
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 12, 2015 — Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Mars moves into Pisces today, bring us all a little closer to our emotions and perhaps a little more compassionate, receptive and intuitive — all Piscean keywords.

The Ace of Cups — from the Shadowscapes Tarot depicts this energy beautifully. You can see ripples emanating from the base of the chalice that rests at the bottom of the card.

Waves of movement and energy flow from the mouth of the chalice as well, as small schools of fish and fairies swim along in the currents.

The Ace of Cups is a card of emotional abundance and fulfillment. It’s “love” in its purest form: the compassionate, unconditional, all-encompassing form of love that is the essence of the Pisces archetype.

Mars moving into Pisces speaks of making bold strides toward immersing yourself into these realms. There’s a pull toward increased creativity, inspiration and intuition as well.

If there’s a downside to this energy, it’s the tendency to lack motivation and purpose. Too much “going with the flow” can see you being carried aimlessly along with life’s currents.

You want to keep this is mind today when it comes to making decisions and asserting your needs to others. This is a time of giving and receiving: and you can derive as much pleasure through giving as you can through expressing gratitude for all that you receive.

The Ace of Cups represents a bottomless and reflective pool of love, compassion and emotional expression. You want to open your heart and let that love flow both from you and to you — while at the same time keeping your boundaries clearly defined.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 11, 2015 — Green Dragon Queen

Green Dragon Queen

Green Dragon Queen

Today you’re going to want to go over your finances and figure out ways to maximize your earning potential.

The Queen of Pentacles is traditionally portrayed as a wise, practical woman with keen business sense and a no-nonsense approach to life. And this version of the card — the Green Dragon Queen from the gorgeous Feng Shui Tarot — is no different.

Here we see the Queen in deep concentration as she studies under the stern gaze of baleful green dragon standing at her side. She may be checking her facts and figures, or she could be preparing to make changes with the pen she holds in her hand.

The Green Dragon Queen encourages you to think about how you’re handling your business and financial affairs and to figure out ways you can make improvements.

You may need to cut corners in order to save for a rainy day (note the storm clouds forming above), or you could be doing something more proactive like looking into long-term investments (note the tall steep mountains that loom overhead).

The Green Dragon Queen is practical and diligent. She stays focused on the task at hand, unmoved by the beauty that surrounds her. She sometimes needs to be reminded to step back and appreciate all she’s achieved rather than focusing so much on achieving it.

As with all the Court Cards in the tarot, this may be you and it may represent someone in your life. It can also indicate a state of mind that is necessary for you to adopt. Whatever (or whomever) she represents, know that it’s time to get serious about the practical matters in your life. While this is most likely tied to your financial situation, it can also apply to other mundane areas.

Take some time today to think about “business.” How you deal with security and what steps you’ve made toward planning for your future. The Green Dragon Queen says it’s time think about preservation — for yourself and for those who matter most.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 10, 2015 — Vulture



Today you may need to think about what it is in your life that must come to a final and irrevocable end.

This card is associated with the traditional tarot’s Ten of Swords. It refers to an ending that must be faced so that you can not only put it to rest but can also experience — once and for all — the relief and acceptance that’s such a necessary part of attaining closure.

The Vulture — or Ten of Feathers in the Animal Wisdom Tarot — is a carrion scavenger, looking down from a wooden post onto the nondescript carcass of a  decaying animal. Ten feathers are plunged into the animal’s flesh, and an X — as in “X marks the spot — is etched onto the Vulture’s perch.

The animal may have put up a fight or he may have died from old age or exhaustion — but none of that matters now: he’s dead. What happens to his carcass is irrelevant — or is it? There is the belief in some cultures that carrion scavengers transport the dead up to heaven. And notice the two other birds swooping in for the feast.

The sky is dark and ominous but the Sun is also rising in the distance. This is a common feature with the Ten of Swords. In the midst of all the death and destruction there are symbols of rebirth and renewal.

Ask yourself, “what have I been holding onto that I need to put to rest?” “What ending have I refused to acknowledge — either through fear or denial?” and “What do I finally have to let go of in order to make room for something new?”

