
Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 15, 2014 — Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

It’s the weekend and time to let your hair down, go out and have some fun and generally not worry about a thing.

The Three of Cups stands for happiness and merriment.

Happy times abide and though you soar in the exuberance of the “moment” remember what you do in this moment may have consequences that bring you down to earth (or diving for cover under water) at some point in the future.

There’s a general sense of excitement as you know you are able to let your hair down and be social on oh so many levels.

There’s the level of soaring high and being so engrossed in your own pleasure that you ignore or don’t notice what is going on around you.

And of course, there’s the coming down to earth with a splash where you may have made a fool of yourself and decide that hiding your face for a while is the best thing to do so you are not too embarrassed.

Then there’s all those levels of excitement in between where you can flit from one social engagement to the next or one person to the next just like a butterfly.

You may even like to choose a coloured fin on one of the mermaids and imagine what that colour brings out for you and your mood.

Whatever you choose to do today (or tonight) there is a sense of joy and abandonment of all your worries around it. It’s as if you don’t have a care in the world and from the look on the face of the highest mermaid in this card all your cares and worries are dropping away as you soar higher and higher.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 14, 2014 — Six of Coins

Six of Coins

Six of Coins

Today’s card — the Six of Coins from the charming and whimsical Joie de Vivre Tarot — speaks of aligning yourself with the Universal laws of abundance and prosperity.

It refers to the act of giving and receiving, sharing the wealth and attracting more and more of it into your life through your willingness to trust that it is meant to flow.

The Moon is in Leo today, and is conjuncting Jupiter for a good part of the morning. This transit may be fleeting but while it lasts it can spark in you those warm, fuzzy feelings of benevolence and good will.

The Six of Coins is about giving and receiving. It’s about sharing. It’s about random acts of kindness. And it’s about the exchange of energy — which often takes the form of money or financial assistance.

When you look at the figures in this card you can see how there’s just as much joy in giving as there is in receiving, which is of course exactly as it should be.

Can you even tell who is who in this picture anyway? Who is the benefactor and who is the recipient? Both are giving the other one something. For one it’s the tangible gift of money and for the other it’s the joyful gift of gratitude. Is one more valuable to you than the other?

This is something to think about today. Kindness and consideration, compassion, generosity. But most of all gratitude. These are all Six of Coins attributes.

This isn’t about giving what you can’t afford to give. That can create hardship and ultimately resentment. But notice how the giver in this card has five shiny coins left after he’s given one away. He’s either created enough abundance in his life to feel comfortable passing some of it along, or he’s learned to place more value on the act of giving than the act of hoarding or spending frivolously.

Whether you’re the benefactor today or the recipient, know that this is a never ending cycle and you’ll find yourself in both roles. Be prepared to jump in and participate fully — either through offering help to another or expressing gratitude for the help you receive.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 13, 2014 — Three of Swords

Three of Swords

 Three of Swords

Mars squares Uranus today,making for a high energy and potentially volatile day. Emotions can be difficult to contain — particularly the more aggressive emotions, like anger, impatience and indignation.

You want to be on your toes, especially where relationships are concerned as you may have to deflect a few daggers that come your way.

The Three of Swords is often seen as pain and heartache, but this version veers so significantly from traditional imagery that it becomes a welcome and refreshing change.

You may not be particularly happy today. You may still feel the sting of rejection or love lost.

But as you can see from the figure in in this card, it’s more about stopping pain in its tracks than it is about allowing it to cut you to your deepest core.

The young warrior in this card is a whirlwind of action and energy. She sees the sword coming at her and acts with deftness and precision.

She wields two swords of her own and uses them to block the third one, thus minimizing the damage done.

This is in keeping with another of todays’ transits — Venus conjunct Saturn. There’s a certain decisiveness that comes with this transit that allows you hold onto your power.

The Three of Swords can refer to deep psychic woulds that are cut open by circumstances beyond your control. Usually a rejection or heartbreak that even if you saw it coming you felt powerless to stop.

But this version tells you that you can take charge of the situation and decide how you want to react to it. You don’t have to suffer needlessly. What happens may be outside of your control but how you respond to it is most definitely not.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 12, 2014 — the High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess

There is something about today where you will barely be able to contain your own power. If you have been hoping to be in a position to push something forward in your life then today is the day to do so.

