
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 3, 2014 — Death



The Death card is nothing to be afraid of.  Personally I love this card and this version of it is amazingly talkative and gives a fantastic illustration of what the Death card is about.

Do you feel as if you are being worn down to your bare bones today and that all that you do is all for naught and you just can’t seem to get on top of anything?  Perhaps you are trying to get something started but other things keep on popping up all around you and you are stuck at square one again.

If this is the case you need to sit down, gather your thoughts and listen within yourself as to what is really going on.  Sometimes change can hit us like a 10 ton truck, other times it can crept upon us so silently we do either not see it coming or are in the midst of it before we realise what is happening.

This is what the Death card is like…  it is like moving from one position in your life to another and sometimes those transitions can be easy and other times they can be difficult but usually they end in a positive experience and you are happier than you were before.

To add weight to today’s card I’ll clue you in on what is happening astrologically because you may just find that you are at the beginning of a cycle and you have a few weeks until the changes that are in process actually transpire around and within you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 29, 2014 — Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

You may feel as if you are being pulled back in time today although from the look of this image on the Six of Cups, being pulled back in time may not be such a bad thing after all.

With the gorgeous underground water environment as your playground and no swimming against the tide seen you can just enjoy yourself amongst your friends and family… with family possibly meaning those of a similar nature to yourself.

The new moon today forms a trine to Mars and as Mars has been possibly causing all types of setbacks and problems recently this is like a breath of fresh air and one that you should take advantage of given that the new moon falls in the sign of Gemini… a sign known for its intellectual agility.

Another area you may wish to reassess within your life today is where you “fit”.  The image on this card implies a wee girl floating around, having fun and allowing life to take her wherever it will and as she is within a water environment her emotions will be playing a large part as to how she is feeling. However, you do not want wish to allow your emotions to rule you entirely… although it might be fun for a while to feel that free and easy.

You may also wish to keep in mind that Mercury enters the sign of Cancer today where not only thoughts of your past will be running around your mind but also words you may wish to say to someone that you didn’t quite get the chance to complete whether from events in their life or your life holding you back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 26, 2014 — Temperance



Here’s something a little different today.  As you read the poem look at the image of the card and allow it to soak into you:

So you sit and you wonder and you worry and you wait
Until all of a sudden you are struck by fate
For all that you’ve been planning is now keeping you awake
As your thoughts roll beneath you like the currents in the waves
You build your foundations from where you feel enslaved

Now is the time to step out of your rut
The green in your aura is ready to erupt
This stands for growth both old and new
And I daresay those ideas of yours
are coming through by more than a few

The red in the ribbons as they float around
Is where your energy to proceed can be found
There’s balance and beauty in this card
And the yin yang symbol is like a genie in a jar

You need balance and calmness to reach your goals
And if all else fails look in the teacup as your fate unfolds
For if nothing else, this will give you peace of mind
And that which you are looking for I hope you find.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 15, 2014 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Hopefully, yesterday wasn’t too much of a fiasco for you and you navigated your way through the stormy waters of the 5 cups along with Pluto squaring Venus.  Today however, is a totally different story and one that goes to show just how quickly things can change with the transiting planets along with a fresh tarotscope.

The 2 of cups is a card of love.  In this version of the card a man is seen sitting sage like on a bench made of uneven rocks whilst he pays homage to the sun (or is that a full moon?).  It is difficult to decipher whether this is dusk or dawn due to the gorgeous shade of blue in the sky and as we all know even a full moon can be seen in the broad light of day.

Is he trying to balance his emotions or is he trying to bring a relationship back into emotional stability through his own efforts.  Whichever way this plays out today it will not be boring or lonesome.

The energy of Uranus conjunct Venus is quick, fast, erratic and usually totally unexpected and just to clarify… this will be to do with your love life!  Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it.

If you’ve been having difficulties within a relationship today may just brush those difficulties aside however don’t go pushing too hard because with Uranus anything can happen… and probably will!  If you are single and looking for love today is a day where it may just land in your lap from out of nowhere.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 3, 2014 — The Emperor

The Emperor

the Emperor

Today you may find yourself having to assume a position of power in order to “take care of business.”  The Emperor card is all about attending to material concerns, which may mean having to set aside feelings of fear or uncertainty and stepping into a more confident and authoritative role.

The Emperor card is the archetypal “Father.” It embodies the masculine principles of motivation, stability, discipline, structure and rules or laws. As with many of the Major Arcana figures, the Emperor can appear in your life as a person (a father, boss, judge, or government official, etc.); he can represent a frame of mind that you need to assume; or he can appear as an event — such as a promotion or recognition in the community.

As the Emperor also relates to the Laws of the Land, some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or co-worker.

In this version of the card, we meet the Emperor Julius Caesar seated at his throne. A Lion rests at his feet and an Eagle is perched on the windowsill beside him.  He holds a small globe in one hand and a sceptre topped by a fleur de lis in his other.

The Lion and Eagle are perfect symbols for today’s Sun trine Pluto aspect. This aspect actually bodes well for working with others.

Venus in Aries — May 2, 2014 – May 28, 2014

Venus enters Aries May 2, 2014 at 9:21pm UT.  Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries, as it is the sign that opposes Venus’ natural ruler, Libra. Traditional or Classical astrology places a lot more emphasis on planetary detriments as they are seen as significant in Classical practices. There are some disadvantages to having a planet in detriment, usually due to societal norms and expectations rather than any deficit in the archetype itself.

There are a lot of wonderfully unique attributes associated with this placement and if you happened to have been born with Venus in Aries, you’re probably known as someone who is exceptionally passionate and ardent when it comes to matters of the heart.