The Ten of Feathers encourages you to give up the resistance and finally face defeat. But there’s a sense of liberation that comes from that acceptance, as well as wisdom and maturity. A new day dawns — just as it does in this card — once you allow yourself to give in and put the past to rest. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 9, 2015 — Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Today you want to guard against letting petty arguments and squabbles erupt into a flurry of negativity.

The Five of Wands, seen here in the Dalí Tarot Universal version of the card — is sometimes referred to as the “bully” card.

It’s tied to a battle of wills (or words) in which winning is the ultimate goal. It doesn’t matter whether you’re on the giving or receiving end when it comes to this card. The “winner” doesn’t really win anything other than the satisfaction of being right or of taking home some meaningless prize.

There’s a noisy, restless blur of activity seen in this version of the card. Even though there are five beautiful butterflies here, it’s hard in some cases to tell where one ends and another begins.

Each butterfly is distinctive — just as each point of view is unique to the person expressing it. But it’s precisely that uniqueness that can erupt into conflict, as differences of opinion can fuel animosity.

The Five Wands in this card are green and fertile. They do all exhibit symbols of growth. But they’re stacked haphazardly and are all crossing one another — and most importantly they act as barriers between the butterflies and the castle on the other side.

Ask yourself today whether expressing certain attitudes or opinions are creating friction between you and important people in your life. And then ask yourself whether being right — or winning — is worth jeopardizing your relationships with others.

If you’re engaged in a power struggle, you can bet there will be no winners or loser, only the tattered remains of what once was a unified front. The Five of Wands encourages you to move past the chaos and calamity, and work on restoring the peace.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 8, 2015 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

 Three of Wands

Today is going to be a good day to be thinking about progress you’ve made on goals you have underway as you plan your next moves.

You may feel the need to take a breather, or “rise above” it all in order to get an overview of how much you’ve already accomplished.

The Three of Wands refers to steps that have been taken and seeds that have been planted that are now starting to produce results. You can look at how far you’ve come and use that as a springboard for advancing your goals.

You can see the work in progress aspect in this card with the chain of flowers the angel figure strings together from the top of her perch. While it’s clear this has been an ongoing project, it looks like she’s hitting her stride now with the altitude she’s attained.

That’s one important feature of the Three of Wands — setting things in motion so that the work you’ve already done keeps building on itself while you expand your horizons. In doing so your project (or your goal, or your relationship) begins to take on a life of its own — much like the chain of flowers in this card.

The Three of Wands refers to creativity and adaptability as much as it does to acumen. It’s about seizing the opportunities that come your way and then incorporating them into your plans.

Notice the fox sniffing at the flowers in the background. This could spell trouble and there’s a chance our little angel will have to rethink some of her goals. But if she’s put enough of forethought into laying her foundations, she won’t have any trouble turning incidents like these to her advantage.

The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessing in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 7, 2015 — Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Today you might have to look at where you may have over-extended yourself in recent weeks, particularly with year-end expenses and Holiday spending.

As Saturn and the Sun move into a hard (semi-square) aspect today, your focus may shift from feelings of joy and anticipation to the more unsettling feelings of worry, loneliness and isolation.

The imagery in this card harrowingly depicts this energy. There’s a stark, cold, uninviting landscape with a dying tree that looks almost menacing as it reaches out toward the wilting flower in the foreground.

The Five Pentacles hanging from the branches may have once been shiny and gold, but now they’re tarnished and weathered. You get the feeling that if you were to reach out and try to pluck one, the tree would come to life and fight you off — either that or it would devour you. .

The Five of Pentacles can mark a period of financial adversity, such as seeing your earnings held up or seeing your resources dwindling as a result of unexpected expenses.

As Pentacles are linked to “values,” we most often think of money. But they also relate to self-worth: it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re struggling — financially or otherwise.

In this respect the Five of Pentacles can also refer to feelings or loneliness or rejection. You may be feeling isolated and unsupported — but it’s important to ask yourself truthfully whether the support you so desperately crave has been there for you all along. And whether your own issues with self worth and self esteem have caused you to either miss it or reject it outright.