Not only is everything lining up for you it is also doing it in a way where you only have to push a few buttons and presto… the world is your oyster.

With Mercury trine Neptune today you are also in a state of heightened intuition when it comes to “knowing” and you can put this to good use.

The dominance of the colour orange in this card shows you are using your creative energy to get what you desire.

There is no nastiness or meanness to what you are trying to accomplish as the ring of white around your shoulders shows your intentions are pure.

The book in your left hand implies you are using your energy wisely with the back up of wisdom and knowledge whilst the array of purple in the backdrop also strengthens any areas of spirituality around you.

The fields to either side of you show growth in various stages alongside the firm foundation of mature trees in the background.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 11, 2014 — King of Cups

King of Cups

King of Cups

Today’s Moon in Cancer can be a bit tricky. On the one hand it encourages you to immerse yourself fully in the realm of feelings, intuition and emotions.

And on the other hand it spends a good part of the day in hard aspect to Mars, Pluto and Uranus — the three most intense, aggressive and tumultuous planetary energies out there.

What this means for you is that getting in touch with your feelings today can bring some things you’ve been struggling to deal with (or avoiding entirely) to the surface.

Look at the King of Cups in this card. He appears as a Poseidon-like figure, naked (open, receptive, exposed) and submerged in a pond filled with lotus blossoms (purity and enlightenment).

You can see how he’s become almost one with the murky waters that surround him, in fact you can’t tell in some places where the water ends and he begins.

Notice that his trident is also partially submerged and its tines have been distorted by the play of light on the surface of the water.

The King of Cups is about more than just getting in touch with your feelings. It’s about learning contain and control and master them. While it’s clear there is some turbulence in the water that surrounds him, you can see how this King is able to maintain his composure. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 10, 2014 — Strength



With Mars conjuncting Pluto today, you may be called upon to tame your inner beast, meaning that if you feel your emotions rising and you know they may get out of control if you give way to them then you need to reign those emotions in and find another way to express them.

On the surface you look happy and calm almost contented as if nothing can rattle you yet underneath a storm may be brewing.

Be on the lookout for anyone trying to press your buttons to seek a reaction from you.

If you have been having trouble with someone and they know how to rile you then you need to be extra vigilant that you do not react the way they are hoping for. If you do you lose and they win.

The yellow sky shows a prevalence of mental abilities today yet if your mind is too cluttered with many different thoughts you may not get to the gist of what you are wanting to know.

The white dress shows you as innocent in some way… almost like a blank canvas waiting to see what sprouts forth.

Whatever does come forth for you today you can be sure it will not be small.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 9, 2014 — Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Today — with the planet of love (Venus) in hard aspect to the planet of excess and overindulgence (Jupiter), you could find yourself tempted to overdo it in some areas.

The Nine of Cups is associated with appreciating the finer things in life. With a natural fondness for luxury, comfort, sensuality. composure, self-indulgence, and tranquility. And potentially with excess, depending on how fond of those things — and how susceptible to their charms you are — at this point in your life.

Overall this card speaks of getting to where you feel comfortable enough to kick your heels up and start enjoying the fruits of your labors. And while you may not be exactly there just yet, this card indicates a sense of accomplishment and pride in how far you’ve come.

Here we see a man leaning back and draping his arms across the what looks like a well-stocked bar. He doesn’t appear to have a care in the world.

A large painting of a tastefully concealed nude woman hangs on the wall in the background. Everything about him is relaxed, right down to the trust he places in his rickety chair.

This Venus / Jupiter aspect can be a bit careless. As in trusting too much and taking too many chances. But there’s an element of luck there too, which seems to offset the risk. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 8, 2014 — Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Today as Mercury enters Scorpio you may take the opportunity to look back at the last few weeks where, although communications may not have gone as you wanted or smoothly, to say the least, you have come out of it all and can at last put it all behind you.

You are not quite out of the woods yet when it comes to communication difficulties and this Page of Swords shows that what you are thinking and actually wanting to communicate may not come out the way you planned.

Because of this it may be best to put serious conversations off for a few days.

You may think you are standing (or sitting) on solid ground but as this image shows the solid mountains are beneath you and you are actually sitting within the clouds.

Its almost as if you are not fully aware of where you are or how you got there.

