
Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 11, 2014 — Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Today — with the planet of love (Venus) in opposition to the planet of upheaval (Uranus), you may be reeling from an emotional upset that’s left you feeling abandoned or rejected.

The Three of Swords refers to a shock to the system brought about by the realization that something must come to an end. It’s not an easy card, nor is the experience it refers to something that anyone looks forward to going through.

But it’s a necessary experience, in the sense that it’s the culmination of a loss that’s been building for some time.

Even though it can feel like a shock to the system, chances are good that you’ve sensed something was on the horizon anyway and are just now having to deal with the backlash.

In this version of the card, we see a shabby paper heart stuck to a tree by three puny swords. The tree itself doesn’t look to be in good shape — even though the leaves are green, they’re drying up and falling to the ground.

The Three of Swords in general refers to feelings of sadness, loneliness, suffering and pain.The classic interpretation involves a breakup: something (or someone) has been lost that cannot be regained. It can also refer to unrequited love, the loss of a friendship, or the realization that something you’d hoped for is just not going to manifest.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 10, 2014 — Six of Swords

Six of Swords

 Six of Swords

Have you been thinking of going on a journey? Planning it in your mind but for some reason putting it off or not wanting to go.

The Six of Swords shows you have a path laid out before you that you may not wish to take. Instead you may feel as if you wish to stick with the safe and comfortable route you are already taking with your life.

Often times when we are meant to change something but are resistant to it the thoughts and ideas we have will keep popping into our minds urging us on towards this change.

The Sun and Jupiter are in sextile today, making way for both clear thinking and a desire to be on the move. This transit can make you feel hopeful and optimistic for the future. It can serve as a beacon to guide in the right direction, even if the reasons are not yet clear.

Your unconscious will find a way to place synchronicities within your path until you finally get the message that you must change in order to grow.

In this card it looks as if you have help on the way where you may find you don’t need to do a lot yourself as you will be swept up and gently guided onto your next step. This is another feature of the Sun / Jupiter aspect, made all the more pronounced as Mercury eases into Libra.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 9, 2014 — The Empress


The Empress

There is a fair degree of self love around for you today together with the urge to take care of yourself and spoil yourself a bit.

The Empress is all given. She is the card of the mother figure, nurturer and caretaker.

If you find yourself worn out from taking care of others and giving too much of yourself then today is about self love and pampering. Let everyone come to you for a change and if they want something gently yet firmly put yourself first and let them know this

The bright hues of pink also show love around for you and the bird curled up at your feet could be the making of a beautiful swan about to emerge.

Right now it is sleeping just as you may be to the changes you can put into effect that give you more control and power over what you do with your life.

Soon it will awake and when it does just think what a lovely sight it will be greeted with.

The Empress is also a card of fertility and as can be seen here new growths of plants spurt forth towards the heavens behind you suggesting that new thought patterns will get you to where you wish to be in your life.

The sun is shining and a waterfall feeds into your emotions giving you plenty to think about and at the same time doesn’t cause too many upsets.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 8, 2014 — The Moon

ceccoli moon

The Moon

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse today in Aries which is also happening very close to the unpredictable planet Uranus.

Although there is a lot going on with the eclipse it seems you just want to hide away and be by yourself without anyone around you except your own thoughts and emotions for company.

If you find this is the case then take a good look at this image because you look a bit “blue” and not too sure of yourself or what is going on around you.

The water (emotions) is so still you can see your reflection perfectly in it yet you are not looking at yourself you are looking straight ahead, without movement, without wanting to upset the balance of what is before you… and without seeing the necessity to scan your surroundings for any threats.

The skulls in the water eerily reflect below the water’s surface giving them the impression of beautiful shell like structures and an indication that what is actually around for you cannot be seen on the surface but is far deeper than you or anyone else may suspect.

It is almost as if the past is coming back to haunt you right when you don’t want it too.

If you find yourself in this situation today, especially with a full moon eclipse in Aries conjunct Uranus you may find it difficult to remain as clear and cool headed as you wish.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 7, 2014 — Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Are you caught in a battle of words with another person? Such as a quarrel that has gone too far and neither of you want to be the first to admit they are wrong?

With Sun opposite Uranus today this is exactly the kind of situation you could find yourself in. You will have to keep your temper in check and not let anyone else push your buttons.

If you are not careful you may lose the other person from your life. If you are involved in any legal matters then be sure you have all your facts correct and indeed have all the relevant facts of the matter to hand.

The Five of Swords often indicates a situation where someone is not playing fair. If this is the case with you, remember you don’t have to stick around.

 Notice the man in the card with the sword raised high in his hands, ready to cut off from the matter, take his losses and leave.

Walking away is always better than engaging in confrontations, especially in this case as there are no winners.

This is a card about words and intellect (as shown by the swords). Often our words can wound another person emotionally and we do not realize we have done so. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 6, 2014 — Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

The world is your oyster today with a grand trine of planets in fire signs. As the Ace of Wands is the beginning of the fire sign energy in the tarot pack what better card to focus on for today.

It stands for energy, new projects, launching yourself in a different way — whether this be outwards in something you do differently in your life or inwards in something you start believing about yourself, which will propel you forward toward accomplishing your goals.

Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in a grand trine today which gives you the extra energy (in abundance) to plow through anything you need to do.

This is also a great combination of planets as it generally heralds a time where you can work in a complementary way with what you have around you.

Mars gives you energy, Jupiter gives you luck and expansion of ideas whilst Uranus is the wild child and can turn your luck in any given direction.

