
June 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Justice

This month you may find it necessary to make decisions that are fair and just — without regard your personal leanings. The Justice card refers to a conscious awareness of cause and effect, action and consequence, right and wrong.

It may be a situation that you’re personally involved in, such as a relationship that tugs at your heartstrings but is not in alignment with your principles. Or you may be asked to mediate a disagreement among friends. It’s not about choosing sides. It’s about being able to tap into the “truth” objectively and impartially.

In this version of the card — from the Sun & Moon Tarot — a butterfly girl hovers in the sky behind a scale. She strives to maintain her balance using the blade of her giant sword. A flaming heart is weighed against a single white feather in the scales.

A yin / yang symbol is at the top of the scales and the Hebrew letter “tet” is at the base. Among other things, the tet  symbol refers to wisdom and truth.

The Justice card speaks of balancing head against heart and desire against logic. While we all strive to keep these areas in sync, it’s a constant and precarious battle.

Sometimes the heart rules and sometimes it’s the head. But if you rise above the situation (like the girl in the card) you’ll be better equipped to achieve perspective. Sometimes we have to get some altitude in order to see things from outside of our earthly attachments.

The Justice card encourages you to seek the answers to your most pressing concerns through objectivity and conscious awareness. If you rely too much on head, heart will suffers and vice versa. But if you can find a way to balance the two, the truth will reveal itself in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 31, 2015 — The Devil

The Devil

The Devil

As the Sun squares Neptune today, you may be thinking about ways to escape from the limitations in your life that have been holding you back. As Neptune is associated with confusion, uncertainty, escapism and avoidance, it’s very possible that the restrictions you find yourself struggling against have all been self-imposed.

The Devil card — this version from the gorgeous Dreaming Way Tarot — encourages you to move past some of the restrictions you’ve imposed on yourself, particularly with respect to the more unsavory emotions — jealousy, anger, paranoia, fear, etc.

If you look at the figures in this card, the Devil herself is bound up in some sort of straight-jacket configuration. She has two smaller beings chained to her, but the chains are loose and her manner of holding them is almost apathetic.

She’s either indifferent to their plight or is so sure of her hold over them that she doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about.

But these two figures could easily unchain themselves and slip away. So what is preventing them from doing that? Back to the self-imposed restrictions — namely negative thoughts and fears.

Your challenge today is to figure out what’s been holding you back — what chains you’ve bound yourself up in — and release yourself from them.

If you have a bigger monkey on your back — such as addiction or another unhealthy form of debauchery — now is also the time to come clean with yourself about it and get clean. Whatever it is, know that the Devil card is here to remind you that only you can reclaim your power. You can liberate yourself from the chains that bind you only if you’re brave enough to face them first.


Free Daily Tarotscope — May 30, 2015 — King of Swords

King of Swords

King of Swords

Today — with the Sun conjuncting Mercury in Gemini — you may be called upon to make a decision that’s based on fairness, ingenuity and impartiality.

The King of Swords — this version represented by Greek Mythology;s Odysseus from the beautiful Mythic Tarot — is a wise and strategic leader who relies on intellect and objectivity rather than compassion and emotion.

He may be a person in your life — a boss, mentor, parent or authority figure — and if so he’s here to show you how to lead with wisdom and grace. He may also represent qualities within yourself that are necessary for you to bring forth. Qualities like discipline and neutrality.

It may be a situation that requires you to act with authority, even if you’re not comfortable in that role. It may require you to “lay down the law” or pass down judgment where there is no easy answer. The King of Swords is able to cut through the nuances and extenuating circumstances to arrive at an impartial decision.

Odysseus was a shrewd and inventive leader. He not only thought up the idea for the Trojan Horse (thus securing victory for the Greeks), he led his people with a firm and lawful hand, never wavering from his solid principles.

The King of Swords is honorable and just. He has noble ideals which he applies to himself as well as others. He insists on fairness and equality for all.

This card can refer to a need for justice and symmetry in your life. Or it can mark the presence of someone whose sense of authority and justice overrides personal investments. Is this you or someone you’re dealing with currently who’s encouraging you to embrace these qualities?

Whether this refers to you or to another, the underlying message is the same. Step away from emotional attachments and make your decisions today based on what is right, fair, and most importantly best for you in the long run.


