
Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 8, 2014 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Today as Jupiter goes retrograde you may be looking back on the events in your life that have led you to where you are today.

And while the Three of Wands is definitely more about “looking ahead,” you’d be well served to take into consideration the efforts you’ve already made toward meeting your long term goals.

Retrograde planets emphasize the internalization (retrograde) of the planets’ specific energies  — in this case Jupiter, which ties into personal evolution, spirituality and higher mind awareness. So the focus will be more about inner awareness and growth and than external processes.

And yet it doesn’t mean going it alone. As you can see from the images in this card there are always those who’ve inspired us, supported us and have had our backs along the way.

The Three of Wands speaks of seeing results from efforts we’ve put into a project or goal and being inspired enough from that progress to keep on keeping on. It tells us that we’re on the right path and that all we’ve done so far as not been for naught.

With this in mind, the Jupiter retrograde ties in as it reminds us to look back at not only where we’ve come from but the progress we’ve made along the way.

I love how there’s so much communal support in this version of the card. There are references to help and assistance (the falcon steadying the telescope for the rhino while he postulates on some important trivia) as well as standing on the shoulders of giants (the beetle and the bug).

This is what you want to keep in mind today while you think about your next moves. Jupiter retro makes for a good time to revisit, review and revise what you’ve already accomplished — and that includes acknowledging those who have made it all possible — before setting about to plan your next move.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 7, 2014 — The World

The World

The World

While some people are busy looking at the glass as half-empty, you’re seeing it as more than full. You’re focusing on how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved over the last several months

If you sit back and take stock of what has actually changed for you will get the sense that while some things change others stay the same and this is neither good nor bad.

Everything is as it should be for you to enter the next phase of your plans.

The journey that began with the Fool ends here with the “World,” and a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment and completion.

And just like the Fool, you’ve come full-circle, from instinct to essence to progress to development, as you end one cycle and embark on a new one.

This card represents endings and new beginnings.You must tie up loose ends and close the door on one chapter in your life — even if that leaves you with feelings of longing or regret.

You can see the tree in this card sitting on top of the world, encircling and embracing it. It grows upwards towards the heavens and the world just keeps on turning — just as we must grow and change with the natural rhythms of life.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 6, 2014 — Judgment



With Mercury squaring Chiron today you may feel as if you are a bit off balance. On top of this there is also a full moon in Gemini which gives you new thoughts and experiences.

Looks like it’s time to contemplate where you have come from and where you are going. Not to mention the small twist of where you are now.

If life has not been going your way lately take heart that today looks to be quite cathartic for you in finding a path that suits you better.

Others may be looking to you to lead them or show them the way in what is possible and while you are finding your own feet you may have some trouble with this. Nevertheless you have been given wings to fly and fly you will even if it is a small step.

As you look around you today you may find the past, present and future colliding as well as laid out before you and clearly being seen for what it is. What will you do next?

You may feel as if the ground has been knocked out from under you which is disorientating but rest assured you will soon pick yourself up in a different way to the past which also gives you new ideas on what you will do next.

You may not be ready to take a leap of faith and launch yourself forward but you will certainly be feeling as if you have been given a helping hand in finding what it is you want and who you are.

Like a caterpillar emerging from its cocoon you will find this metamorphosis not only working in your favour but also a chance to show off your skills to others who may be following your path.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 5, 2014 — Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

 Seven of Swords

Do you stay or do you go? That is the question today as you seem to be on your way out of one situation yet not quite ready to leave it all behind.

As you move from this situation there seems to be some need for you to do it with stealth or without quite being seen to be doing what you are really doing.

If you are in a rocky relationship be aware that your partner may be on the way out the door without you realising it as they are playing a two sided game whereby you are not sure where you stand with them and their actions/words are not aligning with what is actually going on.

Hopes and dreams may not be clear as can be seen from the different shaped stars in the sky. What you hope when you wish upon a star may not be the same as what you actually get. You need to be ready for anything as circumstances can change at the drop of a hat.

There is more “unspoken” than “spoken” within this card. The 5 swords being carried away heavily outweigh the 2 swords left which means you are only being told a part of the story and a small part at that.

Do not expect to know the whole truth or all the facts as only the person doing the leaving knows this and they are more than willing to take their secrets with them as they go.

