
Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 3, 2014 — Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

You may feel the urge today to reach out to those who remind you of life’s simpler pleasures, such as a family member or a childhood friend.

The Six of Cups speaks of innocence, wonder, sentimentality and reminiscing about the past. You may be missing someone, longing for the comforts and companionships that have gone by the wayside over time.

You could also hear from an old friend unexpectedly today. Someone who’s been on your mind and who takes you on a trip down memory lane, reminding you of long-forgotten events that come rushing back to you in a wave of nostalgia.

This card is also about fantasy and make-believe. Notice the young girl in this card hosting a tea-part among her imaginary friends. Along with her treasured childhood toys there are birds, fish, fairies and elves.

Five of the six cups are teacups and the sixth is a golden vessel on an outcropping by the stream.

There are symbols here of abundance (fish), emotions (water), and luck (the 6th golden vessel). But it’s the sweetness and sincerity that stands out the most.

This is also true of memories — especially the happier memories — which tend to take on softer hues when we look back on them with longing.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 2, 2014 — Temperance



Today you want to work on achieving balance and harmony in all areas of your life.

The Temperance card refers to bringing the opposing facets of your personality (or your relationships, or your desires) into alignment by finding the perfect middle ground.

It’s about symmetry, synthesis, equilibrium, moderation and restraint.

The little lamb in this version of the card is equipped with golden fleece and angels’ wings. He stands at the based of a pool of water, pouring water from one receptacle to the other, never missing a beat.

Notice he has one foot in the water (the realm of emotions) and one on solid ground (earthly matters and mundane affairs).

The Sun shines brightly in the background, giving breath to the meadows and the daffodils growing around him. But you can’t tell if it’s rising or setting: it’s midway between the horizon and the heavens.

Similarly, today’s Pisces Moon is midway between two planets: Neptune and Chiron. The soft, gentle, flowing energy found in the Temperance card is repeated through this transit.

There’s a calm, tranquil energy expressed through the imagery in this card. It encourages us to stay centered and not tilt too much in one direction or the other.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 1, 2014 — Knight of Chalices

Knight of Chalices

Knight of Chalices

Today you may encounter someone who inspires you to open up your heart and express your true feelings without fear or censure.

This could be an individual in your life (male or female) or it could describe qualities that you yourself need to develop. Qualities like love, affection, romance, and emotional expression.

The Knight of Chalices (Cups in most decks), while not exactly the proverbial Knight in Shining Armor, does have a certain romantic sweep-you-off-your-feet vibe. He’s ardent and passionate with a lot to say and a colorful way of saying it.

He may be “in love with love,” in which case he’s apt to be better at the hearts and flowers aspects of romance than he is at the nitty gritty.

Notice that this Knight is charging off on some unknown adventure with his chalice raised high in the air. He’s likely following his heart — and will go to the ends of the earth to find what he’s looking for.

There is a bit of a dramatic flair associated with this Knight. He can be chivalrous and gallant when he needs to be. Or when the mood calls for a softer approach he can be sensitive, caring and kind.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his charm, sensitivity, and emotional availability. He wears his heart on his sleeve and has no problem expressing feelings. He may reach out across the miles or send messages of love and affection from afar. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 31, 2014 — The World

The World

The World

You may be feeling like you’re coming to the end of one chapter of your life and preparing to embark on another.

The World card (Universe in some decks) speaks of a sense of fulfillment and completion as you put the finishing touches on a project or cycle and begin to tie up loose ends.

This version of the card is ripe with symbolic imagery. We see a sea siren or mermaid, framed by the mythical Ouroboros (world serpent).

Two human-faced fish are situated at the top of the card, gazing at one another. A pair of hybrid beasts safeguard the gateway between past and future at the bottom of the card.

According to tradition, the Ouroboros swallows his own tail and devours himself, only to be reborn again and again.

This represents the World card’s on-going cycle of past and future, death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration.

The mermaid is front center here, midway between the past and future. She’s risen from the sea behind her as she begins her transition across solid ground.

She only needs to cross through the gateway before her to complete the transition. She may need to confront her fears (the beasts on the other side), but if you look at them closely, they’re not so frightening after all.

