Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 22, 2015 — Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Today’s Mercury / Pluto sextile may see you taking a more serious approach to pursuing your interests as well as honing the skills that you already possess.

The sextile aspect is creative and harmonious — perfect for music, poetry, art, or any creative endeavor. Similar to the Page of Pentacles — this version from Jennifer Galasso’s Crystal Visions Tarot — which refers to the desire to develop skills that can be applied to material enterprises.

The Page of Pentacles may be someone in your life; if so he or she is here to teach you something. This person may be immersed in a hobby or trade; He or she may be a student or apprentice; and he or she may just starting a new job and filled with all the inspiration and anticipation that comes with taking on a brand new project.

This version sees a young woman seated high up in the branches of a tree. This may be a sacred space for her: if you look around her you can see where she’s carved figures of woodland nymphs into the surrounding branches.

Lush green vines wend their way up the trunk and over her dress, suggesting that she’s been there quite a long time.

A single jewel-encrusted Pentacle is placed prominently in the tree, with smaller faceted crystals below it. She closes her eyes and strums the lute she caresses in her hands, fully immersing herself in the music.

You may be thinking of going back to school or learning a whole new trade. You may be immersing yourself in your own studies — either formally or informally, as in teaching yourself a new skill or perfecting one you’ve already begun to develop.

The Page of Pentacles invites you to recapture that youthful exuberance and thirst for learning that may have gotten lost somewhere along the way. It encourages you to dust of the books or pick up a creative instrument of your own and try your hand at refining, improving and ultimately mastering it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 21, 2015 — Ace of Spirals

Ace of Spirals

Ace of Spirals

On the heels of yesterday’s total Solar Eclipse of the Sun at 29° Pisces — and the last day of winter for those in the Northern Hemisphere — the Sun has now fully stepped into Aries.

What better card to honor this transition than the Ace of Spirals from the gorgeous Chrysalis Tarot? The card features the head of a Ram (symbol for Aries) with prominent spiraled horns.

Feathers from different species of birds encircle his head like a ceremonial headdress — I counted 22 in all, perhaps this is a symbolic reference to the 22 cards in the major arcana.

The Peacock feather — known as the “eyes of the stars” — is said to represent an awakening, awareness, insight and luck, all fine Aries keywords.

The Ace of Spirals is this deck’s version of the Ace of Wands. Its keyword is “Energy.” It refers to the Arian qualities of action, impulse, fearlessness and drive. Like all Aces, the Ace of Spirals is a pure, raw, untamed energy. It’s an essence that can be formed or shaped or planted like a seed.

This feels like a kinder, gentler Ram; there’s a soulfulness in his eyes and a certain dignity in his stance. He’s got an “all-knowing” quality about him, made even more distinct by the timelessness of the celtic knot that encircles his neck.

The Ace of Spirals — as well as the Sun moving into Aries — is all about inspiration and potential. It invites you to ask yourself what you really really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do?

The Moon is in Aries today too — joining Mars, Uranus and the South Node — so there’s no dearth of this fiery, dynamic energy. It’s time to offer your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to expect you’ll be rewarded for doing so. It”s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 20, 2015 — The Moon

the Moon

The Moon

For those of you in parts of the world today where the eclipse can be seen you may feel as if your world is turned a bit upside down… with day becoming darker. So it is with this version of the Moon where what is actually in the “sky” bears only a slight resemblance to what is on the “earth”. In other words all is not as it may seem.

The card of the Moon usually stands for confusion and as this eclipse goes off in the last degree of Pisces, a sign known for its intuitive capabilities, you need to be aware of what is “real” and what is “unreal”.

The yin yang symbol in the centre of this image shows that there is a need for balance today as you navigate through waters (emotions) that may seem a little turbulent to you and have you feeling as if you are swimming against the tide or just being pulled around in all directions without any control of what is going on.

If you take a look at the top half of this image though you can see you can overcome any uncertainty or confusion which is around you if you steer to your course and hold true in what you believe.

It is as if you are being shown a blueprint of what may and may not be and the choice is yours of what you make of today. Will it be good or bad? Will it be in your hands or out of your hands?

Eclipses tend to take things out of your hands but there are a few things you can do to mitigate any damage. This is not the day to make major decisions. It is certainly not the day to take any risks or believe all that is around you is the total truth.

