
Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 18, 2014 — Six of Batons

Six of Batons

Sometimes you just want to go with something and sometimes you just want to sit back.

Today is a bit like that… the need to choose how far you want to go with a situation/project or something in your life or how much you want to hold back and see if the situation/project takes care of itself.

It may be a dream you are having on what you wish to do with your life and you need to “pluck” the details to what your next step is out of your imagination.

It may also be that you are not quite ready to pick up the baton and run with it but rather know that your stance in “sitting pretty” will work for you. Either way — with the Victory card, ie Six of Batons (Wands in many decks) — you are a winner.

This Six of Batons is called “Triumph” in this deck. It refers to the sense of pride and glory that goes with a job well done. Still you’ll have to strike a balance between sitting back on your laurels and taking the reigns and running with them.

Do not get too far ahead of yourself. The white horse is looking a bit anaemic to say the least and whilst it still has a lot of strength in it to be holding your weight you do not want to push your luck too far.

At the moment it is working… the roses are blooming and you are “sitting pretty” but this may not always be the case.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 17, 2014 — Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Be conscious of the decisions you make today as well as the words you use to communicate your needs. With Mercury conjuncting the North Node, what you put out there can have far reaching consequences, particularly in the way you express yourself to others.

The North Node, like the Wheel of Fortune, refers to karma, fate and destiny. Reaping and sewing. The Law of Attraction. The winds of change.

It’s a reminder that all we send out comes back to us in some form or another. It may not be today; it may be months or years or even lifetimes away.

Venus and Chiron are also in aspect today, indicating a need to let go of painful associations. This can be an important step toward clearing up some of the negativity in your life, especially if you’re holding onto something (or someone) that no longer serves you.

The Wheel of Fortune is all about life’s natural cycles and rhythms. It can bring exciting new opportunities or challenges you have to face. There are as many ups and downs as there are highs and lows. One day you’re “on top of the world” and the next you’re clawing your way back up from the bottom.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 16, 2014 — Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

You may be feeling a sense of urgency today — to chase after your goals, deliver an important message or reach some objective that you feel time is running out for.

The Knight of Swords is a fearless and driven individual who can be so intent on pursuing his goals that he fails to see any obstacles in his way. In some ways this is a blessing in disguise: in the “what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him” vein.

But the downside of the mind-set is an inability to see what (or whom) he’s trampling over in his single-minded quest to get to the finish line.

The Knight of Swords can be aggressive and abrupt. He’s no-nonsense and no-BS and is unlikely to worry about sparing anyone’s feelings. He’s also not someone you can reason with or who will be deterred by emotional displays.

In this version of the card the Knight and his stallion are both wearing armor — and both cloaked in royal attire. The Knight raises his sword and rears back on his horse in a gesture of defiance.  A second Sword has been thrust into the ground in a symbol of triumph. The spoils of war are behind him.

As with all the court cards, this may be someone in your life or it may be a set of attitudes that you need to adopt. If he’s someone in your life — especially someone you’re at odds with — your best bet is to just get out of his way.

He can be combative and contentious, which means that you’re not going to make any headway in getting your views across.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 15, 2014 — The Hierophant

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

What do you know and what don’t you know? Are you preaching to the converted or are they preaching to you?

The Hierophant is about knowledge and from what can be seen in this version of the card it looks as if there is a long lost wisdom being given out to the masses under various guises.

Where does this wisdom come from and where is it going?

If you look at the base of the tree it is as if wisdom is still being learned and put into practice and if you have found yourself perhaps sitting back and “looking” at life without partaking in it then you will know that you are still learning and becoming wise but from a different perspective than if you had been involved in a situation.

On the other side of the coin the various figures surrounding the tree who look to be actively requesting information and wisdom may all be in the throes of their own personal dramas and not seeing the facts clearly.

This is what it can be like when you are caught up in life all around you and doing things too quickly, becoming emotional and not sitting back to learn from your past mistakes.

