
February 2013 Monthly Horoscope

February 2013 Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- Aries

Your relationship rulers both change signs at the start of the month: Mars moves into Pisces and Venus moves into Aquarius. As a result you’ll be shifting gears in your relationship – whether you’re prepared for it or not. If you’re not currently involved, you can expect someone new and “different” to make an appearance. Someone who’s the antithesis of your usual “type” and who can bring a whole new perspective to your relationship landscape. If you’re already involved, you’re likely to see changes in your partner that you’ll have to deal with. A series of transits between the 8th and the 13th bring conflicts to the forefront, but also provide you with the tools that are necessary to resolve them. The Moon in your sign on the 12th offers you a fresh start, while Venus moving into your 12th house (the sector related to self-undoing) can bring temptations into the picture that can threaten the stability of your current situation. Are you going to move forward in your relationship or decide to call it a day? The outcome is more in your hands than you know.

Moon in Aries: Feb 12, 13, 14, 15

January 2013 Monthly Horoscope

January 2013 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- Aries

Work and your place in it may be top of your list of priorities as 2013 begins with the Sun and Mercury both in this area of your chart turning your thoughts to work and how you can reach the top of your career goals. The Aries moon on 17th and 18th January not only highlights what is important to you emotionally it also occurs at the same time as Venus and Pluto are conjunct and it would be a great time to approach your boss about a promotion and/or put your own plans into motion on how you can best use your talents for your own advancement. Mars is in your friendship area this month and if you need any favors from a friend then now is the time to ask for them… be polite and ask nicely though.

Moon in Aries 17, 18

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

December 2012 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be rolling with the big dogs this month, thanks to some powerful planetary lineups affecting both your career and financial sectors.  Your ruler (Mars) and Pluto are elevated and moving through your professional sector from the beginning of the month.  You may feel like you’re under greater public scrutiny, but you should come out smelling like a rose — as these planets are both well placed and well aspected for the better part of the month.  Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the North Node are all moving through your 8th house – the area related to sex, death, joint resources and personal transformation. You’ll likely have dealings with each of these areas throughout the month, but these are also favorably aspected.  This is a better time for saving and investing than it is for spending, even in the midst of the Holiday season. A message from afar comes on the 10th, followed by good news on the 15th. You’re also in line for some recognition in the work-force closer to the 21st. All in all this month should be favorable for you professionally so work on manifesting your career aspirations as you prepare for the year ahead.

 Moon in Aries:  Dec 20, 21, 22

November 2012 Monthly Horoscope

November 2012 Monthly Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesThis is a month where you really might need to watch what you say. For the first week Venus is in your relationship area and opposing Uranus. Think the unexpected, things happening out of the blue, your own reactions being possibly a bit of center. In other words be ready for anything happening in your love life. To compound all this in the second half of the month several planets change signs. Mercury is retrograde in your relationship area making communication with your partner difficult, Mars will be pushing you to work more and the sun moves into an area of your chart where you just want to be footloose and fancy free. If you keep your eye on nothing else this month then do this…. on November 28 there is a full moon eclipse in your area of communication just waiting to trip you up and get you into trouble.

Moon in Aries: Dec 23, 24, 25

October 2012 Monthly Horoscope

October 2012 Horoscope

June 2013 Monthly Horoscope -- AriesYou’ll be feeling both restless and adventuresome this month, starting on the first with (still) full moon in your sign, and gaining momentum through the 7th when your ruler (Mars)  moves into Sagittarius. This should be a dynamic period for you, rife with travel and personal expansion. You’ll be flying high and looking out over so many unexplored vistas. You don’t want to get reckless; there are a couple days (namely the 7th and 28th) where having your head in the clouds could cause you to become careless or accident prone.  Venus (your relationship ruler) moves in Virgo on the 3rd, forming an opposition to Neptune.  You or your partner may become disillusioned, or one of you (most likely you) may express a need to break free. This can also apply to casual relationships and love-interests – where you wake up and realize that you’re no longer on the same page.  The Moon moves back into your sign on the 26th, and Venus enters your relationship sector a day later. Hold off on making important decisions until that time: while you may want to spread your wings this month, you won’t want to do it at the expense of your relationship.

 Moon in Aries:  Oct 1, 26, 27, 28 and 29

September 2012 Monthly Horoscope

September 2012 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

The real action for you this month happens from the 16th when Mercury enters your relationship area.  At this time you may find you are wanting to talk something through with your partner and you do seem to have quite a few other beneficial planetary aspects to help you with this.  Venus is in your area of romance after the first week giving you instant appeal to the opposite sex.  From mid month however, Mars will be squaring off to Venus and you may find yourself in a power struggle.  Let’s hope its an enjoyable power struggle, one that you see as a “challenge” to enhance your Aries characteristics.  Do not make major decisions around the 3rd and 29th when the moon comes into close contact with Uranus in your sign… you make live to regret them.

 Moon in Aries Sept 3, 4, 29, 30 

August 2012 Monthly Horoscope

August 2012 Monthly Horoscope


March 21 – April 20 

You won’t have to worry about being lonely this month, with the Sun moving through your house of romance and the full moon taking place (on the 1st) in your house of friendships. If anything, you’re going to have to figure out which is more important so that you can prioritize the time you spend with others. Your ruling planet (Mars) spends most of the month in your relationship sector. But it’s not “happy” there: it’s debilitated by both sign and house. You’ll be navigating through your share of relationship challenges – most likely related to how little time you’re devoting to those who need it most. Everything comes to a head on the 15th when Mars conjuncts Saturn. You’ll have to “man up” (or “woman up”) and meet those challenges head on. Saturn demands your complete attention so don’t try to ignore or avoid. By the 23rd, when Mars moves into Scorpio, things should be falling back into place. You’ll be glad you took the time to resolve your relationship issues and gotten back on the same page as your loved ones.

Moon in Aries: Aug 5, 6, 7 and 8