Nov 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Gypsy Palace Tarot

King of Swords

ARIES: King of Swords

This month you’re likely to be thinking more about doing business and finding your place in the world than anything else.

With a line-up of planets moving through your 8th house — the area associated with joint resources and other people’s money — as well as Mars (your ruler) joining Pluto in your public sector, the focus is going to be more on career and professional achievements.

The King of Swords is all about power and authority. Success, Accomplishment. Strategy. Intelligence. You’ll have all of these things at your fingertips and should be taking advantage of them — particularly in the first two weeks of the month.

This is a time for putting your ideas out there — verbally or in writing — and communicating them to others. It’s not the time for ambivalence or uncertainty.

Look at the King in this card. He’s a bit more colorful and flamboyant than we’re using to seeing with the King of Swords. He’s usually rather stoic and somber.

But this whimsical version is just spirited enough to capture the dynamic and playful Uranus in Aries transit you’re dealing with and just dignified enough to capture the Mars in Capricorn transit you’ve got moving through your 10th house.

This King says you can have the best of both worlds. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. And you won’t get anywhere if it’s all play and no work.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 30, 2014 — Judgment


Today you could be taking stock of your life and looking at the actions and decisions that have led you who you are today.

The Judgment card calls for self-evaluation and awareness, a need to develop enough spiritual altitude to look objectively at your mistakes and short-comings as well as your triumphs and victories.

The Judgment card is a powerful reminder that in order to put the past behind us we must not only let go of prior judgments but heal the wounds that have been holding us back. It’s a card of both atonement and forgiveness. Of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance — for both ourselves and for those who’ve hurt us or let us down.

In this version we see a vulnerable, child-like angel standing before three trumpets, grasping a sword in her hands. She could be cutting through the ties that bind her to worldly concerns as she prepares to receive her penance.

The image is shown in negative form — a symbolic reference to the concept of gaining an inverted perspective and seeing things from another’s point of view.

You may have been beating yourself up over your own transgressions or making too many excuses for those who have done you wrong. This card encourages you to see things as they truly are, and to adopt a more impartial understanding so that you can not only move on, but can also put the guilt and regret to rest.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 29, 2014 — Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Today you may be taking a serious look at what (and whom) in your life you need to put behind you.

The Eight of Cups may seem like a difficult card, and the decisions that accompany it may not be a walk in the park, but in the end it can be tremendously empowering.

Here we see the goddess Persephone walking empty-handed into the unknown. Eight golden vessels stand upright behind her, reflecting the difficulties associated with walking away from something that was once fulfilling.

This should be a period of cleaning out closets, weeding unhealthy relationships from your life and letting go of outdated beliefs and fears. It’s cathartic in the sense that it forces you to look at what’s no longer working for you and to do something about it.

There is a natural sense of purpose associated with this card, even if it brings with it some sadness or loneliness. It may be that the Universe has something different (better) in store for you, and it may be that your current life circumstances are leading you down a different path.

It’s the difference between “fate” and “destiny” — or more specifically the difference between letting life happen to you and making it happen yourself.

You’ll have to remember that the emptiness and loneliness you feel is temporary, and a necessary part of getting to the other side. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 28, 2014 — The High Priestess

High Priestess

The High Priestess

As the Sun trines Neptune today, you may be feeling more sensitive, more intuitive, and more aligned with the inner-workings of your psyche.

This transit can bring in psychic impressions, such as astral travel, lucid dreams or déjà vu experiences. While that may be a bit unnerving for you at first it can open up doors for you that you never dreamed possible.

The High Priestess is a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. It speaks of intuition, perception and wisdom, and all the secrets of the universe unveiled.

In this version of the card we see repeated themes of timelessness and esoterica. There’s a photo of a Victorian-era woman laid across a set of ancient sky maps.

A spiraled time-piece — stretching out to infinity — and a crooked wand are also present. But most prominent of all is the High Priestess’ all-knowing gaze.

She is both young and old, embodying both innocence and wisdom. She is the keeper of secrets, knowledge and mystery.

You may be getting more in touch with your own intuition, or thinking about delving into the mystery schools — learning tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. Or you may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 27, 2014 — The Peacock

The Peacock

The Peacock

As Venus trines Neptune today, it’s a good time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations.

