
February 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Pentacles

Aries: Knight of Pentacles

With your ruler (Mars) now moving through Taurus, you might feel the need to slow down a bit rather than rushing headlong into the next great adventure.

This transit is good for stopping the smell the flowers and for taking your time to appreciate what life has to offer. It’s fitting then that your card this month is the Prisma Visions Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles.

This Knight isn’t galloping off toward the horizon and he’s not racing to the finish line. He’s led his stallion to a lush field of giant strawberries, where both of them can feast.

The Knight of Pentacles (and Mars in Taurus) knows how to make money. But his focus is more on relishing and savoring than it is on taking action.

He’s all about preserving his resources while maximizing his potential, so that he’s always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.


February 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Swords

Your card this month — the Ace of Swords from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot — is all about achieving the kind of clarity that’s needed to focus your intentions and accomplish your goals.

The Ace of Swords can act as a tool for manifesting. It is raw, pure, unharnessed energy that can be channeled into something both powerful and magical.

It can act as a lightning rod for either positive or negative energy, depending on how it’s used. It refers to getting to the heart of the matter, cutting through the BS, speaking your mind and honoring your truth.

But the Ace of Swords can also be somewhat aggressive and argumentative. When used negatively it really does “cut like a knife” with respect to cruelty or hurtful words. For this reason it’s sometimes best to put some distance between yourself and whatever outside influences are triggering reactions.

Your ruling planet (Mars) is dignified in Capricorn this month. This is a strong placement, associated with climbing to the top, staking your claim and asserting your power — all of which are so beautifully represented here.

Aces are associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, and nowhere is that more evident than the Ace of Swords in this deck, where each card is represents a small snippet of a much bigger picture. Here the Sword glows against a midnight sky, Here there are references to clarity, perfection and purity with the embedded Sword glistening in a new-fallen snow.

The Ace of Swords can have a dual meaning just as the blade itself is double edged. It can be victorious or defiant, depending on how you decide to wield it. Remember that your words and actions can have far reaching consequences, so wield yours not as a weapon this month, but as a conduit for fairness and honesty.


December 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Wheel of Fortune

Aries: Wheel of Fortune

This month, you may be looking at the ups and downs in your life and thinking about how they’ve led you to where you are today. The Wheel of Fortune card is associated with fate, destiny, “karma,” life cycles and both good and bad luck.

Sometimes we blame ourselves for the down times (assuming we’ve “brought it all on ourselves”) while viewing the up times as outside of our control.

We all experience these up and down cycles — and we all try to maximize the former while minimizing the latter. But the Wheel of Fortune — this version from the Alchemical Tarot — tells us that both are necessary and that the good times wouldn’t be good without the frame of reference of the not-so-good times.

Like the mythical Ouroboros or world serpent, the Wheel of Fortune tells us that there is no beginning or end, much like the rhythms in our own lives.

Here we see the two dragons — one white with wings and a crown and the other one red and scaly  — circling the wheel together. As one goes up the other comes down, repeating that cycle over and over again in an ongoing (and never ending) process.

This month you’ll have 6 planets and the South Node moving through your 10th house — the area associated with reputation and public standing. As a result, this is the area you’re likely to see the biggest impact. You can take advantage of these transits by aligning yourself with their respective energies. And rather that seeing yourself tied to that karmic wheel this month, consider participating in your destiny and working to overcome the conditioning that’s held you there in the past

Remember that as one one door closes, another one opens — just as the wheel turns and the seasons change. Today’s transits speak of finding ways to voice your intentions while at the same time putting disappointments and heartaches behind you.


December 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Four of Cups

ARIES: Four of Cups

With your ruler (Mars) moving through Pisces and your 12th house this month you may be asking yourself: “Is that all there is?” especially if you’ve attained something you so desperately longed for in the past, only to see it differently now that you’ve attained it.

It may represent a relationship that’s lost its luster, a job that turns out to be tedious rather than rewarding, or a set of ideals that under the harsh light of day no longer seems so inspiring.

The young mermaid in this card — from the gorgeous Shadowscapes Tarot — looks bored and uninspired. She gazes down at her reflection, idly tracing ripples on the surface of a stream.

The Four of Cups can relate to a lack of motivation or a lethargy so profound that it threatens to numb you or trap you in your sense of boredom. It can have you wondering whether there might be something else out there that would excite or inspire you.

It can also relate to a lack of energy, which may mean it could turn into period of inertia where you don’t feel like doing much of anything. It speaks of wondering whether there might be something else out there that would excite or inspire you.

The Four of Cups is a card of apathy and ambivalence. The focus may be on what is lacking in your life, rather than what’s right there before you. One of the positive aspects though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right.

It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end.


