
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 25, 2015 — Two of Coins

Two of Coins

Two of Coins

Today you may find yourself juggling the different compartments of your life as you struggle to maintain your equilibrium.

You’re going to need to be flexible and adaptable, and will need to find ways to shift from one task to another without losing focus.

You may also be weighing the pros and cons of an important decision. Whether this is tied to business, relationships, money, or even a new way thinking, it’s bound to be weighing heavily on you.

It could be work and responsibilities vs. pleasure and play. It could be head vs. heart or relationships vs. autonomy. Or it could even be up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest). Whatever it is, you don’t want to be so focused on weighing your options that you lose sight of what’s going on around you.

In this version of the Two of Coins — from Nigel Jackson’s beautiful Medieval Enchantment Tarot — the coins seem to be levitating above the woman’s uplifted hands.

They look identical, and this may refer to their level of importance in the realm of larger considerations. But as far as what you want to accomplish today (as opposed to what needs to get done), they’re probably not equal at all.

You’ll have to figure out what’s most important to you and give that areas more consideration. As Coins also relate to money, you may be trying to decide where to invest your assets. Or you may find yourself juggling finances, as in figuring out which bills to pay and which ones can wait.

Think about what you need to balance in your own life today as opposed to what deserves your undivided attention. It may require levels of skill and dexterity that you didn’t even know you had. If you can pull it off though and find ways to satisfy one area without neglecting the other, it should be tremendously rewarding for you in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 24, 2015 — Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Mars moves into Cancer today, just as Chiron turns retrograde. The combination of these two transits can not only slow things down for you, but can put you in a position of making an important but necessary sacrifice.

The Hanged Man — this version from the wonderful Mythic Tarot — refers to a period of waiting. It can manifest as delays or restrictions as in seeing something you want so desperately held just outside of your grasp.

You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to manifest, or have the sense that nothing is happening despite your best efforts. Road blocks are put in your path — often for your own good. But this card doesn’t refer to endings; this is more about putting something on hold than it is about closing any doors.

The Hanged Man in this card is portrayed by the Greek god Prometheus, who sacrificed so much in order to bring fire to mankind. As penance he was sentenced by Zeus to a life of pain and misery; he was shackled to a boulder high in the mountains where his liver was devoured by an eagle who repeated this torture for the remainder of his days.

Because Prometheus was immortal, he couldn’t just die, nor could his liver be consumed only once. It renewed itself every night, only to be devoured again the next day. Zeus eventually took pity on Prometheus (after 30 years!) and allowed him to be rescued by Heracles, putting an end to the threat of eternal damnation.

The Hanged Man often refers to delays and sacrifices. When it does, you can bet they’re necessary. Trust that there’s a reason — even if it’s not readily apparent. You may have been running at a break-neck pace, never stopping to look at what you’ve accomplished. Or you may have found yourself losing steam over a project that just hasn’t panned out.

Either way, it may be time to put things on hold — at least long enough to evaluate your commitment. Think about the areas in your own life that have taken longer than expected to manifest. There may be a perfectly reasonable explanation, or it may be that there’s still work to be done. Either way you can rest assured that the reasons will become clear to you in time.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 23, 2015 — Four of Cups

Four of Cups

Four of Cups

You may not feel like you’ve got much energy today, or maybe you’re just lacking in motivation. A hard (square) aspect between Mercury and Neptune can bring on feelings of apathy or disillusionment, and can delete your energy levels if you’re not careful.

This aspect is good for fantasizing, daydreaming or tapping into your creativity (such as free-style poetry, music, dance or art), but not so great for applying any of those things to your mundane existence.

You may be more sensitive to any kind of external stimuli, and more susceptible to being deceived — even if that means deceiving yourself. It’s not a good time to make promises or decisions or to sign contracts.

The Four of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s Tarot of Trees — is associated with melancholy, apathy and indifference. This doesn’t mean that whatever you desire is lacking — in fact the Cups in this card are not only full but they’re all overflowing.

The water (emotions) that pours from one cup to the next doesn’t flow back to its source. Even though they’re seated right next to an ocean, the water spills out onto the ground and is wasted. The Tree pulls its limbs away from the cups and in toward its own center.

