Ten of Pentacles
Today it’s all about building upon what you already have and making it work for you.
It is an excellent time to make a career move and if you are thinking of doing so then aim high!
The road before you is smooth and even with, perhaps, more options than you think.
Look for new areas of growth that can further your advancement but may not be obvious when you first look at the options laid out in front of you.
There is a solid and familiar feel to what you are aiming for and as you move towards it your dreams and ambitions become clearer.
The 10 of pentacles is beautifully depicted in this card with the path (the journey) leading up to the grand building (the destination) in a clear, smooth path.
Overlapping across the path are branches of trees bursting with new growth (new ideas).
Be open to what comes to you and your path will be smooth towards your ultimate goal.
This card is part of the Golden Tarot of Klimt, written by Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov and featuring the artwork of Gustav Klimt, published by Lo Scarabeo and distributed by Llewellyn.
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