Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 3, 2015 — Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Today you may find yourself juggling all of the different areas in your life and trying to find ways to maintain some sort of equilibrium in the process.

You will need to be flexible and adaptable, as well as being able to shift from one task to another without losing focus.

The “Pentacles” the figure juggles in this version of the card are not Pentacles at all — although in her world they may very well serve as currency. She’s juggling buttons, balls and clothes pins. She stares off into space — never losing focus (although the same can’t be said for her head).

Maybe she feels confident because she’s off in her “zone.” Or maybe she’s so invested in trying to balance out her priorities that she doesn’t even notice it. One thing’s for sure: if she loses her concentration and ends up dropping one of those balls, everything she’s striving for will fall out of balance.

In the context of this card Pentacles refers to more than just money. While it can mean juggling funds — robbing Peter to pay Paul and seeing money go out as soon as if comes in. And these are certainly possibilities you want to be aware of. But it can also refer to tasks, commitments and external obligations.

It could be work and responsibilities vs. pleasure and play. It could be relationships vs. autonomy. Or it could even be up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest). Whatever it is, you don’t want to be so focused on weighing your options that you lose sight of what’s going on around you.

Think about what you need to balance in your own life today as opposed to what deserves your undivided attention. It may require levels of skill and dexterity that you didn’t even know you had. If you can pull it off though and find ways to satisfy one area without neglecting the other, it should be tremendously rewarding for you in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — April 2, 2015 — King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

Today with the Sun trining Jupiter and Mercury trining Saturn, it’s a good day to be thinking about doing business. And what better card to represent this energy than the King of Pentacles — especially this robust and colorful King from the stunning Pearls of Wisdom Tarot?

The King of Pentacles is all about abundance, affluence, benevolence and an appreciation for the finer things in life. He (or she) is an enterprising, success-oriented individual, with a bit of the Midas touch, and an ability to attract wealth without either squandering it or spending it frivolously.

The King in this deck is clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous.There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

If this is someone in your life, know that he’s here to teach you those qualities. Qualities like shrewdness, discipline and business acumen. If it represents you in your current capacity, don’t forget the little people: those who’ve helped you get to where you are today and have celebrated in your success.

Perhaps you’ve invested in a business that’s paying off financially. Or maybe you’re seeing results in other areas — as in a relationship that’s showing signs of renewal, or a child that’s blossoming under your careful guidance.

Whatever it is, you can be sure that it’s your skill and acumen that’s steering the course of success. Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of gratitude and prosperity-consciousness in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 1, 2015 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Today you want to be looking at opportunities that are presenting themselves for you to expand your horizons.

The Three of Wands says you’ve already made strides toward accomplishing important goals. And you’re probably also already starting to see the fruits of your labors.

Whether this is related to a projects in the workplace or momentum you’ve gained in your personal relationships, you can take a moment to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

But it’s also time to look toward the future. The Three of Wands — like all Threes — acts as a bridge between the tension and uncertainty of the Twos and the structure and stability of the Fours.

With that in mind you want to think about how far you’ve come as you plan your next move.

The bobcat in this card is perched on a ledge looking out over the vast horizons before him. The Sun rises in the distance. He may have taken a moment to pause and reflect — over how far he’s come — but a new day is dawning and with it the energy and enthusiasm to keep moving forward.

You may have recently discovered that you’ve found your life’s purpose. Or you may be just now acting on aspirations that you were too afraid to reach for in the past. Either way, this card speaks of a new burst of inspiration, a second wind, and the confidence with which to see it through.

The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessing in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 31, 2015 — Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

Mercury moves into Aries today and Mars moves into Taurus. This may be a bit of a mixed bag for you with your mind (Mercury) racing ahead (Aries) and your body (Mars in Taurus) wanting to slow things down.

The Aries energy is likely to win out though — with six planets in fire signs and the Sun conjuncting the Aries south node.

As March winds down and we move into April we bring you the Eight of Wands — this version from Charissa Dresden’s  Steampunk Tarot — and a gorgeous array of sunny parasols.

The Eight of Wands is a high energy card that represents a highly focused sense of action and activity. It’s not without distraction: you may find that you have too much going on or too many interests and have to figure out where to direct your attention.

You may also find that you’ve got so much on your plate that you feel the need to rush as you scramble to get things accomplished.

The Eight of Wands is all about action, progress and momentum. It’s about getting things done and making things happen. It may be as simple as ticking off all the little things on your to-do list, and it may be as significant as making great headway on an important project.

And while it might feel to you like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you could be surprised when it’s over at how much you really accomplished. The Eight of Wands can also refer to travel. In that respect it relates to being literally and physically on the go. Are you planning a weekend getaway? Use this extra energy to make preparations for your trip.

Keep in mind though that the all this fiery energy can be impatient and therefore somewhat reckless. You want to stay alert and pay attention to your environment if you do end up making travel plans.

April 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

You may be called upon this month to reach into your inner reserves of strength and overcome your deepest fears. The Strength card is all about mind over matter and gaining control over the things in your life that are at risk for spiraling out of control.