There may be a few surprises in store for you in the days to come and if you look back you will see that what you sow today you may reap in the next few weeks as we head into the next eclipse on April 4.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 19, 2015 — Nine of Swords

Nine of Wands - Deviant Moon

Nine of Swords

Today you may have to confront your fears or face the music about something that you’re not too comfortable with.

The Nine of Swords — this version from the Deviant Moon Tarot — speaks of finding yourself in a predicament that is largely of your own doing. And while it may be hard to admit, avoiding responsibility for something you’ve created yourself will only exacerbate your problems.

This is sometimes called the “nightmare” card. It refers to the apprehension and fear we experience upon waking up from a bad dream. And when we’re forced to confront a real-life situation that has taken on nightmarish proportions, it can be just as traumatic.

There’s a sense of foreboding in this card. The child has awakened from a nightmare, terrified by what he’s seen. Nine Swords are lined up behind his headboard, their blades alternating left to right. A demon cat scurries across his bed clothes while a tiny ghoul gnawing on his shoulder (whispering madness into his ear) makes it all the more ominous .

You may have created a situation — or contributed to one — yourself that now has you terrified of potential consequences. You may feel like running away from your problems, or pulling the blankets up over your head again and pretending that none of it is real. But you’ll find that not confronting your demons and tackling the situation head on only makes them more harrowing.

The Nine of Swords is strangely empowering as it forces you to face your fears. There’s no more hiding or avoiding, as the circumstances in your life put them right in your path. You may have to remind yourself that it’s never as bad as it seems; that it was only a nightmare and that everything will look better with the dawn of a new day.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 18, 2015 — Princess of Cups

Princess of Cups

Princess of Cups

Today may see you giving it your all and diving wholeheartedly into a world of intuition, emotion, imagination and creativity.

The Princess of Cups — this version from the gorgeous Röhrig Tarot — refers to a child-like wonder and enthusiasm as well as a sense of play. It speaks of throwing caution to the wind and following your dreams.

It’s an exuberant, unrestrained and joyful energy that stems from the expectation that you’ll succeed, rather than worrying that you might fail.

The Princess in this card is uninhibited and unrestrained. She throws herself freely into the ethers, not thinking any more about where she came from than she is about where she’s headed.

There are references in this card to faith (trusting in the process) and awareness (moving from darkness to light) as well as liberation. The feather represents both buoyancy and flight, and the clouds represent uncertainty and the unknown.

Speaking of clouds, today’s Mercury / Neptune conjunction is in Pisces, the sign associated with dreams, fantasies, instinct, intuition, the imagination and psychic impressions. It can certainly cloud your thoughts and have you wondering what’s real and what is not.

The Princess of Cups may be a person in your life. Someone youthful and naive, with a child-like curiosity and trust in the Universe. If so, know that she’s here to teach you to embrace these qualities within yourself.

Because the Princesses embody such youthful and unrefined energies, we tend to forget that they too have much to teach us. But the presence of this card today is an important reminder of how much more we still need to learn.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 17, 2015 — The Empress


The Empress

As Venus moves into Taurus today, it’s a good day to get in touch with your true self and your own wants and needs. Usually the Empress card is about nourishing and taking care of others but as the image on this card implies you also need to give yourself that same exact, loving care.

You can do this by going deep within yourself and “listening” to what your “soul” is saying and allowing yourself to be nourished by stepping aside from your daily routine and being kind to yourself.

Pampering yourself should be high on your list of priorities today also as Venus in Taurus is about the finer things in life and immersing yourself in their enjoyment … savoring life through all five senses.

Once you slow down enough to feel your true self you can see that the world is your oyster and are open to new opportunities coming into your life. If you find yourself in a situation today where you have to choose between someone else and yourself… choose yourself! It may not feel comfortable for you and if it doesn’t perhaps that is because it is something you need to do more of.

There is a rich inner world that each of us — male or female — possess, yet few of us take the time to fully explore. It’s a lush, fertile garden where primitive instincts and natural desires reside.

The woman in this card is at one with nature. She’s at home among the exotic birds and butterflies — as well as all the bounty of fruits and foliage that surround her. She’s nurturing yet commanding and exotic yet organic.