We all sometimes need a wise observer or friend who can guide us when we have become so embroiled in a situation that we can’t see things clearly.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 14, 2014 — The Lovers

the Lovers

 The Lovers

As Venus sextiles Pluto today you may be feeling the urge to merge. This aspect brings together the planets that rule love (Venus) and sex (Pluto) — among other things.

The Lovers card can bring someone new into your life or heat up an existing relationship. It can ignite (or re-ignite) a rapturous passion. And it can cause you to throw logic completely out the window as you give in to your desires.

Be careful with that though, because Venus and Pluto can also be tremendously seductive. Pluto represents power but as we can see from the figures in this card, it’s the female (Venus) calling the shots here.

This version of the card references the famed mythological sirens who lured unsuspecting seafarers into the rocks. But this sailor isn’t exactly falling for it. While she tries to coax him over the ledge, he holds onto the one thing that can save him — a weapon he’s concealed from view.

The Lovers card can also represent decisions. Choices between lovers (as in a love triangle) or choices between love and something else. In this scenario the choice may even be between life and death.

The Venus / Pluto transit is not likely to be so dramatic. But it does call for you to look at your relationships (and relationship choices) with a more discerning eye. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 13, 2014 — Ace of Bows

Ace of Bows

Ace of Bows

As Mars moves into Sagittarius today, you want to be thinking about your dreams, desires and intentions; as well as the actions you can take to turn them into a powerful reality.

The Ace of Bows (Wands in most decks) speaks of directing your energy toward your goals with purpose and intent: much the same way you’d take aim with an arrow and launch it at a distant target.

If you’ve ever done any archery, you know that you don’t just pick up an arrow and fling it haphazardly into the air. You have to pull back, focus on your objective and become one with the bow before you even shoot. Once you let go of the arrow, you’re committed to the outcome so you have to put everything you have into hitting your target.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. This card — called the “Spark of Life” here — refers to that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation).

The symbol for Sagittarius is the “archer” which is perfect for this card. And Mars is all about drive, initiative, energy and action: also perfect. Put them together and you have all the tools that are necessary to manifest your reality, via the Ace of Bows.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 12, 2014 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today you may feel like retreating from the outer world and turning inward toward your emotional center.

The Hermit card refers to solitude, introspection and internal analysis. It’s about getting a better understanding of yourself and searching for a deeper meaning to life’s most pressing questions.

With Mercury and Chiron in semi-sextile today, you may also be feeling overly sensitive — to your environment and to the people around you.

The Hermit card can appear at a time when you’re so bombarded with external stimuli that you just want to “get away” from it all. But be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves.

You also want to be conscious of your own motivations: the downside of this card is the urge to hide things, close yourself off from others and avoid those who matter to you most.

The Hermit in this card is submerged deeply into the realm of the unconscious, as shown by the waves surrounding him. He blends in so completely that he becomes one with them, a reflection of the need to immerse yourself fully, which is the essence of this archetype.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 11, 2014 — Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

You may be second-guessing yourself today or looking at recent events with a tinge of regret.

The Seven of Swords — like all Sevens — requires you to evaluate all the different sides of a complicated situation, and arrive at a solution that causes the least amount of distress.

It can refer to a moral dilemma or one with no easy solution, such as a decision that favors head over heart.

The Swords in this card are double-sided. On one end they’re sharp and curved up toward the heavens. And on the other end they’re dull and crooked as they emanate from the woman’s head like a crown.

The question is whether they’re pointing up — indicating ideas, decisions and strategies — or pointing down — indicating worry, anxiety and stress.

The reds and golds can indicate passion, but they can also represent fear and shame. It’s probably the latter, given the mournful look on the woman’s face.

But there’s a saving grace here too. Notice the elaborate designs on the overlay around her face. It tells us there are solutions, but that they require a level of intricacy and creativity to unravel.

Also notice the mandala glowing around the region of her third eye. We can see that she does have access to a vast reservoir of inner knowledge if she’d only open her eyes. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 10, 2014 — Eight of Spirals

Eight of Spirals

Eight of Spirals

As Venus goes into opposition to Neptune today you need to not allow yourself to act impulsively especially where your love life is concerned.

