
October 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the 78 Tarot

Aries:  Five of Swords

If you rush into something too quickly this month you may find that it comes back to bite you.

Think of what your Achilles heel is and keep an eye on it because it may not only be you who is affected. Someone will have your back and you need to be aware that your actions do not only affect you but others also.

If you find yourself at odds within a situation do not come out fighting because if you do you may find you have done exactly what the other person wanted all along and as there is total balance in this image you don’t want to go rocking any boats to put yourself at a disadvantage.

It may be that you are on the verge of leaving a relationship, a job or simply have had enough of your life at present and want to throw it all in and start something new.

However, what you do not need is action that is not well thought out… rather you need a plan.

With an eclipse in your sign on the 8th and Mercury retrograde for a large part of the month it will be difficult to see the woods from the trees but if you can imagine glimpses of your wishes coming into reality then you get the idea of what you need to do and why it is so important to hold off for the time being.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 29, 2014 — Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is a card of love. Love comes in many forms and the deep purples and blues certainly depict a spiritual love surrounding this card.

Even a quick glance at this image and you fall in love with it. The many facets to the cup and the background colours almost pull you in and surround you at the same time till you are left thinking of nothing but what this card implies and the implications of it in your life today.

If you have been having problems with your love life it may do you well to just set back for a while and soak in this image, let go of your thoughts and start to come up with a new picture of how you would like your love life or relationship to be.

Venus enters Libra today, bringing with it a new opportunity to find love, or if you’re already involved an opportunity to renew your connection with another.

If you look at the bottom of the cup (above the base) you will see the figure of the top half of a man, and if you look at the bottom of the card (underneath the cup’s base) you will glimpse an outline of a woman’s arm and breast.

It is almost as if the reflection of the man and woman are mirroring each other and so it is with the emotion of love.

The Ace of Cups shows that the cup runs over with water (emotions).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 28, 2014 — The Hanged Man

Hanged Man

The Hanged Man 

Today with the Sun aspecting both Neptune and Saturn, you may feel like certain areas of your life are in a state of limbo.

Plans you’ve made may be put on hold, or you may feel the need to take a step back and regroup.

The Hanged man refers to things slowing down or even coming to a dead halt. It could be due to circumstances beyond your control, or it could be a decision you make when you realize the path you’re on is leading you in a direction you don’t want to go.

You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to manifest, or have the sense that nothing is happening despite your best efforts. Road blocks are put in your path — often for your own good.

The Sun / Neptune inconjunct can make you feel like your life force is being drained right out of you, and the semi-square to Saturn brings obstacles and obstructions. With these aspects in play today you may feel like you’re being blocked at every turn.

In this version of the card, we see a shirtless Native American figure strung up under the glaring heat of the Sun. He’s gaunt and skeletal, and at first glance appears to be dead. But we can see one fist clenched in what could be defiance.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 27, 2014 — The Raven

The Raven

The Raven 

Today’s card — the Raven, from the Animal Wisdom Tarot, is this deck’s version of the Magician card. Here it’s called the Messenger of Magic, a reference to the Magician’s ability to harness the magic within to both send and receive important messages.

As Mercury enters Scorpio today, you want to be thinking about ways to tap into the furthest reaches of your psyche and unleash your own power.

You want to be thinking about the hand you’ve been dealt and what you can do to turn it to your advantage.

The Raven is a power animal associated with arcane knowledge and wisdom. He’s capable of bending time and space so that you’re exactly at the right place at the right time.

He’s a shapeshifter and emissary who acts a harbinger of things to come, carrying messages from the other side.

In this version of the card the Raven is perched on a branch above a shimmering pool, his reflection a wizard peering up from the depths below. He extends one wing in a welcoming wave toward someone or something just out of sight.

Notice the single Raven feather floating on the water’s surface and it’s inverse reflection, a nautilus shell. These are both also symbols of mystery and magic. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 26, 2014 — Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles

You have the knowledge and power to do as you wish today.

The Ten of Pentacles is about money, success and acquiring that which you desire.

The lovely flowing rhythm to this Ten of Pentacles implies that all is well for you in this regard and finances are flowing in an abundant direction.

You ride on the tail of the dragon and where you sit looks pretty comfortable and nothing is going to topple you off. All is around you for the taking.

As you relax and survey your surroundings from this viewpoint you also have in your lap an orange ball. The colour orange is linked to the second chakra from which creativity springs.

As you hold it in your left hand you are drawing towards yourself the very talents you need to let loose to enjoy success.

Your right hand is open wide as if you are reaching for the pentacle in the centre of the card yet you do not need to overexert yourself as you know the pentacle shall come to you as success is assured.

The dragon that you sit on also gives a sense of kundalini energy coursing through you and as it reaches its zenith all that you need to know is revealed.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 25, 2014 — the World Tree

World Tree

The World Tree

With Jupiter trining Uranus today it is a day to not get too dramatic and upset about things that may come your way because with this combination of planets you may find yourself going off in all different directions and lose your inner peace…. possibly in a good way.

Jupiter and Uranus are both in fire signs which means energy is high and Jupiter, the planet of luck, combined with the easy energy of the trine from Uranus may also work in your favour with coming to a conclusion that you have long been pondering the answer for.

Notice the labyrinth before the World Tree. Parts of it cannot be seen and are left to your imagination to work out and the fact it is within this image gives you something to concentrate on today and draw your thoughts back to if you find them getting out of control.

The World Tree is showing all seasons from Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter which is a bit like your moods today.

In other words be prepared for anything as it will not be subtle when it arrives and may leave you going through a plethora of mood swings.

