Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 26, 2015 — The Fool

the Fool

The Fool

Today’s Sun / Neptune conjunction may have you thinking about taking a giant leap of faith into the unknown.

The Fool card is the first card in the tarot, numbered Zero. It represents the onset of the Fool’s journey and refers to new beginnings, fresh starts, a period of awakening and unlimited potential.

The Fool card is so beautifully represented here in Gina Pace’s Pagan Tarot. In this version we meet a young female initiate stepping into the void with only her instincts — represented here by her feline companion — to guide her.

She steps gingerly out into the Universe with only her robe on her back and her familiar at her side. She touches down with her bare feet onto a pathway of stars and feels her way through the darkness.

There’s a starkness in this card and a vastness at the same time. It reminds you that there’s a great big world out there filled with possibilities; a blank canvas of opportunities with which to construct your story.

The Fool card encourages you to consider the possibilities, no matter how impractical or far fetched they may be.  But there may also be uncertainty. The young witch in this card appears a bit more cautious and timid than most. But notice she’s moving forward and gaining momentum with every step she takes.

This is the ultimate “leap of faith” card. It’s about jumping into the unknown and trusting the Universe will provide a net. Think about what new adventures are in store for you, and how suspending all beliefs and concerns can get you in the necessary mindset.

You want to think about where you may be focusing too much on the destination (outcome) today and not enough on the journey. It may not be easy to trust in this process, but the magic that can happen as a result is well worth the effort.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 25, 2015 — Firefly

four of branches

Four of Branches

Today is a good day to look around you and count your blessings for the world you’ve created and the loved ones who surround you.

You could be the recipient of good news, or an unexpected surprise; or you may be thinking of celebrating an achievement that involves friends, family and those who’ve supported you along the way.

The Firefly (or Four of Wands) — called the Four of Branches in the Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of card — heralds the completion of the first stages of an ongoing project and acts as confirmation that things are moving forward.

It says that you are making progress, building on something that’s well on its way to being established, and have every reason to feel good about the foundations you’ve already laid down.

The Firefly can represent a joyous celebration: a marriage, a promotion, the birth of a child. It tells you that “this is only the beginning” of something you’ve already established and that it’s bound to just keep getting better.

There’s an archway in this card made up a beautiful canopy of flowers. Fireflies hover above and light the way. A four-leaf clover (symbolizing fortune and luck) rests beneath it and a sprinkling of stars shine in the night sky.

The Four of Wands is represented by Venus in Aries, which is where Venus is right now. It speaks of rejoicing in the moment and keeping things fresh and alive, all the while moving toward the future.  You could be planning a party or casual get-together; or you could be making plans to attend one on someone else’s turf.

Either way, this is a time for rejoicing and celebrating. It’s not a time to isolate or withdraw from social opportunities. Look around you and take note of all you’ve accomplished thus far. Chances are good there’s a lot to be grateful for and a cause for celebration right there in front of you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 23, 2015 — Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

You may feel like you’ve taken on too many responsibilities and have overextended yourself to the point of exhaustion.

The Ten of Wands — this version from the beautiful Infinite Visions Tarot —  refers to being overburdened and overtaxed; feeling overwhelmed by the work ahead of you and seeing no real end in sight.

Here we see an old man kneeling down amidst a pile of books that represent all the work he has to do. He doesn’t know where to begin.

The Wands stacked around him represent more responsibilities – more piles of work — including the one he holds in his hand.

The keys lying next to him may represent the solution to his dilemma but he’s so focused on the mountain of work that surrounds him he doesn’t even notice them.

Nor does he pay attention to the bird squawking at him from the ledge — perhaps here to deliver an important message that gets drowned out by all the worries taking up space in his head.

The Ten of Wands refers to a situation that’s so overwhelming and exhausting that you’re left feeling completely spent.

But notice the Sun peering through the storm clouds in the distance. It’s an indication there there is a silver lining to your situation and that it doesn’t have to be that hard. Although this transit (and this card) may have you feeling like you’re doing all the work and reaping none of the benefits, they’re both character building archetypes that ultimately promote growth.

You may feel like you’re alone in the world or that you’re not getting any outside support — which is especially true right now with today’s Sun / Saturn square. But it’s important to note that there are solutions to your dilemmas (the “keys” to your problems) and outside messages that can lighten the load.

