
Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 4, 2015 — Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Today’s card — the Queen of Wands — encourages you to conduct yourself with fairness, grace and integrity in all of your dealings with others.

The Moon is still full in the majestic sign of Leo, which is associated with royalty and is a prominent theme in the charts of Kings and Queens. It also starts the day conjunct Jupiter — the planet associated with religion and ceremonies.

The Queen of Wands — like all of the court cards in the tarot — can refer to a person, an event or a part of yourself. She embodies the feminine or yin aspects of Fire (wands) energy: creativity, passion, enthusiasm and drive. She is majestic and regal like the Queen of Wands in this card.

This version — from famed French painter Enguerrand Quarton’s stunning Coronation of the Virgin, focuses on the Virgin’s Mary’s elevation to Queen of Heaven. She possesses grace, warmth and dignity — all strong Leo characteristics.

In this detail of the painting you can see the wings of a dove above her and a group of red seraph angels behind her. But it’s the jeweled crown on her head and her noble expression that stand out above all else. Her command and authority are evident. She’s portrayed here as authoritative and dignified here, with her hands crossed elegantly over her heart.

Like the portrayal in this card, the Queen of Wands is strong and dynamic, but loving. She possesses leadership qualities and elicits respect from others. She’s also very worldly and knowledgeable. If this is a person in your life, know that she’s honest and impartial and will treat you with respect. She may be a supervisor, a parent, a friend or even some facet of yourself that has long been dormant.

If the card refers to you, see it as a reminder that you do possess these qualities and may need to reincorporate them into your personality. The presence of this card encourages you to recapture the essence of the Queen of Wands and put her to good use.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 3, 2015 — Strength



Perhaps there is something you wish to say but are not saying it. Intuitively you may know it is not the right time to speak these words so you hold them to yourself.

If this is the case then know that when you do speak your mind the words will come out in an empowering way which will give you further strength to do what you need to do next.

On the other hand if you have been biting your tongue for too long and not expressing what it is you want to say then you may miss your opportunity.

lf that is going around your mind may become entrapped in a never ending cycle of not being able to choose the correct moment to speak out.

In which case when you do speak you find you have an argument on your hands instead of your own empowerment that you are wishing to convey.

It is easy to see that this card is associated with the sign of Leo — which is where the Full Moon is today, like the full moon in this card.

Just just like a Leo who inspires greatness in those around them as well as themselves you need to realize that you hold the strength and purpose within you to get what you want and if that is not forthcoming then know when to walk away.

There is only so much a person can take of feeling as if they are always renouncing their own truth. If this has been you then know that you have the strength within you to rise above circumstances that may be holding you down and walk your own path.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 2, 2015 — Black Tortoise Seven

Black Tortoise Seven

Black Tortoise Seven

Today you might find yourself up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle that you’re going to have to use discipline, strategy and cunning to see yourself through.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Seven of Wands. It focuses more on the barriers that stand in your way than on the conflict and combativeness that’s usually associated with this card.

The Black Tortoise in this card gazes through the rungs of a locked gate at a mountain range in the distance. He may be longing to escape, or he may be pausing to consider more creative solutions to crossing over to the other side.

But it’s all a matter of perspective. Is he really locked out? Or is he safe in the confines of his own kingdom, protected from the turbulent storm clouds that are brewing in the distance.

The Seven of Wands — like all Sevens — is associated with strategies and decisions. And as the Sun sextiles Uranus today, you should be doing the same. Looking at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action.

There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.

Think about what’s been obstructing you in your own quest to reach your goals. As there’s an expanse of water (emotions) between the gated ledge and the mountains across the way, there’s more than likely an emotional component at work here.

You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or conquer hidden fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Black Tortoise Seven requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available as you plan your next move.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 1, 2015 — Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

As we move into February, chances are good you’re already thinking about Valentines Day. And with Venus conjuncting Neptune today — in the sensitive, loving, romantic sign of Pisces — you could already be planning for that special day.

