Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 9, 2015 — Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Be on the lookout today for opportunities that are available to you which might not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.

The Two of Wands speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something big enough to assure you that you’re on the right track, but not well-thought out enough yet to ensure that it’s a go.

Mars is in Aries now and moving into trine with Jupiter, giving you both the optimism and the energy to see your goals to fruition. But you may need to get some altitude — like the cat perched on the highest limb of this tree — in order to get the clearest overview.

We can see that the cat is both patient and alert — two of the most important (and necessary) features of the Two of Wands, which are both captured here in the simple imagery of this card. It’s the ability to balance these two qualities that makes getting to the finish line possible.

Notice that the lower branch is forked, indicating earlier missteps or changes in plans. The cat has wisely lept up to a higher perch where he can get a better view of the road ahead of him.

The Two of Wands encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. The Mars / Jupiter trine says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to muster up the confidence to go after it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 8, 2015 — The World

The World

The World

You may be on the verge of closing the door on an important chapter in your life today and preparing to open another.

The World card — called the Universe in some decks — completes the Fool’s journey and as such, speaks of fulfillment, integration and completion.

For example, you could be finishing a course or internship, tying up lose ends on a project that you’re ready to launch, putting a failed relationship behind you and getting back into the dating scene, finishing (and feeling good about) a self-improvement regimen, etc.

The possibilities are endless, but in all of the above scenarios the World card does not signify an ending as much as it does a new beginning. You’ve put something behind you in order to begin anew, a little higher up on the rungs this time.

In this version — from the Tarot of the Magical Forest — the central figure is a cat suspended in mid-air, framed by a laurel wreath and holding two wands.

In each corner of the card stands the symbol for each of the four fixed zodiac signs. The Eagle for Scorpio, the Water bearer for Aquarius, the Lion for Leo and the Bull for Taurus.

Note that all four symbols are winged as if they are there to bring out the best in the attributes of these signs and not the negatives. These four figures also correspond to the winged figures surrounding God’s throne in the Book of Revelations.

Apart from those references though, the message behind the world card is best received with insight and awareness. Ask yourself: “What is is I’ve learned through all that I’ve experienced in this chapter of my life?” and “What must I now give up in order to start anew?” If you can answer those two questions with honesty and humility, you’ll be able to carry those lessons into the next chapter.

The World card is a card of both fulfillment and completion. With that in mind, it’s time to put the finishing touches on projects that are almost finished, and also time to rest anything that just didn’t pan out for you. You’re preparing to start a whole new journey, and in doing so will want to with as clean a slate as possible.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 7, 2015 — Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Pay attention to messages you receive today as they may be veiled or cloaked in double meanings.

The Page of Swords is a messenger card and is known for ferreting out the truth. But this “two-faced” version implies that things are not always as they seem and may come about through deception or duplicity.

You may uncover a deception or meet with someone whose motives prove to be disingenuous. Or you may have the be the bearer of uncomfortable news yourself, in which case you find yourself needing to deliver it carefully and diplomatically.

The Page of Swords — this version from Yoshitaka Amano’s Amano Tarot — is all about communications, ideas, information and news. He (or she) is generally very curious, a good judge of character, quick to size up others and able to see through ulterior motives and agendas.

In this respect it’s very difficult to hide anything from the Page of Swords. Yet this Page appears to be good at hiding his own true motives: presenting one face to the outer world while hiding his true identity in the background.

Communications are going to be important today, and as Mars conjuncts the South Node, you want to be particularly careful at how you communicate your ideas to others. The Mars/ South Node aspect is not known for tact or diplomacy.

The potential for being at odds with others or getting into a disagreement with someone is high.

But be careful too that you don’t make assumptions about someone’s motives that turn out to be colored by your own paranoia. The downside of this card is the potential for distorting information or reading into it something that is simply not there.

