
Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 6, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

WIth Mercury and Neptune in quincunx today, you may be looking for ways to quiet the thoughts and ideas that are racing through your mind.

The Four of Swords refers to the period of silence, stillness and recuperation that is so necessary when chaos and turbulence surround you.

The imagery in this card is so poignant. We see a tree that has almost been broken by the weight of its despair, yes has somehow managed to right itself. The four swords propping it up are all sturdy and unyielding.

The sky in the background may look ominous, and the leaves may have all fallen and died. Yet the tree itself remains strong and secure — there’s no longer any danger of defeat.

This is the essence of the 4 of swords: having come through something so traumatic, you can pause and reflect on all that has transpired before deciding on your next move.

You may have to put some things to rest — such as dreams that have died or relationships that have run their course.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 5, 2014 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

What are you working on today that you’ve put all of your heart and soul into?

With Venus moving into Virgo today, working (Virgo) on something you love (Venus) should be taking center stage.

The Eight of Pentacles is sometimes referred to as the “apprenticeship” card as it relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s usually a labor of love. It’s not about seeing work as drudgery, but instead being totally engaged in whatever it is you’re devoting your time to.

The Eight of Pentacles also sometimes has to do with changing gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

See the woman in this card putting the finishing touch on one of her pieces. All the others are displayed with pride on the wall behind her. She’s not hunched over some desk crunching numbers: she’s got a smile on her face and a bounce in her step.

This is the essence of the Eight of Pentacles: It’s all about perfecting your skills and doing it with such joy and contentment that the finished product is something you can be proud of.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 4, 2014 — Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Make sure you are seeing eye to eye on a situation with someone today and that you are both on the same page.

You may be thinking of a journey or travel plans today and if you are going with a companion choose wisely who this is. Especially as Mercury and Jupiter are in semi-sextile today, which means that both travel and communications can run afoul.

You may think you get on with this person but the reality is there are certain things between the two of you that do not always see eye to eye. The male in this card is seeing things from a totally different viewpoint to the female.

Notice his head gear.  He can see clearly but his mouth is covered as if he is keeping his own points of view to himself and not speaking on it.

On the other hand the woman in this card is possibly seeing things through blinkered vision. Sure she is smiling to herself but she may have preconceived ideas of what is really going on with her and her partner.

If this is you then you need to take the blindfold off and see with open eyes what is really happening in your relationship.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 3, 2014 — The High Priestess

High Priestess

The High Priestess 

As the Sun trines Neptune today, you may be feeling more sensitive, more intuitive, and more aligned with the inner-workings of your psyche.

This transit can bring in psychic impressions, such as astral travel, lucid dreams or déjà vu experiences. While that may be a bit unnerving for you at first it can open up doors for you that you never dreamed possible.

The High Priestess is a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. It speaks of feminine strength and wisdom and all the secrets of the universe unveiled.

We see the Priestess in this card standing before the esoteric symbols of an astrological chart, with the glowing orb of the full moon at before her. It appears to be hovering in mid-air while she gazes into it, divining her / your / our future.

She is both young and old, embodying both innocence and wisdom at once. A lunar goddess rests in the crescent of another moon behind her.

You may be getting more in touch with your own intuition, or thinking about delving into the mystery schools — learning tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. Or you may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity.

You may also be experiencing bursts of creativity and inspiration.  Another possibility, one that comes unexpectedly, is a sudden onset of clairvoyance or psychic impressions.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 2, 2014 — Justice



Today’s card refers to Universal justice and righteousness. Truth. Awareness. Objectivity. Honesty and Integrity.

As Mercury moves into Libra this morning, these are the concepts we’ll see seeping into the collective unconscious.

You may be weighing different options or thinking about how to bring the divergent areas of your life into balance. Or you may be dealing with a situation that calls for you to rise above your personal preferences in order to arrive at what is fair and just.

In this version of the card, we see repeated themes of balance and symmetry. The scales suspended from an invisible thread, the peacock feathers in the background, and the esoteric symbols on the corners of the card.

The peacock feathers are symbols of truth and integrity. As animal totems they signify watchfulness, protection, guidance and nobility. The scales are made of silver and gold — opposing elements — each containing a translucent orb that floats slightly above it.

A sudden gust of wind or ruffling of the peacock feathers could upset the whole contraption. This is an important feature of this card. It reminds us how precarious the concept of Justice truly is, and how important it is to keep things in balance.

The Hebrew symbol “Lamed” is in the upper left corner, the Norse rune “Naud” in the upper right, and the astrological glyph for Libra is in the lower right.

Sept 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of Delphi

Tarot of Delphi -- the Sun

ARIES: The Sun

This month should see you feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment over recent accomplishments.

The Sun card is traditionally associated with vitality, warmth and a sense of feeling particularly “alive.” But in this version the focus is just as much on taking care of yourself and manifesting that vitality through soaking in the Sun’s rays and recharging your batteries.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus all move through your 6th house this month — the area associated with work and with self-improvement, which includes your physical and mental well-being. Rest and relaxation is just as essential to that process as are work and productivity.

The “Sun” in this card appears to be setting. It casts its rays onto the ocean in the background, shining across the surface like molten gold.

The image of the woman sleeping comfortably without a worry in the world perfectly captures the essence of the Sun. There’s a sense of effortlessness that’s associated with this card, even as the world keeps on turning around you.

Your ruler (Mars) moves into Sag this month (on the 13th) and into your 9th house — the area associated with personal growth and expansion. After that point there will be plenty of time to spread your wings and fly.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 1, 2014 — Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Pay attention to your finances today — meaning not just your income, but also savings and expenditures.