You could be feeling a renewed sense of hope about a goal that is now starting to feel more reachable. Or you may be feeling inspired to explore your intuition and psychic impressions.

The Peacock is the Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Star card and is called “The Illuminator” in this deck.

Illumination is one of the hallmark traits associated with the Star card. It also ties in beautifully with the Venus / Neptune trine, which reinforces the Star’s association with inspiration, hope, harmony, faith and serenity.

The Peacock in this card gazes at his own reflection on the surface of a tranquil sea. The Stars in the night sky are also reflected, and the Peacock’s tail feathers curve up to them and glow just as brightly. The “Star” in this card is a starfish just below the surface.

The Star card represents a sense of rebirth and renewal as well. As it follows the Tower card — which is associated with disaster and destruction — it can serve as a welcome refuge or a beacon of hope. It’s important to also remember the healing and therapeutic properties of the Star. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 26, 2014 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

You are so centred and focused on what you are doing today that all else pales into insignificance.

The 8 pentacles is about work or doing something that requires great focus. It is about looking at the bigger picture but seeing the little details within the picture.

The yoga pose in this version of the card implies that what you are looking at is yourself and where you stand in the greater scheme of things in your life yet at the same time you are not bothered about what is outside you or what others think as the only person whose opinion matters is your own.

Notice how the blue and orange lines aiming towards the figure are perfectly aligned. Some of them are even aligned with the chakra points which bring energy and change into your life. Go to the blue or orange line you are drawn to and see if it has any significance to your body just now. You may even want to focus on it for a while and notice if you have a change in your energy levels.

Inside the figure is a bright yellow lines which looks like a sun aglow. Once again the spokes on the ends of these yellow lines are in alignment with the chakra points of the back showing that whilst energy is coming to you from the anterior side of your body it is also pouring in to the posterior side of your body.

You need to pay particular attention to your own thoughts and what these are saying to you as there is the capacity here for you to be able to share with others what you are learning if you break down what you are doing in a certain way.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 25, 2014 — Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

This is a day of new thoughts and new ways of doing things. With Mercury turning direct today, you’re ready to start thinking ahead.

It is also a day for changing your thoughts and ideas on something. Notice the butterfly wings around the sword. Venus and the Sun are also conjunct today, bringing grace, harmony, beauty and thoughts of love to the forefront.

Even the sharp edges of the sword are not enough to deter the butterfly from being this near the blade. It is almost as if you can throw caution to the wind and say/do whatever you want.

Not that you will as the butterflies show you have purity of thoughts and words and that which you think and say today will only serve your higher good.

The mauve and pink hues of the two butterflies work perfectly in your own self worth, love and use of intuition in your life.

Deliver your message with honesty and it shall go forth and reap you many rewards.

This is also seen in the butterfly precariously buckled to the handle of the sword. Nothing will hold you back from thinking your own mind today or speaking your own words.

Your thoughts are pure and aimed single-mindedly at the outcome you desire. If you have any mental tasks to accomplish today is a good day to do so whilst your mind is highly alert and focused on what you want.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 24, 2014 — Red Phoenix Queen

Red Phoenix Queen

Red Phoenix Queen

Looks like the day after the night before whereupon there was an eclipse in Scorpio.

As you settle down and take stock of the last few weeks and what has been around for you you may come up with the feeling that you need a bit of a holiday from life.

Astrologically the last few weeks have been heavily laden with many planetary aspects alongside the eclipses that may well have seen your life changing and possibly at some points choices you wished to make were taken out of your hands.

It is as though you have reached an impasse and even though the phoenix soars to life over your shoulder you are not in any way, shape or form wanting to look at it to see where it may lead you next.

No… you are wanting to rest and assimilate that which has been going on for you and not allowing you to touch your feet on solid ground.

The sparseness of the landscape which you shy away from is at odds with the modern tiles you sit upon once again showing the stark nature of where you are, where you have been and how the hell are you going to get yourself to where you want to be.

Although you are averting your eyes to the phoenix rising next to you it is perhaps this that you need to look at to know what is needed next.