But notice the spiral symbols that are repeated throughout the imagery in this card — from the tree’s limbs, to the ocean’s waves, to the clouds in the sky, to the bough of flowers on the ground. This is a theme of centeredness that speaks more about autonomy and fulfillment than it does of discontent.

With this in mind today, you want to work on finding your center today, and pulling your energy inward rather than allowing it to scatter to the wind. Whether the Four of Cups manifests for you as disillusionment or personal fulfillment, will depending on how successful you are at achieving that aim.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 22, 2015 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Jupiter trines Uranus today, bringing with it unlimited potentials for reaching toward your highest goals and aspirations.

The Three of Wands — this version from the beautiful Cosmic Tarot — is a card of opportunity and personal expansion. It encourages us to look at what we’ve already established as we plan our next moves.

In this case the woman in the card has somehow manifested three lotus blossoms in the middle of the desert. She raises her arms to the Sun in gratitude and prayer as she meditates on how far she’s come. The three wands that are placed in the earth around her provide structure and stability, while she ponders her next move.

This woman is graceful and calm. She appears to be blossoming, just like the lotus blossoms growing out of the sand before her. She’s aware of what she’s created thus far, and knows that it will take a combination of serenity and confidence to keep her vision alive.

This is not the time for her (or you) to sit back and rest. It’s important to keep working toward manifesting your goals.

As with all Threes, the Three of Wands encourages you to network and interact with others. Whether this means sharing your ideas, communicating your visions, or accepting offers of assistance, there are always advantages to joining forces with like-minded people.

Although the woman in this card is very much alone. She doesn’t appear lonely and she’s aware of the life sprouting around her, even in the desert. There are also birds flocking toward her in the sky and shadowy figures moving toward her in the distance.

The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessing in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 21, 2015 — The Sun

The Sun

The Sun
The Sun moves into Cancer today, marking the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year, measured by the amount of time between Sunrise and Sunset. This is true for those in the Northern Hemisphere; it’s exactly the opposite (Winter solstice and shortest day of the year) for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be” today, for you and in the world around you.

The Sun in this card — from the gorgeous Tarot of Durer — smiles down on two tiny angels hovering over a tranquil landscape. In the distance you can see a Kingdom set high on a cliff, and below it a sailboat gliding through the water.

But front and center, in the here and now, the focus is on these two little cherubs. They are “in the moment” basking in the warmth of the Sun’s glow and partaking in the earthly bounty that is theirs for the taking.

Offsite things may not be so picture-perfect. We know that there are evils in the world, poverty, sickness and war. We know that it’s not always so easy to live in the moment or be happy with what we have. And this is where the inscription at the bottom of the card — In Hoc signo vincescomes in.

This phrase translates from Latin into “By this sign you will conquer.” It was seen in a vision by Constantine the Great and his army just before a victorious battle. Later on it was chosen as the motto for the Knights Templar. It means that while there are hardships and difficulties all around us, we do have the power to rise up and overcome.

As we move into the Solstice today and embark on a new season, take the time to think about what is right in your world. What hardships you’ve been able to overcome and what messages you’ll want to carry forward. The Sun card reminds you that there is much to be thankful for and that spreading your own warmth onto others can go a long ways toward healing our planet.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 20, 2015 — Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

You may find yourself swept up in a wave of romantic reverie today, courtesy of today’s beautiful Moon / Venus / Jupiter conjunction in Leo. You can see this aspect applying in the Tarot of a Moon Garden’s version of the Knight of Cups.

It starts with Moon and Venus in the early hours, bringing the together the female archetypes and emphasizing the feminine qualities of love, romance, beauty and harmony. As the day wears on the Moon closes in Jupiter, bringing in the Jovial qualities of warmth, benevolence, expansion and optimism.

You can see these planets lined up with the Crescent Moon tonight if you step outside and check out the Western horizon just after Sunset. This is a fortuitous configuration that the Knight of Cups would surely be wishing on.

The Knight of Cups is the most romantic of all the Knights. He’s sensitive, loving and passionate. He may in love with love; it’s certainly his main driving force.