Keep this in mind with what you plan to do today as you may find that circumstances change for you and you are sent in a totally different direction to that which you first started.

The Ace of Wands shows the dragon curled around the Ace of Wands with the gems in alignment with the heart area.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 5, 2014 — Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Today it’s going to be all about weighing the different options in your life so that you can arrive at an informed decision.

You may see yourself at an important cross-roads that you’re still feeling unsettled about. A career-related decision or a relationship, or even long-term goals that you’ve not yet pulled together.

Whatever it is, it’s going to be important for step back and weigh the different options that are available to you before you arrive at a decision.

While you don’t want to let yourself be swayed by external desires or distractions, you also can’t allow your own uncertainty to prevent you from taking a stand.

You may wish to “rise above” all of the turmoil that is festering beneath you, but as with the imagery depicted in this card, you won’t be able to completely escape it.

The Two of Swords refers to conflicting ideals. Feeling torn or pulled in two different directions. Weighing options. Straddling the fence.

It can also refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 4, 2014 — The Chariot

the Chariot

The Chariot

On a wing and a prayer you launch yourself into this new day and what may start out well could quickly turn into something else… possibly good… possibly not so good.

You need to keep your eye on the ball today and as you can see from the trajectory of this chariot it is heading straight for the sun a path… also known as a path which can be “blinding” both literally and figuratively.

Even if you think you know where you want to go it doesn’t hurt to sit down and look at a map and this also applies to your life and what you are doing with it.

If you take off in one direction quite certain that this is for you then you may end up anywhere and be blindsided to your other options.

The brilliant hues of yellow and gold in this image speak of lots of mental and intellectual activity and as there is precious little time left before Mercury turns retrograde that mental and intellectual activity that you may think is so clear could turn out to be a thorn in your side before too long.

This may not even be from your own doing. It may be that circumstances step into play that you are unaware of and have no control over that knock you off course.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 3, 2014 — Seven of Chalices

seven of chalices

Seven of Chalices

What a beautiful image this picture paints!

Today is a day to get into yourself, know what you want and test your own boundaries.

I daresay from this yoga pose that you’ll be testing more than a few of your own boundaries you may be pushing yourself to breaking point.

However, be aware that not everything happens all at once. One stretch lead to another… and another and before you know it you are where you set out to be.

You have the capacity today to use all your resources both inner and outer and the beautiful array of colour in this card gives a glimpse to how you are using your resources.

Each chakra is represented in this image so you have a great chance of tuning into yourself and balancing any aspect that you may have found to be coming up short lately.

With Venus inconjunct Neptune today you may be looking to balance more about your love life and emotions than anything else.

There may be the urge to merge with another person but you also need your own space and boundaries and if this has been a problem for you within a relationship recently then perhaps you may wish to gaze upon this image and hear what it speaks to you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 2, 2014 — Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

You seem to have your back up against the wall today with things coming at your right, left and centre.

Staying grounded and standing your ground may be the only 2 things on your mind but there is possibly a third option. Rather than standing still and facing up to what others want from you today, which they may or may not have any right in demanding, you could retreat to the safety of the castle in the background of the image.

If you did so I wonder what you would find there. Would it be a safe retreat where you could clear you mind and come up with a plan to put into place and face your opposition at another time or would it become like a prison to you where you are not willing to leave the safety it surrounds you with?

With the sun beating down and the sheer desolation seen in the landscape of this card it may be better to “regroup” your thoughts on how to proceed rather than expending more valuable energy which has seemed to get you nowhere.

The problems you are facing seem to have become insurmountable almost imminently. There is no image suggesting where they came from or from what or who you are being attacked. This is another good reason to retreat and replenish your energy.

You don’t have to take care of everything today. Give yourself some time out until things become clear and whilst you are doing so you might want to keep these words in your mind… sometimes you kiss a frog and he turns into a Prince… other times you think you are kissing a Prince and he turns out to be a frog.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 1, 2014 — Judgment



One little thought can go a long way.

If you are trying to decide something today or feel you are being judged by others take note that what you actually think about yourself holds a lot more weight than what others do.

When it comes to your life you are the only person you have to answer to so don’t go running around in circles trying to please everyone else as you may end up pleasing no one… least of all yourself.

Look at the root system in the lower image of the card. There is a striking resemblance to a figure running around with new growth sprouting from their head.

In front of them is another image but that image has fallen over and not taken root itself even if it still feeds into the system of growth.

Such is it also with your life. You may be called upon to make decisions today in which way you want to go with a particular matter you have been pondering over for a while. Keep in mind that you may not be able to lay down the foundations to change everything all at once.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 30, 2014 — Temperance



Sit yourself down and take a load of your feet because today Venus is semi sextile Jupiter and this means you deserve a break… even if you don’t!

It’s hard to say if your cup is half empty or half full as you have the means and thought processes today to make it seem like it is either way and as you sit back, relax and get into the mood you really don’t seem to care one way or the other.

Notice the different shapes to the cups and then imagine yourself which one either feels right to you or is nicer and why this is so.

There is no room for wasting any of the liquid being poured in to the larger rimmed cup and it is almost as if nothing is going to waste today.

Even if you feel you are wasting your time it will not be so as you maybe just need a little bit of relaxation and “me” time.

Although the woman in this card sits by a pool the image is not reflected in it and if you take a good look in that pool of water you will find that the actual reality of your position is not really as it seems.

This will not deter you though as you have the wings to fly away at the drop of a hat and do something else.

The Temperance card reminds you of how important it is to achieve balance and harmony in your life.