
Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 31, 2014 — The Star

The Star

The Star

There is a certain amount of intensity around today which can be seen in the darker hues of this image which perfectly illuminates the positioning of the moon in Scorpio which is falling between Mars and Saturn which are also in Scorpio.

Emotionally you may feel as if you are torn in two separate directions with the intensity of Mars on one side urging you to action and the hesitancy of Saturn on the other side urging you to discretion. Which will you choose?

The flamingo between the two cups waits for an opportunity to move yet at the same time is quite happy to remain where it is until the time is right.

The two planets in the sky… one already well risen in the sky whilst the other is just arising over the horizon form a triangle with you in the middle.

A gem glows from your head or is that your own hopes and wishes about to come to realization for you while the intensity of today’s planet formations align with the moon to give you the extra emotions to urge you on to succeed.

You will also know how much you need to balance things out today to get what you want.

Notice you are only dipping your toe into the water and as water stands for emotions it would seem you know instinctively not to be governed by your emotions today for it is not the right time to act.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 26, 2014 — Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Venus squares Saturn today and this means tensions whether this be in your love life or life in general it affects you emotionally.

You may wish to look at what you have lost and what you actually perceive as being lost for as this card shows you may be so focused on the fallout of something, the 3 cups overturned, that you are not seeing the potential which is around you, the 2 cups still standing.

If you think you are about to lose something or someone from your life which would then make it more difficult for you to feel as though you were on “firm” ground take heart that things may not necessarily be as bad as you think.

There is a certain amount of grief and grieving in this image hence the black robe.

There is also a bittersweet sense of anger or heated emotions bringing this grief about and from the red liquid running from the 3 fallen cups. It suggests that it would not be a good thing for you to blindly leap in and try to fix the situation immediately as emotions are still running high.

Try turning your thoughts from what is going on. Remember the 2 cups are still standing which means that all is not lost there is still hope but it may require patience and a different state of mind for you to actually see your way clear to what you need to do next.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 21, 2014 — The Universe

The Universe

Elegantly you stand today thinking of your next step forward.

The time has come to take a total look at your life and what you have been doing with it up until now and seek out new adventures and avenues in which to express yourself.

There is no need to hurry as the image in this card suggests that you already know what you want and how to get it… and it won’t be by pushing your way aggressively to your goal.

Rather, it is about laying down the foundations… which you already have… testing them out… which is already done.

Otherwise you wouldn’t be standing there in your bare feet trusting your environment and then looking for the “opening” in your life to launch yourself towards something new.

What you choose to do will come to you gently. It is already flowing through you via your thoughts and emotions as can be seen from the stream meandering through the branches.

The green branch held in the right hand suggests you are rewriting and reimagining everything that you wish to make real whilst the blue vial flows from your left hand giving you further incentive to actualise your dreams.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 16, 2014 — Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

If there is something you need to tackle today make sure you have your facts straight. The Ace of Swords denotes thoughts, mental agility and the use of this in your life.

It may be that you are trying to decide something and need to weight up both sides of your decision to see what options you have or it may be that you are “hit” with a new idea or thought and want to get it off the ground before the momentum leaves.

Either way this is a great day to flex your mental agility and perhaps put some of it to the test.

If there is anything you have been putting off that requires concentration on your part then you may find that today this concentration comes more easily to you.

You may be quite surprised with what you come up with as the image of the sword in this card looks so solid and stable.

As it cuts its way through the crown you can see there are two different versions of greenery being shown.

On the left is a rather bushy branch with small white flowers and a red rose whilst on the right is a frond with a white rose which basically covers a lot of plants when you come to think of it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 13, 2014 — Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

The Moon is in Pisces (and void of course) today until it moves into Aries mid afternoon.

While you may feel a bit like a fish out of water (courtesy of the VOC Moon), the Page of Cups encourages you to push past your fears and uncertainties and take a leap of faith.

The Page of Cups refers to a sense of child-like wonder and enthusiasm that prompts you to throw caution to the wind and follow your dreams. It’s an exuberant, unrestrained and joyful energy that stems from the expectation that you’ll succeed, rather than worrying that you might fail.

