Mars moved into Virgo today. Mars represents energy, action, drive and assertion – in other words what we are compelled to “do” (among many other things). Virgo is analytical, efficient, productive and resourceful.
In this context, the Mars in Virgo energy is all about making yourself useful, putting your energy into helping others and making the world a better place.
If you were born with Mars in Virgo, you’re probably very detail-oriented and precise. You may not be organized, but you’re always organizing. Making lists: “things to do today;” refining and perfecting your surroundings; and pitching in to help others wherever you may see yourself as useful.
There are never enough hours in the day for Mars in Virgo people. They can’t really sit still: they have to be doing something all the time – usually two or three things at a time.
They’re good with facts and figures, have a great eye for detail and are quick to point out where improvements can be made.