ARIES: Justice
You may be struggling with doing the right thing this month, or you may be trying to make a choice between right and wrong. Sometimes those choices aren’t clear — depending on whatever prerequisites you have in place for making those kinds of determinations.
The Justice card — this version from Jaen Tarot — is about having to live with the choices you make and being able to sleep at night once you’ve made them. This requires an ability to balance the pros and cons of a situation, which requires balancing your head and heart.
Notice that all of the figures in this card have their eyes closed. A small child rests over a giant sleeping fish, as a Madonna figure rises up from the mists of his dreams and watches over them.
The scale she holds in her hand is precariously balanced. Between head and heart. Need and desire. Right and wrong. If any of those were given more weight than the other, that balance would be lost and the quiet contentment disrupted.
The Justice card speaks of a universal justice, divorced from what you want or wish for, and held under the microscope of truth, wisdom and universal law. This means that no matter how desperately you want a specific outcome, the one handed down will be fair and just.
There are karmic repercussions inherent in this card. Whether it’s karma you’re sewing (doing the wrong thing even when you know it’s wrong) or karma that you’re reaping (having to face challenges that are a result of past misdeeds) know that in the end Justice does prevail. Keep that in mind so that you too can sleep at night, knowing that you’ve done the right thing.