The challenge for you today is to figure out a way to look at the whole picture without accepting things at face value. While here’s likely to be more than meets the eye with respect to any communications, your goal should be to work on getting at the truth and disregarding anything that detracts you from that goal.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 6, 2015 — Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Dreams of yesterday and the past may be with you just now as you find yourself lost in nostalgia and of times gone by.

An old friend or lover may come back into your life and reconnect with you. Alternately you may feel the urge to reach out and touch someone from your past.

The Six of Cups speaks of memories from the past being triggered today. Possibly by an event — a song that reminds you of days gone by, a scene from your childhood, or a scent that comes wafting back and conjures up feelings of nostalgia.

Children may figure prominently for you and the thoughts of your own childhood be triggered by their presence.

Fun times and playfulness abound for you.

You will feel light hearted as if you don’t need to worry about anything and in doing so you can throw from you  worries that have been burdening you lately.

The ferns on either side of this card bring up an image of using your imagination to get what you want.

The cups stacked in the middle bring back memories of childhood play and innocence. And the antiquated photograph is a reminder of days gone by. If you are used to meditating and visualizing what you wish for then this is a good time to do so.

Do not let the past hold you back because in the past there are many lessons which can propel you towards a future that you can only dream of.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 5, 2015 — Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s upbeat and sociable Venus trine Jupiter, we have Venus squaring Pluto today — a completely different (and unfortunately far less joyful) energy.

Venus / Pluto aspects tend to intensify emotional responses, especially regarding personal relationships. This aspect represents a sort of collision (square) between the “love’ planet — Venus — and the planet associated with pain, loss, fear, shame and rejection — Pluto.

This energy is illustrated here — in the beautiful Ceccoli Tarot version — in the form of a tender young woman sitting alone in the dark, looking sad and forlorn. A flock of songbirds has taken up residence in hair, with one of them plucking at her heart. A single tear falls from her downcast eyes.

The Five of Pentacles refers to feeling lost and alone, isolated or excluded, shut out, rejected or unworthy. It doesn’t have to manifest in a big way. It can be as “simple” as being dismissed or overlooked — an insignificant occurrence that in light of the Venus / Pluto square takes on a life of its own.

It’s a harsh word, a careless remark, a lack of consideration or a call that doesn’t come. Something that makes you feel small, dejected or demoralized.

Keep in mind that Pentacles relates to more than just money. It has to do with values in general and self-worth. Allowing the inconsiderate acts of others to make you feel small says a lot about how much value you place on yourself.

This is what you want to think about today as you look at how these incidents affect you and what you can do to offset their impact on your own sense of self-worth. There can be feelings of shame and embarrassment — or fear of being rejected — associated with reaching out for help.

Take some time today to nourish that tender heart of yours and remind yourself that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted. The challenge with the Five of Pentacles — as with the Venus / Pluto square — is not to give in to those fears, but to overcome them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 4, 2015 — Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

You may feel like letting your hair down and spending your day socializing and interacting with others.

The Three of Cups — this version for Nathalie Hertz’s beautiful Faerie Tarot — is a playful and festive card that emphasizes partying and celebrating over work and responsibilities. it also emphasizes friends and casual relationships over serious romantic entanglements.

It refers to being surrounded by like-minded people and putting your differences aside. It’s about coming together and joining forces with those who have your best interests at heart.

As Venus trines Jupiter today, the focus is on merriment and gaiety rather than monotony and drudgery. It’s on interacting and networking with others, allowing you to push aside some of your more serious concerns — at least for the time being.

It represents people gathering together to connect, interact and celebrate. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls night out. There’s a strong sisterhood vibe to this card — as well as most other versions of the Three of Cups — too.

Pay attention to new people coming into your life too, as Venus is also opposing Uranus today. You could find yourself developing friendships with people that seem random at first but can turn into important connections over time.