Free Daily Tarotscope — May 29, 2015 — Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Mercury squares Neptune today, bringing with it the desire to escape into romantic fantasy and illusions.

You may feel like torn by competing interests and pulled in different directions — either away from the things you really want to do, or towards the kind of mindless diversions that cause you lose sight of your priorities.

The Seven of Cups is a card of temptations, often fueled by irrational thoughts or fantasies. There can be too many options available, which makes it hard to decide. But it’s often a case of wishful thinking and foolish day-dreaming that can interfere with actual progress.

This card is loaded in mystical imagery. There’s a woman riding a flying dragon over a pond filled with lotus blossoms. Three cups rest in the pond — one with a rainbow rising from it — the dragon holds another three, and the last one — the Seventh — is lifted up towards the woman by a tiny glowing fairy.

She may be leaning toward that Seventh magical cup but she hasn’t decided yet, and this is one of the main dilemmas with the Seven of Cups. There are so many choices to be made and some of them more appealing than others.

What you long for may look so much more appealing than what you already have, but it’s also quite possibly an illusion. And even if it isn’t you have to remind yourself that it’s not going to come about by sitting around daydreaming about it.

There are elements of seduction also inherent in this card. Being seduced by something intangible or just out of reach, or being lured in by a fantasy that falls short in the harsh light of day.

While you may think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, chances are good that once you got there you’d want nothing more than to return back home. The message behind this card is to aim for reachable goals and to participate in attaining them rather than allowing yourself to fall into the trap of wishful thinking.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 28, 2015 — The World

The World

The World

The Sun trines the Moon / North Node conjunction today and brings with it a sense of wholeness and personal fulfillment. It provides you with an opportunity to look back over how far you’ve come as you prepare for the next chapter in your life.

If you sit back and take stock of what has actually changed for you will get the sense that while some things change others stay the same and this is neither good nor bad.

Everything is as it should be for you to enter the next phase. The World card completes the Fool’s journey and as such, speaks of fulfillment, integration and completion.

And just like the Fool, you’ve come full-circle, from instinct to essence to progress to development, as you end one cycle and embark on a new one.

This card represents endings and new beginnings.You must tie up loose ends and close the door on one chapter in your life — even if that leaves you with feelings of longing or regret

While some people are busy looking at the glass as half-empty, you’re seeing it as more than full. You’re focusing on how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved over the last several months.

You could be finishing a course or internship, tying up lose ends on a project that you’re ready to launch, putting a failed relationship behind you and getting back into the dating scene, finishing (and feeling good about) a self-improvement regimen. The possibilities are endless.

The World card is a card of both fulfillment and completion. With that in mind, it’s time to put the finishing touches on projects that are almost finished, and also time to rest anything that just didn’t pan out for you. You’re preparing to start a whole new journey, and in doing so will want to with as clean a slate as possible.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 27, 2015 — Black Tortoise Knight

Black Tortoise Knight

Black Tortoise Knight

The Black Tortoise Knight — from the beautiful Feng Shui Tarot — is less about action and energy than traditional tarot’s version of the Knight of Wands, and more about discretion and forethought.

Mercury and Mars come together today in quick-witted Gemini. This aspect is known for impulsivity and lightning fast reflexes.

But this Knight of Wands is hesitant. You can see him looking back over his shoulder at something just out of range. He appears tentative and uncertain: maybe he’s worried he’s forgotten something or left someone behind.

His horse appears to be skittish as well. He leans down to sniff at the snow-covered ground, with one wary hoof raised.

Remember that Mercury’s retrograde, even if it is conjuncting Mars. It’s probably not the best time to be going “gung ho” over anything as this Knight of Wands already knows.

You may second guessing earlier decisions or going back to clean up earlier mistakes. Especially those that were made impulsively.

You can get a lot accomplished still. But you should be directing that energy toward reworking goals you’ve already set in motion rather than starting something new. The Mercury Rx / Mars aspect tells you to revisit, review and rethink your goals.

The Black Tortoise Knight (as well as the Black Tortoise itself at the edge of the card) seem to know that there’s a lot of value in taking things slow and steady. Save the passion and energyt that’s normally associated with this card for another day, preferably after Mercury goes direct.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 26, 2015 — Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords

Mars squares Neptune today and may have you wondering what is real and what is all in your head.

