Aries: Five of Swords
If you rush into something too quickly this month you may find that it comes back to bite you.
Think of what your Achilles heel is and keep an eye on it because it may not only be you who is affected. Someone will have your back and you need to be aware that your actions do not only affect you but others also.
If you find yourself at odds within a situation do not come out fighting because if you do you may find you have done exactly what the other person wanted all along and as there is total balance in this image you don’t want to go rocking any boats to put yourself at a disadvantage.
It may be that you are on the verge of leaving a relationship, a job or simply have had enough of your life at present and want to throw it all in and start something new.
However, what you do not need is action that is not well thought out… rather you need a plan.
With an eclipse in your sign on the 8th and Mercury retrograde for a large part of the month it will be difficult to see the woods from the trees but if you can imagine glimpses of your wishes coming into reality then you get the idea of what you need to do and why it is so important to hold off for the time being.