
Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 31, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

If you look back over the past year what would your greatest accomplishment be?

This image shows your imagination running away with you and perhaps there is something that was left out for you in 2014 that you wish to carry over to 2015.

Do not be concerned that you have failed in any way as the timing may have been that you laid down the groundwork for your dream over this last year and next year you can release you dream.

The garden (your plan) is well tended. You have laid out some very impressive groundwork in getting yourself started. The four pillars are lined with symbols of growth alongside the green beacons which further shine for you and give you inspiration.

The hill in the background is vividly green even under the light of a full moon at night and this implies that you will find the answers you seek for you plan without much need for more searching.

Help will come to you and that help will be both inspirational and practical. If nothing else today you should enjoy yourself and let your imagination soar. You may have put down the practicalities of the groundwork you need for your goals but what you seek for your next step is not so practical.

Like the Unicorn in this image it may require a little magical thinking alongside a wish or two.

Keep this in mind if you are tempted to rush into action today as sitting back and daydreaming may get your further than anything else you could possibly do today.


Jan 2015 Tarot Scopes featuring the Animal Wisdom Tarot

Two of Feathers

ARIES: Two of Feathers

This month may see you feeling torn between two competing interests or desires and at a loss as to which one one you really want to follow.

You start the month with an opposition between Mars (your ruler) and Jupiter, which are moving through your 11th (social) and 5th (personal) houses.

The Mars transit has you thinking about where you fit in in the world and about the contributions you’ve made. The Jupiter transit is more personal: it’s more about creativity and self-expression.

As difficult as it is to balance these dual desires, you may find yourself at an impasse. It’s hard to feed one set of urges without feeling like you’re neglecting the other.

You may need to take the time to reflect, much like the Heron in this card.

Here we see him gazing down at his reflection in a tranquil pool. A crescent moon shines in the night sky, illuminating the pair of feathers that are crisscrossed on the water’s surface.

The Heron is this deck’s version of the Two of Swords. As this card often refers to inaction and immobility, you might take a page from the Heron’s book and use that inertia to reflect on your options before you make a move.

Aries is usually more about “act first and think later.” But this month you might want to hold back and weigh your options instead. In doing so you may just be able to find a way to satisfy both sets of urges.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 30, 2014 — Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Are you feeling blocked or stuck in a situation or within yourself and unable to decide what to do?

The Eight of Swords often implies you are not seeing the full picture and from this image you can see you are perhaps a little confused in what you are seeing and also how you are reacting to things.

When you look in the mirror or when you look at yourself you may not be given yourself enough credit in being able to act in your own best interests.

The image of the tree in the mirror is like a barrier which gives the message that anything you do will not work as there is a problem no matter what you try thus keeping you trapped.

This sense of feeling trapped though is usually of your own doing as Swords stand for thoughts and ways of thinking.

There are images of wisdom in this image alongside what looks like two blades coming out of the woman’s back.

Do you feel as if someone has stabbed you in the back and you are unsure who you can trust?

Perhaps you need to look inside to your own inner wisdom and strength to carry you out of your self imposed prison as there is no one else in this image who can do it for you.

The beautiful green/blue hues of this card speak of healing and communication which means if you change your thoughts you can change the world around you and release yourself from whatever is holding you back and keeping you stuck.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 29, 2014 — Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

A day of many choices and none of them all too clear!

Mercury is semi-square Neptune today which means there you possibly be experiencing a bit of confusion when it comes to straight thinking.

Mercury planet of communication coming into this aspect with Neptune can turn everything on its head pretty quickly.

If you have important decisions to make today is not the day to do so. Do not feel pressured into giving answers that you do not have and don’t be pushed into a course of action you are not happy with.

The image on this card conjures up many different avenues you can take. Do you choice the mask, the snake, the serpent, etc?

There is no clear line of thinking in what you should do even on the image of the card. It is as if you have been given all these choices with no logic to back up what you will decide to do.

The Seven of Cups is a card of confusion. This confusion may be what you are experiencing but often it is a situation bought about by someone close to you who is not acting as they “should” and giving you are lot of problems because you are waiting for them to act.

If this is the case your best course of action may be to go your own merry way and not wait around for them to decide.

Give yourself a few days to see your way clear on what you wish to do next and remember don’t wait for someone who is causing you confusion and messing you around to come up with the answers you are searching for.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 28, 2014 — Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

As 2014 draws to a close, it’s time to look back over last several months and think about how far you’ve come.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a need to pause and reflect — on plans that were made and detours that have been taken along the way.

It’s about getting an overview of progress that’s been made, and evaluating the sidetracks and setbacks that may have caused you to rethink your goals.

