Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 27, 2015 — Wealth



Today is a good day to be thinking about your future, especially with respect to your security and financial stability.

The Wealth card — the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the Ten of Pentacles — is about building your empire, on whatever scale that might be.

It’s about achieving success through hard work and determination, as well as the satisfaction that comes with knowing that it’s all going to pay off in the end. Not just for you but for family and loved ones, as this card is also about creating a legacy that can be built on for generations to come.

The “pentacles” in this version are ten intricately woven baskets, displayed alongside a bountiful harvest of summer fruits and winter vegetables. These are seen as a reminder of the importance of both appreciating what you have now and planning toward the future.

The greens and golds so prominent in this card are also significant. These are the colors associated with wealth, prosperity and abundance. Notice how the baskets are fashioned in the shape of a human form, lifted up on plentiful hills of grain — the earth’s most sustainable resource.

The Ten of Pentacles is about establishing a lasting legacy for yourself and your loved ones. It’s about enjoying and appreciating what you have while planning ahead for the future.

No matter how successful you are there’s always more to be done, especially as it pertains to creating something that will live on long after you’re gone. You may be thinking of starting a family or putting money aside for children you already have.

You could also be in the process of giving birth to something else — a business, a creative endeavor or a body of work. Whatever it is, know that this is something you want to be proud of, so put the extra energy into making sure you do it right.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 26, 2015 — Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

With Venus sextiling Uranus today, it’s a good time to think about taking a break from work and responsibilities and focusing on socializing with friends and loved ones.

The Three of Cups represents people gathering together to connect, interact and celebrate. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls night out.

Either way it’s a time of merriment and gaiety. Hanging out with like-minded people and expressing feelings of affection and good-will. There’s no room for fretting about work, and none of this sitting around ironing out political or ideological differences.

Today’s Leo Moon (still very new) fits perfectly with the sense of joy and playfulness seen in this version of the card — from the gorgeous Nusantara Tarot. The three figures raise glasses in a celebratory toast as they frolic in a field of wildflowers. There’s a sense of sisterhood and camaraderie that is emphasized here.

In terms of romance the Three of Cups can refer to reconnecting with an old flame or reuniting with an ex. It can also manifest as a natural progression from the Ace of Cups (an attraction) and the Two of Cups (a mutual attraction) to the Three of Cups (taking that attraction to the next level).

Whether you’re celebrating your own good fortune or raising your glass to toast another’s, the Three of Cups serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 25, 2015 — Four of Disks

Four of Disks

Four of Disks

Today’s card — Four of Disks from the Tarot of the Holy Light — is all about holding onto what you have in order to preserve and protect it.

This may be tied to money and possessions (as Pentacles are linked with the Earth archetype and therefore material and mundane concerns), but it also extends to attitudes and belief systems.

In the traditional Rider-Waite style cards a figure is usually seen holding on tightly to four gold coins, symbolizing both the desire to protect what he has and the inability to attain more. In this respect there are elements of hoarding and controlling as well as a bit of a miserly approach.

But here we see an Eagle (the animal totem for Venus) nesting in a bed of flames (Mars). Below her are four orbs (the four elements) insulated in a protective shell.  She has to be able to adapt to her environment in order to protect her fragile eggs.

This scene takes place in its own protective shell, watched over carefully by a crescent moon. The Sun shines in the background and four different birds (representing four states of consciousness) grace the four corners.

This card is ruled the second decanate of Taurus — the Virgo decanate, which is ruled by Mercury and where Mercury currently resides.

This version of the Four of Pentacles is about way more than money and material possessions. It’s about preservation, protection and control. It indicates a need to watch over the things (and people and attitudes) you’re in charge of without stifling or suffocating them.

Take some time today to loosen up the reins and allow the light to come in. You’ll be better served in the long run by trusting that the Universe will support you if you allow yourself to give up some of that control.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 24, 2015 — The Sun

The Sun

The Sun

Today you want to focus more on what is right in your world rather than what might be wrong. The Sun card is all about happiness, optimism and vitality: being present in the moment and celebrating just being alive.