Keep in mind that if you or the other person do decide to return the door is still open although this may not always be the case.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 4, 2014 — The Magician

The Magician

The Magician

Today you’ll be honing your skills and talents to perfection, so that they can be put to practical use.

And not just any skills at that because Mars moves into Aquarius today the skills you may be calling on could be a bit out of the ordinary for you but you will be hit with the thought to use them just the same. If you try doing so you may learn more than you imagined.

Although the Magician is full of lofty ideas and goals, they don’t amount to much if they can’t be brought down to earth and made manifest. This is your goal today: to take all you think and know and make it accessible to others in a useful way.

In this deck, Hermes — patron god of travelers, thieves, messengers and magicians — is depicted as the Magician, pointing upwards toward the heavens and downwards toward the earth.

The four elements (fire, earth, air and water) are at his feet, symbolizing the four suits of the tarot. It’s clear that he has all he needs right there at his disposal, if only he puts them to use.

You’ll want to set about accomplishing something tangible. Know that all of your resources are right there at your fingertips, and will only need to be accessed in order to create something “magic.”

Mars moving into Aquarius today gives you a spark for the creative where ideas may just come to you at the drop of a hat. Perhaps carrying a small notebook around would be a good idea so you can write them down.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 3, 2014 — King of Swords

King of Swords

King of Swords

There is strength in words today both written and spoken.

The King of Swords has a very quick mind. He is intellectual, clever and in a state of activity.

Today you may find that you are constantly on the go. You have so many things to take care of that you don’t get a chance to sit down. As soon as one thing I finished something else pops up to take your attention.

As can be seen from this image you have the capacity, imagination and intellect to see your ideas through but you may find there are so many things happening at once that you overlooks something.

A list may help with this as you seem to be so unindated that what you miss is something that is needed and shouldn’t be forgotten.

There is a sense of spirituality to the colours of the flowing robes which are layer upon layer suggesting there are many depths to circumstances that arise today and don’t just take something at face value.

The gleaming sword almost touching the temple shows that as soon as a thought is perceived then action is taken. There is precious little sitting about for you today even though you may try to sneak a rest here and there.

Not everything will be about words today though. The gem on the crown covers the third eye which means that your intuition is well and truly in play. Trust it and give it credence because in the end it may be all you have to rely on.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 2, 2014 — Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

You may be trying to find your bearings today and need to decide what direction you will take next.

Don’t rush into any decisions as you may not be seeing the full picture just yet and need to wait for things to fall into place.

Any papers you have to sign are perhaps best put off today especially if you have any questions about what you are signing.

Things are on an upward turn for you but you are not out of the woods yet. You need to watch where you are going and not leave things up to fate or chance.

Part of you may feel as if it is all too much effort to make but there are other parts of you (as can be seen from the face blowing bubbles behind you) that do see the fuller picture and are intuitively urging you to make the changes you face without holding back.

If you did decide to make changes today perhaps you should take a look at the mermaid’s tail in this image. It is not being used for anything other than balancing just now and that is how it is for you. You are at a standstill, neither here nor there and just holding your own.

The beautiful blue and green hues of the water speak of communication and healing taking place. The relatively calm currents show your emotions being kept in check. However, the trajectory of the cups in the water do not show which way you will go.

At the moment you reach towards the surface of the water ready to pull yourself out of where you are but you are not looking at where you are going and in not doing so that may be your downfall.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 1, 2014 — Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

With the ploughed fields behind you and new pastures to be had it is as if you are at the end of one chapter of your life and ready to start another.

There is nothing more bewitching than a black cat riding on the back of a goat. I bet you never thought you’d see that image.

Take a careful look at it and you will see the cat looks as if it is guarding the goat and looking for any danger that may come their way. Meanwhile the goat is free to nourish itself.

It is about time you gave yourself a break. You have everything in place to take some time off and enjoy yourself and nourish your soul in order to give back to yourself what you need to replenish.

There is no fear that anything will go wrong as the cat keeps a lookout around you. This means that you have taken good care to protect yourself, your possessions and your finances. Everything is running smoothly for you without threat.

The Knight of Pentacles ushers in a new era of making money with the possibility, as can be seen in this card, of doing it in a different way.

Whilst in the past you were perhaps tied in to restrictions in how you conducted your work or business (as can be seen from the straight lines in the ploughed fields).

