Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of July 17, 2016 – July 23, 2016:
This week starts with a beautiful grand water trine involving the Sun, Mars and Chiron, beginning in the early morning hours of Sunday. This configuration can help to smooth some of the tension that’s erupted all around us in recent days but can also manifest as a call to martyrdom.
The Sun and Mars in water signs can soften some of the rash fiery energy they are naturally equipped with, while Chiron can help to dissipate some of the “me first” energy associated with the Sun and Mars. The water sign influence brings in the capacity for understanding others and being able to put yourself in their shoes — as well as the ability to express genuine caring and compassion for them.
It may not be powerful enough to heal all the worries of the world, but it does bring things like compassion, humility and tolerance to the table, and combines them with the motivation (Mars) to make things happen.
But keep in mind that the Moon (representing the people) is in hard aspect to every part of this configuration for most of Sunday and a good part of Monday. It squares Chiron, semi-sextiles Mars and inconjuncts the Sun. Tensions can erupt during this time, even within the confines of the auspicious grand trine.
The asteroid Ceres moves into Taurus, also on Monday. This is an excellent placement for Ceres, which is tied to nurturing, comforting and caring impulses. Put it in sensuous, receptive and responsive Taurus and you can expect to be pampered by those you love or will feel the desire to do the same for another.
On Tuesday we have a Full Moon — the Full Buck Moon — at 27° Cancer 40. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “An Indian Girl Introduces Her College Boyfriend to Her Assembled Tribe.” This is an important symbol and so relevant to today’s world: the need for all of us to accept and embrace the differences in those who come from different cultures and bring with them a different set of life experiences.
Mercury and Venus are still moving very close together and forming aspects to other planets within a day of one another throughout the week. With Mercury trining Saturn on Tuesday and Venus trining Saturn on Wednesday, you can get a lot accomplished in both the relationship arena and in the workplace. It’s a good time to make plans and to assess progress that’s already been made. These trines to Saturn are both incredibly disciplined and productive, so if you want to get something done now is the time to do it.
Mercury / Saturn is focused and rational while Venus / Saturn is more about taking stock of your relationships. Bring them together in a harmonious 120 degree angle (trine) and you’ve got a recipe for success. And this is serious business: you may not feel like putting your party hat on over these two days, but you can get a lot accomplished in both areas.
Keep your wits about you though because Mercury is also inconjuncting Neptune on Wednesday, and this aspect can result in communications problems, particularly with conveying your feelings to others or with comprehending the messages you receive.
Venus follows suit in Thursday, with its own inconjunct to Neptune. This aspect can have you questioning your own morals as well as your feelings about others. What you may have found appealing in the past is now being shown in a different light. This transit compels you to think about how much you give of yourself and whether that translates to sacrificing your own needs.
It may be difficult for you to reconcile your values with your ideals. You might struggle with the idea of being selfish and indulging yourself (Venus) in contrast to your desire to help those who are less fortunate (Neptune). And you may also be taking a second look at your own appraisals, as in what (and whom) you find aesthetically pleasing.
Mercury comes along and inconjuncts Pluto on Friday, just as the Sun moves into warm, generous and confident Leo. The Mercury / Pluto aspect can be difficult. It can manifest as intrusive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. This also goes for the people in your life, who may seem defensive, obsessive or paranoid during this time. Mercury / Pluto is excellent for ferreting out hidden information, but you may need to adjust your dial.
The Sun is at home in Leo, the sign that it rules. It can offset some of that tricky Mercury/ Pluto energy just by reminding you to focus on the more positive aspects of this archetype. Things like honor, integrity, dignity and self expression. Use this time to show the rest of the world what you’re made of but remember the importance of kindness and humility while you’re at it.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
July 17, 2016 – July 23, 2016
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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