Free Daily Tarotscope –Feb 22, 2015 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Today’s Venus / Mars conjunction may see you bonding intimately with another.

The Two of Cups speaks of falling in love, finding your other half, and connecting with another on such a powerful level that the two become one.

It’s not always a love connection. It can refer to a close friendship, business partnership, or some other deep bond. It refers to the “sum of the parts being greater than the whole,” which reminds us that two heads (and hearts) are better than one.

In the context of romance though, this is a very loving and romantic card. This version — from Jennifer Galasso’s ethereal Crystal Visions Tarot — is about as romantic as you can get. In it, a pair of star-struck lovers bathe in a shimmering lotus pool under the light of a full moon.

There’s a sacred connection here, a blending of energies with the pouring of an essence from one cup to another and the tiny faerie that rises in the mist and bestows her blessings on the couple below.

This is the essence of the Two of Cups. It’s not just relating to another romantically, but also sharing, merging and uniting in love. The Venus / Mars conjunction in Aries increases your libido, sexual magnetism and physical chemistry.

It can also relate to finding your “soul-mate” or your other half. It brings with it the ability to see yourself through someone else’s eyes (and heart). In this respect it’s about falling in love with yourself — at your very best.

If you’re already involved in an established relationship, this card can relate to reinvigorating the love you felt upon first meeting. And if you’re not involved and just looking, it may very well be the time you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Like these two figures, you may find yourself on the verge of a passionate, all-consuming affair. It can be riveting and it can be intoxicating, and as long as you keep your wits about you, it can also be a life-altering experience.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 21, 2015 — The Empress

The Empress

The Empress

Today’s card — the Empress from the  Morgan Greer Tarot — is all about getting in touch nature, with your femininity, your creativity and your fertility.

The Empress is the quintessential Earth Mother archetype. She’s loving and caring yet completely approachable. She’s someone you know you can turn to when you need reassurance or support.

In some ways she represents the perfect woman. She’s strong yet sensitive, loving yet protective, and nurturing yet sensible. If you look at the imagery in the card you can see that the Feminine symbols (lotus blossom, crescent moon, pomegranate and heart) are counterbalanced by the Masculine symbols(the shield, the eagle, the wheat and the cross).

The Empress is less concerned with ambition and success though and more interested in keeping the home fires burning. She surrounds herself with beauty, comfort and love.

Although this may be someone in your life — a mother, sister, a role model, a friend — the qualities she possesses are going to be important for you to embrace today.

Perhaps someone you care about needs comforting or advice. A loved one may reach and ask for help or just a shoulder to cry on. Someone you don’t even know could use a kind word, a smile or a gesture of compassion. These all fall under the realm of the Empress’s domain.

The qualities associated with the Empress card are not gender-specific. They apply to men as well as women. It may be about getting in touch with your inner woman (the anima archetype) or taking on a more nurturing role in your personal relationships. It may also be about exploring a different kind of fertility: giving birth to a creative project or a body of work.

Whatever role you’re taking on today — whether you’re caring for another or getting in touch with your femininity in other ways, know that it’s going to be less about the mark you make on the outer world and more about tending to the world you’re creating at home.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 20, 2015 — Red Phoenix Ace

Red Phoenix Ace

 Red Phoenix Ace

Venus and Mars both move into Aries today, setting the mood for romance and passion in a big way.

The Moon joins in too, and if you’re lucky enough to have a relatively cloudless sky you can see them all tonight on the Western horizon just after sunset.

In honor of this spectacular stellium, we have the Red Phoenix Ace — the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Ace of Cups.

The Ace of Cups is traditionally associated with the concept of Love. And there’s no absence of that here. The Red Phoenix rises in this card above a tranquil pool and spreads its wings across a heavenly landscape.

Add in the fiery, dynamic Aries archetype and a conjunction involving Venus, Mars and the Moon, and you’ve got a recipe for romance, affection, passion and sex appeal all rolled into one.

These planets all at zero degrees of Aries — known as the Aries point — inspire you to rev up your engines and put yourself out there in the romance department.

It’s the yin (Venus) and yang (Mars) energies coming together and joining with the sensitive, loving and nurturing light of the Moon. The i-ching hexagram in the bottom corner of the card —Hsiao Kuo — refers to a bird delivering a message.