Look around you and take notice of the blessings that surround you. Step away — at least mentally — and turn your attention away from work and mundane affairs long enough to soak in the energizing rays of the Sun.

The Sun is a happy–go-lucky card that speaks of “seizing the day.” It encourages us to cast our worries aside and tap into the childlike wonder that inspires us to laugh, play, sing and dance — like the joyful figures in this card.

There’s a sense of buoyancy and effortlessness associated with this card. The Sun makes a radiant appearance, high in the sky above, shining its light on the playful figures dancing in the sand.

Notice how uninhibited and free-spirited they are in this version — from the Feng Shui Tarot — as they frolic along the shore. They may be dancing to music that only they can hear. Or they may be making their own music, thus creating their own joy.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint. No matter where you are in the world today, the Sun is shining brightly in the sky. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 23, 2015 — Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Mercury and Mars come together today in Taurus, indicating a need to start thinking more about material pursuits.

This aspect combines enterprise (Mercury) with drive (Mars) to produce tangible results. It encourages you to focus your energy on long-term gains. The Page of Pentacles — this version from Jane Lyle’s Lovers’ Tarot — speaks of developing skills that can be applied to material enterprises.

You may thinking more about your future, as in taking a more serious approach to pursuing your interests as well as honing the skills that you already possess.

The Page of Pentacles may be someone in your life; if so he or she is here to teach you something. This person may be immersed in a hobby or trade; He or she may be a student or apprentice; and he or she may just starting a new job and filled with all the inspiration and anticipation that comes with taking on a brand new project.

This Page stares out over a vast Kingdom that may very well be his birthright. But he doesn’t expect things to be handed to him on a silver platter. He knows that he has to earn what he wants and that means putting in serious efforts toward achieving those goals.

You may be thinking of going back to school or learning a whole new trade. You may be immersing yourself in your own studies — either formally or informally, as in teaching yourself a new skill or perfecting one you’ve already begun to develop.

The Page of Pentacles invites you to recapture that youthful exuberance and thirst for learning that may have gotten lost somewhere along the way. It encourages you to dust of the books or pick up a creative instrument of your own and try your hand at refining, improving and ultimately mastering it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 22, 2015 — Queen of Chalices

Queen of Chalices

Queen of Chalices

Today would be a good day to step away from all of the noise and distractions going on around you in the outside world and retreat into your inner sanctuary.

With Venus sextiling Jupiter and Mercury trining Pluto today, you should be able to tap into your own sacred space and regroup — even if just for a short while.

The Queen of Chalices — the Yoga Tarot’s version of the Queen of Cups — is so good at caring for and nurturing others that she may forget to take the time to pamper herself. But this Queen is here to show you how it’s done.

She’s seen levitating over a pool of lotus blossoms in a classic meditation pose. She’s positioned herself in the most peaceful and relaxing environment possible, with soothing colors and a relaxing array of ambient lighting.

She gazes down into the tranquil waters while butterflies flit gently around her head. Her hands rest gently on her lap in the classic mudra for peace.

The Venus / Jupiter sextile brings the “greater benefics” together in harmony. It serves as a conduit between peace and joy, love and gratitude, grace and beauty.

The Mercury / Pluto trine allows you to tap into the restorative powers of your own psyche. It provides intimate access into the primal energy that flows through you, activating and energizing your chakras. It allows you to awaken the kundalini powers within that rise and nourish your spirit.

Take some time today to create your own sacred space and nurture your own spirit. Like the Queen of Chalices in this card, find a way to create a calm, soothing environment for yourself and “rise above” the noise that can interfere with your ability to alleviate stress. You may have neglected yourself while caring for others. But today is a day of treating yourself, pampering yourself and restoring your own inner peace.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 21, 2015 — Six of Wands

Six of Wands - Deviant Moon

Six of Wands

Today’s Mars / Pluto trine joins together the urge to make things happen and to bring about change in profound and life-altering ways.