There is no shame in choosing “you” over someone else and look at the benefits this will bring you. With more self love and acceptance for yourself you will find this flowing out towards others where it then comes back to you. In other words… what you give out you get back.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 16, 2015 — Four of Cups

Four of Cups

Mercury squares Saturn today, bringing with it the potential for feelings of apathy and melancholy to rise to the surface.

The Four of Cups — this version from the Archeon Tarot — usually refers to being at a cross-roads in relationship. It speaks of dissatisfaction and discontent in affairs of the heart — whether you’re the one experiencing these things or are on the receiving end of someone else’s discontent.

The woman in this card is looking down forlornly, oblivious to the wine that’s spilled from the goblets before her. The spilled wine is actually reminiscent of blood droplets in some areas of the card. And this is the essence of this card: hurt, sadness, loss, and regret.

There are also elements of ambivalence or indifference associated with this card. This is what happens when the state of limerence is lifted and the lovers are left feeling bored. You may be involved in a perfectly functional relationship that lacks the thrill and excitement of something new. In this respect there’s a sense of being “comfortably numb,” and You’re more likely to see the goblets as half empty than half full.

If you’re not currently in a relationship, your single status may be at the root of your dissatisfaction. But you’ll also have to ask yourself what you bring to the table too: you’re not likely to attract a partner if you’re projecting a laissez faire attitude. You can’t go looking for someone to alleviate your boredom. You’ll have to take care of that yourself.

One of the greater benefits of the Four of Cups is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right. And the Saturn / Mercury aspect can do the same. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work.

Free Daily Tarotscope –Mar 15, 2015 — Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

You may be find yourself dealing with a relentless individual today; someone who’s forceful, angry, aggressive or even ruthless.

This Knight of Swords means business. He’s not taking any prisoners or suffering any fools. He may be someone you live with, work with, or know casually. Either way this is not someone you’re going to be able to reason with.

The upside of this version of the card — from the Samurai Tarot — is that you won’t have any trouble knowing exactly where you stand with him. But the downside is that he’s spoiling for a fight and not about to let anyone get a word in edgewise.

The Knight of Swords can be a messenger, or a bearer of “news.” In this case it’s probably not going to be good news — notice how dark and ominous the clouds are and how forcefully the warrior slices through the air with his swords.

The reds and golds on the warrior’s tunic represent passion and drive. The Swords refer to communications and ideas. And the lightning bolts emanating from the storm clouds represent energy and electricity. Together they make for a fiery and dynamic energy that can be combative.

You may be the recipient of some not-so-good news today, or you may be on the receiving end of someone else’s tirade. You could also find yourself in the position of having to act as messenger yourself, in which case let’s hope you’re a bit less threatening and a lot more genial.

In whatever form the Knight of Swords appears to you today, know that you have a choice in now you react. Keep in mind that the message may not be nearly as bad as the messenger. You can try to disarm him with kindness and cooperation, or you can try to deflect some of that energy by meeting him head on.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 14, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Saturn turns retrograde today at 4° Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree.”

This symbol ties in very well with the Saturn retrograde as well as the Hermit card, both of which speak of gaining insight and wisdom through solitude and introspection.

This version of the Hermit card — from Nicoletta Ceccoli’s gorgeous Ceccoli Tarot — focuses more on introspection than it does on solitude, which is an important feature in many decks.

The woman in this card is dressed in a red-and-white striped tunic, which transforms into a sort of snail-like shell formation behind her. She paces around the edge of another circle — this one a pattern painted onto the floor. Along the outer perimeter of the same circle stands a mirror image of this same woman, in miniature version.

Together they wind their way around the circle, each with the light of a candle to guide their way. The candles provide illumination of a different sort — though they may not even need them: they seem to know the steps by heart. The circular theme is repeated here in the shape of the room itself.

The Hermit card refers to turning inward and seeking guidance from your self. Much like the woman and her mini-me here in this card.

And Saturn turning retrograde reinforces this theme. It forces you to “look back” and to re-evaluate some of your earlier choices, which have in turn led you to where you are today — on your own circular path.

Rather than going in circles you may want to look at this as retracing your steps, which is something the retrograde Saturn wisely imposes upon us. It’s not about repeating past mistakes: it’s about revisiting old hindrances and finding ways to resolve them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 13, 2015 — High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess

It’s is a good day to explore your intuition as well as the deeper, more mysterious regions of your psyche, courtesy of Mercury entering Pisces and today’s card — the High Priestess.