He may be a person in your life — if so expect him to wear his heart on his sleeve. He may have swept into your life like the proverbial knight in shining armor, or he may be reaching our from afar as the Knights are often also messenger cards.

But as with all the court cards, this may be an event transpiring in your life (a proposal, an invitation, or messages of love and affection from afar.). And it may also appear as an indication of qualities that you might need to adopt.

You may receive news today and while it may not manifest as an actual proposal, it should at least be good news. It may also answer important questions or validate you instincts about someone you feel a connection to. While the Knight of Cups is known for his extravagance, he can also be quite subtle. So don’t be surprised if he sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 19, 2015 — Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

What do you do when you find yourself mulling over what you want to do in a situation when one part knows what you want and the other part does not?

Usually you find yourself getting pulled back into the situation going against all the logic you have used in getting away from it in the first place. Sound familiar?  Swords stand for thoughts and here it is your thoughts rather than your emotions that are pulling you back.

The Seven of Swords — this version from the beautiful Golden Tarot of Klimt — says that you can run but you can’t hide… well not until you get your thoughts in order and decide if you stay or go.

The images of the three women in this card show different thought processes which are going on in relation to the actions you would like to take. Sometimes you may feel like just sitting back and doing nothing, sometimes you feel like going with the flow, and other times you want to get up and take a stand. Only you will know what is right for you when the time comes.

Until you get your thoughts in line with your emotions though, you’re basically at an impasse where even if you do take action to leave you are pulled back by what may well feel like an undercurrent.

The Seven Swords can act as a barrier, preventing you from moving until you’re clear on the direction you want to go.

Take some time today to think about the options before you. The Seven of Swords is a strategy card, among other things. It won’t do for you to jump up and take action without considering all the possibilities. But if you hold back and deliberate, you are bound to come up with a solution to even the most harrowing dilemma.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 18, 2015 — Page of Bows

Page of Bows

Page of Bows

Today’s card is the Stoat (or Page of Bows), which is the Wildwood Tarot’s version of the Page of Wands. This is a ferret-like creature that is prized for its Winter coat — pure white (save for the black portion of its tail) in some Northern regions — and despised for its invasive practices in others.

Here he looks out from a moss-covered outcropping, alert and attentive and ready to pounce if necessary. Like the Page of Wands, the Stoat is ready for action and fast on his feet.

He’s a predator but also somewhat defenseless. He’s just as capable of being someone else’s dinner as he is of capturing his own, hence the need for impeccable reflexes.

But the Page of Bows is wily. He has a multitude of options available to him. He can pounce from his perch onto the ground below; he can scurry up a tree, he can stretch his limber little body out and slink off into the bushes, or he can shimmy down a hole never to be seen again.

This is the kind of flexibility you wan to have today as you are met with various challenges. You want to think about all of the resources that are available to you. And you want to think about what it is you can do that makes you unique. What skills do you possess that make it easier for you to avert danger and take advantage of opportunity?

Mercury trines the North node today and sextiles the South. This transit can make communicating your needs to others a bit easier, while at the same time allowing access to strategies and solutions. You may seem harmless, like the adorable little Stoat in this card. But remember that you do have a vast array of options at your disposal for getting what you want today. in exactly the way that you want it. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 17, 2015 — Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Your heart soars as you race to victory on the wings of your own current good sense and ability to see the larger picture.

Is there something you have been aiming for that has possibly seemed out of reach? If so, this is the month to reach out, grab it and make it your own.

There is a sense of a deeper meaning to your quest as the circular images within the sunflowers show you that even as you think you are at the end of something you may actually be on the verge of something else.

You may not know where it will take you but what you do know is that it is for your greater good and that there is a fair degree of growth attached to it. Intellectually you are soaring.

This is a good day to put your head down and study or if you have written work to complete now is the time to do so.  The path you are on is about to take you on a leap possibly beyond your wildest dreams and you should be aiming high as that star is easily within your reach.

Speaking of dreams… you may find that if you sit down and do a bit of day dreaming your goal will come to you sooner especially as your heart is attached to what you desire. This is a great time to do some manifesting when it comes to your love life.