You may feel like you’re at a cross-roads, questioning whether you want to continue with something as originally planned or consider changing direction altogether.

The Seven of Pentacles says it’s time to take a breather and rethink where you’re heading: you probably wont proceed exactly as planned but that’s because you’re wiser and have more information to work with now.

The peacock is this version of the card is perched high in the branches of a tree where she can get a clear overview of what’s taking place below her.

The wintry backdrop and the icicles accumulating on the branches tell you that not much is happening down there.

There’s a crispness and stillness in the air that makes it easier to clear your head and get some altitude as you reflect on our situation and reassess your goals.

As Venus and Jupiter come together today in a somewhat discordant aspect (inconjunct) there will need to be adjustments made. But it’s at this moment in time — as you find yourself on the precipice between where you’ve come from and where you’re headed — that you’re better equipped than ever to plan your next move.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 27, 2014 — Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Thoughts flow through you mind today that are uplifting and enlightening.

It is time to rise above anything that has been bothering you and look towards new ways of thinking.

Notice that the darkest part of this image is underneath the feet yet the feet do not touch it. It is as if by rising above a situation or your thoughts on this situation that you free yourself from it.

White butterflies are seen in abundance and most of these are above the figure’s head meaning new thoughts are coming to you and these thoughts are pure and true. They will guide you and further help to set you free.

There is one butterfly held within the hands giving the impression that if you speak your truth and let it fly then you will be further released from what has held you trapped.

With the wings holding the figure aloft looking remarkable like the butterflies flying around it there is a sense of transformation especially as the majority of the butterflies are around the crown chakra which is lit up and shining.

Do not dismiss any thoughts that pass through your mind today for they are there to show you a different way of thinking.

The yellow/golds of the gown worn is also reflected in the crown chakra showing there is protection around you today. If you need to tackle something which you have been putting off then today is the day you will either confront what has been bothering you or rise above it to the point it no longer is a problem for you.

What do you have to lose? Either way you will walk away intact and unaffected with a sense of freedom.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 26, 2014 — The Hermit


The Hermit

After all the fanfare of yesterday you may be feeling a little more like some solitude today.

The Hermit is a card of going inside yourself to find your own strength and your own truth.

It is a card of wisdom… specifically the type of wisdom that comes from your own thoughts and experiences.

Sometimes when you have a problem or a goal there is only so much of the path forward that you can see. In this version of the card there is a distinctive area which is lighted by the illumination of the lantern whilst the remainder of the “picture” is outside of this illuminated area.

This does not mean you need to worry about what you cannot see and by and large what is outside the illuminated area is pretty dangerous including the cliff face immediately underfoot.

Nevertheless there doesn’t seem to be any risk you’ll take a step in the wrong direction. You’re well aware of what’s going on, what your part is in it and more important what you part is not in it thereby keeping your boundaries. Knowing if you overstep these boundaries you may very well find yourself in a perilous situation or at the very least one you do not want to be in.

The owl shows wisdom and this owl is alert! It is ready to alight if needs be and also surveying an area of your life that you may not be thinking about too strongly. For this reason you may find you begin to think of different areas of your life not with panic or worry but more with wisdom and answers to how you can change things.

If nothing else you can be assured you will have help and whilst this help seems to come from within you there is also a strength to you today that you know you do not have to hold everything together on your own. The staff in your hand is strong and steady… as are your thoughts and actions.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 25, 2014 — Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles

 Ten of Pentacles

There is a sense of abundance around today with the Ten of Pentacles — from the Hanson-Roberts Tarot — as today’s card. Families join together to celebrate. Gifts are passed around and there is plenty for all.

The Ten of Pentacles is a card of riches. If you are thinking to change your job or are in line for a promotion this is a great day to be cementing those thoughts in your own mind and looking at ways you can take yourself forward career or money wise.

Mercury also comes into close contact with Pluto today so don’t discount any thoughts you have or words that are said to you no matter how small they may be. Pluto is the planet of transformation so from those thoughts or words big changes may come.

There is a sense of solidarity within this image as if everything and everyone has their place yet all look happy and comfortable within their roles and all is as it should be. No one is left out. No one is giving or receiving more than they are comfortable with.

Relationships take on a sense of balance and stability whilst communication takes on a sense of understanding. This is a great day to be heard and whilst your words may be small they will carry such power that they will also go a long way.

The changes may not be apparent for some time but changes will come. If you are not communicating with another person and you are mulling thoughts over in your own mind take note of those thoughts as they have the capacity and greatness to turn into larger plans in the coming weeks.

Whilst some thoughts start out small they can grow with such power that they take you far. Be careful what you think today because today is a day of greatness.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 24, 2014 — Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

As Saturn has now left Scorpio and entered Sagittarius there is a definite difference to the energy around.

