Sit yourself down and take a load of your feet because today Venus is semi sextile Jupiter and this means you deserve a break… even if you don’t!
It’s hard to say if your cup is half empty or half full as you have the means and thought processes today to make it seem like it is either way and as you sit back, relax and get into the mood you really don’t seem to care one way or the other.
Notice the different shapes to the cups and then imagine yourself which one either feels right to you or is nicer and why this is so.
There is no room for wasting any of the liquid being poured in to the larger rimmed cup and it is almost as if nothing is going to waste today.
Even if you feel you are wasting your time it will not be so as you maybe just need a little bit of relaxation and “me” time.
Although the woman in this card sits by a pool the image is not reflected in it and if you take a good look in that pool of water you will find that the actual reality of your position is not really as it seems.
This will not deter you though as you have the wings to fly away at the drop of a hat and do something else.
The Temperance card reminds you of how important it is to achieve balance and harmony in your life.