The object of your affection looks to be new to your life and also seems to be linked to a wish you have made. Best sit down with that pen and paper and make a list of what you do want… and while you’re at it keep your thoughts away from what you don’t want.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 16, 2015 — Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Today’s card, the Ace of Swords — this version from the Druid Craft Tarot — is all about gaining the insight that is necessary to make decisions that are best for you.

Today’s Sun and Moon (New Moon) in Gemini is also conjunct Mars. This takes place within minutes of arc, making it all the more powerful. This Sun / Moon / Mars conjunction is rife with electrical energy, bringing with it the certainty and clarity that are intrinsically tied to the Ace of Swords.

This aspect is also associated with taking back your power. And nothing says that like an arm with a sword in it rising up from the depths of a murky pool.

The Ace of Swords can be victorious or it can be defiant. And there’s no saying which one this one is. But that’s also a part of taking back your power — deciding whether you want to wield your sword for the greater good or use it as a weapon.

This Sword has its own electrical current. Perhaps it’s stopped a bolt of lightning dead in its tracks, or has harnessed its own energy which is just as powerful.

Some things to think about today: First of all, your actions can have far reaching consequences (notice the ripples in the pond). And secondly, no matter how small or alone you feel in the world, you absolutely do have the capacity to make your presence known.

You do want to be mindful of what you put out there today. The Ace of Swords can have a dual meaning just as the blade itself is double edged. You want to be aware of your words as well as your actions and the impact those have one others.

But this New Moon affords us all the opportunity to start something anew. Think about what’s been weighing on your mind that now needs to be decided once and for all. And what discussion needs to be had in order to iron out any differences. The Ace of Swords encourages you to wield your sword not as a weapon but as a conduit for fairness and honesty.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 15, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today, as Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio, you may feel the need to a break from distractions around and focus on seeking your answers from within. While Saturn is retrograde, it’s also now back in mutual reception with Pluto, making your journey into the underworld a little bit easier to bear.

The Hermit card refers to solitude, introspection and internal analysis. It’s about getting a better understanding of yourself and searching for a deeper meaning to life’s most pressing questions.

And while the figure in this card — from Nora Huszka’s gorgeous Gypsy Palace Tarot — may lack human companionship, she’s hardly from alone. Notice the birds and fish that surround her, which may or may not be real. They may just reflect the psychic content of her own thoughts and ideas.

As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche (represented by the sea creatures) to the heights of conscious awareness (represented by the sky creatures) that can be accessed through this process.

The waves at her feet look almost like flames. She turns her attention to the blue and indigo flames, representing intuition and higher consciousness. As water also represents feelings, these fiery waves can refer to the alchemical process of transmuting your emotions into something that can be worked with dynamically.

The Hermit card can appear at a time when you’re so bombarded with external stimuli that you just want to “get away” from it all. Notice the bird at the top of the card liberating himself from his cage.

Be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves. They may seem random in the moment but reveal themselves later to be much more important than you’d realized.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 14, 2015 — Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

The Sun and Mars come together in Gemini today, and may see you feeling the need to think and act more quickly.

This aspect is good for clearing the air and for getting on with things rather than dwelling on issues that have been holding you back. It’s good for cutting through confusion and uncertainty and just “doing it” rather than perseveration on whatever’s been standing in your way. And it’s a good time to “wing it,”especially if you’ve been caught up in details rather than looking at the big picture.

If you have something to say, now is the time to say it — as long as you temper your words with kindness and diplomacy. This transit (as well as this card — from Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot) can be impatient, forceful and aggressive.

The Knight of Swords wants to hit the ground running. Or hit the air flying as is depicted in this card. It’s all about being on the go, getting things done, cutting through the BS, and shooting first and asking questions later.

This Knight is a trailblazer. He slices through the air with his dual (Gemini) swords and moves so fast that he doesn’t even need the propellers that are supposed to keep him aloft. He’s faster than a speeding bullet, faster than the gulls flying behind him. Notice that he’s steering his horse down (toward the earth). He’s not just going somewhere, he’s coming from somewhere too.

This is not the day to be lollygagging around. And it’s not the day to be wishy-washy about your goals. It’s a day for action and energy. Motivation. Movement. Direction. Decisiveness. Take a page from this Knight’s book today and get yourself moving, as you have places to go and people to see.