The Nine of Swords is sometimes referred to as the “nightmare” card, due to its association with overblown panic and fear.

Often these are self-imposed: as in having gotten into a predicament of our own doing and now being forced to deal with the consequences. There’s sometimes a sense of impending doom associated with this card, also self-created.

You may be feeling a bit more anxious and unsure of yourself or have a hard maintaining your footing. Or — like the figure in this card from the gorgeous Druid Craft Tarot — you may just feeling like pulling the covers back over your head rather than getting out of bed and facing reality.

As Mars is the planet of action and Neptune is the planet of uncertainty, it may even be best for you to hold off on taking any kind of stand.

You may be feeling a bit wobbly and unsure of yourself as your fears can get in the way of making rational decisions. Either the fear is real and you brought it upon yourself, in which case you now have to deal with the repercussions of your actions; or the fear is unfounded and you’re being forced to own up to whatever it is inside of you that has created it.

You may have created a situation — or contributed to one — yourself that now has you terrified of potential consequences. You may feel like running away from your problems, or pulling the blankets up over your head again and pretending that none of it is real. But you’ll find that not confronting your demons and tackling the situation head on only makes them more harrowing.

This is the essence of the Nine of Swords. Not only do our fears have the capacity to paralyze us, but finding the courage to face them has the capacity to extinguish them. If we want to move forward, we’ll have to be brave enough to “take back our power” and face our fears head on.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 25, 2015 — The Chariot


The Chariot

You may be in for a bumpy ride today — especially in the romance department — with Mars still squaring Neptune and Venus squaring Uranus.

The Chariot card — this version from the beautiful Tarot of the Old Path — refers to internal upheavals that threaten to manifest externally, such as an angry outburst or emotional display. It challenges you to “pull it together” and exert control over your own internal conflicts.

The Four stallions in this card represent the four elements, as do their corresponding reigns. The first one on the left is Water with a pale, translucent (and watery) mane. Next is Air, with a crescent moon and smattering of stars. Then there’s Earth with the pentagram, wildflowers and wheat chaff main. And finally the Fire element horse with the flames surrounding him.

The Charioteer in this card is also loaded with symbolism. He wears a pentagram (symbol of ascended man) on his crown and a Crab (for the zodiac sign Cancer, which the Chariot is associated with) on his breast plate. He holds a hazel wand in his right hand, the wand best used for divination.

The Four stallions appear to be moving in relatively the same direction but you can see that each has a mind of his own. It will take a lot more than sheer force of will to contain them and keep them working as a team.

It will take discipline and restraint to keep them on track and moving in the same direction. Otherwise there’s some danger of spinning your wheels without really making any progress. The Venus / Uranus and Mars / Neptune squares can make it even harder to keep things under control.

You’ll have to work hard if you want to rein in all of that energy, and this is the essence of the Chariot card. It’s the understanding that all parts of any “machine” have to operate in harmony in order to be effective. If you’re willing to embrace that philosophy — and if you can stand up and take hold of the reins in your own life — you can accomplish anything.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 24, 2015 — Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Today’s Moon / Jupiter conjunction in Leo should have you feeling good about your home, family and the life you have built for yourself.

This aspect — along with this gorgeous version of the Ten of Cups from Dana Driscoll’s fabulous Tarot of Trees — is about family, camaraderie, hospitality, togetherness and benevolence.

It’s about joining together with like-minded people to create a reality you can be proud of. It refers to arriving at a place in your life where you can fully acknowledge and celebrate the relationship you’ve developed, whether these are family relationships, social connections relationships, friendships or love affairs.

The tree in this card didn’t grow to such heights overnight. It’s been tended to over the years, just as your relationships with others must be tended to.And like those relationships, it’s taken a central place in this card, framed by an archway lined with 9 golden cups. The 10th cup is the tree itself, into which all of the love, kindness and gratitude has been poured.

The Ten of Cups refers to achieving something that is worth acknowledging and celebrating, as seen here in the imagery of this card. It’s about fulfillment and security; a solid foundation of abundance and prosperity, and the sense that you have built something you can take pride in.

Take time today to let those nearest and dearest to you know how important they are. While the Ten of Cups is also said to indicate the culmination of something, that doesn’t mean you’ve come to the end of the road. This card is all about embracing all you’ve established through your connections and interactions with those who matter most — with your family, friends and loved ones.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 23, 2015 — Five of Daisies

Five of Daisies

Five of Daisies

Today’s Sun / Saturn opposition may have you thinking about what’s missing in your life and what feels unattainable to you or seems just out of reach.