You may hear from someone unexpectedly today, or you may feel the urge to reach out and touch a loved one yourself. Either way — with the Ace of Cups and Mars / Venus / Moon at the Aries Point — it’s not going to be about holding back; it’s going to be about taking a risk, laying your heart on the line and letting your feelings be known.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 19, 2015 — Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles 

Mercury and Saturn are in sextile today. This aspect is favorable for hard work, discipline and organization. It’s perfectly referenced in the Eight of Pentacles — as seen here in the Mythic Tarot’s version.

The Eight of Pentacles is known as the “apprenticeship card.” It refers to developing craftsmanship and expertise; putting your all into a project and being satisfied with the results. You take pride in your work — whether it’s something you’re in the process of learning or something you’ve done a thousand times before.

In this version of the card we meet Daedalus, who is known for having built the Labyrinth for King Minos. Here you see him perfecting his skills as he labors over Eight golden coins.

You can see his focus and dedicating as he works on the intricate details of each coin. He’s patient and diligent. He knows it takes a keen eye and a steady hand to bring hone his craft to perfection.

This is the essence of the Eight of Pentacles — and of the Saturn / Mercury aspect.

it relates to fully investing yourself in a skill or trade. It’s usually a labor of love. It’s not about seeing work as drudgery, but instead being totally engaged in whatever it is you’re devoting your time to.

The Eight of Pentacles also sometimes has to do with shifting gears — as in finding your calling at a point where you might have already considered yourself well on the road to success in some other profession.

Your challenge today is to embrace that aspect and apply it to your work. Whether that means improving upon something you’re already good at, or learning to master new skills. Like Daedalus in this card, it may just be a stepping stone to something bigger and better down the road. But taking pride in your work and honing your skills now will see you one step closer to those goals.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 18, 2015 — The Star

the Star

The Star

Today’s New Moon is another Super Moon, occurring at 29° Aquarius 59′. This is the Sun and Moon coming together in the last degree and last minute of Aquarius, and by the time it’s all over, they’ve both moved into Pisces.

You can see the symbols for both in this card. There’s the water bearer (Aquarius) statue at the base of the fountain, and the two fish (Pisces) swimming through a sea of stars within.

The Star card is related to hope, promise, inspiration and enlightenment, all of which are referenced through the Aquarius / Pisces transition.

For Aquarius it’s evolution and humanitarian endeavors. For Pisces it’s a spiritual undertaking — it’s compassion, understanding and forgiveness.

The Stars in this card are both high in the sky and reflected down below in the fountain’s pool. It’s a reminder that hope and inspiration are all around us — not just “up there” and not just outside of ourselves.

The cat in this card doesn’t look ready to pounce. He looks more inquisitive. Perhaps he knows his presence could startle the fish at any moment, so he hangs back and watches them from a comfortable distance. And they in turn gaze at the statue with a similar curiosity.

This Cat and Fish interplay is repeated in the statute — like a holographic version of what’s happening in real time. This is similar to the repetition of the stars — shining high in the night sky and low in the fountain’s reflection.

It’s a reminder of the “as above so below” axiom that is central to the Star card’s theme. The connections that we all have to one another, and how all of our actions impact on humanity at large: this is the message behind the Star card and one we would all do well to heed.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 17, 2015 — the Sun

the Sun

The Sun

You may spring out of bed today with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and optimism. Perhaps you’ve gotten good news. Or maybe you’re making a conscious decision to approach life from a place of joy and gratitude.

Either way, you’re going to see that the Universe responds in kind. Like attracts like and as you shift your attention toward what’s right in the world, more things will fall into place around you.

The figures in this card embody this energy perfectly. They skip gleefully through a field of sunflowers, seemingly without a care in the world. The Sun shines down upon them from behind, the glyphs for the twelve zodiac signs etched in its rays.

These symbols remind us that we’re already whole and perfect just as we are. We’re all comprised of the entire spectrum of archetypes that both connect us to each other and make us uniquely ourselves.

The lotus blossom in the center of the Sun represents purity and enlightenment. The Hebrew symbol ר (Resh) at the base of the card refers to comprehension, illumination and awe.