August 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Nine of Cups

ARIES: Nine of Cups

Take some time this month to look around you, and see how many of your dreams and wishes have come true.

The Nine of Cups is a called ‘Happiness” in this deck (the beautiful Röhrig Tarot). It’s a card of contentment and fulfillment. It speaks of being more than just satisfied with your lot in life, but also feeling truly blessed and grateful for where you are.

The Nine of Cups is known as the Wish card; in this sense it’s about manifesting your heart’s desires. Nothing is taken for granted and nothing is left to chance. It’s about aligning yourself with the universal laws of attraction and getting what you deserve.

Along with being the “Wish” card, it’s also a card of Miracles. As there’s so much more focus on what one has than what one lacks, it’s easier to notice small miracles and in even the smallest things.

Be careful though that you don’t become too complacent: one of the potential pitfalls with this card is getting exactly what you wished for, only to discover later on that it wasn’t what you wanted in the first place. Because of this, you want to be very mindful of what you ask for — and what you  “put out there” — this month.

Think about what makes you happy and chances are good it’s the simple things in life. Home, family, friends, health, material comforts and peace of mind. This is what the Nine of Cups is all about and if you’re not where you want to be just yet, think of ways to change that.

Take some time to think about what you really want — and don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have. There’s an intricate balance between gratitude and personal fulfillment, so make sure you’re putting enough energy and effort into both.

February 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Two of Wands

ARIES: Two of Wands

Be on the lookout this month for opportunities that are available to you, even those that may not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.

The Two of Wands — this version from the gorgeous Shadowscapes Tarot — speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something that’s big enough to assure you you’re on the right track, but not yet well-thought out enough to ensure that it’s a go.

This could be something that was once just a dream or half-formed vision about where you see yourself “down the road.” You may be thinking of going back to school, or looking for another job or approaching someone you’re interested in and asking them out to dinner. It doesn’t have to be something big. But it can lead to something huge.

The Two of Wands asks, “What are you waiting for?” and “why are you holding back?” It tells you that there’s no time like the present to put yourself out there and take at least the first steps toward pursuing your goals.

You may not have fully fleshed out your ideas. And that’s perfectly ok. The Two of Wands speaks of putting something into action that will gather momentum over time. It encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level. The Two of Wands says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to gather up the courage and confidence to go after it.


Sept 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Ace of Swords

ARIES: Ace of Swords

This is a month of new thoughts and new ways of doing things. It is also a month for changing your thoughts and ideas on something.

Notice the butterfly wings around the Sword — from the Miracle Tarot. Venus turns direct this month, bringing grace, harmony, beauty and love to the forefront.

Even the sharp edges of the sword are not enough to deter the butterfly from being this near the blade. It is almost as if you can throw caution to the wind and say/do whatever you want. Well… perhaps not too much as Mercury is about to turn retrograde again.

Your thoughts are pure and aimed single-mindedly at the outcome you desire. If you have any mental tasks to accomplish do so whilst your mind is highly alert and focused on what you want.

The play of muted colours through this image give your clarity in anything creative you wish to succeed in alongside a transformative quality to the way they spring forth from your mind.

The blade looks sharp but don’t be fooled as it will not harm you as long as you stick to your principles and deliver your words with care and grace nothing will stand in your way.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 30, 2015 — The Tower


The Tower

Sometimes you can walk straight through a crisis although you may need a little help in doing so and sometimes you take a fall when you are at your most vulnerable.

The Tower — this version from the Steampunk Tarot by Charissa Drengsen —  is a card that shows you that all can come undone at the drop of a hat and there is nothing you can do about it.

If you are lucky enough to be still standing — like the figure of the man in the top right hand side of this card, even though he’s precariously balanced and at a great height — you may also need to ask yourself whether you’re still hold onto something that’s blown up and smashed itself apart.

Perhaps it’s not luck at all but desperately clinging to something that is no longer serving you.

Other people seem oblivious to your obvious distress and pay no heed to what is around. This is in keeping with today’s Moon / Chiron conjunction, which can make you feel unsupported or even invisible.

The ship in the lower right hand side of the card gives the impression that it may be launching or wrecked and this is also true of the card of the Tower. You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over again or you can sit within the wreckage and feel sorry for yourself.

April 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

You may be called upon this month to reach into your inner reserves of strength and overcome your deepest fears. The Strength card is all about mind over matter and gaining control over the things in your life that are at risk for spiraling out of control.

It could be as simple as a pattern of second guessing yourself or talking yourself out of doing what you know is best for you. And it can be as complicated as upholding your part of a bargain you’ve made with yourself: quitting smoking for example. Dieting. Sticking to an exercise regimen. Holding your ground against temptations to “give in” when you know that doing so is not going to be in your best interests.