You probably fall in (and out) of love quickly. You consider yourself a bit of a maverick where love and relationships are concerned. You wear your heart on your sleeve, express your feelings openly, and are not afraid of a little competition.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 2, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Today you may want to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come, as well as where you want to go in the next chapter in your life.

The Four of Wands represents the stage in a project (or relationship, decision, goal, etc.) where you feel satisfied with progress made and are now in the process of gathering momentum.

What was once a dream (the Ace of Wands) that evolved into a plan (Two of Wands) and starting producing results (Three of Wands) is now not only gathering steam but is showing real potential for long term success (Four of Wands),

In this version of the card, we see a gold ring with four wands crossing one another from the center and emanating outwardly like spokes on a wheel. Flames radiate in the center and the wands have alternating rams and doves at their tips.

This card is called “Completion” in this deck and is ruled by Venus in Aries — which is where Venus will be later today. Although Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries (as the sign opposing its ruling sign Libra), there are many positive attributes to this archetype, most notably the dynamic Aries impulse to keep things moving. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 23, 2014 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

This is a good day to work on being centered and maintaining your composure in the midst of whatever life throws your way.

With an intense astrological aspect — a Cardinal Grand Cross — involving four powerful planets (Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) becoming as exact today as it’s ever going to get, you may feel like you’re in the eye of a hurricane and when you think about it, that may be the best place to be.

A Grand Cross involves four or more planets that are all forming squares (90°) and oppositions (180°) to one another. As squares represent conflict and oppositions represent tension, these aspects can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to contain.

The Four of Swords — called “Truce” in the Thoth deck, and represents a need to bring those opposing forces into the center where they can be focused into one powerful dynamic.

While you may feel pulled in several different directions today,  you’d be best served to stay calm and carry on, rather than let yourself fall out of balance. The Four of Swords encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and to observe rather than participate.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 17, 2014 — The Star

the Star

The Star

In the midst of so many turbulent transits there’s still always a bit of hope — and today is no exception.

As Venus and Jupiter — known astrologically as the lesser and greater benefics — come together in harmony, it’s the perfect time to be thinking about what is right in the world, rather than what is wrong.

In this version of the card we see a Mermaid transferring water from an urn back into the sea from which she came. She’s perched on the edge of the shore with only her tail and a few strands of hair still immersed.

A sky full of stars twinkle and revolve around one larger “wishing star,” while two fish swim close to the water’s edge. The Hebrew letter Ayin (insight, illumination, spiritual awareness) is imprinted on the lower left.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. Yet there is something decidedly Piscean about this version of the card (and most versions of the Star card in my opinion). It is a card of hope, compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 13, 2014 — Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

You may find yourself in the midst of a whirlwind of activity today courtesy of the Eight of Wands. This card is all about action, initiative and movement — getting to point B from point A without a lot of dilly-dallying along the way.

The Eight of Wands (Rods in this deck) often also brings news from afar. It could be a letter, a phone call, a friend request or an invitation. It can also refer to someone delivering news (or you delivering news to another).

This version of the card is full of action. As usual with the Eight of Wands there’s a lot going on. We see the legendary Herla’s Hounds — phantom hounds sent to drag the souls of hapless mortals into the underground.

They surge across the countryside, even knocking down one of the 8 posts on their way. The huntsmen soaring above them are also a part of the legend: note the one turning to dust and dissolving into nothingness.

The Eight of Wands refers to swift movement and progress. It’s action, energy and motion. But the imagery in this card must also remind us to be careful and exercise some discipline as there are potential ramifications to pushing too hard or rushing too fast.

As Wands are tied to the Fire element, we automatically associate cards in this suit with expressive, dynamic and creative energy. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 9, 2014 — Lust



Today is a good day to set aside your fears and inhibitions, and embrace the many blessings that the Universe has to offer you.

The Lust card replaces the “Strength” card in traditional tarot. The main difference is the emphasis on embracing passion and desire rather than attempting to contain it. It is a card of joy, exuberance and passion — ruled by Leo (which is where the Moon is today and tomorrow) in its most unrestrained form.

In this version of the card we see a woman reclining on the back of a beast with seven heads. These are the heads of a poet, an angel, a saint, an adulterous woman, a man of valor, a satyr and a lion-serpent.

She holds the beast’s reins in one hand, and lifts up the Holy Grail in the other. The ten circles in the background are the unordered Sephiroth, which have yet to coalesce into the Tree of Life.

Legend has it that the woman and beast are united in marriage. She is drunk with ecstasy, and he is aflame with passion and desire. The Lust card is associated with Leo, and is said to be the most powerful of the twelve zodiac trumps, as it is ruled by the Sun. It is associated with the Kerub of Fire — the Winged Lion guardian of the Temple.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 7, 2014 — Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Mercury moves into Aries today so be ready to wash aside all of the miscommunications, frustrations and slowness that you may have experienced over the last few months, especially given that Mercury was retrograde during part of that time.

Mercury in Aries is fast, direct, impatient and does not have time to think through all the in’s and out’s of everything.

This is a time about “thinking on your feet”, coming up with answers from the “top of your head” and generally listening to yourself in every which way that matters… even the wrong ways.

The Page of Wands is a card of news.  Now it may be a letter, email, phone call you are waiting for which is of importance to you and heralds forth a new idea or path in your life.  Whatever it is Wands denote that it happens quickly and with the Page of Wands you may wish to think more carefully about what you will do with the information when it does come.

Look a the way the rabbit in this card walks with a certain attitude that it cares for nothing else but the importance of itself and its own ideas.  It is not worried about where it is going or where it has come from.  What matters most is what it is thinking and where these thoughts can take it.