space she’s created and is certainly in no hurry to leave it behind.

As Venus and Jupiter inch closer together today (completing their conjunction on the first), you may be thinking of ways to pamper yourself in more elaborate and extravagant ways — especially since this conjunction is in Leo.

Remember that you’re going to have to learn to take care of yourself first before you’re going to be able to take care of others.

Take some time today to create your own sacred space and nurture your own spirit. Like the Queen of Cups in this card, you want to find a way to create a calm, soothing environment for yourself, especially if you’ve neglected your own needs while caring for others. Make today a day of treating yourself, pampering yourself and restoring your own inner peace.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 27, 2015 — Destiny



You may noticing synchronicities all around you today as the Sun squares the Nodes and the Destiny card — traditional Tarot’s Wheel of Fortune — makes an appearance.

The Sun and Nodes in square aspect isn’t particularly pleasant. It’s what’s referred to in classical astrology as “at the bendings.” This can indicate a period of crises with emphasis on the concept of fate. As the Sun represents the Self, the Will and the Ego, and the Nodes represent karma, fate and destiny, this can literally translate as a crisis in consciousness.

You may be dealing with intrusive thoughts or moments of uncertainty that cause you to question what is real and what is not. You might be asking yourself “Who am I?” “What is my purpose? “Where am I heading?” “Am I awake or am I dreaming?

The man in this card — from the beautiful Golden Dragon Tarot — appears to be sleeping. The goddess rising from the fog of his dreams seems to be sprinkling something over his head to soothe his fitful rest. This is probably Quan Yin, goddess of Compassion and Mercy, as evidenced by the Tiger, Peacock and Dragon animal totems also present in this card.

Each of those animals represent a different state of consciousness and a different place on the Wheel. The Tiger represents the base, primal and survival instincts; the Peacock represents luxury, beauty and earthly pleasures and the Dragon represents power, victory and transformation.

If things aren’t exactly going as planned for you right now, you may have to look at the bigger picture. The Sun / Node square says that you may not appreciate the hand that’s been dealt to you, but the Destiny card says that the Universe has something entirely different in store. Sometimes we blame ourselves for the down times (assuming we’ve “brought it all on ourselves”) while viewing the up times as outside of our control.

This card — and today’s transits — encourage you to remember that life’s natural rhythms may not always be in sync with your own expectations. And sometimes it takes a crisis (or a night of fitful sleep) to see that for yourself. You’ll have to look at where the actions you’ve taken and the decisions you’ve made have led you to where you are today. In doing so, and in choosing to participate in your own destiny, you can determine where this next chapter leads.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 28, 2015 — Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

You may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation today and if so you might want to ask yourself whether you’re seeing the full picture.

The Five of Cups is often tied to feelings of disappointment and regret. You may be feeling shut out at time when you most needed to be let in; rejected at a time when you most wanted to feel included.

There may be some anger here as well, as in feeling duped in some way or betrayed. But in this version — from Cathy McClelland’s gorgeous Star Tarot —  the emphasis is more on what has been lost than on what can be gained.

The woman in this card focuses on the three cups spilled at her feet rather than the two that are still left and are overflowing with symbols of happiness and joy.

She can’t even see them as she’s so busy protecting herself from the elements (the rain and storm clouds brewing behind her) and focusing on what she’s lost.

A New Day is dawning right behind her and all she has to do to see it is look up. There are butterflies following the path of a rainbow, which separates the night from the day.  There are new experiences to be had — including new social opportunities (the butterflies) — and hope for the future (the rainbow), as well as the potential for seeing things in a whole new light (the Sunrise).

While it may be necessary to take the time to properly mourn a loss, keep in mind that this never means your chance at happiness is over. The Five of Cups may force you to acknowledge a loss, but it also opens the door to new beginnings as long as you are willing to look up.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 26, 2015 — Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

You may have to face some harsh facts today about a situation that’s become too difficult for you to handle. You could be carrying too heavy a load or holding onto an ideal that’s just not paying off. Or you may be confronted with a painful reality about something (or someone) that is no longer serving you.

You might experience this first hand on the job or in a stressful relationship or even in your own head. If you’ve been giving — of your time, energy, money, affection, etc. — until you find that you have nothing left to give, that is the essence of the Ten of Wands.

The Ten of Wands is usually and indication that you’re working too hard or taking on more responsibilities than you can handle. You may feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, or are so consumed with work that you have no time left for play.

In this version of the card — from Timothy Lantz’s beautiful Archeon Tarot — we see that the ten wands are in fact spears with skulls placed at their tips, all of them dripping blood.

Ancient traditions tell us that these are placed as warnings to those who dare trespass on sacred grounds. A raging fire burns in the background, casting an orange glow onto the autumn moon. There’s also a tribal element to this rendition, with the feathered headdresses and ceremonial colors.

As foreboding and ominous as this may seem, the Ten of Wands refers to the end of an arduous journey — and the end of hardship and adversity. At least with respect to this specific endeavor. Look at where you’ve been working yourself to death, or giving all that you’ve got and seeing no progress, or carrying all of the load to the point of exhaustion, and ask yourself if you need to just put it to rest?

The death and destruction images in this card are saying that it’s time to accept defeat and let it go. It’s also a message to learn something from this experience, so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes. There’s an air of bravery and defiance present in this card, that can carry you through to the next chapter in your life.