The Three of Cups is a playful and festive card that emphasizes partying and celebrating over work and responsibilities. it also emphasizes friends and casual relationships over serious romantic entanglements.

It refers to being surrounded by like-minded people and putting your differences aside. It’s about coming together and joining forces with those who have your best interests at heart.

The focus is on merriment and gaiety rather than monotony and drudgery. It’s on interacting and networking with others, allowing you to push aside some of your more serious concerns — at least for the time being.

Pay attention to new people coming into your life today. You could find yourself developing friendships with people that seem random at first but can turn into important connections over time.

This doesn’t apply only to romance by the way. Look at all the activity going on in this card. There’s a tea party going on involving at least three generations, as well as the family pets.

There are feelings of community and comfort here and let’s not forget whimsy and play. Notice the teacups and colorful tapestry, as well as the child wearing nothing but a crown.

The Venus / Neptune conjunction encourages you to celebrate today — even if you have nothing official to celebrate. It’s a good time to express your feelings — for friends, loved ones and family members, and those who’ve been important to you along the way.

February 2015 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Magician

The Magician card is all about bringing your talents to the table and putting them to good use.

Perhaps you have been looking for a job or thinking of changing your occupation. If so it would be wise for you to sit down and assess exactly what it is you can bring to the table of any new employer or occupation you are chasing down.

This doesn’t need to be about you finding a job: it could be that you’re thinking about expanding your knowledge which makes you a little more employable and more valuable in the job market.

You may really be wishing to change jobs but are a little hesitant as you don’t think you have all that a new employer is looking for.

If this is the case think again because the card of the Magician is a strong indicator of a new job, change in careers and if you are happy in your current job it may be that you are about to be given more duties to perform.

Focus on the hands in this card you will see that one is pointed to the earth whilst the other is pointed to the heavens suggesting that you are aspiring to something great yet also grounded enough to see that you cannot just take a big jump and land in that greatness without a bit of preparation.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 31, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today with Mars conjuncting Chiron you may taking an active part in retreating from all of the commotion that surrounds you and moving toward a place of meditation and quiet reflection.

The Hermit card refers to the yearning for wisdom and knowledge that so many of us possess but so few of us take the time to seek out and develop.

This Hermit — from the beautiful Light Grey Tarot — appears as an old wizard making his way under the cloak of darkness, with only his walking stick and lantern to light the way. An owl (representing wisdom) flies over his shoulder and the crescent moon (representing clarity) shines brightly in the night sky.

Mars and Chiron come together today in Pisces. And while Mars is the planet associated with action and motivation, those functions can get lost under the self-sacrificing shadow of Chiron. But put these two entities together in Pisces and magic can transpire.

Psychic perceptions are heightened. Consciousness is expanded. Intuition increases. Dreams become more vivid.  And the desire (Mars) to funnel all of the Utopian (Pisces) qualities of compassion, idealism and unconditional love into something meaningful (Chiron) results.

The Hermit card is not about avoidance and isolation. It’s about finding your inner light and choosing to follow it. This is especially important when referenced against the Mars / Chiron conjunction, which is bound to intensify the urge to find answers to your most pressing questions.

Today you get to choose whether you’re lighting your own way or acting as a guidepost for those who have wandered away from theirs. Both are valid endeavors ,and only you will know which is the right path for you.

As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche to the heights of conscious awareness that can be accessed through this process.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 30, 2015 — Five of Tulips

Five of Cups

Five of Tulips

You may be dealing with feelings of loneliness and isolation today. Like the poor little rabbit in this card — from the gorgeous Rabbit Tarot — you may have a hard time seeing what’s right in the world around you as you find yourself focusing on what’s wrong.

The Five of Tulips (Cups in most decks) refers to feeling left out. You might feel like you’re all alone and haven’t got a friend in the world. Or you may feel like you’ve been dismissed by those you have.

The Five of Tulips can indicate a sense of loss or disillusionment. A betrayal. Feeling rejected or shut out. Or like the rabbit in this card, left out in the cold.