The woman in this card — from the Aya Takano Tarot— has managed to tame the beast through kindness and generosity. But she’s not exactly lying down and exposing her underbelly. Her demeanor is both soothing and reverent as she places the wreath of flowers over the lion’s mane. I love the “power” tattoo on her forearm.

Think about how far you’ve come in taming your own inner beasts. If you’re tempted to throw in the towel, remember that doing so will only cause you to lose momentum.

The Strength card encourages you to not only meet your fears head on, but to transform them by neutralizing the power they hold over you. Once you do that you’ll find that they weren’t so frightening after all.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 11, 2015 — The Tower


The Tower

Today’s Mars / Uranus conjunction also squares Pluto. This is an intense and potentially cataclysmic transit that ties in perfectly with the Tower card.

The Tower — much like this aspect — refers to abrupt and unsettling changes that can take you outside of your comfort zone, through the sense that everything happening around you is completely outside of your control.

In most versions of the card the “tower” is a literal fortress that’s been struck by lightning and is crashing to the cliffs below. People are falling out of the structure while flames and smoke shoot from the shattered windows.

In this version it’s storming and the tower is in danger or falling into the sea. It’s also already partially destroyed, never to be fully restored. A tree has uprooted itself and is hanging on for dear life while the world crashes down all around it.

Yet if you consider the source of the destruction — the one earth shattering lightning bolt — you can see how it lights the whole sky, making everything momentarily clear.

It is this flash of insight that all of us need to be paying attention to, especially as these planets tighten their astrological grip (and form an exact square) today. Rather than running and hiding — or hanging on for dear life — cooperating with the process may go a long ways towards mitigating the destruction;

You may feel like your carefully-constructed world is falling apart or that all you’ve held near and dear (and previously thought was indestructible) is no longer capable of sustaining you. And you’d be right. But look closely at the card and you can the makings of another tower deep within its recesses. It tells you that all is not lost here afterall, and that there is still hope for renewal.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 19, 2015 — Chaos



You may struggle with keeping your footing today, thanks to a pair of aspects — a Mars / Neptune conjunction and a Venus / Jupiter opposition — that can throw you off center.

The Chaos card — from the Vision Quest Tarot — illustrates this combination beautifully. Starting with the word “Chaos,” which is a Mars / Neptune keyword.

This is the Vision Quest’s version of the Tower card. It’s traditionally associated with sudden and unexpected change. And that is certainly not lacking here, with a bolt of lightning igniting a wildfire that’s caused a horse to rear back in terror.

He may have been trotting along with his head in the clouds (another Mars / Neptune reference) when lightning struck. But now he seems to have been pushed to the edge of a cliff with nowhere to go but down.

The Tower card can shake your world and turn it upside down. It breaks apart everything that’s already unstable or uncertain, even if you’re not aware of it. It’s that lack of awareness that is first reconciled, as in the brief moment in time when a bolt of lightning lights the whole sky.

There are also loss and endings associated with this card (note the remnants of a burial ground burning in the trees). The smoke only partially obliterates the damage that’s been done: you can see that much has been lost here.

So the question is what do you do? Do you hold on for dear life and hope that the fire burns out on its own? (and if that’s what you’re already doing, how’s it working for you?) Or do you do what is strongly recommended here and grab onto that Venus / Jupiter aspect, trusting that the Universe has better things in store for you?

Things like freedom, adventure, expansion and luck (Jupiter). And things like love, money and self esteem (Venus). While the opposition between these two planets requires you to stabilize your efforts, it’s still the more favorable response. As frightful as it may seem to you now, going ahead and jumping off that cliff could be the best thing that’s happened to you in a long while.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 15, 2014 — The Tower


The Tower

Uranus squares Pluto today and as the image in this card suggests you may feel like giving the whole day a “miss”.

A tower can be seen blowing up outside the window yet you sleep soundly through it.

If you have felt you are being pulled into other people’s issues then today is a day you may wish to step back a bit and give yourself some hard earned rest from taking care of other people’s problems.

On the other hand if there is anything you should’ve taken care of in your own life and you didn’t do so then you don’t want things happening outside your control while you bury your head in the sand.

A cat may have nine lives but you do not.

The black bird suggests that there is news coming your way and yet you do not want to hear it. The pears in all shapes, sizes and colours suggests you have tried many ways to overcome an obstacle but no matter what you tried you have not been able to find the right “answer”.

Perhaps, like the pears, you have been too “sweet” yourself in finding the answer.

Today may not bring you answers however it may bring you a whole lot of headaches and problems none of which you have any control over. It is through this that you may learn the lesson of self love as can be seen from the pink dress worn. Pink is the colour of love and strengthening your boundaries is a great place to start.

Choose the situations you wish to be involved in today carefully. Allow others to do what they need to do and you do what you need to do.