It could be as simple as a pattern of second guessing yourself or talking yourself out of doing what you know is best for you. And it can be as complicated as upholding your part of a bargain you’ve made with yourself: quitting smoking for example. Dieting. Sticking to an exercise regimen. Holding your ground against temptations to “give in” when you know that doing so is not going to be in your best interests.

The woman in this card — from the Aya Takano Tarot— has managed to tame the beast through kindness and generosity. But she’s not exactly lying down and exposing her underbelly. Her demeanor is both soothing and reverent as she places the wreath of flowers over the lion’s mane. I love the “power” tattoo on her forearm.

Think about how far you’ve come in taming your own inner beasts. If you’re tempted to throw in the towel, remember that doing so will only cause you to lose momentum.

The Strength card encourages you to not only meet your fears head on, but to transform them by neutralizing the power they hold over you. Once you do that you’ll find that they weren’t so frightening after all.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 30, 2015 — The Lovers


The Lovers

Venus trines Pluto today, bringing the planet related to love (Venus) in harmony with the planet related to lust (Pluto). The Lovers card is all about relationships and choices that need to be made regarding relationships. These are often complicated by temptations that emerge, forcing you to have to choose between dual principles or desires.

Are you seeing in your own life where an attraction has turned into a fixation or obsession? Or where perhaps you’re relaxing your own set of standards to allow for indiscretions you’ve already made?

The Lovers card — and the Venus / Pluto trine — says that the stakes are high and that there may be a price to pay for giving into your passions without considering the long term repercussions.

A third party (leading to infidelity on someone’s part) is one strong possibility. But so is a relationship that’s likely to create tensions with family members or society. A same-sex union. A May-December romance. An inter-racial affair. A relationship that is sure to be frowned upon by your religion. A love affair with your co-worker or boss. The possibilities are endless.

It can also refer to the union of polarities, as seen in the World Spirit version of the card. Here we see how opposites do indeed attract.

The central figures are male / female and white/ black — with their corresponding cherubs and angels reversing these same dynamics. This is said to represent the alchemical marriage. The roses and lilies are significant, with the former representing love and the latter representing fertility.

The angels watching over them remain the background. They don’t assist and they don’t interfere. This is something to keep in mind today (and all days) as you find yourself struggling with temptation. You do have free will, the choice is ultimately yours, and whatever decision you make will have consequences that you’ll be expected to answer for.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 29, 2015 — Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords

WIth Mercury and Jupiter in hard aspect today, you may be looking for ways to quiet the thoughts and ideas that are racing through your mind.

The Four of Swords refers to the period of silence, stillness and recuperation that is so necessary when chaos and turbulence surround you.

While you may feel pulled in several different directions, you’d be best served to stay calm and carry on, rather than let yourself fall out of balance.

The Four of Swords encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and choosing to observe rather than participate.

You might also be thinking of getting away from it all. You could be feeling the strains of mundane chores and responsibilities; or maybe you just long to escape from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

The main theme in this version of the card — from the gorgeous Tarot of the Magical Forest — is on rest and recuperation. The little cat lays perfectly still on a marble slab in what looks like a church or mausoleum.

The room is dark and dreary, save for the muted colors of the sun seeping through the stained glass window. Three Swords are lined above him, with the fourth one mounted below.

The Four of Swords encourages you to disengage from all the noise and distractions around you and to find your strength through recovery. It could be as simple as getting away for a few days to relax and recharge your batteries. And it could be as profound as going on a life-altering pilgrimage or spiritual retreat.

If you can get away then by all means do it! But if you can’t there are other ways to restore your sanity. Meditation, breathwork, self-imposed silence, etc. — any one of these can help you to de-stress and restore your equilibrium.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 28, 2015 — Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Today’s Venus / Jupiter square may see you with so much going on and so many different options available to you that staying on track with your goals becomes a challenge.

You may feel like torn by competing interests and pulled in different directions — either away from the things you really want to do, or towards the kind of mindless diversions that cause you lose sight of your priorities.

The Seven of Cups is a card of temptations, often fueled by irrational thoughts or fantasies. There can be too many options available, which makes it hard to decide. But it’s often a case of wishful thinking and foolish day-dreaming that can interfere with actual progress.

The woman in this card gazes up at Seven goblets, each more tempting than the last. There’s a snake, dragon, wreath, dove, castle, treasure trove of jewels and a winged heart. These are tied to the Seven deadly sins and in fact this card is called “Debauchery” in some decks, referring to the superficial appeal of things that most of us only think will make us happy.

This is the dilemma with the Seven of Cups. What you long for looks so appealing while what you have appears so drab. But it’s just an illusion and even if it weren’t — even if it were perfectly attainable — it’s not going to come about by sitting around daydreaming about it.

There are elements of seduction also inherent in this card. Being seduced by something intangible or just out of reach, or being lured in by a fantasy that falls short in the harsh light of day. Notice the butterflies luring the woman toward all of the enticing representations of fame, glory, power, wealth and acclaim, which are just hollow victories in the end.