Notice the tulips the rabbit holds in his hands. They’re upside down, indicating a reversal of the sentiments you’d usually expect to accompany a bouquet of flowers. Where there should be joy there’s sorrow, where there should be promise there’s despair, and where there should be contentment there’s regret.

Remember though that you do participate in your destiny. While you may not have any control over what goes down, you do have some say in how it all plays out.

Your heartache can become a powerful conduit for healing. It can also become a gift that you pass onto others: the gift of empathy. Your own experiences lead to a deeper understanding of what others may be dealing with, and can translate into compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love.

If you’re in a relationship now, ask yourself whether you’re happy with where things are headed? Are you seeing things clearly or are you too focused on what’s wrong to consider what just might be right? You may have to face some very painful realities and make some very difficult decisions.

If you’re not currently involved, chances are good that you’re still healing from a recent loss. You may be mourning a relationship’s demise, or you could be licking your wounds over a painful rejection. Either way, you could benefit from seeing the glass as half full this time and being willing to get back out there and drink from it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 29, 2015 — Penguin



Today would be a good day to put all of your heavier thoughts and concerns aside and approach life with a sense of child-like wonder and curiosity.  The Seer of Shells  — or Penguin in the Animal Wisdom Tarot — is this deck’s version of the Page of Cups.

Here we see him standing on a sparkling crystal ice cap, communing with a little fish that’s popped out of shell on an adjacent ice cap. The fish could be dinner for the Penguin but he doesn’t see him in that light. He gazes at him in awe, oblivious to his surroundings.

This is very much like the Page of Cups. Gentle and loving. Open and receptive. Gleeful. Sincere. And maybe a little naive.

The Fish appears to be speaking and the Penguin holds onto every word. Maybe he’s imparting words of wisdom, or maybe he’s talking his way out of becoming the daily catch. Off in the distance a bridge rises out of the water and leads to who knows where.

Be open today to receiving important messages, even if they come from the most unlikely of sources. Whether the Page of Cups is a person in your life (as in someone youthful or immature) or an attitude you need to embrace. If it’s the former you’ll want to listen with an open mind and heart. And if it’s the latter you’ll want to work on keeping those open.

Because the Pages embody such youthful and unrefined energy, we tend to forget that they too have much to teach us. But the presence of this card today is an important reminder of how much more we still need to learn.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 28, 2015 — The Magician


The Magician

The Magician speaks of bringing your talents to the table and putting them to good use. What better card to describe today’s Uranus / Mercury conjunction than one that symbolizes the artful use of one’s own genius?

Perhaps you have been looking for a job or thinking of changing your occupation and if so it would be wise for you to sit down and assess exactly what it is you can bring to the table of any new employer or occupation you are chasing up.

This doesn’t need to be about you finding a job either it could be that you are thinking to expand your knowledge which gives you more employability when it comes to the job market.

You may really be wishing to change jobs but are a little hesitant as you don’t think you have all that a new employer is looking for. If this is the case think again because the card of the Magician is a strong indicator of a new job, change in careers and if you are happy in your current job it may be that you are about to be given more duties to perform.

Focus on the hands in this card you will see that rests slightly above the tools laid out on the Magician’s table whilst the other is pointed to the heavens.

This suggests that you are aspiring to something great yet are also grounded enough to see that you cannot just take a big jump and land in that greatness without a bit of preparation.

The four suits of the minor arcana are laid out on the table before you: a Cup for emotions, a Sword for your thoughts processes, a Wand for action and a pentacle for money. If you can align your emotions, thoughts, actions into how you wish to make your money there is not a lot you cannot accomplish. All you need is a good plan.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 27, 2015 — The Star

The Star

 The Star

On the heels of yesterday’s Devil card, comes a reminder that even in our darkest hours there is still room for hope. There’s still compassion, redemption and the promise of salvation.

The Star card — from Marie White’s stunning Mary-el Tarot — brings this reminder to life, with the Star taking an angelic form and spreading the love out over a sea of humanity.