The Five of Pentacles can mark a period of financial adversity, such as seeing your earnings held up or seeing your resources dwindling as a result of unexpected expenses.

As Pentacles are linked to “values,” we most often think of money. But they also relate to self-worth: it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re struggling — financially or otherwise.

In this version of the card we see a woman attempting to slink away from a church unnoticed, under the dark of night. Has she sought sustenance there, only to be turned away? Or is she so afraid to reach out for help in the first place that she never even bothered to knock?

There’s a cross in the window, made up of five gold coins (pentacles). An eye watches her from the doorway as she slips away.

There are elements of shame and humiliation inherent in this imagery. She may have gotten caught doing something she knows was wrong.

She doesn’t have anything on her person to sustain her — and she doesn’t have a friend to turn to. She’s naked and alone.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 31, 2014 — The Star

The Star

The Star

There is a certain amount of intensity around today which can be seen in the darker hues of this image which perfectly illuminates the positioning of the moon in Scorpio which is falling between Mars and Saturn which are also in Scorpio.

Emotionally you may feel as if you are torn in two separate directions with the intensity of Mars on one side urging you to action and the hesitancy of Saturn on the other side urging you to discretion. Which will you choose?

The flamingo between the two cups waits for an opportunity to move yet at the same time is quite happy to remain where it is until the time is right.

The two planets in the sky… one already well risen in the sky whilst the other is just arising over the horizon form a triangle with you in the middle.

A gem glows from your head or is that your own hopes and wishes about to come to realization for you while the intensity of today’s planet formations align with the moon to give you the extra emotions to urge you on to succeed.

You will also know how much you need to balance things out today to get what you want.

Notice you are only dipping your toe into the water and as water stands for emotions it would seem you know instinctively not to be governed by your emotions today for it is not the right time to act.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 30, 2014 — Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

It’s time to take your own power back and use it in a way that best suits you!

Today is about energy… specifically your own energy and what you do with it.

Are you letting it leach out and having it taken by others who you are doing everything for whilst at the same time getting nothing in return?

Or are you using that energy to turn your dreams into reality and shower yourself with the many benefits this can in turn give you?

These are the questions you need to be asking yourself today.

By asking yourself these questions and taking your own thoughts, needs and wants into the equation of your answer you can harness your own energy and have it working for you rather than against you.

What is your dream? How far along have you traveled in accomplishing it?

The many facets of the peacocks feathers in this image suggest that there are multi layers to what you are wishing to accomplish and the yellows suggest mental agility in realizing what you need to do next.

All eyes are on you… or are they? Notice that you are only see one half of the picture in this image. What are the peacock’s feet doing, where are they placed and for that matter what is the other half of the body of the man doing?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 29, 2014 — Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Hanged Man

With the Sun opposing Neptune today, you may feel like you’re in a state of limbo. You could be frustrated over something that’s taken too long to materialize or a sense that nothing is really happening for you despite your best efforts.

The Hanged man refers to a time when the Universe puts road blocks in your path — often for your own good. You may have been running at a break-neck pace, never stopping to look at what you’ve accomplished.

Or you may have found yourself losing steam over a project that just hasn’t panned out. Either way, it may be time to put things on hold — at least long enough to evaluate your commitment.

This is also true of relationships. Whether you’re in an established relationship (or just exploring an interest in one), it could also be time to take a step back from that as well.

The Hanged Man card is also about surrender. Letting go and letting God. Holding back from trying to change the natural course of things because your own input could (and would) interfere with their development.

The Hanged Man appears in this card as a bat suspended between two scrawny trees, with the waxing moon looming behind him. He’s wrapped up in his own wings like a cocoon. He holds on tightly to his one possession: a tiny book. Perhaps he’s using this time to gain insight and wisdom. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 28, 2014 — Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

 Ace of Wands

Be ready today for a powerful breakthrough. The Ace of Wands — like all Aces — refers to raw unformed energy and potential that can light a fire under you and ignite a new passion.

It’s a card of confidence, inspiration and promise than can awaken you to a whole new set of ideals.

tn this version of the card, the “Wand” is formed in the shape of a caduceus with the orb of the Sun emitting a shimmering white light down from the heavens. Twin serpents wind their way up the center in perfect symmetry. A pair of angel wings at the top spread out across the sky.

The caduceus symbol is traditionally linked with commerce, negotiations, eloquence and travel — due to its association with Hermes, the messenger of the gods. It’s also tied to alchemy and modern-day medicine and healing.

With respect to this Ace of Wands, the caduceus is representative of the Kundalini spiritual life force. Notice the glowing streams of energy that spiral upward along the column of light.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 27, 2014 — Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Venus squares Mars today which may result in conflicts in your relationships. As Venus — the “love planet” — and Mars — the planet associated with action and aggression — butt heads, you may feel the urge to follow suit.

Usually when it comes to the Five of Wands (and often with Venus square Mars) nobody really knows what they’re fighting about. There’s just this competitive urge to “win” at any cost, which means that in the end nobody wins.

The Five of Wands refers to conflict, strife and competition: forcing your will on others, trying to be heard above the “roar” of opposing viewpoints and struggling against cross-purposes.

In this version we see a lion charging through the thicket, undaunted by the obstacles (trees) before him. In fact he’s enveloped in a protective aura of light as he moves toward his objective. Does the aura that surrounds him insulate him from danger? Or does it obscure his own motivations and the repercussions of his actions?

Like the Lion in this card you may have to look at where you may have been pushing your views forcefully onto others. You might not even realize that you’re doing it, yet your actions can translate as pressure, at at least on some subconscious level. Petty squabbles can erupt into major arguments because no one’s actually listening to what anyone else has to say.