The Five of Daisies is the Rabbit Tarot’s version of the Five of Pentacles. And here we see a little rabbit poking his head out from behind a massive tree. He reaches one tentative paw into the water where five daisies are floating on the surface.

The Five of Pentacles is associated with a sense of helplessness against insurmountable odds. As Pentacles related to money (and values in general) and Fives related to crises, this card speaks of obstacles that spring from our own feelings of doubt and dread.

It wouldn’t be hard for the rabbit to reach out and latch onto one or two of those daisies. He’s already made a reluctant move. But his hesitation may end up costing him the lot.

There’s a lot of fear associated with this card. Fear of making a mistake or not being good enough. Fear of falling in. Fear of taking a leap of faith only to have the thing you want so desperately swept away before you get a chance to attain it.

Your challenge today is to move past those fears and recapture your your own self worth. Move past the feelings of shame, embarrassment and uncertainty and allow yourself to reach out for help. Take some time to remind yourself that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted. The challenge with the Five of Pentacles — as with the Sun / Saturn opposition — is not to give in to those fears, but to overcome them.


Free Daily Tarotscope — May 22, 2015 — Death



Today — as Venus and Pluto oppose one another — you may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice, in the form of giving something up that you’ve been clinging to for far too long.

It may be a relationship, a job, a dream, or even an out-dated belief system that is no longer conducive to your growth. Whatever it is, it’s going to feel like a loss, and may bring with it a period of mourning.

The Death card can be frightening, as it promises both loss and change — two of the scariest notions that any of us are ever faced with. But the Venus / Pluto opposition says that what must be “put to death” becomes so clear to you that you realize you have no other choice.

In this respect, it’s more about leaving behind something that probably wasn’t working for you anyway and moving toward something that you’re naturally more aligned with.

In this version of the card — from Nicoletta Ceccoli’s beautiful Ceccoli Tarot — we see snowflakes fluttering down on the fairytale princess Aurora’s eternal sleep. She’s surrounded by the Seven Dwarfs, who are solemnly paying their last respects. The poisoned apple that caused her demise lays nearby.

But if you remember this story, there is a happy ending. Death brings rebirth and a revival. Aurora finds her Prince Charming and ultimately lives happily ever after.

Sometimes the Universe shows us just what we don’t need by removing it from us forcefully from our grip. In this sense the “death” can be a painful undertaking. But if you choose instead to cooperate, it can be an incredibly liberating experience.

You may have to accept that the very thing you so desperately cling to is the one that’s holding you back. We can say that this ending is pregnant with opportunity: you do have to attend to the business of putting something to rest, but remember that when one door closes another one opens.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 21, 2015 — Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Today’s card — Ace of Swords — is all about achieving the kind of clarity that’s necessary to focus your intentions and accomplish your goals.

The Ace of Swords can act as a tool for manifesting. It is raw, pure, unharnessed energy that can be channeled into something both powerful and magical.

It can act as a lightning rod for either positive or negative energy, depending on how it’s used. It refers to getting to the heart of the matter, cutting through the BS, speaking your mind and honoring your truth.

But the Ace of Swords can also be somewhat aggressive and argumentative. When used negatively it really does “cut like a knife” with respect to cruelty or hurtful words. For this reason it’s sometimes best to put some distance between yourself and whatever outside influences are triggering reactions.

As the Sun moves into Gemini today, you may find yourself dealing with competing urges. You may be torn between different options or feel pulled in different directions. But the Ace of Swords is able to cut through the noise and distractions and can make it easier for you to clear the air enough to make an informed decision.

The woman in this card — from Anna Klaffinger’s gorgeous Anna K. Tarot — has gotten both altitude and distance as she stands on a ledge looking out over the landscape below. She’s got a panoramic view of what lies ahead by standing back and assessing it from afar.

Think about what’s been weighing on your mind that needs to be decided once and for all. And what discussion needs to be had in order to iron out any differences. The Ace of Swords encourages you to speak truthfully, but to do so from the heart.  Be considerate of the feelings of others: remember that words can be both helpful and hurtful, so use yours wisely today.