The angel figure in this card glides through, above and among an infinite crowd of nameless / faceless beings. She is above them and at one with them at the same time. A unicursal hexigram is imprinted on her gown and the stigmata markings of Christ are imprinted on her skin.

The human figures in this card spread out as far as the eyes can see, becoming one with the landscape and the angel herself. You can see their forms becoming less and less distinct as they blend into the hills and valleys that stretch back toward the horizon.

Venus enters Pisces today — the sign of its exaltation. This is the archetype associated with communion, compassion and unconditional love. It’s associated with dreams and visions, beauty, harmony, kindness and grace. It’s also associated with sacrifice, a theme referenced here in the markings on the angel’s palms, feet and forehead.

The unicursal star is a symbol of continuity. It’s also said to reference man reaching up to God and God reaching down to man. This is the message behind the Star card : that we’re not only all “one” but are also all a part of God, however we may experience him (or her).

The Star card reminds us of the need to rise above our petty grievances and to hold onto one another, especially when the going gets tough.  As Venus moves into Pisces — on the heels of Mars, Neptune and Chiron — the messages contained in this card can only serve us well.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 26, 2015 — The Devil

The Devil

The Devil

It’s going to be important today to examine all of your emotional reactions — particularly the baser, more difficult to acknowledge reactions, like anger, resentment, jealousy and fear.

The Devil card refers to the areas in our lives where each of us are limited or imprisoned by those reactions. Sometimes it can manifest as lashing out or projecting shadow material onto others. And sometimes it can manifest as self-harm, such as indulging in drugs or other self-defeating behaviors.

In the end it’s really about giving up control through a desperate attempt to maintain it. The Devil in this card — from the Morgan Greer Tarot — is a sinister satanic-looking goat-demon (Baphomet) with sharp fangs and piercing yellow eyes.

An inverted gold star (representing evil and malice) and a candle burning down to the quick are seated above his head. I loved what Avia Venefica had to say about the fly, which is basically a reference to the negativity we feed upon as well as the pesky little annoyances that interfere with our ability to achieve enlightenment.

The diminishing light from the candle’s flame reminds me of one of the greatest dangers inherent in this card. It’s the lack of clarity and insight that leads to our own undoing. And as most our negative emotions are rooted in fear, keeping that light burning is essential.

As Venus, Uranus and Pluto all come together today in a set of uncomfortable aspects, you might need to look at the ways you’ve given up your own personal power. It could be physical — as in an involvement in an unbalanced or dysfunctional relationship — or it could be psychological — as in being consumed by unhealthy emotions.

Whatever it is, know that the Devil card is here to remind you that only you can reclaim your power. You can liberate yourself from the chains that bind you only if you’re brave enough to face them first.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 25, 2015 — Princess of Staves

Princess of Staves

Princess of Staves

The Princess of Staves — from the gorgeous Lover’s Path Tarot — is this deck’s version of the Page of Wands.

All of the Pages are Princesses in this deck,and this one — Brünnhilde — is one of the boldest, most dynamic and courageous of all. She was a Valkyrie, one of Odin’s servants, a fiery and rebellious messenger goddess who defied his directives and was imprisoned in a ring of fire as a result.

You can see the flames that rise up and threaten to engulf her, but does she slow down or cower in fear? No she charges on after her goal — more determined than ever.

The Princess of Staves has a mind of her own and the fearlessness that so often accompanies it. She knows what she wants and goes after it without regard for the consequences.

As with all of the Court cards, this may be someone in your life or it may relate to qualities that are going to be important for you to embrace. If it’s someone in your life — such as a headstrong and rebellious teenager or a temperamental partner — you’ll have to rise up and meet them on their own turf in order to balance out that energy.

Keep in mind though that the Princess of Staves can motivate and inspire you in your own life.  Ask yourself in what areas have you been too timid or uncertain, and how might incorporating some of her passion and bravery into your own life work to your advantage?

The Princess of Staves is spirited and adventuresome. Embracing those qualities and allowing yourself to be inspired by her fearless energy can go a long ways toward helping you to manifest your dreams.