The High Priestess speaks of inner wisdom, psychic guidance and a sense of “knowing” even when there is not a factual basis for it (much like Mercury in Pisces). It’s a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. It speaks of intuition, perception and wisdom, and all the secrets of the universe unveiled.

In this version of the card we meet Frigga, the Norse goddess of beauty, love and marriage. She was also goddess of the Sky and clouds, as well as a renowned prophet and Seer.

Frigga was able to foresee the future but unable to change it. This may be in keeping with the “unlucky” aspect associated with Friday the 13th: when you think about it, it’s only the unlucky part of fate that any of us want to change.

Here we see her emerging from a dark pool (memories, the unconscious, feelings and emotions). Behind her is a majestic throne with her blood red cloak draped over it, and behind that an enormous Crescent Moon. The juxtaposition between her red cloak (passion) and her white gown (purity) reinforces her enigmatic nature, as does her perfectly still and centered stance. She crosses her arms before her, keeping her secrets close to her heart.

Like the High Priestess in the card, you may be getting in touch with your own intuition today, or thinking about delving into the mystery schools — learning tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. Or you may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity. You may also be experiencing bursts of creativity and inspiration. Another possibility, one that comes unexpectedly, is a sudden onset of clairvoyance or psychic impressions.

It’s important to embrace these visions and try to understand them, rather than shying away from them. They can bring incredible insights into not only your own personal choices, but also into the direction you need to be heading in order to achieve your goals over the next several weeks.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 12, 2015 — Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

You may feel the need to brace yourself against an attack today, or hold your ground against what feels like perilous opposition.

The Seven of Wands — this version from Kessia-Beverley Smith’s Forest Folklore Tarot — refers to a need to be more alert, guarded and cautious, rather than accepting things at face value.

You may face opposition from others, in the form of competition or outright resistance. You may also feel “under siege:” as in being attacked or ganged up on.

In this version of the card a little fairy stands her ground from a branch that is situated between two trees. It’s clear that she’s outnumbered as she struggles to keep her adversaries at bay. She fends them off with her magic wand, keeping one hand on the tree for support.

The Seven of Wands — like all Sevens — refers to a dilemma that is not going to be easily reconciled. The question is: do you take the easy way out (in this case giving in to the masses and compromising your own integrity)? Or do you hold your ground — like the fairy in this card — and risk further alienating your detractors?

There are issues with boundaries present in this card as well, and it can manifest as feeling imposed upon or backed into a corner. But the same dilemma applies. You have to choose whether to give in or maintain your stance and deal with whatever repercussions result.

Whatever happens today — no matter how this plays out for you — you’re going to be called upon to take the high road. You’re going to be challenged to stand your ground and to not allow yourself to back down. You’ll also have to reconcile a “me against the world” attitude before it turns into a chip on your shoulder.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 11, 2015 — The Tower


The Tower

Today’s Mars / Uranus conjunction also squares Pluto. This is an intense and potentially cataclysmic transit that ties in perfectly with the Tower card.

The Tower — much like this aspect — refers to abrupt and unsettling changes that can take you outside of your comfort zone, through the sense that everything happening around you is completely outside of your control.

In most versions of the card the “tower” is a literal fortress that’s been struck by lightning and is crashing to the cliffs below. People are falling out of the structure while flames and smoke shoot from the shattered windows.

In this version it’s storming and the tower is in danger or falling into the sea. It’s also already partially destroyed, never to be fully restored. A tree has uprooted itself and is hanging on for dear life while the world crashes down all around it.

Yet if you consider the source of the destruction — the one earth shattering lightning bolt — you can see how it lights the whole sky, making everything momentarily clear.

It is this flash of insight that all of us need to be paying attention to, especially as these planets tighten their astrological grip (and form an exact square) today. Rather than running and hiding — or hanging on for dear life — cooperating with the process may go a long ways towards mitigating the destruction;

You may feel like your carefully-constructed world is falling apart or that all you’ve held near and dear (and previously thought was indestructible) is no longer capable of sustaining you. And you’d be right. But look closely at the card and you can the makings of another tower deep within its recesses. It tells you that all is not lost here afterall, and that there is still hope for renewal.