No matter where the people in your life have come from today — no matter what your connection or history or relationship with them is — the Three of Cups is a card of companionship and camaraderie. It serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 3, 2015 — Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Today you may be looking at the ups and downs in your life and thinking about how they’ve led you to where you are today. The Wheel of Fortune card is associated with fate, destiny, “karma,” life cycles and both good and bad luck.

Sometimes we blame ourselves for the down times (assuming we’ve “brought it all on ourselves”) while viewing the up times as outside of our control.

We all experience these up and down cycles — and we all try to maximize the former while minimizing the latter. But the Wheel of Fortune — this version from the beautiful Feng Shui Tarot — tells us that both are necessary and that the good times wouldn’t be good without the frame of reference of the not-so-good times.

The Wheel in this version is balanced between solid ground and turbulent waters. Four colored lanterns — representing the four elements (fire, earth, wind and water) — keep it suspended in midair.

The Wheel of Fortune is tied to “luck” and you may see yours turning with today’s Jupiter / Uranus trine. This aspect brings Jupiter’s benevolence and Uranus’ penchant for surprise together in unexpected ways.

There are also elements of karma and fate associated with this card; yet the Wheel of Fortune refers as much to creating your own destiny — and mastering your own fate — as it does to dealing with karmic repercussions.

It’s a reminder that all we send out comes back to us in some form or another. It may not be today; it may be months or years or even lifetimes away. The Jupiter / Uranus aspect can bring in unique opportunities to clear up past-life karma and rewrite your destiny.

Remember that as one one door closes, another one opens — just as the wheel turns and the seasons change. Today’s transits speak of finding ways to voice your intentions while at the same time putting disappointments and heartaches behind you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 2, 2015 — Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Today you may find yourself the happy recipient of a pleasant surprise, an unexpected gift, or reassurances of love and affection from someone near and dear to your heart.

The Knight of Cups may represent a person in your life; if so he or she may come sweeping in, professing feelings of love and adoration that are going to be hard to resist.

As Venus conjuncts the South Node today, your “knight in shining armor” may even be someone from your past, as in a past life connection or an old flame.

The Knight of Cups — this version from the Connolly Tarot — is a sensitive and romantic individual (usually male) who leads with his heart. He’s in love with love and may be somewhat moody or overly sentimental.

This version is ardent and passionate as well: notice the vivid reds and fuschias that are so prominent in this card. In addition to the skyline, there’s his cloak and his gloves and the plumes in his helmet — and even the horse’s tassels are bathed in hot pink.

This Knight isn’t messing around: He’s going all out — or all in in this case — as evidenced by the single red (representing love) and white (representing marriage) roses he lifts up in his golden chalice.

While today’s news may not manifest as an actual proposal, be prepared for good news or some validation of your feelings — if only a small gesture. While the Knight of Cups is known for his extravagance, he can also be quite subtle. He may just sneak up on you when you least expect it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 1, 2015 — Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Today’s Mercury / Jupiter opposition could have you feeling like you’re being pulled in two different directions. Or you could be struggling with important decisions that have been weighing heavily on your mind.

The Two of Swords can refer to an impasse or stalemate that’s more likely than not a result of your own indecision.

It can refer to a pivotal moment in time where you recognize that the options before you are equally appealing (or terrifying) and that whatever decision you make will have a huge impact on your life.

In this respect it can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

Today’s Mercury / Jupiter opposition has some assistance though — in the form of a supporting aspect to Uranus. This can break up some of the crystallization, making it easier to think outside the box and come up with solutions to whatever impasse you’re facing.

This version of the card — from the gorgeous Tarot Mucha — has the classic figure of a woman on a beach blind-folded under a crescent moon. She’s detached herself while the Swords (decisions) before her take form. She may be leaning toward one option (toward her right which is associated with emotions, psychic perceptions, creativity and spirituality), but she hasn’t yet taken a stand.

This is the dilemma with the Two of Swords. It tells you that while either decision leads to a different outcome, you can’t know the exact nature of that outcome until you make your choice.