While you may think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, chances are good that when you got there you’d want nothing more than to return back home. The message behind this card is to aim for reachable goals and to participate in attaining them rather than allowing yourself to fall into the trap of wishful thinking.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 26, 2015 — Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Today you may be feeling like all is right in your world again. The Ten of Cups is a gratitude card: it refers to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with where you are and what you have.

Sometimes this is a marriage card, a joining together with someone else who shares your happiness. And sometimes it’s an accomplishment card — coming to a point where you’re able to count your blessings and express contentment with your present circumstances.

If you’re not feeling these things — look around you: the glass is at least half full! This extends well beyond financial or material security. It’s more about family, lasting friendships and a comfort — in your home and your community — surrounded by people you love.

You want to align yourself with a vibration of gratitude as the Ten of Cups speaks of not only getting what you’ve “asked” for (via the principles of law of attraction) but also being thankful for all that you’ve received.

In this version of the card, the — from the Tarot of Pagan Cats   a family of cats bask in the sunlight that pours in on them from the landscape behind. A rainbow banner hangs from a table behind them, upon which 10 full cups are placed.

The feline parents are busy grooming one another while their offspring play at their feet. You can “feel the love” that is present in this image and know that all is as it should be for them.

The Ten of Cups is all about embracing all you’ve established through your connections and interactions with others. It’s about happiness and security in the areas that matter most — with family, friends and loved ones.

This is not the time to think about what is lacking in your life but rather what makes it complete. And while you don’t want to be resting on your laurels, it’s important to acknowledge those who are most important to you and who keep your cup continuously full.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 25, 2015 — The Emperor

The Emperor

The Emperor

Today’s Sun / Saturn trine can make what’s seemed like hard work in the past now feel almost effortless. What better way to use this energy than to channel it into something productive and success-oriented?

The Emperor card is all about stepping up to the plate and assuming a position of authority. It’s about striving for personal and professional success. And it’s about wielding your personal power in a fair and just manner.

The Emperor in this version — from Cathy McClelland’s gorgeous Star Tarot — is seated on a throne beneath a Sun / Moon / Star formation. The Sun and Moon are involved in an eclipse pattern, with the Morning star Venus shining between them. The white and black stallions on either side represent both masculine and feminine energy, and the lion cub illustrates his ability to soothe and guide those who look up to him for leadership.

The dragon slumbering beneath his feet represents the four elements as well as the spiritual power he possesses. The Emperor is the 4th card, and the references to the number four are repeated throughout the imagery of this card.

The four elements as stated above, but also the four seasons, the four directions and four phases of the moon and four geometric shapes — circle, square, triangle and line — are also all referenced here.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the wise old Emperor in this card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 24, 2015 — Swan



Mercury conjuncts Chiron today and Venus sextiles Neptune. These are both transformative and visionary transits, though in different ways.

The Mercury / Chiron conjunction refers to choosing our words wisely and compassionately, putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes, and being able communicate in a soothing and comforting manner.  The Venus / Neptune aspect speaks of the ability to express unconditional love, to find beauty in everything, and to conduct ourselves with harmony and grace.

What better card to illustrate the qualities than the Swan (Temperance card) from the beautiful Animal Wisdom Tarot? As an animal totem, the Swan embodies all of these characteristics, and then some. Like beauty. Elegance. Purity. Transcendence. And hope.

This card is called the Angel of Alchemy in this deck. And it certainly looks like an angel. It’s beautiful wings are spread wide and welcoming and it’s snow white feathers glisten above the surface of the lake. It glides just inches above the water (feelings, emotions, the unconscious, etc.) — not so far removed that is detaches completely, but not so close that it allows itself to become immersed.

We could all take a page from the Swan’s book today in our dealings with others as well as the ways we treat ourselves. Getting just enough altitude to see things from a clearer perspective without neglecting what lies beneath.

The Temperance card refers to bringing the opposing facets of your personality (or your relationships, or your desires) into alignment by finding the perfect middle ground. It represents peace and harmony, synthesis and equilibrium, moderation and restraint.

As you can see from the glorious Swan in this card, nothing needs be sacrificed in attaining that balance. Just remember to rise above whatever situations in your life that are pulling you down, without rising so high that you neglect them or fail to take advantage of opportunities to learn from or grow from them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 23, 2015 — Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Today is a good day to put your head together with others and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Coins is a “teamwork” card, among other things.

It’s about hitting your stride and seeing initial results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.

The Three of Coins — like all threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and are making progress now toward creating something real (the Three).

The imagery in this card describes this process beautifully. All three of these creatures are working together in harmony, with the central figure holding a coin that has a Full Moon inscribed on it while the other two are presenting him with coins of their own: one with a crescent (New) Moon and the other a crescent (Balsamic) Moon. These three phases of the Moon refer to the stages of a project from start to finish.

There’s an interdependence depicted here and a camaraderie. Each of these figures needs the others and all of them are contributing equally.

It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.

The Three of Coins says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone.