
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 4, 2014 — The Star

the Star

The Star

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s Death card, what a treat it is to see such an uplifting symbol of hope and inspiration that is the Star card.

With Venus sextiling Neptune today, what better card to describe the illuminating thoughts and ideas that are running through your mind… or should I say gently coming to the surface of your thoughts in a way that is so clear and calming that you wonder why you didn’t see them before.

Any problems you have been having that you’ve been finding it difficult to find yourself clear of may start to take on a life of their own today as they fall back and you enjoy the inspirational and creative aspect of Venus sextile Neptune.

The woman in this card is transfixed on a mutli-facted Star which hovers above her open hands. She appears to be almost in a trance as she reflects on the glowing Star before her.

This is a time when you don’t have to push for answers, ideas or actions… it is a day to just sit back and daydream to the surface what you have for so long been trying to get to the bottom of.

Meditation would work well for you today as would spas treatment that puts you in a state of relaxation. Make sure you’re surrounded by peaceful, loving company and if not remove yourself from any negatives in your life because you don’t want to look at the flip side of a transit like this which translates into your hopes, dreams and wishes turning into a nightmare through absorbing others’ negativity.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 17, 2014 — The Star

the Star

The Star

In the midst of so many turbulent transits there’s still always a bit of hope — and today is no exception.

As Venus and Jupiter — known astrologically as the lesser and greater benefics — come together in harmony, it’s the perfect time to be thinking about what is right in the world, rather than what is wrong.

In this version of the card we see a Mermaid transferring water from an urn back into the sea from which she came. She’s perched on the edge of the shore with only her tail and a few strands of hair still immersed.

A sky full of stars twinkle and revolve around one larger “wishing star,” while two fish swim close to the water’s edge. The Hebrew letter Ayin (insight, illumination, spiritual awareness) is imprinted on the lower left.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. Yet there is something decidedly Piscean about this version of the card (and most versions of the Star card in my opinion). It is a card of hope, compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

An Intuitive 5-Card Tarot Reading with Two Axes

           (nothing to do with choppers or tomahawks)

by Charles Johnson, guest blogger 

Feeling a bit cheesed-off the other day after a Djembe drumming practice at which my drum teacher had failed to define for me just how my sense of timing/ tempo / accent did not come up to hers, after a few hours not exactly fuming but quite deeply bothered (because drumming has become pretty central to my life and my sense of well-being), I got out my favourite Tarot of the Origins deck in order to make sense of / get to the heart of the “problem.”

I hit upon a five-card spread: three cards laid out in a vertical line, representing (from bottom to top) what’s going on from the teacher’s point of view — its origin (card 1: the Four of Jewels); the heart of the situation (card 2 and the central card in the layout: The Mother); and its implication / outcome (card 3: the Five of Jewels).

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 21, 2014 — The Star

the Star

The Star

The Star card indicates a renewed sense of hope and faith in the Universe, usually after a difficult period. As the Star card sequentially follows the Tower in traditional tarot, there are elements of “picking up the pieces” present in this card.

You may be feeling more inspired after a period of disappointment or disillusionment. You may be more aware of your connection to other people and to the world around you. And you may be more conscious of how all of your actions reverberate into cause and effect principles that boomerang right back to you.

The Star is all about Universal harmony and synchronicity. It’s about being one with the Universe and feeling connected to every single other living thing. We see it in the almost perfect symmetry that’s present in this version of the card: from the 8-pointed star in the sky, to the mountains on either side of it, to the vessels in the woman’s hands from which she pours water into the sea.

There are as many possibilities before you as there are stars in the night sky. If you play your cards right you could be wishing on one tonight and thanking your lucky ones tomorrow!

January 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Prairie Tarot


ARIES: The Star

This month it’s going to be all about counting your blessings. In recent months you may have been too focused on what you lack — or what you feel has been missing in your life, But the Star card speaks of putting all that aside while you focus on what you do have.

This is a very calm and peaceful version of the Star card. In it, we see a young Native American woman sitting on the banks of a river, replenishing it from the water in her vessel.

She sits with her eyes closed and her feet dangling comfortably in the water. A large white star shines above her to the right, while seven smaller stars, in the colors of the rainbow are lined up on the left.

There are elements of tolerance and acceptance here too. The gentle imagery of the young woman in Native garb coupled with the rainbow stars act as symbolic reminders that the world is full of different kinds of people and all of them belong here. Even the act of pouring water into the stream reminds us of how important it is to “give back.”

As the New Year begins, think about resolutions you made last year that you didn’t end up keeping. The Star card is full of hope and inspiration but it’s not exactly well grounded. There’s a need to work in order to manifest your dreams, as they’re not about to fall into your lap.

August 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Revelations Tarot


Is there something you have been wishing, praying and hoping for?

The card of the Star shows that you can have what you want and possibly without putting too much effort into it as long as you don’t start worrying, striving and generally putting your thoughts and emotions into a state of unbalance.

The Star is a card of happiness… of wishes coming true. Think of the saying “wish upon a star” and keep it in your mind as you go after your dreams.

The halo of doves and stars surrounding the woman in the card as she simultaneously fills one water urn and lets the other urn flow out depicts a balance in not holding on too tightly to something and trusting that what you want shall be fulfilled.

The reflection within the water shows what happens if you go against this balance with the red, amber tones standing for anger, frustration and a general blockage to getting what you want.


March 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Mythic Tarot

ARIES: Nine of Swords

You may be tossing and turning in your sleep this month; stressing over concerns that seem to have no resolution.

This card speaks of our tendencies to magnify problems, often making them out to be worse than they are.

You’ll need to learn to step back from intrusive thoughts and fears before they escalate into full-on panic. This doesn’t mean you should ignore your problems: that may be what’s gotten you into your predicament in the first place.

You’ll have to confront your fears head-on if you’re ever going to conquer them. You may have to look at where you’ve made mountains out of molehills or have been your own worst enemy.

You may have contributed to your problems, as responsibilities that have been avoided could very well be coming back to haunt you now. But it’s also important to forgive yourself for past mistakes and work on putting them behind you.


January 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Thoth Tarot


You’ll have the opportunity to re-invent yourself this month and to achieve equilibrium in your relationships.

You can turn something negative into something positive by striving for balance, harmony and composure.

This is a powerful card. It relates to the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. You can activate this concept personally by embracing that which has been resisted or denied and working to transform it.

This card is called “Art” (Temperance, in some decks). It speaks of seeking out symmetry.

It speaks of finding a middle-ground. In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view?

Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.