The flower in the foreground is a snowdrop — symbolizing purity, hope and renewal. This is something to keep in mind today, especially if you’re so focused on the tree (fear, loneliness and scarcity) and not enough on the rebirth that is possible through the message of the flower.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 6, 2015 — Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

 Knight of Cups

Today you may encounter someone who inspires you to open up your heart and express your true feelings without fear or censure.

This could be an individual in your life (male or female) or it could describe qualities that you yourself need to develop. Qualities like love, affection, romance, and emotional expression.

The Knight of Cups, while not exactly the proverbial Knight in Shining Armor, does have a certain romantic sweep-you-off-your-feet vibe. He’s ardent and passionate with a lot to say and a colorful way of saying it.

He may be “in love with love,” in which case he’s apt to be better at the hearts and flowers aspects of romance than he is at the nitty gritty.

There is a bit of a dramatic flair associated with this Knight. He can be chivalrous and gallant when he needs to be. Or when the mood calls for a softer approach he can be sensitive, caring and kind.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his charm, sensitivity, and emotional availability. He may be a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) or he may just possess those same sensitivities.

He wears his heart on his sleeve and has no problem expressing feelings. He may reach out across the miles or send messages of love and affection from afar.

You may be thinking about going off on an adventure yourself; if so don’t be surprised if it includes romance. Alternately you may be planning a trip on your own, getting away from it all, or heading off into the wild blue yonder yourself.

Whatever you decide, pay attention to the messages you send and receive. With a boatload of sextiles among harmonious planets today you can expect these types of communications to flow with ease.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 5, 2015 — Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Today, as Mercury moves into Aquarius and forms a complementary aspect (sextile) with Saturn, you could find yourself reaching a goal that you’ve been working hard for.

The Six of Wands is a card of appreciation and admiration. You “win” something and earn the right to be satisfied with the spoils of your victory. This isn’t about ego or conceit and it’s never at someone else’s expense. There’s a strong sense of being supported and lifted up by those who rejoice right along with you.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re loved and appreciated.

The Six of Wands is called “Victory” and refers to that sense of satisfaction and acknowledgement for a job well done.

In this deck a woman is seen racing through the dark with a flaming torch held high. There may be dangers all around her (notice the lion in the shadows) but there are also rewards (notice the gold medallions). If she didn’t have her torch (Mercury in Aquarius = Illumination) she’d likely miss them both.

The Full Moon is high in the night sky (just as it is for all of us tonight) but it’s partially obscured. Yes she needs that torch to effectively see her way through.

The Six of Wands refers to the combination of confidence and optimism that spurs each of us toward manifesting our goals. There’s a sense of triumph and victory in the knowledge that you’ve earned your rightful place, but with that comes certain expectations that you’re going to have to live up to.

Whatever form this takes for you today, know that you’ve earned it and that you deserve it. It may just give you the incentive to keep shooting for the stars and manifesting your highest goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 4, 2015 — Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

You may have to make a decision today that’s based on logic and principle rather than intuition.

Although the Moon is in Cancer today — as beautifully referenced by the Universal Wirth Tarot version of the Queen of Swords — it may not always be in your best interests to rely solely on instincts and emotions.

The Queen of Swords is more about cutting through the confusion and uncertainty that separates wants from needs. It may be a matter of putting something you’ve wanted to rest — in the spirit of accepting that it’s just not good for you.

Or it could be as simple as speaking the truth, knowing that you’d only be hurting yourself otherwise.

In this deck we see the Queen of Swords standing in the midst of a turbulent sea. The sky is dark and ominous behind her as the waves swirl violently at her feet. 

But she doesn’t waver. She’s focused and alert with her eyes on a distant horizon, and her hands clasped firmly on the sword that she uses to steady herself. The crescent Moon at her feet and the symbol for Cancer above her serve as reminders of the delicate balance between head and heart, or emotion (Moon in Cancer) and logic (Queen of Swords).