There is a fair degree of quickness and speed to this Eight of Spirals which gives the impression that if you rush into something too quickly you may end up not knowing where you stand.

Alternatively you may be looking for a way out of something and decide the best course you should take is just walk away (or run) as quickly as you can.

Sometimes you are justified in removing yourself from a situation as quickly as possible and other times you may find you need to give a reason or two for your imminent departure.

The Eight of Spirals is also a card of communication whether this be phone, email, text or face to face. It is the type of communication that comes up suddenly without warning. You may hear from someone you were not expecting to hear from.

As the Eight of Spirals shoots across the rising (or setting) sun there is the suggestion that what has been around for you the past few days may have been triggered by the recent full moon which fell on the 8th or 9th (depending on which part of the world you are in).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 9, 2014 — Nine of Wands

9 of Wands

Nine of Wands

You may have to dig deep to push past some of the obstacles and frustrations you’re dealing with in your life right now.

And with a stressful aspect between Mercury and Pluto today, you might have to step back, take a breath and remind yourself that it’s not as bad as it seems. You may not be where you expected to be at this point, but you’ve still got a lot of fight left in you and you’re closer to the finish line than you know.

The Nine of Wands can refer to a moment of uncertainty or hesitation that comes after you’ve given what feels like your ALL and still haven’t seen the results for your efforts.

You may have been frustrated with the lack of progress — or worse — come *this close* to completing your journey, only to find another road-block directly ahead of you.

But if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, you may be better able to understand why you’ve been forced to step back and to re-evaluate your needs. Perhaps the setbacks you’ve encountered haven’t been setbacks at all. Perhaps they’ve been lessons in disguise.

The figure in this card is surrounded by minor obstacles. A half formed “wall” encircles her with 8 flimsy rods stuck into the ground around it. The rods all have smiling cartoonish faces on them — including the one she’s retrieved and holds in her hand.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 8, 2014 — The Moon

The Moon

The Moon

We are in store for another super moon which turns full today in the sign of Pisces.

Think of all the dreamy, creative, imaginative Piscean traits and then multiply them as the full moon works its magic on your unconscious to bring things to the surface.

This is not the day to be fighting what you don’t want to be brought to the surface.

If you do so you may find that you are so caught up in trying to run away from that which you cannot escape that you inadvertently force your unconscious to push harder to make known to you what you need to deal with.

Of course you could go down the route of having a few drinks to dampen the highly sensitive nature of this full moon but this may be the worst thing you can do as then you may find yourself spiralling further out of control and making any situation you were trying to avoid that much worse.

This is a day to meditate and with this in mind you need to know what you want in order to give your meditations that extra push because the super moon will be adding weight to any dream you wish to take forward and also allowing you to explore different ways you can achieve this dream.

As you look at this image you see the figure in it peacefully asleep, resting in a dreamlike state, surrounded by bella donna flowers and luna moths.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 7, 2014 — Death



Don’t be afraid of the Death card — it doesn’t refer to a literal “death.” It’s an indication that there’s something in your life that it’s time to put to rest.. or “put out to pasture” in keeping with the Prairie theme.

With the Sun opposite Chiron today and Mars in stressful aspect to Pluto, it could manifest as a snap decision, that aha! moment that tells you that something (or someone) just needs to go.

But be careful — this aspect can also be rash and impulsive, and potentially regrettable down the road.

Think about what is no longer serving you — whether that’s something literal, such as a relationship that’s run its course, or something more figurative, such as outdated ideas or belief systems.

Sometimes the Universe shows us just what we don’t need by removing it from us forcefully. In this sense the “death” can be a painful undertaking. But if you choose instead to cooperate, it can be an incredibly liberating experience.

In this rendition of the card, we see an old man getting ready to bury the remains of an ancient decaying bird. Perhaps this is a symbolic reference to something he’s held onto for too long — the carrion has been picked clean.

But this is no casual event: he’s dressed for the occasion and stands in solemn reverence as he prepares for the task at hand.