Right now you have the opportunity to lay down a completely different way of doing things (as can be seen from the rich, ripe grass of the new fields underneath you).

With Saturn sextiling Mars today the energy around you is high and you will make a lot of headway in getting things done. There is neither frustration nor stagnation but a nice, even keel to the energy around you allowing for life to flow beautifully.

As the black cat keeps watch keep in mind… It’s always nice having someone to watch your back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 30, 2014 — Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

It’s as if fate steps in today to take you by the hand.

With Venus trine the north node there is a sense of the inevitable around and it looks bright and rosy.

If you have been looking for inspiration or a “sign” from the Universe today is the day it may hit you.

You may also feel as if you should be doing something but with the Nine of Cups things can just generally come to you. It is a card of success and wishes coming true.

There is a sense that if you gazed into the centre of this image you would be drawn into a hypnotic trance where only the centre really mattered and everything around it was on the outskirts.

However, if you look at the images which are around this card you can see they are all very pleasant including the words love and happiness as well as a reference to Freud.

Your ability to get to the nitty gritty of a matter is seen today and it may not come from the usual sources.

Jupiter trine the node gives a sense of destiny combined with luck. It’s the type of transit that gives a high chance of a breakthrough with anything that you have been stumped on recently. It is the type of day where anything can happen and probably will.

Don’t be too worried about things going wrong as even if they seem to not be going your way today in the end it will all pan out and you will see the wisdom in the larger picture.

Make a wish and dream big because today is the day you will be heard.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 29, 2014 — Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Today is a day about taking care of yourself as well as others and if there has been any unbalance between the two lately then it’s time to take a look at that.

There is a touch of the fairy about this image and predominance of the colour green shows that there is healing around for you.

You may wish to choose where and whom you deliver this healing to as if you need more energy for yourself there is no use giving it out to others when you could be replenishing your own reserves.

Any pet project you have going on or in the pipeline will need careful surveying today and the finishing touches may need to be put in place.

There is help at hand for this as the white petals float down from the tree in the background giving new thoughts that come from nowhere to help you.

You may feel as if you have a lot of energy to share around today as can be seen from the red dress worn yet you do not need to put as much of that energy into everything you do as the delicate fairy wings show just a smidgen of energy goes a long way. Therefore go from one project to the next and don’t get bogged down in any one thing.

Do not take on the problems of others as if they were your own. Keep a healthy distance and take notice of boundaries. This may be the lesson you are learning today… where you begin and others end.


December 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Ceccoli Tarot

Aries:  Empress

It may be time to start treating yourself as a Queen and putting your own needs and wants first rather than doing what everyone else wants you to do and scrutinising over every decision and move you make.

If you were looking for a promotion at work you will need to be equally on the alert that you are not seen as someone who is not able to stand their ground and do what is needed.

Because while others see you as no threat they will pass by you and possibly go over you when it comes to a promotion at work which leaves you back at square one.

On the other hand if you are taking care of or nurturing someone else this is an excellent month for you as you seem to know just what to do or say at the right moment.

Relationships may be coming under scrutiny for you and your own place within the relationship being put under the microscope so to speak.

Don’t be afraid to make the changes you see needed change and don’t be held back by over analysing everything around you.

Everyone has the right to do what is best for them and from the image on this card there doesn’t look like there is any chance you would hurt someone in the purpose.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 28, 2014 — Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

You are well protected today with the ability to take your ideas forward into other areas of your life without fear of what may happen next.

It seems you have spent a lot of time building power both within and without yourself and it is time to call this power forth now and use it to realise your goals.

You have the strength to accomplish anything you want and all it takes is that first step for the goal to roar forth.

What you are wishing for comes from your heart, intellect and intuition. Nothing and no one will hold you back as you have made sure everything is in place and you are well protected from anything going wrong.

Not for you the gentle energy that courses through one when they are getting ready to release a new project or chapter in their life.

You have planned this change for a while and know exactly how much energy you need to put into it.

The stars allow you to make more than one wish.

The lion gives you energy and a voice to be heard while you stand within a protected circle and launch what you have been hoping to begin for a while.

This image reminds me of manifesting and if you are wanting to manifest something today use this image to alter your mind and focus your intentions on what it is you hope to manifest into your life and expect it to happen.

Everything starts with a thought… today your thoughts are shouting!