Weigh your decisions carefully today, knowing that they can have far-reaching repercussions. While you may need to step back and consider each option carefully, in the end you will have to decide and then abide by that decision.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 28, 2015 — Ten of Swords

Paulina Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Today you may find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to put something to rest that should have been put to rest a long time ago.

The Ten of Swords speaks of inevitable endings. These usually refer to something that’s been held onto well past its expiration date — such as a job you’ve outgrown, a relationship that’s run its course or a friendship that is no longer supportive.

You may have to surrender to the realization that something that means a lot to you must come to an end.

This card is called “Ruin” in some decks, and refers to damage that has been done which cannot be undone, such as a loss of a friendship, the end of a dream or a betrayal of trust.

There’s a bit of a dramatic conclusion in this of the card, as there very well may be in real life. In this version — from the gorgeous Paulina Tarot — we see a swooning woman with 10 swords piercing her flesh. Or are they? If you look closely you’ll notice that there is no blood. And all of the swords are crooked. Perhaps they’re not stuck into her after all.

Whatever it is you’re being forced to let go of, know that it was no longer serving its purpose. There are indications here — just as there are in every version of this card — that the worst is over.

As hard as it is, you know what you’re up against: there’s no more fretting and worrying about the future (as that was left to the Nine of Swords). The Ten of Swords tells you that it’s time to put the past behind you, pick up the pieces and begin the process of moving on.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 27, 2015 — King of Wands

King of Wands

 King of Wands

Today you may be called upon to lay down the law or exert your influence and authority over others.

The King of Wands — this version from the Arcus Arcanum Tarot is depicted as a powerful and imposing figure.

This KIng is hearty and robust. He’s seated on his throne against a fiery red and gold back-drop. His royal garb is rugged yet dignified and the club he holds in his lap (his “wand”) is not one to be trifled with.

As with all of the court cards, the King of Wands can represent a person in your life, in this case someone who possesses strong leadership qualities and who has a personable, larger-than-life presence that’s impossible to ignore.

If this is the case with you, know that this person is here to teach you to embrace some of these qualities yourself. You may need to learn to wield your own authority over others, at home or in the work place.

The King of Wands can also represent a state of mind — as in displaying  confidence and problem solving skills that draw people to you and elevates you in their eyes. And he can represent an event — such as a promotion or recognition from your peers.

However he appears for you today, see it as an indication that it’s time to step and start exerting your own influence. It may be time for you to pick up your own mighty club and show the rest of the world what you’re made of.

March 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Nine of Pentacles

ARIES: Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles implies success and satisfaction with career and financial matters. However, take a closer look at the imagery in this particular card and you may find that all is not as it seems. I’m not saying you should not feel more than a bit smug with your achievements but you may find you have an “itch” to try something different.

Do you find thoughts keep coming into your mind that you want to change something? Perhaps your job, your beliefs on success and what it personally means to you? If you look at this card you will see 6 pentacles are on one side (left hand side) and 3 pentacles on the other (right hand side).

Take a sneaky look on the ground under the 6 pentacles — this version from the Golden Universal Tarot — and you will see a snail so perhaps the accumulation of your wealth, knowledge and security is actually making you feel as if your life is moving at a slower pace (a snail’s pace).

Now look at the side of the card with the 3 pentacles and you’ll notice an almost mirrored version of the lefthand side… the difference being there is less on the right hand side (3 pentacles) which implies if you make a decision to go in a different direction you will have less in some ways but you may actually gain in other ways.

Perhaps the biggest indicator in this imagery that speaks out but is easily overlooked is the direction of the foot on the ground… the little bird whispers in your ear to make a change and almost without knowing it you are turning your foot to begin a new direction in your life.

And now here is a conundrum for you… I have not given out which foot I am interpreting as being the one that is “changing directions”… that part of the equation is up to you…. listen with your heart for the answers.