This Queen is rational and focused. She doesn’t mince words. When she speaks she chooses her words wisely and they may be biting. But she’s also fair, impartial and objective.

If this is a person in your life you’d be wise to listen to what she says. She may not cushion her words with compassion, but she will always tell the truth. if this is not someone presently in your life, perhaps it’s time to listen to your own inner voice. There’s a great deal of wisdom that can be amassed, if you’re brave enough to trust in it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 3, 2015 — Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

The Sun conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus today. This is a powerful and intense aspect that can also be incredibly combative.

It can manifest as unpleasant dealings with others — a bully on the job, a loved one who won’t make concessions or admit to being wrong, a “friend” who refuses to take no for an answer, and so on. The possible scenarios are endless but they all have the same theme in common.

Power struggles. A battle of wills. A sense of powerlessness over external (and often oppressive) forces. Being forced to admit defeat.

The Five of Swords — as in this version from the original Mythic Tarot — represents this energy in the story of Orestes and his dealings with the god Apollo as he’s told that he must avenge his father’s death.

He has two choices — to either abide by Apollo’s demands (thus committing matricide and angering the furies) or refuse his obligation and risk Apollo’s wrath. It’s a no win situation, and that’s precisely the predicament to which the Five of Swords refers.

It’s called “Defeat” in some decks, referring to the limitations and obstacles that may seem impossible to overcome.

While you may feel that the odds are stacked against you today, or that everyone  and everything is conspiring against you, you would do well to see the Five of Swords as a test of character. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but how you respond is entirely in your hands.

If you’re forced to accept defeat, you can do so with honor and integrity. As Venus is also entering Aquarius today, the potential for finding a graceful solution to your conflicts is not entirely out of reach.



Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 2, 2015 — The Sun

the Sun

The Sun

It’s a good day to be alive! With the Sun in your face and the Wind in your hair you may be feeling a renewed sense of vitality, enthusiasm and anticipation for the path that’s laid out before you.

The Sun card refers to a period where things seem to be going well for you — or maybe it’s just that your attitude has you focusing on what’s right in the world for a change.

You’re optimistic about the future: perhaps you’ve made New Years resolutions that you expect to keep this time around. Or you could be doing better financially, feeling better about your health, or seeing your relationship in a new light.

In this version of the card, we see young boy riding bareback through a field of sunflowers. The Sun shines brightly in the sky while the horse trots along with a steady gate. A field of sunflowers lines the path beside him, each stretching up to bathe in the Sun’s light.

He’s clearly in his element here. So comfortable is he on the back of his horse that he doesn’t even need a saddle or reins (or shoes for that matter). His hat is long gone.

This is one of the best versions of the Sun card ever. You can just feel his exuberance and you know he’s on the right path.

Along with the happy, fearless and adventurous energy in this card, there’s also a childlike wonder and exuberance. Keep this idea of “reinventing yourself” alive today and you can’t go wrong. The emphasis on freeing yourself from worldy burdens and concerns can go a long ways toward achieving your goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 1, 2015 — Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

As we begin the New Year, Mars and Jupiter come together today in a powerful and dynamic opposition.

This is a high-energy aspect that ties in perfectly with the Eight of Wands.

You may have so much going on that it becomes difficult to figure out where to direct your attention. And you may have so much on your plate that you feel the need to rush as you scramble to get things accomplished.

The Eight of Wands is all about action, progress and momentum. It’s about getting things done and making things happen.

It may be as simple as ticking off all the little things on your to-do list, and it may be as significant as making great headway on an important project.

And with 2015 stretching out before you, it may be the monumental task of setting your intentions in motion in the form of New Years resolutions.

Although you may have expected to relax today (after a night of celebrations), you’re more likely to be busier than ever.

While it might feel to you like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you could be surprised when it’s over at how much you really accomplished.

The Eight of Wands can also refer to travel. In that respect it relates to being literally and physically on the go. Are you planning a weekend getaway? Use this extra energy to make preparations for your trip.

Keep in mind though that the Mars / Jupiter transit can also be somewhat reckless. You want to stay alert and pay attention to your environment if you do end up making travel plans.