With the moon in Gemini today you will have a lot of mental activity around you and if you are required to give a firm answer to a question it may be best if you try to buy yourself a bit of time while you gather all the facts before answering.

After all, as this image suggests, you are not standing (or sitting) on solid ground and you are also not coming forth with solid ideas.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 7, 2014 — Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Today it’s going to be all about juggling the different areas in your life and finding ways to maintain some sort of equilibrium in the process.

It’s about needing to be flexible and adaptable, as well as being able to shift from one task to another without losing focus.

.Notice the two pentacles the woman in is juggling deftly on this card. They look identical, and this may refer to their level of importance in the realm of larger considerations. But as far as what you want to accomplish today (as opposed to what needs to get done), they’re probably not equal at all.

It could be work and responsibilities vs. pleasure and play. It could be relationships vs. autonomy. Or it could even be up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest).

Whatever it is, you don’t want to be so focused on weighing your options that you lose sight of what’s going on around you. In the midst of all this rocky terrain the woman in this card stands on solid ground. Yet there’s a storm brewing in the background and shipwreck taking place right behind her.

Maybe she feels safe because she’s somewhat sheltered from the storm. Or maybe she’s so invested in trying to balance out her priorities that she doesn’t even notice it. One thing’s for sure: if she loses her concentration and ends up dropping the ball, everything she’s striving for will fall out of balance. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 6, 2014 — The Empress

The Empress

The Empress

Today’s Full Moon is in Taurus, a feminine earth sign that ties in beautifully with the blessings bestowed upon us by the Empress card.

This card is all about getting in touch with your “feminine” side. This isn’t related to gender — it’s more about the qualities that are traditionally associated with anima-type energies.

They’re more sensitive, intuitive, reflective and passive. They’re introspective and creative as opposed to extroverted and dynamic. But they are just as powerful and can enrich your life in ways you never dreamed possible.

There is a rich inner world that each of us — male or female — possess, yet few of us take the time to fully explore. It’s a lush, fertile garden where primitive instincts and natural desires reside.

The woman in this card is at one with nature. She’s at home among the exotic animals, fruits and foliage that surround her.  She’s nurturing yet commanding and exotic yet organic.

The sunlight behind her casts its glow and surrounds her like a subtle golden aura. She wears a crown of wildflowers and has draped a string of them around a wildcat’s neck. A pheasant rises up and rests comfortably in her arms.

If you look closely you can see that her headdress and even her gown is “alive” with plant-life and forest greenery. This is the essence of the Empress card.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 5, 2014 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Today you should be looking at opportunities that are presenting themselves for you to expand your horizons.

The Three of Wands says you’ve already made strides toward accomplishing important goals. And you’re probably also already starting to see the fruits of your labors.

Whether this is related to a projects in the workplace or momentum you’ve gained in your personal relationships, you can take a moment to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

But it’s also time to look toward the future. The Three of Wands — like all Threes — acts as a bridge between the tension and uncertainty of the Twos and the structure and stability of the Fours.

With that in mind you want to think about how far you’ve come as you plan your next move.

The central figure in this card is a young woman looking out over the vast horizons before here. The night sky is alive with fireflies and stars. A crescent moon — waxing, which relates to growth and potential — shines down on her from above.

Look at the three wands placed neatly behind her. They’re there within arms’ reach, but her focus is on what lies ahead. Her trusty companion sits by her side, and is equally immersed in the landscape before them. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 4, 2014 — Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Today you may be thinking about ways to establish security for yourself and your loved ones. This means financial security first and foremost, but ties into other areas of your life as well.

Building a solid foundation in your relationships for example. Making sure you’re where you need to be with your education and professional credentials. Fortifying your relationships with family and friends.

The Queen of Pentacles is all about security and longevity. She appreciates the finer things in life and is not afraid to work for them. But she also wants to see returns on her efforts — material and otherwise.

This Queen is not a pushover. She stands firm in her convictions and does what it takes to achieve her goals. As a strong, solid practical business woman, she’s probably weighed all her options before she’s made a move.

This could be a person in your life or it could refer to qualities that you need to incorporate into your own personality.

The Queen of Pentacles is practical and efficient. She also tends to move a little more slowly, for two reasons. One, she knows from experience that practical choices are more likely to pay off than get rich schemes in the end.  And Two, she wants to savor the life she’s built rather than scrambling to earn her next buck without taking the time to appreciate her gains.