There’s a child-like wonder seen in this card. The figures are not only barefoot but they’re equipped with wings. If you look closely you’ll see that their feet barely touch the ground. They could use those wings and take flight at any moment.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint.

No matter where you are in the world — even those of us dealing with the bitter cold — the Sun is shining brightly in the sky. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 16, 2015 — Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

Is there something you have been waiting for perhaps news or the outcome of a problem?

It may be that you are coming to the end of your patience and need answers now rather than waiting it out and letting things take their course.

In this Knight of Wands there is a fire over the heart… depicting impatience and passion. He’a also wielding a Sword in his hand — indicating action through words and thoughts.

You may be raring to go and get things accomplished, especially if you took a break with yesterdays Four of Swords.You may also find yourself wanting to speak your mind, and not wanting to filter your words or hold back.

By all means you want to go after what you want. The Knight of Wands in this card is not lacking in confidence or determination, and if this is you you’ll stop at nothing to meet your objective. Try to exercise some discipline though: If you rush into something with blind determination you you may miss important facts.

The Knight of Wands may also represent a person in your life. Someone who’s pushing you for action and/or answers. If so then take the steps you need to not be swayed by their impatience. They may not be telling you everything, so listen and take the time to read between the lines.

If you’re feeling impatient or aggressive today, try working off some of that energy constructively. You won’t make much headway if you let your ego get in the way of your goals. You can channel all that gusto into into a favorable outcome. But only if in the process of going after what you want, you’re willing to see it through to the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 15, 2015 — Four of Swords

four of swords

Four of Swords

What is it that’s been weighing so heavily on your mind that you find yourself stepping back today and taking a moment to clear your head?

The Four of Swords is all about “taking a breather” — either from all the noise and distractions around you or the intrusive thoughts that have prevented you from calming your mind.

Swords represent thoughts and ideas and Fours are all related to some kind of structure. Sometimes that structure is positive — as in forming a concrete plan — and sometimes it can be limiting, as in feeling boxed in or restrained.

In this case the woman looks pensive. She’s half-heartedly chosen one of the four swords but it’s clear this isn’t her final selection; she’s not sure what she wants so she holds back on deciding until she’s a little more certain.

This is the essence of the Four of Swords: it encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and observe rather than participate.

You might also be thinking of getting away from it all. You could be feeling the strains of mundane chores and responsibilities; or maybe you just long to escape from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

The Four of Swords encourages you to disengage from all the noise and distractions around you and to find your strength through recovery. It could be as simple as getting out of town for the weekend to relax and recharge your batteries. And it could be as profound as going on a life-altering pilgrimage or spiritual retreat.

If you can get away then by all means do it! But if you can’t there are other ways to restore your sanity. Meditation, breathwork, self-imposed silence, etc. — any one of these can help you to de-stress and restore your equilibrium. While you may feel pulled in several different directions today, you’d be best served to stay calm and carry on, rather than let yourself fall out of balance.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 14, 2015 — The Lovers

The Lovers

The Lovers

In honor of Valentine’s Day, today’s card is the Lovers card — from the gorgeous Aya Takano Tarot.

It doesn’t matter if you’re single, dating, married, separated, divorced or widowed, chances are good you’re going to be thinking about relationships today.

The Lover’s card is about “love.” But it’s not always an easy or definitive love. Sometimes there are feelings of ambivalence or uncertainty, and sometimes there are choices to be made that can complicate things even more.

You may be wondering where you stand in a relationship or whether someone you care about feels the same. You may be ready to fall head over heels in love and wondering when someone new is coming in.

The Lovers in this card have eyes only for each other. They gaze at one another, flushed with excitement and anticipation, while Cupid stands poised and ready to launch his arrow. Chances are good they won’t even know what hit them.

There are other couples in the background in various states of love and lust. Check out the little cats and cartoony earth worm figures. But most prominent of all is the giant red heart — a huge reminder of what today is all about: love, romance, passion and desire.

If you’re in love today and happy with your choices, remember to celebrate that love with the object of your affection. And if you’re not — if you’re out there like so many of the rest of us still looking: don’t give up.

The Lovers card — and this one in particular — can serve as a reminder that there’s someone out there for all of us, and that what is most important is having a great big old open heart that you’re ready, willing and able to share with another.