This aspect can be incredibly powerful and transformative. It can bring in opportunities to completely reinvent yourself. And it can see you finally starting to receive the recognition you’ve worked so hard for.

It may come in the form of a raise or a promotion, or may be as simple as reassurances from loved ones that you’re valued and appreciated. You may feel like a million bucks, and rightfully so.

The Six of Wands — this version from the Deviant Moon Tarot — is called “Victory” in some decks; it speaks of validation of your efforts, and is well-deserved; this is the kind of acknowledgment you receive when it becomes clear that you’ve paid your dues.

In this version of the card, a figure emerges as a butterfly from the bud of a partially blooming flower. She wears a crown and holds a scepter in one of her many hands. We see the Sun rising high in the sky behind her as she’s hailed by her peers.

There’s a sense of triumph in this rendition, as in being chosen as a leader or someone to look up to. You may feel unexpectedly revered or idolized. But with that comes expectations that you’re going to have to live up to. More recognition but also more responsibility. More people counting on you to show them how its done.

This is not the time to “bask in your glory,” but rather a time to mirror back to those who are acknowledging you the same sense of gratitude and appreciation. It’s a time to remember the little people — those who have helped you a long the way.

If you’re in line for a promotion, an award or some other form of external validation, be ready to embrace it as confirmation that you’ve earned it and deserve it. But leave your ego at the door as there’s still more work to be done.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 20, 2015 — Ace of Stones

Ace of Stones

Ace of Stones

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s Star card — and its relationship to how and where you fit into the cosmos — today’s Solar ingress into Taurus brings you back down to earth, shifting your focus to the tangible, manifest world.

The Ace of Stones — the Wildwood Tarot’s stunning version of the Ace of Pentacles — is all about establishing your foundations and finding your place in the material world. It’s about getting grounded, interacting with nature and reconnecting with the Earth.

You may be focusing on mundane concerns today, such as developing a craft, earning a living, and preserving what you’ve acquired over time. The Ace of Pentacles is traditionally associated with money (and new money coming in). But this about way more than that.

This Ace of Stones is a living breathing rock. It emerges from a barren landscape and points toward the sky (consciousness). The patch of grass at its base speaks of growth and new beginnings, while it’s lichen-covered surface reminds you that it’s stood the test of time.

The intricate symbols etched into the Stone are cup-and-ring marks dating back to prehistoric times. They affirm the presence of mystery and ancient wisdom that is a part of our heritage.

Today you may be thinking about your roots, your history and the foundations of your existence. You may be looking about how far you’ve come as you plan your next moves. The Ace of Stones — like the Ace of Pentacles — refers to new opportunities that are rooted in your past.

It tells you it’s time to put your goals into action and turn your thoughts into concrete plans. The Ace of Stones says the time is right to take what you’ve learned and developed over time and make it manifest.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 19, 2015 — The Star

The Star

The Star

As Mercury sextiles Neptune today, it’s a good time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations.

You could be feeling a renewed sense of hope about a goal that is now starting to feel more reachable. Or you may be feeling inspired to explore your intuition and psychic impressions.

The Star is all about Universal harmony and synchronicity. It’s about being one with the Universe and feeling connected to every single other living thing. This is illustrated perfectly in this version of the card — from Nicoletta Ceccoli’s gorgeous Ceccoli Tarot — with the woman lounging on a cloud in the night sky and all of the planets surrounding her.

In this version a tiny angel and devil are hovering at her shoulders, loosely connected to her and one another with a fine silken cord. She holds the power to command them with a flick of her magic wand, thus altering time and destiny.

This is something to keep in mind today as Venus also squares Neptune. This transit can be somewhat delusional as it’s tied to self-deception. Although the Star card refers to “Hope,” the potential for it to turn out to be false hope or wishful thinking is also present.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. It is a card of compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith.

It also represents a sense of rebirth and renewal. As it follows the Tower card — which is associated with disaster and destruction — it can serve as a welcome refuge or a beacon of hope.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 18, 2015 — Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Today’s Mars / Jupiter square can awaken your competitive drives as well as your fighting spirit — for better or worse.