Look at the gleeful little goldfish swimming around the orb on this card. Is it a giant luminescent pearl? Or are we viewing them from above as they leap to freedom from the confines of their fishbowl? It’s all a matter of perspective.

The Page of Cups is fearless, because he (or she) doesn’t know that there’s any real danger out there. And as such, s/he’s unlikely to attract it. S/he knows instinctively that the Universe is abundant and that the well will never run dry.

From a feng shui perspective, three goldfish are said to represent fortune and prosperity. And the Page of Cups is often associated with receiving good news.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 9, 2014 — Ten of Spirals

Ten of Spirals

Ten of Spirals

As the Sun conjuncts Mercury today there is an abundance of thoughts and ideas for you… not to mention perhaps the need to talk more than usual. However, as this aspect is being squared by Saturn there is also the feeling that you need to be a bit careful in what you say or a sense of holding back.

If you look at this image of the ten Spirals you will get the general idea of what you may be up against today and how to make it work for you.

As the human part of the centaur tries to race ahead (Sun conjunct Mercury) the horse part can be seen trying to hold back (Saturn). There are several choices you may be making today and it may not do well for you to rush into the first one you deem fit or that takes your attention because all roads looked as if they are “paved with gold”. What is important is that you plan ahead and are seen not to be carrying a heavy load when you get to the end of the road (choice) you make.

Right now you may feel as if you are carrying the world on your back and indeed from this image you are. Yet the spirals in their various shapes and colours may also be a “gift” just waiting to be unravelled that will serve you best on another path or on another day. Do not discard all thoughts and ideas today and blindly rush in because you think you need to be “doing” something.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 5, 2014 — The Hierophant


The Hierophant

There is a sense of order and peace around today which will facilitate your ability to get on with what you need to do and do it well.

It is as if you have 2 paths ahead of you or perhaps you are incorporating two different ways of looking at the same problem.

On one hand you are grounded and practical and want to plod along and get ahead in the same old way you always have yet on the other hand, which can be seen from the green dragon resting on your arm, there is perhaps a path you would like to take that is totally different to just practically plodding along… a path that is more filled with adventure and where things happen at the drop of a hat.

I wonder which you will choose especially as Saturn trines Chiron today and gives you a chance to bring together that from your past which has possibly been holding you back and allows you to come up with new ideas and plans to put into motion that may not have been possible in the past.

Whichever way you go you will feel peaceful and focused. The flowing robes and colours in this card suggest that you are well in tune not only with yourself but also your environment and the background images, a sea port on one side and a hill on the other also give you further thought for any choices you wish to make.

Allow yourself to be your own best guide today, as it seems from the vantage point of the Hierophant on the hill you have already overcome hurdles to journey as far as you have.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 2, 2014 — Page of Wands

page of Wands

Page of Wands

Today, with Mercury and Jupiter coming together in Leo you should be feeling more creative, enthusiastic, energetic and alive. The Page of Wands combines the fearlessness, restlessness and impulsivity of the Page with the fiery, dynamic, passionate energy associated with the Wands (or Fire) element.

This card is about racing toward your goals with the sort of fierce determination that propels you toward the finish line. There’s no conserving your energy or plodding along methodically when it comes to the Page of Wands. It’s all go go go and get it done now!

You may be rushing toward a deadline, scrambling to outsmart your competitors or planning an adventure — but even in that case there’s little planning involved. It’s more about chasing after your goals and striking while the iron is hot.

In this version of the card we meet the Greek god Phrixus, charging toward Colchis on his golden ram as he races to outrun his assassins. He raises his wand triumphantly in one hand and guides the ram towards his destination with the other.

This is the essence of the Page of Wands. It represents the urge to get the ball rolling, make things happen, and fearlessly go after your goals without worrying about consequences or pitfalls.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 30, 2014 — White Tiger Nine

Nine of Swords

White Tiger Nine

Life may be catching up with you today as the White Tiger Nine (Nine of Swords) sweeps in with the promise of… well perhaps a change in your luck and not necessarily for the better.