It is as if you have been released from the constrictions of the past few years and there is a brighter future coming your way. Sagittarius always has a way of making everything seem brighter and more positive and this is right in line with the energy of the Ace of Wands.

Any new project you are thinking of starting now would be a great time to begin.

The image on this Ace of Wands suggests there is a correlation between what you are thinking of doing on a higher level and bringing it into your life. If this is the case it will not be difficult.

Things will fall into place for you almost seamlessly as your thoughts and actions correlate to what is around you and help comes from unexpected sources.

There is an abundance of energy for you whether this be physical or mental and with this energy plus more importantly you are able to channel this energy into whatever you are doing. This is a good day to plough through your workload.

If you have been falling behind with your work this is the day to get on top of that. If you look at the image there is a sense of “as above, so below” as the energy is interconnecting between the Wand.

This also gives a sense of balance to your life today as you are blessed with a sense of rightness in what you are planning to do.

Great ideas start with a small spark and I suggest you follow your heart with any small spark that comes your way today… you never know where it will lead you.

It is no coincidence that we also see Mars trine the node today giving a sense of fate to the energy you are experiencing.

Free Daily Tarotscope –Dec 23, 2014 — Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Breath in, breath out and shake it all about. Today is a great day for travelling. Whether that travel is done internally or it is a journey you shall make it is designed to shake you up a bit and get you thinking in a new way.

You may have felt stuck within a situation and need an energy boost to see it in a new way. Look to the past for you have been where you now before. The vibrant orange/red shows that you are not as calm as you show on the outside.

There is the makings of a storm within you and this may be linked to you dredging up past memories. If you find this is the case look at how you dealt with similar situations in the past.

You may have reacted calmly and not given your true thoughts or emotions a voice which has in turn left you boiling over inside today as you are once again confronted with the energetic imprint of these thoughts and emotions.

This can be a problem if you react quickly because those around you and possibly even yourself may not understand the reactive explosion from you today. If you try to hold it in it may eat away at you and you find yourself tense and irritable with no amount of calmness overcoming.

On the bright side it seems this emotion has not fully reached your head and this means you do have the choice to act and react in ways you possibly should have in the past.

With the Holidays fast approaching you may wish to think on any imbalances around your family life and if you are still holding onto past anger that is triggered at this time of year.

Sometimes holding everything in when it should’ve been diffused previously does neither you nor anyone else any favours. It can also leave you out in the cold and feeling alone.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 22, 2014 — The Journey

The Journey

The Wanderer

All good things come to pass and new things take their place.

With the Moon conjunct Pluto today there is a sense of transformation around and with these two planets it’s more than likely having a tad more than a bit to do with emotions.

This aspect denotes intense emotions. They type of emotions that you may try hard to get away from. They do not merely sway you they knock you off your feet.

Added to this Venus is squaring nodes so a sense of fate steps in today making situations more intense and once again Venus is linked to emotions so we have a volatile day for your love life. An emotional rollercoaster of emotions that you just can’t seem to get away from.

You may find thoughts going and around and around in your mind and you are picking over old bones in an effort to come up with answers.

This however may not be the best way to go about trying to fix things and as it is possibly time to look at yourself, where you stand and what you want.

Others will not be co operative today and you could find that who you once thought was a friend or lover has simply flown off leaving you to mull things over.

Decide what you want and what you are going to do about it. The card of the Wanderer in this tarot deck is more commonly referred to as the Death card in traditional decks.

The Death card is a card of change and transformation. What change can you make today that will transform your life tomorrow?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 21, 2014 –Three of Stones

Three of Stones

Three of Stones

There is wisdom and then there is being wiser. As the Sun goes into Capricorn today we see Uranus turning direct.

This means that just as things start to get more practical and grounded for you Uranus comes in like lightening and could shake them all back up.

If there is anything that you have been trying to put into action lately today may be the day to do it on.

You have all the answers you need, you have all the resources you need and the only thing you perhaps need is a bit of a push in jumping off that ledge and doing it.

Uranus turning direct today will give you that push even if you want it or not.

Whatever you do decide to do today know that it comes from deep within you and if you look at the owls in this image you can see they are actually under the tree and form part of the tree’s root system.

Your own beliefs will also support and feed you today.

It is important to listen to any thoughts you are having as they will send you in the right direction and further fuel the fire inside you to get things done.

You might also want to keep in mind that if you hold back and don’t do what needs done then you may be forced into doing it kicking and screaming at some point in the future and if this is the case you will not hold as much power over your actions as you would if you made the decision yourself.

There is more than one way to watch a plan take action and the first step starts with wisdom.