This is a larger than life aspect that tends to magnify all the Martian impulses: anger, aggression, impatience and combativeness. It may see you acting without thinking or ignoring repercussions.

On the up side, this transit can increase your natural confidence and self-esteem. It can see you feeling invincible, to the extent that you’re willing to put yourself out there — letting nothing stand in your way.  But on the downside it’s careless and potentially reckless — especially if you allow your ego to take charge.

The Five of Wands — this version for the beautiful Gypsy Palace Tarot — refers to conflict, strife and competition: forcing your will on others, trying to be heard above the “roar” of opposing viewpoints and struggling against cross-purposes.

You may have to look at where you may have been pushing your views forcefully onto others. You might not even realize that you’re doing it, yet your actions can translate as pressure, at at least on some subconscious level.

Petty squabbles can erupt into major arguments because no one’s actually listening to what anyone else has to say.

The important thing to remember is that most disagreements are based on misunderstandings in the first place. The inability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes –- coupled with the need to be heard — is behind almost every argument out there. And this combination can be a recipe for disaster.

The New Moon in Aries also takes place today: This can exacerbate those impatient, combative and aggressive tendencies. Because of this, there may be certain topics that ought to be automatically off limits today. Like politics and religion. Not because they’re unimportant, but because everyone involved is going to be already so invested in their own point of view that absolutely no progress can be made.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 17, 2015 — Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Pluto turns retrograde today and may have you thinking more about what really matters to you in the greater scheme of things — and what you may need to leave behind.

Like the figure in this card seen walking away from Eight upright — and presumably full — golden chalices, you may be thinking about how this translates to your day-to-day life. What is “perfectly adequate” but no longer fulfilling? What served you in the past that no longer sustains you? And what once glittered like gold that now seems tarnished and dull?

The Eight of Cups may seem like a difficult card, and the decisions that accompany it may not be a walk in the park, but in the end it can be tremendously empowering.

It refers to walking away or leaving something (or someone) behind that you’ve given your all to, and resigning yourself to the understanding that it (or whom) was just not meant to be.

This should be a period of cleaning out closets, weeding unhealthy relationships from your life and letting go of outdated beliefs and fears. It’s cathartic in the sense that it forces you to look at what’s no longer working for you and to do something about it.

There is a natural sense of purpose associated with this card, even if it brings with it some sadness or loneliness. It may be that the Universe has something different (better) in store for you, and it may be that your current life circumstances are leading you down a different path.

It’s the difference between “fate” and “destiny” — or more specifically the difference between letting life happen to you and making it happen yourself. You’ll have to remember that the emptiness and loneliness you feel is temporary, and is a necessary part of getting to the other side.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 16, 2015 — Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Today you may be thinking about ways to establish security for yourself and your loved ones. This means financial security first and foremost, but ties into other areas of your life as well.

Building a solid foundation in your relationships for example. Making sure you’re where you need to be with your education and professional credentials. Fortifying your relationships with family and friends.

The Queen of Pentacles is all about security and longevity. She appreciates the finer things in life and is not afraid to work for them. But she also wants to see returns on her efforts — material and otherwise.

This Queen is not a pushover. She stands firm in her convictions and does what it takes to achieve her goals. As a strong, solid practical business woman, she’s probably weighed all her options before she’s made a move.

This could be a person in your life or it could refer to qualities that you need to incorporate into your own personality.

The Queen of Pentacles is practical and efficient. She also tends to move a little more slowly, for two reasons. One, she knows from experience that practical choices are more likely to pay off than get rich schemes in the end. And Two, she wants to savor the life she’s built rather than scrambling to earn her next buck without taking the time to appreciate her gains.

She wants to be ready for the future. Notice the fall colors and foliage in this card. You could say she’s getting ready for a long cold winter and is not about to face it ill-prepared.

Today you want to be thinking about your long-term goals and what you might need to do  to bring them to fruition. It may require you to make some short-term sacrifices. But what you gain in return — through hard work, discipline and patience — will make it all worthwhile in the end.