The Nine of swords is a card of struggle and from the image on this card you can see that the path before you is not a straightforward one, albeit that you are not in the flames, you are nonetheless walking a very fine line between things going ok and things taking a turn for the worst.

Keep this in mind if you have anything big to do today and don’t try to push for more than you naturally believe you deserve and even then you may wish to push for a bit less than that.

A white tiger is a rare creature and if you are feeling as if the world is against you today then bear in mind that you are perhaps a little out of your depth when it comes to the direction you are seeking to take and that the path will not be easy.

If you look in the background of this card there is a reminiscent scene from Gone With the Wind in which people are running from something and a horse is rearing its front legs as if in fright.

These figures are going in the opposite direction to the tiger which gives an indication also that around you people may be fighting their own battles and struggles and perhaps not coming up trumps with them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 28, 2014 — Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Today, with Venus opposing Pluto and Mercury squaring the Nodes, you may have to think about surrendering to the knowledge that the Universe has something different in store for you than what you’ve been holding onto.

The Ten of Swords is similar to the Death card in that it forces you to accept — once and for all — the need to put something to rest.  It could be a relationship, a job, a hope or plan for the future, or it could be a set of belief systems that are no longer aligned with your principles.

Out of all the cards in the tarot, this one best describes the process of conceding defeat and letting go of the fight — thus liberating yourself from further heartache and misery.

In this version of the card, we see the goddess Athena intervening on behalf of Orestes, who lays crumpled in a ball at her feet. He’s been relentlessly chased, taunted and tormented by the furies, avenging his mother’s death.

Orestes is not blameless here. Even though he was acting on direct orders from Apollo, he’s still committed murder. He’s beaten himself up mercilessly, and is consumed with guilt and shame. But Athena steps in and intercedes: “enough,” she says. “Enough.”

If you look closely though, you can see that while Orestes lies defeated at her feet, the sun still rises in the background.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 26, 2014 — Death

Death - Deviant Moon


Today — as Mars moves into Scorpio — you may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice, in the form of giving something up that you’ve been clinging to for far too long.

It may be a relationship, a job, a dream, or even an out-dated belief system that is no longer conducive to your growth. Whatever it is, it’s going to feel like a loss, and may bring with it a period of mourning.

The Death card can be frightening, as it promises both loss and change — two of the scariest notions that any of us are ever faced with. But Mars is essentially dignified in Scorpio, meaning that it works well in this sign (as opposed to the disharmony and discord it experienced through its long 7+ month transit through Libra).

In this respect, it’s more about leaving behind something that probably wasn’t working for you anyway and moving toward something that you’re naturally more aligned with.

In this rendition we see two figures: “Death” represented by a pregnant female corpse, and her groveling progeny underfoot.

The smaller figure reaches out for his mother, begging to return to the safety of her womb. But death holds him at bay — with a new baby on the way, there’s just no room.

Think about what must be put to rest in your own life to make room for something new. It won’t be something you’re ambivalent about; in that sense it wouldn’t really feel like a loss, would it? No it’s something you’ve been holding onto — perhaps too tightly — that may be forcefully ripped away.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 19, 2014 — Temperance



It’s all about balance today and you may find yourself needing to add an extra dimension to your level of awareness as to how calm you feel as the Sun squares Mars which does not usually make for a day of peace and tranquillity.

On the plus side though Mercury trines Neptune which gives you an added boost to being able to get in touch with your inner self and allow this to wash through you much like the image of the 2 cups in the hands of the figure in this card.

You cannot help being struck with the nature of the balance in this version of Temperance. Everything in the card is showing different states.

From the yin yang symbol in the two toned sky, the figure with one foot in the water and one out, the flow of water from one cup to the other and even the one arm raised to the sky whilst the other is pointing to the earth.

It is a card about balance and letting things flow. You are aware of the polarities around you and that life is not always meant to be easy.

You take the good with the bad and you have a knack for turning more of the bad into good in a way that benefits you positively.

The planetary aspects of Sun square Mars perfectly depicts the tensions you may feel today alongside Mercury trine Neptune which perfectly shows just how illuminating your thoughts may become if you step outside of yourself today and contemplate life.