If you find this happening be aware that you have a lot of strength to draw on as well as wisdom. You have laid out a solid life for yourself and are stronger than you think.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 24, 2014 — Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

What do you do when you come to the end of as arduous journey and find yourself facing a very painful reality? The Ten of Swords begs this question as you’re faced with the knowledge that it may be time to lay down your sword.

Perhaps a relationship has run its course, and you’re forced now to finally put it to rest. Or maybe a dream you held onto for far too long is proving itself to be impossible to achieve.

You know that you’ve given it your all — you’ve fought a worthy battle — but you realize it’s time to let it go: once and for all. You just don’t have any more “fight” left in you.

So what do you do? Do you lay down and die, or do you surrender to the knowledge that the Universe has something entirely different in store for you?

The Ten of Swords is one of the more ominous cards in the tarot, yet here we can see the focus is one of triumph and victory more than surrender and defeat.

A balsamic moon sits high in the background, the raven’s scythe pointed defiantly toward it. There’s a sense of liberation here in the imagery of this card. The vanquishing of ego; the surrendering of pride; the dissolution of conflict — these are all here. And what is left after all of these things have been abandoned? Victory, triumph and regeneration.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 23, 2014 — Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

There’s some inconsistency today in what you have coming in and what you have going out.

Whether this is money coming in and going out or your time being squandered away and you don’t know where it all goes as you run out of time to get things done it. One thing is certain… you are not coming up trumps when it relates to the fine act of balancing.

As Jupiter is inconjunct Chiron today the planet of excess (Jupiter) may have so completely had you running around in circles that you are thrown off balance when it comes to what you have actually been doing and coming up short on answers that make sense when you try to retrace your steps that got you to where you are now.

Chiron can be of help with self healing and wisdom here but Jupiter’s effects on it today are that wisdom is a bit thin on the ground and what wisdom and common sense is around is being blindsided.

This is not the day to go out and do a spot of shopping as it may turn out you spend so much that you can’t tally up the amount that went out to the value of the purchases that caught your eye. It is also not the day to forge headlong into a pile of bills and pay them without checking all the facts are straight and the figures are correct.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 22, 2014 — Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

As we roll into the equinox today and the sun moves into Libra there is a sense that change is in the air.

Adding weight to this change is Pluto turning direct today and this means force although perhaps it is not the type of force you have in mind.

This version of the Queen of Swords is subtle. It is all about subtlety and aligning your thoughts, emotions and ideas into one clear intention and setting it lose upon the winds of change.

The colours in this card are all about spirituality so there is no brute force needed to attain your goals. It is more about relaxing and “listening” to that quiet place within yourself and then allowing this to flow through you as a message to the Universe in what you want next.

This type of action can be stronger than a full on assault to what you are wishing for as it takes you away from the “doing” and action mode and more into the feeling and emotional mode that you so often need to accomplish your goals. Add the power that Pluto lends to this and you have a very strong base on which to launch your intentions.

This Queen stands in a spiritual dimension. She is surrounded by messages so expect communication to play a large part of your day.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sep 21, 2014 — Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

What better card than the Five of Swords for today’s transit involving a t-square between Mars, Moon and Neptune.

Be careful things don’t get out of hand for you today when it comes to arguments and disagreements because this is a day where no one wins.

It is a time when the argument may go around in circles and there is no resolution.

The Moon’s involvement indicates a high chance that the quarrel will be about your relationship and at the same time Neptune clouds your better judgement. It also throws an array of confusion around the situation where neither person can see the whole picture.

It is rather like you are both coming from your own view points and perspectives and speaking of this watch out for force of your words and actions.

Mars’ square to Neptune denotes tension and not just any old tension this is huge tension almost as if there is a power play being acted in the midst of a lof of emotional turbulence.  No one is backing down. No one is saying they are wrong.

As the waves (emotions) wash up on to the shore under the cloudy sky you get the general gist of how you may be feeling today. All is grey, all is dismal. You are on your guard. There is no room for movement with the armor you have built up around you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sep 20, 2014 — Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Today is a good day to be counting your blessings and focusing on attracting more of the same into your life.

The Ace of Pentacles refers to new opportunities for growth, prosperity and abundance, of which material (financial) gain is only a small part of.

It refers to planting seeds which then grow and flourish, and ultimately begin to propagate and replenish themselves — much like the grape vines framing the scarab on this card.

You want to be focusing on what you have today rather than what you lack. What you’ve invited into your life rather than what you’ve left behind. And what you’re putting out there now, as a means of attracting more of the same.

The Ace of Pentacles — like all Aces — is a card of assurance and inspiration. It’s a “Yes” card, a manifesting card, a card of limitless promise and potential. It’s an essence rather than a “thing,” which means you have a lot of say in how it plays out. If it’s money you want (or security, stability, comfort, etc.) now is the time to work on attracting more of it into your life.

But remember that money is called “currency” for a reason: It’s expected to flow, both to us and from us. We need to be willing to put our own resources to use if we want to attract more of the same. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 19, 2014 — Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Page of Swords:

There’s a lot on your mind today and a lot of things to do.

For the most part you are pretty happy just getting on with everything but there seems to be such an abundance of chores that you may need to watch that you don’t miss something…

Especially running with scissors as this can imply that if you do miss something it can come back to hurt you later or imminently.

Your mood is happy and upbeat and as you go about your day there is a sense of childlike fascination in all that you do and perhaps a bit of manic energy in which you do it in.

This is not the day for cutting ties with anything or anyone in your life without giving it further thought. If you rush in and act without thinking something through then you may find out something else further down the line that you didn’t know at this time which brings to mind the saying “act in haste… repent in leisure.”

For this is exactly what you will be faced with, namely, the hard, cold fact that you could’ve avoided the impulsive actions and/or words you used.

You don’t want to get your hands dirty and yet at the same time you can’t help leaving your palm marks everywhere you go as if you are marking your territory out in some haphazard way.